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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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I'd say, playing the DLC stage at this point, when it unlocks, having these four playable, and then the fact Buran is not here, and if this isn't your first SRW game... well, makes it easier to make out some stuff already on what could lie ahead.


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I take it Zabine is here because his Crossbone Gundam X-2 Kai is black-colored, just like Riddhe's Banshee Norn, and Zabine wanted to point that out.

Or maybe since we have an almost full representation here.

Jerid and Yazan for Zeta
Rakhan, and also Yazan, for Double Zeta
Lane for Hathaway's Flash
Riddhe for Unicorn
Zabine for Crossbone

Only Char's Counterattack doesn't have anyone to rep in this map.

Well, map done, the Federation has the Colony Laser. Oh, this took place before Scenario 36, since only now Yazan is telling Jerid to take Riddhe and head to Axis... and because Kamille is there, of course.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Okay, second DLC map.

Big Sister Ple has decided to flex her technical seniority over Marida... and Ple Two naturally follows suit.

SSSSRW.D180223 #SRW on X: "Elpeo Ple & Ple Two (ZZ Gundam) 'bully' Marida  Cruz (Unicorn) so badly that she is forced to call Zinnerman for help. SRW V  - https://t.co/68TTJahkpf https://t.co/NZqWTT94Yf" /

As you can see, she's very excited at the news.

Alas, Zinnerman is here to call her on a mission to ferry Neo Zeon refugees to Laplace. Ple is not to be deterred, however. She wants to fulfill her role as the big sister, dammit, so she's going too to support her! And Ple Two also follows suit, though at least she says the mission will go faster with more people. And, oh, I guess Kamille and Fa are coming too.

Ahahaha, if Otto had to content with the Shangi-La bunch, Zinnerman has to with the Ple's. Back in Axis, Captain Bright be laughing.

Ple: *calls him Bearded Bear*

Ple Two: *points out he's a Captain and has to be addressed properly*

Ple: *calls him Captain Bearded Bear*


Oh, this is too much.

Ah, but this can't be all fun and games. A Musaka approaches... and fires at them. Then Mobile Suits deploy. It's Angelo and his goons. They were pretending to be refugees to spring an ambush... but seems seeing the Garenceries made him do a frontal assault instead. The fight begins!

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Arzette looking good so far.

Bit of a flaw though: The game only has 1 save slot. It also won't warn you that you will overwrite the one save you have if you start a new game.

Unless I overlooked it. But the main menu only has Continue and New Game. And Continue sends you straight to the map screen.

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I can't believe people are arguing whether a quick sequence of images counts as animation or not.

18 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's not just Marvel - and not just Hollywood - look at what's happening in the gaming industry in murica atm.

The video game industry is in an even worse state, as I'm pretty sure the games industry generates more money than the film industry. Our destiny will be gachas and GaaS like Suicide Squad for the next few years. Although in their defense, a good portion of the games released these days are better than the movies.

Tsukihime english release this summer, trust the plan

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Clearly they should've just called him Scat.



4 hours ago, Armagon said:

But i only bring this up because the very idea that you need to be incredibly badass in order to talk to the shy girl just seems hilarious. Like wouldn't that be a bit overkill lmao?

Tts funny just like the others


4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Bible's been retranslated a fuckton of times, honestly my opinion is that it just comes down to personal interpretation because that's 2000 years worth of rewrites. "That's not how the faith works" i haven't verified but apparently bibles before 1954 did not actually condemn homosexuality and the line that people point to nowadays originally was condemning pedophilia. Or so i've heard. I haven't actually done my own research.

Talking about malakoi and arsenokoitai? I hate to be the "um. actually" guy, but if so, these terms are translated correctly more recently than in the past, as new discoveries in the scientific field shed light on how people once thought and acted. FYI, here's the original passage in Koine Greek:

1Co 6:9 : “e ouk oidate oti adikoi theos basileian ou kleronomesousin; me planasthe: oute pornoi oute eidololatrai oute moixoi oute malakoi oute arsenokoitai”.

