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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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@Saint Rubenio I'm not sure if you'll find these funny, but I decided to screenshot everyone's inventories from my -perhaps forever- unfinished BS file. (Was going to consider extracting the save initially, but didn't want to risk any deletion having never done that before.):



Let's get the characters whose inventories I mostly shifted to other people out of the way first.

On Saphira, I did take advantage of the fact that she gets a new blue Soothe every chapter if she runs out of it, means I did bring her around a lot and have her use that free and replaced Soothe until it broke. Considering Heal is in quantity limited in this game, I tried to get by with Soothe, when I could.


Level 7, even lower than I thought.

Did I ever use that Shortsword or did an enemy drop it that way? I don't remember. Same for the Iron Spear and Verian MShd.


That's the Chapter 3 handout Holy orb I think, I know I never used one. Veeeeeery few uses. The better solution is simply not to let healers get attacked in the first place, rather than rely on a Vantage orb to block a hit.

The Escapestone is there because... this was Chapter 11 and just in case he needed it after talking to the hunter old man?


That Iron Crossbow is probably the only crossbow I ever used. Lacking an infinitely buyable version, I didn't like using them.

Also, while I recall using a Stone Arrow or two, if you see less than the max number on any non-Wood arrow in anyone's inventory, assume an enemy dropped it in the already-depleted quantity.


Yes, I used a few Dire Thunder, shame on me. -But then I knew there's that reserve copy of the orb, so I wasn't entirely opposed to it, in very special circumstances.

Assortment of others.:


Don't ask me what Airblade orb Aegina is on, I don't recall. But you might be able to calculate that from your most recent playthrough.

While Berwick is rather upfront and plentiful with its Physics, I still didn't like having to use them except when necessary.

The only reason Burroughs lost some bolts was because of the Scorpion mission. Otherwise, dude might as well be Fae/Myrrh in my eyes, and destined for the permabench for being so attack-limited.

And don't task why the Vespa is with Elbert or Izerna has a few cheap weapons. Those Bags and some of their contents probably passed hands several times.


Honestly, Volo should be packing a few more Bronzes. Deathmatch chews right through them.

Lastly, pack mules.:


Note- any mule would pass their junk to others when the time came for a deployment.

The ability to hand materials over to the synthesizers thanks heavens relieved freed a lot of inventory space for me. -But never did I hand over enough ingredients to actually create any blacksmith/alchemist object, because I didn't want to create anything in case I didn't get the materials and had to decide which item I'd be using X material for. That limited my full-use of that nice little space-saver. 


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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Keep in mind that you can combine stacks of arrows. Up to a total amount of 80. Same with bolts.

Works with throwing weapons too. But they only go up to their default amount. Can't make any Pilum piles bigger than 6, sadly.

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Okay, Scenario 34. This one's also different depending on who's the protagonist. And it shows since it's also Nine-centric in the lead-up to the battle portion. But most importantly...

Speed or Power. What Nine asks the protagonist what is more important. Since this is the point where VangRay finally gets is upgrade! Speed gives us the VangNex, while Power is the GranVang. So it boils down to... do I want the Real Robot or the Super Robot? For this playthrough, I'll go with VangNex. We're not getting it quite yet, though.

And of course, the conversation is interrupted by Gardim, who are here for Nine, but also the Yamato, which can't move from its position. Ghuli is here as always, but finally another face shows up with Jamie, who is as beauty/aesthetics obsessed as Ghuli is with speed. Guess they all have a theme, huh.

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Defeating Ghuli brings forth the revelation he too is an android. He doesn't take it well. After some more events, at last, the VangNex is here! Regardless of upgrade, Nine now becomes the protagonist's sub-pilot. One more scripted battle, and Ghuli goes down for good, though at peace with himself at least.

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31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

@Saint Rubenio I'm not sure if you'll find these funny, but I decided to screenshot everyone's inventories from my -perhaps forever- unfinished BS file. (Was going to consider extracting the save initially, but didn't want to risk any deletion having never done that before.):


Why does everyone have bronze swords


31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Otherwise, dude might as well be Fae/Myrrh in my eyes, and destined for the permabench for being so attack-limited.

Might be because I always manage to capture a ballistician along the way or two but he never felt attack-limited to me. Real problem is that you can't have him carry around multiple ballistae for some reason.

34 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I really feel like finding my inventory pictures again

Iirc i had 2 (or more?) repair strones at endgame, and had inventory management hell lol

Should check my first run's endgame inventory. See how much fuck-up there is to be seen there. I didn't even realize spears gained damage by moving at the time... Yeesh...

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2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Hold on. This wasn't a Spongebob meme?

My whole life is a lie.


Brightbow discovering the true origins of the funny meme he liked:


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Okay, stage over. The VangNex/GranVang is a separate machine, so the VangRay is still around. Just, not available to use anymore.

The end scenes are so optimistic, of course bad news mark the very end. Namely, Neo Zeon has decided to do what they've known best for: Colony Drop.

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Scenario 35 begins with a Gardim scene for once, introducing another figure, though his name remains unknown for now.

