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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Episode 53

  • The White Base Corps reaches planet Zarl, the heroes hype themselves up for a galaxy showdown. Zarl is recalling all its forces to defend the home planet, the time to strike is now!
  • We get to the battlefield immediately, planet Zarl is on the northern edge of the map.
    • Sieg, Kento, and Watta are all mandatory deploys.
    • The first wave is Generals Voider and Kabuto, and that Jilva lady from the Robot Empire. They all die here.
    • Zakron has Ondoron activate a planet-covering barrier. The Gandor and White Base crews need some time to analyze it, focus on the enemies sent out right now is the order.
  • With the initial defenders destroyed, Zakron takes to the field, alone.




A simple lie ends the threat to Earth, that’s different.

I choose to ignore Zakron and his 80k HP though and focus on these three targets.:


  • Blowing up two of the Orbital Fortresses causes Ondoron to send out the last six Zudolls in GC, the only type of Robot Empire minion in the game.
    • With the third, Ondoron laughs like crazy that Mother Computer’s “wise” plans was defeated, the Robot Empire will be ruined.
    • Not sure if Ondoron dies or flees, either outcome works narratively.
  • The planet’s barrier falls, and Emperor Dormen emerges.


So that’s why they always shadowed him.


Quite the reaction, Sieg. And Sally is shown hopelessly slamming and yelling on a locked door.


This is unexpectedly dark. And explains why Kloppen exists. -And how Daltanious wouldn't have been too incongruent in D.

On a brighter note, the (UV rays-induced b/c clone) pale flesh and blonde hair…


…he has a Garon quality to him, methinks?


First bad guy with flat-out six-digit HP. And a third Sniper copy, good for Khamen’s battleship and in case Emperor Muge and the final boss turns out to be LLs too.

  • While some of my units hop on the satellites for healing + defensive boosts and fight the many Bemborgs Dormen brought with him, I have a few others take 2-3 turns killing Zakron, who casts Guts once.
    • Contrary to the anime, Zakron says he refuses to leave. If he dies here, he says to himself it’ll mean Mother Computer was wrong in her judgment, the Robot Empire will fall into chaos, and its alliance with Zarl will be in jeopardy.
    • Thusly, I kill him with Watta and then Watta gets the story-kill with the Tryder Bird Attack. With this, the villainy of the Robot Empire, almost always treated as a servile partner of Zarl, come to its implied end in GC.
  • With Zakron gone and the Bemborgs blown up, I get back to the Emperor. Removing half of Dormen’s health triggers his expected Guts. Kento then rushes at Dormen who summons two Bemborgs to torture Kento as he gets told the insidious history of Helios’s royal clones.
    • Kento chose to listen to the story of Dormen’s suffering, he wants to hear the truth. -But Kento has no qualms killing a tyrant who nonetheless brought death and suffering upon countless more.
    • However, Dormen doesn’t cast Guts again. No reinforcements like heroic NPCs on the battleship mentioned show up.
    • Jilva, Zakron + his Guts, and Voider and Kabuto means Banpresto must've felt there was already enough HP sinks on this map, so Dormen dies sooner than I expected. I still had Valors left.


Tepid last words for a man who was kinda mad.


Does the world really need clones though?🤔 Other than for like, bananas and few other agricultural plants. Maybe cloning some cells on a Petri dish, but not entire organisms.


-You speak of being part of a rebellion, so you’re not actually Garon-y.

…Actually, do slime monsters count as clones? If so, the G was a hypocrite.

