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16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Garon the true elitist

Garon does strike me as the kind of guy that would only play Berwick Saga over and over and say things like "Fire Emblem is a bad series of games."

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Garon does strike me as the kind of guy that would only play Berwick Saga over and over and say things like "Fire Emblem is a bad series of games."

...thanks for the image lmao XD

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31 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

...thanks for the image lmao XD

See, the secret is that he likes Berwick Saga because it rewards him for killing his own units. Nothing he loves more than to throw the likes of Ruby at insurmountable odds and watching them be skewered.

He got the Konigswolfe in every single one of his runs. Every single one.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

See, the secret is that he likes Berwick Saga because it rewards him for killing his own units. Nothing he loves more than to throw the likes of Ruby at insurmountable odds and watching them be skewered.

He got the Konigswolfe in every single one of his runs. Every single one.

your self insert, truly

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

your self insert, truly

Are you kidding me? I fucking love the Berwick cast, I can't do that. If only Faramir could die 16 times...

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New Kaga interview just dropped.


From what I can tell from Google translate,

- Kaga's age has been confirmed. Dude is turning 70 next year. He even specifies being 10 years older than Eugen, who is established to be 60 in TRS.

- He's having some health troubles. Nothing urgently bad, at least as far as he tells, rather the kind of stuff that just happens when you age and makes working in front of a screen for hours on end more difficult.

- Due to this and the lack of an artist since Mayumi Hirota's passing (whom he mentions, or at least I'm pretty sure it's gotta be her), his motivation to work on Vestaria has waned a bit, even though the remake of VS1 seems to be "almost complete" according to him.

- He seems hesitant to get help from strangers, and even seems to be toying with the idea of employing AI art just to be able to keep going. I don't know if that's the best solution, but... He does also say that he welcomes folks to try contacting him, though he says it might be "difficult."

- Apparently someone sent him an email about having nightmares about Matagroth? The translator's muddling that part, but that's funny.

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First question he answers is someone proposing the GBA engine of all things.
I don't think the man is looking for another lawsuit at his age.

He is older than I expected, though. 70 in 2025. That would make him already 35 back in 1990 when FE1 was released.

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Okay, time to do the other DLC map. A few of the guys get jealous of Athrun and Banjo for being popular with the ladies, and thus want to prove themselves they're also just as good at them. There's also some "We're not the main characters, but we'll show them!" attitude thrown in too. In fact, outside Shinn, the other characters are indeed from among the secondaries (Boss, Beecha, Kurz), though a few others (Mondo, Iino) are more like "Why are we here and what's going on?", hahaha. Athrun and Banjo themselves are like "We'll let them vent but let's make sure it doesn't get out of control".

Enemies seem to be just Amalgam grunts. But then more show up led by Gates.

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19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, a lot of it was just Kaga trying to skirt another lawsuit. He seemed to like the FE formula as it was, probably wouldn't have changed it up this dramatically had it not been for the lawsuits.

I really don't think so. For one thing, FE2 and FE4 were already dramatic departures of the formula.

Seems like there were much greater ambitions for TRS as well. This old interview talks about all kinds of wild mechanics that didn't make it into the final game. Even having this fancy Final Fantasy Tactics style view that didn't end up used.

With SRPG Studio the man was very much forced to stick to the FE basics. But even then he still tried his hands on making a very different kind of strategy game with Norden Civil War.

Not like that's ever gonna be released now. But it shows that he is always eager to try out new things whenever possible.

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God, I'm going to have to promote Daoud.

I've only promoted Daoud once, and it was one of two goals of the run. Promoting Daoud had to be made into a deliberate goal of the entire run to happen. And now I have to pull it off alongside Adel, Leon, the mages...

...Well, at least Adel and Leon are doing pretty fantastic. Adel is already halfway to his spear threshold, and Leon has passed 20 spear skill. It'll probably still take Adel a while but Leon looks like he might promote decently quickly. And promptly be thrown in the bench so I can deploy Daoud more lol

34 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

First question he answers is someone proposing the GBA engine of all things.
I don't think the man is looking for another lawsuit at his age.

Missed that part. I know it's at the top of the page, I was busy fiddling with the translator lol

Anyway, people really are trying to make a ROMhacker out of Kaga. That's incredible. Can you imagine, Kaga popping up in FEUniverse and submitting his hack? That just feels wrong lol

34 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

He is older than I expected, though. 70 in 2025. That would make him already 35 back in 1990 when FE1 was released.