Cut back to the group, who has reached the space colony bring hurdled down towards the planet. Finally, the Thuatha deploys again! Six minutes to reach the point of no return... so six turns to clear the map. Neo Zeon, Gamillas, and Jupiter Empire forces stand in the way. Rakan is in the charge of the former group. When was the last time he showed up? Anyway, let's roll!

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Oh, wait, there's no turn limit. It's rout.

Anyway, a turn in, a dimensional door opens. It's Embryo again, and comes full of surprises.

First, Leonard survived and has deployed too. Second, Kaname seems now fully on board with him about destroying and remaking the world anew, so she supports the fall of the colony. Welp. Also... Martian Successor forces are here too. Seems they're remnants who have thrown their lot with Embryo. Also, the missing Para-Mail pilots are here too... and have joined Embryo too. More welp. Embryo leaves, leaving all this on us.

So, another secret process starts here. To start with, Chris, Ersha, and Salia must be fought with any of Ange, Hilda, Rosalie, or Vivian. Since there's no turn limit (well, beyond getting the SR Point, but I've been keeping mum about them since I'm not aiming for them for this first playthrough), I can do this at my leisure. I hope.

But the enemy isn't the only one getting help. The Garenceries shows up, and Audrey finally reveals herself as Mineva Zabi. Not that it makes Rakan and his men stand down despite her pleas. Bummer. In any case, Kamille, Marida, and even Fa take to the field. Despite the name, playable Marida is not what the Marida points unlock, but this is the stage where the first secret related to them unlocks if all conditions were fulfilled. Which... *rechecks* Yep, I'm good there. 3 Marida Points, Judau being Ace, and the Gundam ZZ reaching its Custom Bonus.

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I'd say, in case of doubts or skepticism or something else...


67-27 the Foreign Aid Bill passes in the Senate, despite Trump's wishes of the contrary. Sure, right now it could be DoA on the House, but the current House Speaker can go the way McCarthy did, and he already received a threat to be deposed a few days ago.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Why does everyone have bronze swords


Honestly, using bronze for swords is pretty dated for FE.

The earliest evidence of bronze working/smelting/forging goes back to ~4500 BC, and started taking off around ~3300 BC. Bronze being an alloy (two elements, at least one a metal, mixed together) of copper and tin. Copper was pretty plentiful, tin was rarer, and rarely found next to copper. Ancient era trade networks were necessary to bring copper and tin together to the forges of ancient cities, to make the bronze murder thingies and less-murderous objects humanity wanted/needed.

The earliest evidence of iron working/smelting/forging appears at ~2500 BC, and iron forging starts taking off around ~1200 BC.* Thus, the Bronze Age of human history gave way and was follow by the Iron Age. Bronze weaponry and armor declined, though they remained in some use (the aspis shield of classical Greek hoplites was wood covered with a thin bronze layer, though classical Greek spears and swords were iron).

Steel, an alloy of iron + carbon (+ possibly trace amounts of other elements that modify the steel's qualities), is invented about the same time as iron working. However, steel is more complicated to make, and thus could only be made in much smaller quantities, with higher costs. Steel weapons weren't cheap, but they were totally a thing, and preferred if you could afford them. It wasn't until the mid-late 1800s AD that steel became cheaper and much more mass-producible, ushering in the Second Industrial Revolution.

TL;DR Bronze weaponry should be totally obsolesced in a fantasy medieval European world like Berwick.

* Before humans learned how to extract iron from mined ore, they discovered iron-rich meteorites and learned how to shape that iron from the sky into weapons and accessories (~3500 BC).

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It works for the gameplay system of weapon progression. Not hard to think copper and tin are both plentiful and easy to gather together in the FE worlds. Thus, if they're the cheapest to make, no reason they can't be around even when even steel weapons are around.

Come on, FE has silver weapons, which isn't a good metal for weapons. Unless we think of it as being the special kind of silver-like metal, aka mythril. Actually, Three Houses does have mythril...

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I feel I can see why the objective is rout and not turn dependant (that being reserved to the SR). It would be madness.

I see Leonard's mech remains as tough to take down... and he can act twice. Fun.

This stage, I think, is the one with the most amount of enemy factions so far. With six of them:

Neo Zeon
Jupiter Empire
Martian Successors
Embryo's Ragna-Mails

Hmm... yeah, so far...

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It works for the gameplay system of weapon progression. Not hard to think copper and tin are both plentiful and easy to gather together in the FE worlds. Thus, if they're the cheapest to make, no reason they can't be around even when even steel weapons are around.

Come on, FE has silver weapons, which isn't a good metal for weapons. Unless we think of it as being the special kind of silver-like metal, aka mythril. Actually, Three Houses does have mythril...

I won't deny that. Bronze-Iron-Steel works as a standard weapon tier system for a fantasy SRPG. Going beyond steel means going way too modern for fantasy/FE. Going before bronze... copper wouldn't be terrible, if on the soft side. (The Egyptians used copper chisels but the boatload to chisel the casing stones on their outside of their pyramids.) Yet before copper, it's literally the Stone Age of human history.

(Brass BTW b/c Hoshidan weapons used it instead of Bronze tier, is copper + zinc. Sometimes brass was found in ore as a naturally-occurring alloy, no need to smelt copper & zinc together.)