  • The remaining Zarl troops surrender. Victory! The Zarl Empire is finished, the Interstellar Alliance is dead!
    • Sieg finds this rather unsatisfying. Fairey contributes part of this to many Zarl soldiers being innocents with no choice but to fight (but all I fought was AI-controlled Bemborgs?).
      • Sieg always says he’ll stay with the White Base Corps, and see what happens.
      • The battle with the Extradimensional Union is going to get more intense, and peace is likely impossible. But if it doesn’t attack right away, maybe there’ll be room to negotiate, so Sieg thinks and hopes.
  • Back on the ship…
    • The Daltanious trio of Kento, Danji, and Arle, as well as Daba, Mito and Skade & Kirks, talk about Kento restoring the Kingdom of Helios, to Kento’s dislike. He runs off to the bridge to end the talks of his soon-to-be unwanted kingship.
    • S&S talk together again. Turns out Sieg was worried the Extradimensional Union would attack during the final battle with Zarl. He didn’t want to risk Sally hesitating and dying due to that, and having her aboard the White Base, which Gadisword would target, would clear hesitation from Sieg’s own mind.
    • Sieg then offers to have Sally come with him for the next briefing, she expresses dislike for Sieg falling for Akimi (he denies amorous feelings), and getting too close to the White Base Corps in general.
      • -Even though Sally admits in her mind she is feeling drawn to the WBC, not good to her b/c it probably feels like a betrayal to Gadisword’s enemies.
  • On the White Base bridge, now that the Interstellar Alliance is kaput, the Extradimensional Union is all that's left. Intel indicates EU hasn't made any conspicuous movements, they’ve begun a partial withdrawal from this space sector, and no signs of them planning to negotiate. They’re quiet, too quiet.
    • A crazy-strong transmission starts beaming in everywhere-


Khamen Khamen Time!🐍 (His theme included.)


A star instead of Jupiter, sending to another dimension instead of recreating the Solar System. Not bad, Banpresto!😀

As the heroes discuss this turn of events…

  • Professor Hazuki speculates that destroying Zarl’s sun would warp the surrounding space enough to send it into another dimension.
    • Fairey confirms C.U.B.E. could likely make such an act possible.
  • Hazuki confirms Shirou’s concern about the damages to surrounding areas, caused by warping an entire star system to another dimension.
    • Hazuki says Edon and Pentagona would take heavy damage, Fairey adds all life on the planets could even end.
  • Khamen Khamen being able to set this up in Zarl territory is owed likely to the heroes preoccupying the Zarl Empire militarily.
  • Confirmation is given that the Nubia transmission came from right next to Zarl’s sun, and that a large squad of Nubian and Extradimensional Union forces are located there.
    • Sieg seems to have quietly thought that Nubia might be an ally of Gadisword before, but now this confirms to him that Nubia is in the Extradimensional Union.
  • On the matter of self-destruction, Fairey believes that Gadisword will open an extradimensional gate to escape the exploding star, perfectly unharmed.
    • The Extradimensional Union’s headquarters is in a different universe she says, so that wouldn’t be surprising.

To Zarl’s sun we go without a moment's delay. The last super robot war against the Extradimensional Union begins ASAP!



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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll choose to forget the industry exists, acknowledge my powerlessness to change said industry I don't remember. And offer words of sympathy -but nothing more because I'm not rich and completely-moral consumerism is very difficult to do- for the average workers. And then buy and hopefully enjoy the games and systems that interest me. This is entertainment, not politics, the stakes don't not matter, but for anyone who isn't a worker in the industry, they're much lower.

We are both complicit and victims of the society we live under. As an individual you are powerless but perhaps thinking the world in terms of individuals, not collectives, is part of the problem.


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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The consequences of that game on the human race.....

Not quite Persona's level, but man

You're right, it's not quite at Persona's level.....it is in fact higher.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know maybe I should actually hope the next FE truly is Three Houses 2, then I don't have to bother buying the Twoitch for it lolololol

But whatcha gonna do when they show the Switch 2 and Berwick HD Remastered Final Mix is a launch title (Nintendo bought the dead company that the game belonged to) actually who does own Berwick now?

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • Meganoid-ish?

Well, they are robots, heh.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A simple lie ends the threat to Earth, that’s different.

The sour grapes approach, huh.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This is unexpectedly dark. And explains why Kloppen exists. -And how Daltanious wouldn't have been too incongruent in D.