As much as I like to poke fun at his more questionable shenanigans, I have nothing but respect for him as a game creator. Love or hate his games, this is a man who has true passion for the medium. Starting game development when he was already halfway to middle age, probably even switching from a prior career in a different field for it (unless he was involved in older videogames and we just don't know), then continuing to make games into his 60s. Now that's dedication.

...Of course, he spearheaded one of my favorite games of all time, so I'm rather biased on that front lol

10 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I really don't think so. For one thing, FE2 and FE4 were already dramatic departures of the formula.

Seems like there were much greater ambitions for TRS as well. This old interview talks about all kinds of wild mechanics that didn't make it into the final game. Even having this fancy Final Fantasy Tactics style view that didn't end up used.

With SRPG Studio the man was very much forced to stick to the FE basics. But even then he still tried his hands on making a very different kind of strategy game with Norden Civil War.

Not like that's ever gonna be released now. But it shows that he is always eager to try out new things whenever possible.

Hmm... Yeah, actually, you're correct. My bad. Seems it's more circumstances that have forced him to go back to the basics time and time again.

Dang. Here's hoping he returns with renewed energies. I'd love to see more out of the man yet, but of course, at this point it's nothing short of a miracle that VS2 came out at all.

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Okay, next map is another secret scenario, unlocked due to getting Sosuke to 40 Score and the entire FMP cast to 100. As with the previous one, you get something out of playing it. Which is... Bonta-kun!

Well, technically. Bonta-kun itself isn't secret, you'll get it no matter what. What this does is that you get it way earlier, but also, it comes with an additional attack that you won't get otherwise.

With Bonta-kun involved, this scenario does lean on the lighthearted side. At least before the actual battle portion. Specially since it also involves Ange in a suit of her own.


This... uh, thing? And then naturally Sosuke and Ange start fighting while wearing the suits since they don't know who the other is.

But then the fun has to end when Amalgan comes knocking. And lol, Ange doing all she can to avoid revealing she was using the suit. Fun fact, that thing's name is Perolina, which is also used in the English dub of Cross Ange, from what I gather. SRW V, however, calls it Likitee. Looking up, seems it's because Pero is an onomatopeia for licking. Hence the Lik of Likitee. I guess the translator wanted to give it a more "English-y" name.

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At this point I am just glad to hear something from the man. After like 1 and a half years of quiet, I got more than a little nervous.

And sure, the news wasn't good. But my pessimistic imagination prefers bad news over ambiguity every time.


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kaga's age has been confirmed

This is really funny to me.

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Starting game development when he was already halfway to middle age, probably even switching from a prior career in a different field for it

That was a lot of game devs at the time tbf. It was this brand new field.


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The fight continues. I wonder if Mimi is supposed to contribute in this battle in a way other than comic relief.

Calder probably shouldn't act so cocky towards Vaarsuvius. Last time an ancient dragon tried to tussle with them, it did not end well.

Come to think of it, I wonder what those dragons would look like in the current art style.

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Oh lol, the party's reaction to Bonta-kun. Specially those not from the UC Dimension. It's always funny to see that whenever FMP shows up in SRW...

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On 2/3/2024 at 12:11 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That is far from absolutely necessary, though. I brought up before a few examples of games that do not have "sick-ass gameplay", or at least not what most would described as such. Again, not the medium's fault if (most) people are too afraid of people not "enjoying" their game to actually stick to their guns and do something different. And even then they exist. There's just not a lot of them because, once again, the medium is really young and it's still finding its footing.

You also spoke of price and length being an impediment, but like... AAAs don't take these risks with their games, it's almost always indies, often lasting only a few hours and costing less than a movie ticket. And let's not forget, lots of people already kick and scream if the movie lasts 2 hours or longer. The movie you mentioned before seemed to last over 3 hours, and already in my very short Google search I saw people claiming to have fallen asleep during it. People not wanting anything that isn't simple-minded enjoyment is not a thing exclusive to games. Not that I'm saying wanting "fun" entertainment is wrong, naturally, just in case it comes across that way.

My thoughts exactly, just better formulated than I was able to. It's not a coincident that super hero movies are more successful than French arthouse movies, or that Harry Potter sold more copies than whoever a contemporary philosopher might be.

