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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So decided to check out the UO demo, played tutoria level and abit of ch.1....

Mother of Kaga lmao

He infiltrated Vanillaware! He's in there! Instead of working on VS1R, he's just gonna go to other studios making SRPGs and give them The Kaga!

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

He infiltrated Vanillaware! He's in there! Instead of working on VS1R, he's just gonna go to other studios making SRPGs and give them The Kaga!

and not just ladies, but even old men lmao

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

and not just ladies, but even old men lmao

He is evolving. Soon it's not just the women, but the men and the children too.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

He is evolving. Soon it's not just the women, but the men and the children too.

The whole damned continent xD

is this the oh so famous Vanillaware writing xD

This is the most FE to ever FE in the first 20 minutes alone lmao

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8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

is this the oh so famous Vanillaware writing xD

Ok ngl I do have a sneaking suspicion this might be Vanillaware's weakest title writing wise. Not "bad weak" but at least compared to Muramasa and Odin Sphere, definitely much more standard. At least for now.

But now that I think about it, this is the first game since GrimGrimiore to have a singular protagonist. Muramasa has two (six in Rebirth). Odin Sphere has five. 13 Sentinels has.....13. Dragon's Crown and Grand Knights History are like DnD type stuff so there's not really a "protagonist". So it's an interesting return to roots.

11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

This is the most FE to ever FE in the first 20 minutes alone lmao

Considering the devs have been very open about using FE as an inspiration, i expect at least quite a few homages already. There's a few FE character archetypes in the demo alone. There's literally an archer called Rolf.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Tbh from the demo atleast i did like the writing there more  - much more eccentric was it?

And witch bonus

Ofc can't compare demo wrting, but these are my first impressions for both

And gameplay more important amyway

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There's a few FE character archetypes in the demo alone. Th

Should IS work with them instead of KT 😛

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10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


A little lower than expected, but I get it. T'was just nice seeing you have fun.😀 And honestly I'm not sure I could give any any game I've played more than a 8/10.😆


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

revealing that this 70 year old has spent a thousand hours in Rimworld and three thousand in this game from five years ago.

More sci-fi than expected. -But then didn't the Berserk creator spend a lot of time on idols? Assume nothing from what a creator creates?


40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But now that I think about it, this is the first game since GrimGrimiore to have a singular protagonist.

Checking the Web, Princess Crown the Vanillagears to OS's Vanillasaga was also multiple protagonists.

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The professor fucked up.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Checking the Web, Princess Crown the Vanillagears to OS's Vanillasaga was also multiple protagonists.

Wouldn't it be funny if writing singular protagonists was actually their weakspot?


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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Appearently Uma Musume (gacha game) added Edelgard von Horsevelg to the game. What makes it funnier is that the horse she's based off is nicknamed "The Tyrant".

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Alright, a Gladiator Headband. Thought Cid would be harder to defeat... or maybe the fact my team is already level 50 means I'm overleveled...?

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Man, tomorrow will be a busy morning... not gonna be able to play SRW V until the afternoon.


Prince Sharkin without a mask is... a thing, apparently.


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15 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


I didn't even see that as a typo I just genuinely misread that. Curse my dyslexia, I started that whole debate for nothing!

The debate may have had a little heat behind it, but I think it went to some interesting places. Aslo it mhgit not be dxelyisa, tehre is taht wlel konwn sudty aobut how ploepe can raed wrods as lnog as the fsirt and lsat lteter are the smae, and it has all the rgiht leettrs in it.


15 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I completely forgot that they were related. Prey tell what are the details.

I probably should have asked about the Bridget and Andre battle conversation too, as theirs is a more interesting one, but here is the one between Lex and his dad.


Langobalt: L-Lex... Vile traitor!

You would turn your Axe on your own Father?

Shame on you!

Lex: That's right... Shame on me.

Just like you always said...

This is fate, Father. Forgive me...


16 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Also historical & religious reasons worldwide. Stigma against cousin marriage is "relatively" modern.

That is a bit of a Eurocentric view on things, as a significant part of Asia has been opposed to cousin marriages for centuries.


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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A little lower than expected, but I get it.

The fumbling at the finale leaves a bad after taste in the end - I've seen worse fumblings, but leaving me scratching my head at the end and not having a proper final dungeon is eh...