Well, D actually doesn't have Dormen. It contains a Grendizer-Daltanious-Godmars alliance, but Dormen and Vega don't show up. Only Zuul from Godmars, who is in charge of all three factions, it seems.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


  • Thusly, I kill him with Watta and then Watta gets the story-kill with the Tryder Bird Attack. With this, the villainy of the Robot Empire, almost always treated as a servile partner of Zarl, come to its implied end in GC.

And to think is the most Tryder has ever had in SRW.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Does the world really need clones though?🤔 Other than for like, bananas and few other agricultural plants. Maybe cloning some cells on a Petri dish, but not entire organisms.

It's worth pointing out, that in Daltanious, Kloppen's actual death is because he donates his organs to a dying-from-radiation-poisoning Harlin. I think it was radiation poisoning. Cloned healthy organs for replacements is another good use you can put the technology. But yeah, when it's entire beings... it becomes VERY complicated sorting that out.

Why GC kept Kloppen villainous to the end, I'm not sure. D actually did something interesting with it, since when Kloppen defects, he travels to the party in a Mini UFO from Grendizer, complete with a Vega Soldier pilot who is playable to boot in one stage! Of course, you have to protect the Mini UFO, but thankfully you can control it.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A star instead of Jupiter, sending to another dimension instead of recreating the Solar System. Not bad, Banpresto!😀

Now that's quite the change. I still need to check if it's not from the other J9 series. Though from a brief glimpse, it seems Khamen's descendants only show up as an excuse to reuse the character design and theme song. lol

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How I miss you when you're not around.

...Fucking hell, I'm gonna have to promote this guy...

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You're right, it's not quite at Persona's level.....it is in fact higher.

Incorrect. The Last of Us did not ruin FE.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But whatcha gonna do when they show the Switch 2 and Berwick HD Remastered Final Mix is a launch title (Nintendo bought the dead company that the game belonged to)

I am going to

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

actually who does own Berwick now?

Enterbrain, probably? I'm not sure Berwick's copyright holder is even aware they hold Berwick's copyright lol

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13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, D actually doesn't have Dormen. It contains a Grendizer-Daltanious-Godmars alliance, but Dormen and Vega don't show up. Only Zuul from Godmars, who is in charge of all three factions, it seems.

Interesting. -If only I could play it.

The debut leaves out the core villain ...but then what this Helios route in D? If you're heading out to space, surely the Emperor of Zarl can get in his ship and fight.

18 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And to think is the most Tryder has ever had in SRW.

Ending with the villain just giving up, I can see why it couldn't be the biggest bad. -Still doesn't justify getting so little the rest of the time.

Although if the Robot Empire leader is a computer... OG villain infects it with a virus that makes it bend to their every whim. There, relevance -if still servitude.

24 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's worth pointing out, that in Daltanious, Kloppen's actual death is because he donates his organs to a dying-from-radiation-poisoning Harlin. I think it was radiation poisoning. Cloned healthy organs for replacements is another good use you can put the technology. But yeah, when it's entire beings... it becomes VERY complicated sorting that out.

That's... a little gruesome an end, but also serious and different from a blocking a fatal enemy attack or doing a suicide strike. I like this self-sacrifice.

33 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Why GC kept Kloppen villainous to the end, I'm not sure.

I would've liked the defection, his end was boring. And as I said before GC had enough fights with Zarl units/commanders, but not enough Daltanious. Gascon should've joined waaaay before the penultimate Daltanious battle (why not during the first venture into Interstellar Alliance territory?). Not a great showing for an anime with only two mainline SRW appearances. How about a third to fix that? Ideally with the Choudenji bros since Daltanious does partially use Choudenji power and it feels like a sibling to them more than Daimos which actually is does.

39 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

D actually did something interesting with it, since when Kloppen defects, he travels to the party in a Mini UFO from Grendizer, complete with a Vega Soldier pilot who is playable to boot in one stage! Of course, you have to protect the Mini UFO, but thankfully you can control it.