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Episode 50- Dreamers Again (Part 2)

  • It pretty much jumps straight into the action, Giwaza's fleet descends on Gustgal. He sees the rebels have won, the heroes quickly redeploy.
  • Giwaza tells his troops the Rebel Army started a pointless war, Posaydal was a despot. The world is decaying and in disorder, he'll fix it. Basic propagandizing. The heroes know well he's being a vulture attacking now.
    • In the southeast, it's Bat-Shus and Ashura Temples plus a generic Sarge Opus. Nei has her 18k HP Auge and dies an ordinary soldier's death, she neither joins the good guys nor gets her canon murder by Giwaza in GC. The offensive-queer-stereotype Elite 13 member makes his lone appearance in GC, and his A Taul V has 50k HP thanks to that. He dies a common cur.
  • Giwaza then descends in the northeast with another army. His personal blue Sarge Opus is stronger than the normal variety, with a boss-worthy 4500 power main cannon, and 36.4k HP. He is confident enough in his chances of victory to "Uhahaha! Wahahaha!" (I shortened it few "ha"s).
  • Semuj right after Giwaza arrives in the southwest, controllable one last time with the Terna battleship. And brings nine D-Sserd NPCs with him as purely-symbolic heroic backup (I win before they get remotely close to an enemy).
    • Semuj apologizes for taking so long to break through the front lines, but the White Base Corps members are happy to have his help. Daba rally everyone once more, telling the Rebel Army of Posaydal's death, army optimism high.
  • Daba has a fight convo with Giwaza. Daba opens with accusations of cowardice and trying to steal the heroes' success. Giwaza's response was, I quote- "Hmph! I simply aimed for the more reliable result!" 
    • Giwaza also claims that he could've defeated Posaydal, but wouldn't have then had enough power left to deal with the Interstellar Alliance (Giwaza assuming it'd eat one of its own members given the opportunity). Daba sees through this blatant excuse and the hero and evil minister obviously end their chat on a note of strong mutual dislike.
  • When Giwaza's Sarge Opus gets low on HP, he orders maintenance work, and viola, back to perfect health. He sends out another six Heavy Metals held in the ship's reserves too.
    • I get him low on health again, another round of immaculate maintenance and six more reinforcements. Trying not to get outdone by the newly-dead P-dal I see.
    • The heroes are impressed by this big army that must've been planned... probably after he met Posaydal following the battle at the Station Satellite in Pentagonan territory. The seed of doubting Posaydal seems to have been planted there.
  • But, that's the end of things for Giwaza. I have Daba shoot him down, the Opus explodes, he tries fleeing a shuttle, Daba hits it with the Buster Launcher. The nobody called Giwaza is squished.
    • The Regular Army and Sveto garrison immediately send surrender transmissions, the WBC and the Rebel Army have won, Pentagona is free of tyranny!
  • The Original trio on the field have a brief conversation right now. The gist- Sieg's opinion of the heroes has improved.
  • In the infirmary again, yeah, Olibee's mind looks permanently broken. She laughs, she can respond to someone, she can say a few short singular words and "big brother", but that's it.
    • Daba says he wants to go back to their homelands when the remaining intergalactic wars are over. Though this is difficult on him, he shows emotional restrain, and says he won't give up. On a """"recovery"""" for Olibee I assume.
    • Out of the room, Gablae knows Olibee will never be normal again and he can't stand to watch it. It breaks his heart.
      • Honestly, that's probably how a lot of us would be. Not all can keep their cool in the face of this kind of tragedy. 
    • Leccee claims this completes Posaydal's revenge against the Yaman clan. She explains what she means to Gablae, Amu, and Kyao- Oilbee is shattered, Daba will have to care for her for the rest of his life.
    • If you happened to personally know and love someone like this IRL, I can imagine this stuff would hit hard. It's probably not striking me as much as it should for being so realistic, yet painfully bleak; wedged, perhaps ill-fittingly, into a generally very happy game.
  • On the White Base bridge, Semuj says he and the Rebel Army can take care of Pentagona World. Posaydal's death will swell the Rebel Army's ranks, any residual Pentagonan opposition and potential Interstellar Alliance attacks, they'll be able to fend off on their own.
  • The heroes can now hurry on to their next destination. To Zarl as I thought? Yes, but no.
    • Maria of Raijin-Oh (the license member who shows up for briefings, yes, an elementary school child) asks where they're going. Stecken of the Gale says the Zarl Interstellar Empire, or Grados.
      • Eiji voices a vote for his other homeworld, he says the current government wasn't that bad when he was last there. He thinks there's a good chance of establishing peace with it.
      • Plus, Fairey thinks they could learn more about the Seal of Grados and how to better use C.U.B.E. this way. So, Grados it is!
  • However, the Zarl Empire has already learned of where the White Base Corps is heading next. They did send those reinforcements that died fighting with Posaydal.
    • The Interstellar Allaince has been rather weakened as a result, Emperor Dormen is unhappy, the Extradimensional Union might attack if they realize this.
    • Kloppen himself insists he will go to stop the WBC, leaving his other generals at the Zarl Mobile Fortress.
  • I don't expect to actually fight on the surface of Grados, maybe in orbit near the planet. But that's as close as I'll get to those pretty Gradosian beaches Eiji mentioned during the tropical island R&R scenario in J.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, next map is another secret scenario, unlocked due to getting Sosuke to 40 Score and the entire FMP cast to 100. As with the previous one, you get something out of playing it. Which is... Bonta-kun!