The general consensus is that Arsenokoitai is a neologism created by Paul. This was a common practice in the writings of the apostle, to whom 179 neologisms are attributed, 89 of which were not copied by any subsequent author. It, however, is not a term obscure enough to doubt its meaning. It is clearly a composition of arsen (man) and koites (bed, coitus), meaning "a male who lies down with a male" (The translation that opts for the word Sodomite takes into account not the etymology, but the History/Tradition behind the term, where it is interpreted that the people of that city were very prone to anal sex and/or homosexual behavior). It is thought to also echo a previous passage from the Septuagint:


"If a man lies with a man ('arsenos koiten') as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." Leviticus 20:13

Sometimes translated as "effeminate", the word Malakoi is trickier to pin down, since on its own its literal meaning is "soft". However, this term is used in other Greek sources to describe a man who is "used" by other men in bed. Its use in juxtaposition with arsenokoitai, which does imply an active homosexual role, makes it even more evident what Paul meant by the expression. The letter from Demophon to Ptolemaeus is probably the most famous example (you can read the manuscript here, the letter is on pages 200-201) where the term malakoi is used.


“Demophon to Ptolemaeus, greeting. Make every effort to send me the flute-player Petoüs with both the Phrygian flutes and the rest; and if any expense is necessary, pay it, and you shall recover it from me. Send me also Zenobius the effeminate (malakoi) with a drum and cymbals and castanets, for he is wanted by the women for the sacrifice; and let him wear as fine clothes as possible

Romans 1:26-27 also makes an explicit condemnation:


For this reason, God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error.

Who the fuck am I kidding? I love being the "um. actually" guy. All this pile of "useless" knowledge has to be useful for something.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Alpha Yazan in Zeta V.S. Beta Yazan in ZZ. : r/Gundam

No, Yazan, no!

Anyway, Jerid and Yazan, the veterans, want to test out the rookies, that is, Lane and Riddhe. The test? Survive the battle. The plan is for they to intercept any incoming Neo Zeon forces coming to defend the Colony Laser. The rest of G-Hound will do the taking.

In this game, is Yazan like in Zeta or does he have brain damage like in ZZ?

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3 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Although in their defense, a good portion of the games released these days are better than the movies.

Don't worry, slowly reaching movie levels

3 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

sukihime english release this summer, trust the plan

>waiting until summer

>Official TL





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Okay, map done. It's back to the WAFF'y stuff. Hahaha, the Ple's declare that since Marida is their sister, then Zinnerman is now their father... but the beard has to go, pft. I'm guessing once this is all over they'll stay at the Garenceries. Hmm...

Okay, now, if I had the Pre-Order Bonus, a Special Scenario would be next. This would allow the Grungust and Huckebein to unlock their special attacks (Keito Ragoken: Ankensatsu and Black Hole Cannon, respectively), likely as a trade-off of being unlocked at the beginning of the game.

After that is finally the route split. Though first we have a scene of the Federation top brass at the Colony Laser. Seems Leonard told them about it.

Back with the heroes, the talk continues about Laplace's Box. They hope the data in the Unicorn Gundam could lead to it. Meanwhile, there's Neo Zeon and the Fedeartion-held Colony Laser in space, Dr. Hell in Earth... but also Embryo's alliance with Amalgam with the former back in the AD Dimension. Thus, it comes to the game's only three-way route split.

Go with the Ground Troops: Zambot 3, Daitarn 3, Might Gaine, Getter Robo Armageddon, Shin Mazinger, Rebuild of Evangelion, Yamato
Remain in Space: UC Gundam (including Crossbone)
Travel to the AD Dimension: Gundam SEED Destiny, Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer, Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness, Full Metal Panic!, Cross Ange

So basically: Super Robots in one route, UC Gundam in the second route, and the rest of the Real Robots in the third route. This is probably the only time Yamato and Crossbone Gundam split. Likely since otherwise the Ground Troops route won't have a battleship. Now, Ground Troops has nothing in terms of secres. Originally, I was going to go save at this point, go through the Ground Troops route, reload the save, and then go through the Space route. Saving the AD Dimension route for the second playthrough. All for the purposes of filling up the Game Library. However, relatively recent I learned of things that caused a shift. I won't say what they're now. Suffice to say, now I'm taking the Space route first, then go through the AD Dimension afte reloading, leaving Ground Troops for the second playthrough.