Generic pilot control, with not-really cross-piloting (cross-hitching a ride) but close-ish. Quirky.😀

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Interesting. -If only I could play it.

The debut leaves out the core villain ...but then what this Helios route in D? If you're heading out to space, surely the Emperor of Zarl can get in his ship and fight.

As I said, it seems the character just flat out doesn't exist in SRW D. Zuul is in charge of all three space empires, and even does stuff the other two emperors did in their source material.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ending with the villain just giving up, I can see why it couldn't be the biggest bad. -Still doesn't justify getting so little the rest of the time.

Although if the Robot Empire leader is a computer... OG villain infects it with a virus that makes it bend to their every whim. There, relevance -if still servitude.

Indeed. The fact Zverse and T went back to just having it there for the most part is weird. Hopefully it can actually have its story properly represented someday.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That's... a little gruesome an end, but also serious and different from a blocking a fatal enemy attack or doing a suicide strike. I like this self-sacrifice.

I would've liked the defection, his end was boring. And as I said before GC had enough fights with Zarl units/commanders, but not enough Daltanious. Gascon should've joined waaaay before the penultimate Daltanious battle (why not during the first venture into Interstellar Alliance territory?). Not a great showing for an anime with only two mainline SRW appearances. How about a third to fix that? Ideally with the Choudenji bros since Daltanious does partially use Choudenji power and it feels like a sibling to them more than Daimos which actually is does.

Gascon also joins late in D. I think that's how it happens in the anime, in the first place.

Funny you say that, since Daltanious is based somewhat on Combattler. Kloppen is basically a reference to Garuda. Down to the identity crisis they go through upon finding out they're a robot(Garuda)/clone(Kloppen).

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Generic pilot control, with not-really cross-piloting (cross-hitching a ride) but close-ish. Quirky.😀

Indeed! I think in another stage Kloppen is an NPC unit in his Deathtark, but not outright playable, though.

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19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

As I said, it seems the character just flat out doesn't exist in SRW D. Zuul is in charge of all three space empires, and even does stuff the other two emperors did in their source material.

Excuse me, this is SRW, not Crusader Kings. That much personal union should not be possible.

19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Funny you say that, since Daltanious is based somewhat on Combattler. Kloppen is basically a reference to Garuda. Down to the identity crisis they go through upon finding out they're a robot(Garuda)/clone(Kloppen).


If we had all three in one SRW, Combattler can be the most veteran in terms of ingame story. Although given what you say, we can leave Garuda alive at least long enough for him and Kloppen to do a little bonding. Daltanious gets to be the experimental youngling of the bunch. Boazan and Helios become friendly neighbors and its through Kentaro Go that explains how Professor Arle first experimented with Super Electromagnetism. Although throw in a Mazinger and we're getting pretty stuffed on Super Robots stories, risks not leaving enough room for other things perhaps. ...Actually, no, do something a little weird and defy the IRL chronological order, make Voltes the most-veteran of the three.

19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Indeed! I think in another stage Kloppen is an NPC unit in his Deathtark, but not outright playable, though.

Heinel and Richter were lucky.

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's next spirit event is Pokémon themed. Hopefully the last one will have four spirits as well, so the final Spirit list will be even (after Evil Ryu was alone in the last row for two years).

Maybe Rean will be one of the last spirits and his battle will have you fight everyone in Class VII, haha.

13 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

You would commit them to memory, same as any skill. 

I already memorized the effects of every FEH skill and weapon: "If [unit] initiates, foe dies." Alternatively, some are "If [foe] initiates, foe dies."

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

The only PS5 game coming out this year is one called Rise of the Ronin, which is one of those third party games that comes out and dies immediately.

I like how ONE GAME is still relevant after all this time. But the PS5 has only been out for around two years so... wait, what do you mean it released in 2020?

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

The rumor is Hayden Christensen and that would be very funny.

It would be very funny, people wouldn't be able to handle the combined Sonic and prequel memes. I could see it working.