Never a bad day when Bonta-kun shows up.😄

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42 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

At this point I am just glad to hear something from the man. After like 1 and a half years of quiet, I got more than a little nervous.

And sure, the news wasn't good. But my pessimistic imagination prefers bad news over ambiguity every time.


That's certainly true. It's a shame that he's feeling under the weather, but he's hanging in there, at least.

32 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That was a lot of game devs at the time tbf. It was this brand new field.

True enough. Still, there's not many that have continued developing into their 60s, much less developing pretty much on their own.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • In the infirmary again, yeah, Olibee's mind looks permanently broken. She laughs, she can respond to someone, she can say a few short singular words and "big brother", but that's it.
    • Daba says he wants to go back to their homelands when the remaining intergalactic wars are over. Though this is difficult on him, he shows emotional restrain, and says he won't give up. On a """"recovery"""" for Olibee I assume.
    • Out of the room, Gablae knows Olibee will never be normal again and he can't stand to watch it. It breaks his heart.
      • Honestly, that's probably how a lot of us would be. Not all can keep their cool in the face of this kind of tragedy. 
    • Leccee claims this completes Posaydal's revenge against the Yaman clan. She explains what she means to Gablae, Amu, and Kyao- Oilbee is shattered, Daba will have to care for her for the rest of his life.
    • If you happened to personally know and love someone like this IRL, I can imagine this stuff would hit hard. It's probably not striking me as much as it should for being so realistic, yet painfully bleak; wedged, perhaps ill-fittingly, into a generally very happy game.

Yeah, gonna say. Compact truly did went for the most idealistic outcome for L-Gaim of all SRW's games, I believe. Except perhaps for Nei still not being recruitable. Olibee is fine, Full Flat doesn't have her death-seeker baggage (and likely isn't immortal anyway if the Heart of Lakhesis is never brought up at all), etc. Just about the only sad thing is that the closing of Muge Space means they can't visit Earth whenever they like, though the game still throws them a bone with both sides being confident they will see each other again.

GC instead decided to be quite faithful to the source material, yeah.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:
    • Maria of Raijin-Oh (the license member who shows up for briefings, yes, an elementary school child) asks where they're going. Stecken of the Gale says the Zarl Interstellar Empire, or Grados.
      • Eiji voices a vote for his other homeworld, he says the current government wasn't that bad when he was last there. He thinks there's a good chance of establishing peace with it.
      • Plus, Fairey thinks they could learn more about the Seal of Grados and how to better use C.U.B.E. this way. So, Grados it is!

Oh, so the Layzner stuff ain't over yet? Interesting.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't expect to actually fight on the surface of Grados, maybe in orbit near the planet. But that's as close as I'll get to those pretty Gradosian beaches Eiji mentioned during the tropical island R&R scenario in J.

Yeah, I don't think there was any actual "Protagonists go to Grados itself" event in the Layzner series. You might not even fight any more Gradosian units anymore, even. But could be wrong.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Never a bad day when Bonta-kun shows up.😄

Haha, so true! It's funny how even the enemies react to it, and that includes those that aren't even from FMP.

Case in point, even the battle itself was also not as intense. Specially with Gates also gushing over Bonta-kun

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So, with the battle over, it's back to just lighthearted shenanigans, with Sosuke and Kaname's old classmates from school showing up. And then SRW does it again to Evangelion by having Shinji's friends show up too after he thinks they might've forgotten about him. It was apparently Kurz's idea to bring them over. And... LOLOLOLOLOLOL, is Salia really having a tea party as Pretty Sally Anne with the Bonta-kun suit!? Oh, SRW, you've done it again!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The old Khedivate of Egypt founded by Muhammad Ali would go onto to becoming a Great Power in the eyes of the world and the home of an Arab Republic from the gulf all the way to Algiers. Three kings and one Emperor oversaw the military regime that had the ambition to unite the Muslim world into a single caliphate and standing up against European imperialist powers by mass industrializing and expanding the army. Once the third Otto-Egyptian war had ended with the annexation of Baghdad and Basra, King Gjon Al -' Alawi declared himself emperor of Arabia.