Then again, unlike many others, i do love me a GIANT final dungeon, and i tend to celebrate them (except Tales of Arise's one, that one sucked major ass)

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

T'was just nice seeing you have fun

Thanks 🙂 

Dw depresso Shrimpo still exists

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And honestly I'm not sure I could give any any game I've played more than a 8/10.😆


Not many ever cracked he 9/10 barrier for me - usually those who do are my favs.

But ~8 is still a pretty good score from me. I tend to be pretty stricht with my ratings XD

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

He infiltrated Vanillaware! He's in there! Instead of working on VS1R, he's just gonna go to other studios making SRPGs and give them The Kaga!

…So should get the game or not?

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Unlucky 13. SMH at this not being a parody of the 13S key art or title screen.



3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Then again, unlike many others, i do love me a GIANT final dungeon, and i tend to celebrate them

I wouldn't say I mind them myself. Though I do have some inclination towards dungeon-crawlers, so perhaps that's to be expected.

There's one SMT final dungeon that I do conceptually (as in narratively) quite like and which isn't a gameplay slog -but then the game has random encounters so it's not like you'd ever play it.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Dw depresso Shrimpo still exists

...I never mentioned that during my entire binge of SRW GC last-month this-month, that I put off looking for a mental health counselor, did I?😅 I'm fine though. But continual "little delaying" like this is + cozy IRL circumstances are why I've been drifting aimlessly which can hammer my mind with regrets & etc. later.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Not many ever cracked he 9/10 barrier for me - usually those who do are my favs.

But ~8 is still a pretty good score from me. I tend to be pretty stricht with my ratings XD

For me, a 10/10 probably only exists in the higher plane where all ideas originate in perfected form before emanating imperfectly into this lower realm. ...Maybe not the best practical thing to include in a rating a system.😆

I tend to be fairly conscious of a game's flaws, even if I really like it and didn't mind the issues (call it being too considerate of other's opinions, perhaps😅). A 9/10 would possibly be defined as much by a very low degree of flaws, as it would be by my enjoyment of it. ...But then one of the first possible 9/10s that comes to mind according to this criterion is Super Mario Galaxy, yet I'm not sure I want to give it a 9/10. So maybe really I should just stick to a three-point 6-8 scale.😝

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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Then again, unlike many others, i do love me a GIANT final dungeon, and i tend to celebrate them (except Tales of Arise's one, that one sucked major ass)

This seems to be a Tales staple haha. Though Trails isn't much different, moreso later on in the series fairly.

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Hmm, trip to Tijuana and back.

I'm tempted to bring the Switch with me, but I don't really have somewhere to put it when not in use. Beyond its box. Never had the need to buy a case for it as with my 3DS... which, I could bring with me, but not sure what I'd be playing all throughout. Hard to choose, and I'd still rather hold on until online support finally kicks the bucket.

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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The debate may have had a little heat behind it, but I think it went to some interesting places.

I think it's important because casual misogyny or misunderstandings of women's struggles is still a very common implicit prejudice that persists even in progressive spaces. It's one of the leading reasons that many women don't engage in male dominated fandoms even if they are interested in the hobby, there's often an explicit prejudice or othering that occurs, even if they are otherwise good people.

This has been a thing since the early roots of feminism where revolutionary men would talk the talk of women's rights and suffrage, but during any meetings or otherwise where a woman was in a speaking or leadership role, there was always a sense of tension that could be felt in the room and a hesitance to follow along.

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Aslo it mhgit not be dxelyisa, tehre is taht wlel konwn sudty aobut how ploepe can raed wrods as lnog as the fsirt and lsat lteter are the smae, and it has all the rgiht leettrs in it.

I mean I didn't even know it was a word that existed then so that helped.


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man, are they trying to outFE FE with this writing lmao

Gameplay fun tho

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

why I've been drifting aimlessly


told my dad as much over a Phone call today

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

a 10/10 probably only exists in the higher plane where all ideas originate in perfected form before emanating imperfectly into this lower realm

For me one game i considered a 10/10 for...before fumbling right at the end. You know what game i am talking about 😛

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So maybe really I should just stick to a three-point 6-8 scale.😝

i find that too narrow myself xD

I have no problems giving a game a 2 if i think it deserves it lol

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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