8 hours ago, Ika Musume said:

The utter teehee moment when Nintendo announces 3 triple a games next week

If this ain't a teehee moment, then I don't know what is.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Excuse me, this is SRW, not Crusader Kings. That much personal union should not be possible.

Hahaha, yeah, I don't know why they did it, but it becomes what it is in SRW D. For its worth, Zuul also employed clones of himself (and we even fight against them in at least SRW D), so him cloning Harlin to create Kloppen doesn't sound too out there.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


If we had all three in one SRW, Combattler can be the most veteran in terms of ingame story. Although given what you say, we can leave Garuda alive at least long enough for him and Kloppen to do a little bonding. Daltanious gets to be the experimental youngling of the bunch. Boazan and Helios become friendly neighbors and its through Kentaro Go that explains how Professor Arle first experimented with Super Electromagnetism. Although throw in a Mazinger and we're getting pretty stuffed on Super Robots stories, risks not leaving enough room for other things perhaps. ...Actually, no, do something a little weird and defy the IRL chronological order, make Voltes the most-veteran of the three.

Haha, not bad. Making it so Kentarou passes it to Nambara to create the Combattler does sound feasible.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Heinel and Richter were lucky.

Reminds me that Garuda also is too shafted on this.

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1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

I already memorized the effects of every FEH skill and weapon: "If [unit] initiates, foe dies." Alternatively, some are "If [foe] initiates, foe dies."

This isn't a bad summary of most skills, honestly!

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"That's what I've been doing the entire damn game, Claude!"


The music playing during this scene sounds very familiar and I can't put my finger on it.


So uh...are ya gonna let us in and help or...



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6 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


So uh...are ya gonna let us in and help or...

Welcome to cutscene fighting without the cutscene. Long before Kingdom Hearts used plot-invisible-barriers as if they were going out of style, we had stuff like this.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hahaha, yeah, I don't know why they did it, but it becomes what it is in SRW D.

Methinks three emperors were too many. Yes King Vega and Olban were allied in A, and Dormen with the Robot Empire in GC. But, neither of these two alliances were made between two emperors. How many evil old alien men with delusions of grandeur and an imperial title do you need? Trim the redundancy, pretend they're avatara of the same deity in the Hindu religious sense.

...I was randomly flipping through Shin SRW's """animations""" -quotes b/c the game barely has any- and actually, OG1 wasn't the first game to break 65k HP. That oddball called Devil Gosterro had 90k. (And what happened to Layzner's flamethrower attack?)

I did that after reading through some of the Character Database articles that I hadn't b/c they were NPCs so I couldn't read them as I played the maps. Roanne's did fully spoil what I didn't realize by not reading it (and I don't think Eiji ever talked to him in GC after his true colors came to light, that was jarring). Also, the King Tokuga entry placed the Ipron star system which Edon ruled at 51 planets, a coincidental +1 match with Sasuraiger. And the Ozma guy I mentioned before was canonically assassinated for attempting peace in Baxinger, just obviously not by Khamen.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Methinks three emperors were too many. Yes King Vega and Olban were allied in A, and Dormen with the Robot Empire in GC. But, neither of these two alliances were made between two emperors. How many evil old alien men with delusions of grandeur and an imperial title do you need? Trim the redundancy, pretend they're avatara of the same deity in the Hindu religious sense.

Guess they took cues from the League of Three Emperors.

I guess it does brings cause of friction if you had three different leaders with different agendas and only putting the illusion of alliance. Or, well, indeed as I mentioned before, SRW does trims out characters if their role can be filled by someone else who can afford to stay in.

I think a good example of it is in 30. As you may have seen in the game, it was both Gou and Ryoma who acquire and bring the Kakuseijin to Keita, but in GGG vs Betterman both actions were done by a single character... who doesn't show up at all in 30. Since... you guessed it, they had their role filled up by someone else, and thus were left out of the game.

So yeah, why have all three around if you can have just one do everything.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...I was randomly flipping through Shin SRW's """animations""" -quotes b/c the game barely has any- and actually, OG1 wasn't the first game to break 65k HP. That oddball called Devil Gosterro had 90k. (And what happened to Layzner's flamethrower attack?)