But all was not well within the new Arabian parliament. The government had long been a topic of contested nature following liberal reforms as wealthy aristocrats, capitalists, and academics were all competing against each other for seats in the house. Complications furthered as the bar for voting had been reached by increasingly wealthy middle class farmers representing the Fellahin, earning them far more seats in the house than anyone had expected with an agrarian prime minister focusing on the issues of farmers (Note: Farmers as in growers owning farmland and hiring laborers. Not like lower class peasants" while still trying to match the industrialization of their ally France and enemy Britain. Palestine, Constantine, and Lower Egypt being the prime urban centers of the Empire, being situated across the Mediterranean they had the best access to traded goods across the Empire and from other countries, as well as many poor peasants and laborers immigrating to find work in the new industrial centers. This illustrating a new gradual shift in power from the old aristocracy to capitalists obtaining huge hordes of wealth from textile mills and selling luxury clothing to foreign markets. However, excessive demand for dye and silk from the limited supply in the fertile crescent and Nile River kept the Fellahin absurdly rich and powerful for a long time.

That however all changed when the Emperor declared war on Britain for the capture of the Trucial States under British control. Just about everyone in the Arabian parliament agreed that a direct confrontation with Great Britain was a fools errand and that though they may try and oppose them economically, they could never do so militarily. Not to mention Arabia was still recovering from several campaigns in the peninsula and the Ottoman Empire, the latter of which was especially harsh on the national gold reserve. Despite it all, the Emperor saw a golden opportunity. Britain at this time was entangled in a war against France and the US and so their highest numbers were occupied. He also saw this as a chance to throw the political tides to his militaristic favor, doing away with elections and believing that the people would rally under him as the sole authority to unite the Muslim world. 

Ever since the declaration of the Arabian empire, a wave of nationalism overtook the Empire's academics and armed forces. Though peasantry and urban laborers toiled away in the factories and farms, not even knowing how to read, the middle and upper class waved the new national flag with cheers as the army marched out of Cairo towards the Trucial states. The Emperor believed it would be through this rising nationalism and distraction of war that he would be able to succeed in a play for absolute power in the state.

However the war proved much longer than was originally expected. Several attempts at landed invasion of Arabia were attempting, and though all failed, the exhaustion of constant war from the people grew more and more, especially in Alexandria as British naval ships bombarded the city walls. And the Emperor's play for power was becoming more and more obvious. It began when radical students in Cairo began agitating for the abdication of the Emperor. They were dismissed at first but as time went on and goods became more and more expansive, especially in the recently conquered regions of the Arab peninsula. More and more students protested, and soon other academics and learned people started to organize and radicalize. 

However things really kicked steam when a peaceful demonstration from Sunni leaders in Cairo got out of hand. The Emperor, becoming increasingly paranoid, lashed out and demanded the dissolution of the marchers. One thing lead to another and marchers were soon being beaten on the street by armed guards before they could reach the palace. A leading Sunni leader was severely wounded and traumatized by the event. Losing his faith in god he became jaded and turned to communism and atheism.


He preached that his followers must throw away their faiths, claiming that God had abandoned them long ago. Nearly everyone thought he was insane, but his great influence on the church caused a great split in the Sunni Ulema.

Nonetheless, many other Sunni leaders saw the police beatings as a point of radicalizing as well, perhaps not to the extant of atheism, but to demanding the Emperor abdicate from the throne.

It was around then that the growing unrest really reached a critical level, and though the war was almost over, it was feared that the country would burn in a civil war before then.

In any other time the Emperor would be willing to fight that war, but with Britain knocking at his doorstep he had no choice but to cave in to the demands. The Emperor abdicated, and with so threw parliament into chaos as his young heir of 6 was hardly ready to lead a country. In what took about a year, the legislation was cleared up by the prime minister and he declared the first Arabian Republic.

For the time being this stabilized things. The abolishing of the monarchy angered many but the voting laws remained the same with an elected president as the new head of office. The people, and voters wealthy enough to vote, exhausted from the constant war under the military regime, elected pacifist Ahmet Al-Hasi as first president of Arabia.

The war with Britain ended and the Trucial states were ceded to Arabia, and the new president promised no wars no more for the remainder of his time in office. With the discovery of Oil and founding of the free trade and conservative parties, who knows what the future of this country will hold.

Also in other news, Finland is-


23 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Would I truly sacrifice this really cool person I know in exchange for a Three Housesless timeline?










...Okaaaay, I'll stay in the Three Houses timeline... Grumble grumble...

I'd probably still exist, I just wouldn't be the Edelguardian anymore. I'd be like...the Joshua Jouster or something.

Edited by GuardianSing
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