16 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

In this game, is Yazan like in Zeta or does he have brain damage like in ZZ?

Neither, actually. He's quite a bit more mellow and chill in comparison, and certainly fine up there (SRW never takes that into account anyway, best I know). This comes from a combination that the events of both Zeta and ZZ are long past, and that some character tweaking is needed since...


He's actually a recruitable character in this game. This also applies to Jerid to some extent.

So... closer to how he is in Return of Johnny Ridden? I don't know, but I think I've seen that comparison made at least once.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I offhandedly mentioned to my friends that yesterday was my birthday and they got me a cake behind me back. A cake they asked me about and I picked out, but it was for a 52 year old aunt one of them had that was turning 53. As a peerless tactician of many battles and even some victories, I completely failed to realize the connection between this and my prior comment.

It felt nice.

30 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Arzette looking good so far.

Bit of a flaw though: The game only has 1 save slot. It also won't warn you that you will overwrite the one save you have if you start a new game.

Unless I overlooked it. But the main menu only has Continue and New Game. And Continue sends you straight to the map screen.

Sorry, Arzette. I can't give save slots! Come back when you're a little, MMMM

30 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:



I kinda like Scat better.

Also my favorite Cath is Smug Cath.

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Okay, Scenario 37.

It begins with the characters hoping they can save Riddhe and bring him back to their side. Well, he does seem fine enough, lecturing Lane about not being just a mindless Soldier following orders, which does make Lane ponder... to the point Yazan makes a comment in comparing both of them to Londo Bell. Yeah, this is surreal, to see both Jerid and Yazan lecturing Riddhe on how he puts his feelings over orders, just like Londo Bell. That he and Lane can do as they see fit, and if it means becoming enemies? So be it. And even they comment between each other that they too might be no different. It's the SRW effect, folks. The SRW effect.

So, thanks to the Calculation Unit, Londo Bell is able to Boson Jump straight to the Colony Laser, catching the Federation off-guard. Mineva tries to talk to them... but no dice. Thus the fight begins.

Now, if six Marida Points were obtained at this point, we finally gain... the Garenceries. Eight battleships. This game has so many of them, they can afford to make one into a secret unit! And UC Gudam supplies three of them alone, heh. Though the Garenceries is definitely a support ship. Only one attack, one sub-pilot, and can Resupply. The foil to the Ptolemy having Repair, I guess. This secret is not route dependent, but naturally you can only get the Garenceries after the split if you took the other two.

This is also where the first check of the Titans Points come in. Two must be obtained by the end of this map. There's a second check for if you took the other routes, and I have more than enough points, so it's fine even if I reload after this route. In any case, two more Titans points can be obtained here if you have Kamille defeat Jerid, and he or Judau defeat Yazan. There's another Lane Point to get here if Hathaway defeats him as well.

We also get the Full Armor parts for the Unicorn here, but this isn't optional.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I offhandedly mentioned to my friends that yesterday was my birthday and they got me a cake behind me back. A cake they asked me about and I picked out, but it was for a 52 year old aunt one of them had that was turning 53. As a peerless tactician of many battles and even some victories, I completely failed to realize the connection between this and my prior comment.


Happy (Late) Birthday!

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Happy (Late) Birthday!

Where is Benice when you need him?!

Belated Happy Birthday from me, too, Ruben!

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Okay, objective is to defeat Riddhe. The Colony Laser will fire in ten minutes... but we must stop it in eight. So eight turns.

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37 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Don't worry, slowly reaching movie levels

38 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

>waiting until summer

>Official TL

Do you think I have a choice??????


32 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Saving the AD Dimension route for the second playthrough. All for the purposes of filling up the Game Library. However, relatively recent I learned of things that caused a shift. I won't say what they're now. Suffice to say, now I'm taking the Space route first, then go through the AD Dimension afte reloading, leaving Ground Troops for the second playthrough.

I hope you're at least using 00 units


14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I offhandedly mentioned to my friends that yesterday was my birthday and they got me a cake behind me back. A cake they asked me about and I picked out, but it was for a 52 year old aunt one of them had that was turning 53. As a peerless tactician of many battles and even some victories, I completely failed to realize the connection between this and my prior comment.