Oh, really? Interesting.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I did that after reading through some of the Character Database articles that I hadn't b/c they were NPCs so I couldn't read them as I played the maps. Roanne's did fully spoil what I didn't realize by not reading it (and I don't think Eiji ever talked to him in GC after his true colors came to light, that was jarring). Also, the King Tokuga entry placed the Ipron star system which Edon ruled at 51 planets, a coincidental +1 match with Sasuraiger. And the Ozma guy I mentioned before was canonically assassinated for attempting peace in Baxinger, just obviously not by Khamen.

Yeah, database entries can certainly spoil things if you read them as you play. On the other hand, you don't know what any SRW given game can do, so even knowing some things might not be of much help at all. Like that one with Ozma. Even if you know he'll get killed... but suddenly, it's via seemingly random cobra. And perhaps, that may be the point. Get you to learn about the characters as you play, then get thrown curve balls when SRW goes on to do stuff different.

Heh, that's another notch as to why they could weld Daioh-ja and the J9 stuff together.

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


So uh...are ya gonna let us in and help or...

Having plot barriers is one thing, but I'm confused why they placed it this close to the player's main castle.

I mean, you have to cross those mountains anyway. Just move the barrier further South.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

ou're right, it's not quite at Persona's level.....it is in fact higher.


Yeah i remember this, the memes, the anger, the split, etc.

Didn't help the game's controversy at all


Normies were a mistake :sip:

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17 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Ultimate Spider-Man (2005) is a good game because it prompts you to eat a child to test out Venom's eating ability. Don't worry, Venom spat him out afterwards so he's fine... probably.

Rarely has a game let you harm a child, so I have a fair bit of respect for it pretending to let you eat one...although the fact that they back pedal on it, even when playing as a baby eating monster like Venom is still sad.


17 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

It's only a matter of time before Valve consolidates every developer and Gaben becomes king of the video game industry. And there will still be no Half-Life 3.

Please, they will just release the Orange Box 2, that way they can release Half-Life 3, Portal 3, and Team Fortress 3 with the number 2 instead of 3 😛


21 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Less is more, as they say. I'd rather not have to stop and read Bible-sized skill descriptions for 30 minutes at the start of each map, thanks.

16 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

If i bother reading them to begin with xD

It cracks me up every time FEH has a new hero reveal where they have this massive wall of text explaining the new hero's skill...only to need a second page of text to show all of them.


8 hours ago, Armagon said:



The showrunners really showing their ass with that statement.


4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



The music playing during this scene sounds very familiar and I can't put my finger on it.

It took a bit to figure out based on just a screenshot, but I believe its the Grannvale Army 1 Theme that plays there, although I am not entirely sure where you might have heard it before. I did a quick check of other places you might have heard it earlier in the game, the two that came to mind were when the Granvale army forces you to flee to Silesia (nope that is the Enemy Message 2 theme), and possibly when Arvis is around during the prologue (nope that was obviously Arvis's Theme), but neither of those played it. I think they used a version of it in one of FEH's tempest trials, so perhaps you remember it from that. A fair number of the themes intentionally call back to other themes related to them, so maybe that is why it seems so reminiscent...


3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



So uh...are ya gonna let us in and help or...

Naw they got this (just ignore the murder bows coming in from the far corner).

This is entirely unrelated, but just out of curiosity, which characters are lovers so far, and are there any people you are trying to make lovers?

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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

it cracks me up every time FEH has a new hero reveal where they have this massive wall of text explaining the new hero's skill...only to need a second page of text to show all of them.

Hey, at least they have their descriptions correct.

Could be like Trails into Reverie, just saying. lol

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Ruben really won't be getting sleep now when his country is six hours ahead of the finals.

31 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Hey, at least they have their descriptions correct.

Could be like Trails into Reverie, just saying. lol

I mean FEH fucks up too, they just fix it later.

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