And yeah, silver is totally nonsensical for weapons. Too valuable for coinage/decoration, and just too malleable even it wasn't. Mythril is Tolkien's fantasy-silver and one of his most ubiquitous contributions to the world of fantasy.

As an alternative weapon-suited fantasy-metal to mythril, zol orichalcum is mentioned by Ancient Greek writers (literally "mountain copper" in Greek). Although we aren't 100% certain what pure metal, or perhaps alloy, the Greeks and later Romans meant when they said "orichalcum". Thus the mysterious ori' became the stuff of fantasy.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And yeah, silver is totally nonsensical for weapons. Too valuable for coinage/decoration, and just too malleable even it wasn't. Mythril is Tolkien's fantasy-silver and one of his most ubiquitous contributions to the world of fantasy.

Perhaps we're meant to take it as they're silver coated than purely made out of silver. But yeah.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As an alternative weapon-suited fantasy-metal to mythril, zol orichalcum is mentioned by Ancient Greek writers (literally "mountain copper" in Greek). Although we aren't 100% certain what pure metal, or perhaps alloy, the Greeks and later Romans meant when they said "orichalcum". Thus the mysterious ori' became the stuff of fantasy.

Orichalcum could be another material FE could use, yes. Perhaps also Adamant/Adamantite too.

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I routed in five turns. Aw yeah, go me! I also managed to have Ange fight all three, so I hope I got this first step right.

Anyway, Embryo shows up again to say he has accelerated the colony's descent. He gloats a bit more then leaves. The party quickly sets itself to blast the colony apart, but the fragments will still cause a lot of damage. Mineva says they must use the Colony Laser... which, despite destroyed in the Gryps War, they built another? Anyway, that could obliterate the colony, but also anyone else caught in the blast. Which is bad as they need to slow it down. Even having the Nadesico do it alone and Boson Jump away at the last second won't be enough. So the full party goes ahead anyway, intending to quickly board the Nadesico to then jump away. But... there won't be time for that either. Still, in they go, and Banagher uses the full power of the Unicorn, to have everyone jump at the same time.

It all works, fortunately.

The group ended up jumping to Axis. Or at least, what's left of it. And Mineva finally reveals about Laplace. And as one last surprise, Inez Freesange is here too...

Phew. So intense. Stopping for now. Will resume next weekend.

6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Gotta hand it to them. Never running out of ideas.

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14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I won't deny that. Bronze-Iron-Steel works as a standard weapon tier system for a fantasy SRPG. Going beyond steel means going way too modern for fantasy/FE. Going before bronze... copper wouldn't be terrible, if on the soft side. (The Egyptians used copper chisels but the boatload to chisel the casing stones on their outside of their pyramids.) Yet before copper, it's literally the Stone Age of human history.

This progression system really only exists in Berwick Saga when it comes to arrows, where you got Wooden, Stone, Bronze, Iron, Steel and Mithrill arrows. Also Imperial arrows, who are probably also iron but slightly shittier due to being mass produced military standard issue.
There are Bronze Swords, but there are no iron swords or even steel swords. It seems to be taken for granted that most weapons are made of decent metals.

Aethin called the Light Axe "Iron Axe" for whatever reason, but whenever you see this outside of arrows, it's something Aethin made up.
Supposedly he was concerned that if a weapon was called "Light" it would be mistaken for a magic weapon. Which I have to admit, is not a possibility I would ever have considered.

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16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Sounds like somebody was 97% tired while trying to think of a placeholder title for their light novel. Then, desperate to put something down, they started with the generic "That Time I Got Reincarnated..." starting phrase to try getting the balling rolling. Then, they reached 99% comatose, started leaning forward on their keyboard, eyes almost entirely closed, and without thinking about it, their brain and hands remembered their old story-planning friend, and typed down two more words before 😴💤

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Wait, Pink Haro is an actual power part in this game? I don't even remember which enemy was carrying it, but still. lol

I see Kamille got quietly moved to the Zeta Gundam. Right where he belongs huh. Though Roux wasn't put into another mech by default, pft. I suppose she could take the RE-GZ... if I used her on my team. Though I don't. Ah well.

The Garenceries was only playable for the map, it didn't join. Though Marida did, so I guess she's sticking around.

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4 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Aethin called the Light Axe "Iron Axe" for whatever reason, but whenever you see this outside of arrows, it's something Aethin made up.
Supposedly he was concerned that if a weapon was called "Light" it would be mistaken for a magic weapon. Which I have to admit, is not a possibility I would ever have considered.

Is Light as in Lightweight? Couldn't Slim would've worked, like what FE does with Slims Sword and Slim Lance?

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sounds like somebody was 97% tired while trying to think of a placeholder title for their light novel. Then, desperate to put something down, they started with the generic "That Time I Got Reincarnated..." starting phrase to try getting the balling rolling. Then, they reached 99% comatose, started leaning forward on their keyboard, eyes almost entirely closed, and without thinking about it, their brain and hands remembered their old story-planning friend, and typed down two more words before 😴💤

I can't wait for "The Time I got Reincarnated into Serenes Forest Forums".

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