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12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Happy (Late) Birthday!

11 minutes ago, ping said:

Where is Benice when you need him?!

Belated Happy Birthday from me, too, Ruben!

7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Happy (belated) Birthday, beard saint!

5 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:


Hahah, don't worry, folks. I really don't mind these things too much.

That being said, thanks. Appreciate it.

5 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:




Of course, my heart's not made of stone, so just because I don't care much for birthdays doesn't mean I'm not touched by such a kind gesture as this.

Thanks, funny anime man.

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13 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:



MS has no right to dance anymore tho

14 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Do you think I have a choice??????


The RAM fits atleast

Do we know if it's coming to steam atleast?

And even then, i won't trust people who translate Arturia as Altria lol - fantl it is

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"This is a death sentence for every human being on Earth" is a pretty hardcore sentence, nevermind that it's from a game about a talking blue hedgehog.

20 hours ago, Armagon said:

Especially during Lent, because for some reason capybaras have been declared fish.

I think that back in ye olden days, "fish" referred to any water-dwelling animal and not just aquatic vertebrates with gills. But capybaras did evolve from fish, as did all mammals, so make of that what you will.

17 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Aw, Kevin left already?

His availability is pretty irregular, but you'll get to use him more later on. You will learn to value Grail Sphere in particular.

15 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

But you actually enjoyed fishing with Big (or is it just for nostalgia or something)?

It was a while ago, I don't remember my opinion on Big's gameplay. I planned on replaying Sonic Adventure DX to find out, but I as I said before, my disc no longer works. I could get it on Steam eventually, though for now I got The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog instead. At least Big got a good showing in Sonic Heroes (my copy of that doesn't work either).

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A cake they asked me about and I picked out, but it was for a 52 year old aunt one of them had that was turning 53.

Happy belated birthday, I hope your 53rd birthday was a pleasant one.

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Okay, if the Banshee Norn's HP drops enough, Riddhe activates its Destroy Mode. Yikes.

7 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

His availability is pretty irregular, but you'll get to use him more later on. You will learn to value Grail Sphere in particular.

Oh yes. Really helped out during one of the Monster Extermination jobs.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry, Arzette. I can't give save slots! Come back when you're a little, MMMM

You don't wanna mess with Morter. If you can't pay, guy pulls a knife on you

Granted, he is playing with fire there. Arzette's Smart Sword does not hurt anyone friendly. And pulling a knife on someone is not very friendly.

Still, most hardcore shopkeeper since the guy from Link's Awakening. Although that one is hard to beat, considering that he just murders you on the spot.

Also, happy totally punctual birthday.

Edited by BrightBow
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Riddhe is getting more and more unhinged. The characters still try to reach out to him... and finally comes the revelation that he's a Newtype. They do seem able to reach out to him. Just then, the rest of G-Hound finally deploys, and Riddhe finally comes to his senses and joins the party back. Nice.

Okay, now I can get all the points. Must rout within the turn limit...

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...I'm I hallucinating, or is this page and the one before it identical?😐 Eternal recurrence?

EDIT: Me posting and starting a new page deleted the duplicate page I saw.


Spent the past three days doing between-game chilling with Endless Space 2. I can understand the game, but on the highest difficulty, I'm still not good playing against the AI's stupid big bonuses.😅 Turning it down two difficulties... very good start and too easy.😆 Still, a nice relaxed experience of splicing the genes of 11 (maybe 12) different species into an endlessly-cloned narcissistic trillionaire to create the finest species in the galaxy. I think I've had my fill now.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, now, if I had the Pre-Order Bonus, a Special Scenario would be next. This would allow the Grungust and Huckebein to unlock their special attacks (Keito Ragoken: Ankensatsu and Black Hole Cannon, respectively), likely as a trade-off of being unlocked at the beginning of the game.

30 let the Grungust have Ankensatsu from the start -made Irm too good for the earlygame.😄 


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

yesterday was my birthday


I get not being overly excited about bdays.😀 But still, praise for thy existence!🥳

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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