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44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Would you elaborate on that?

on what exactly?

44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

let me know what's happening in the localization field that's so evil, because I frankly have no idea.

Localizers directly attacking & shaming the fans, answering honest questions by calling them names, being proud of pissing off fans - and more. If i even did 10% of what they did in my job i would be on welfare my whole life.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On the "I've personally worked with localizers and seen them do shit" part.

I didn't say localizers nor did i say i've seen them do shit (aside from the faulty end producs we tend to get lol, and how they interact with others and their holier than thou attitude)

I've said that what localizers do i learned is a big no-no and you never should do, but that i also did work on a completely different field hence not everything applying - although how some stuff still carries over across fields.

But i did learn about the difference between languages, and the nuances etc. - and that when translating, you've to be as faithful as possible, while taking in contextual language and culture (so that it would make sense in the other language) - and not inserting personal biases (as much as possible) or personal views into it.

I am not gonna say what field it is - But i will say again it is quite a different field.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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29 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I didn't say localizers nor did i say i've seen them do shit (aside from the faulty end producs we tend to get lol, and how they interact with others and their holier than thou attitude)

I've said that what localizers do i learned is a big no-no and you never should do, but that i also did work on a completely different field hence not everything applying - although how some stuff still carries over across fields.

But i did learn about the difference between languages, and the nuances etc. - and that when translating, you've to be as faithful as possible, while taking in contextual language and culture (so that it would make sense in the other language) - and not inserting personal biases (as much as possible) or personal views into it.

I am not gonna say what field or what it is - But i will say again it is quite a different field.

I see. I misread your post, my apologies.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Seriously though why is this a fucking option, there better be a Dark Alain route or something

It's a meme on the fact that many of the choices are basically this. It's not a legit option xD

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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Seriously though why is this a fucking option, there better be a Dark Alain route or something

If there is a dark Alain route I’ll totally buy the game and play it. Imagine a pure Prince becoming something evil via the player’s choices, I can see it now:


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16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's a meme on the fact that many of the choices are basically this. It's not a legit option xD

We know what you’d choose Shrimp-kun the Sinister.

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UO localization discourse has spilled onto JP



I may have just witnessed a public execution.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The producer approved, the opposite of what I heard about Metal Gear Solid 1. The original PS1 translation wasn't direct, which Kojima didn't like, so the GameCube remake MGS: The Twin Snakes was made with a more literal translation.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And as IO pointed out not everyone approves

Yeah but PS1 era was when this was acceptable


4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I can see it still called TARDIS, but it wouldn't be an acronym. Now more of a proper noun.

Or it's still an acronym that only works in English, but they mention the term in Japanese and still call it TARDIS. I think that's how they do oftentimes for cases like this.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tardis I feel is the kind of acronym that becomes so iconic people just think of it as a name. I figure they'd probably call it Tardis everywhere and just roll with it without thinking much about it.

In Spanish at least

yeah they keep "TARDIS" but the full phrase is:

Tiempo y Dimension Relativa en el Espacio

In English, it would be "Time and Relative Dimension in Space. TARDIS for short" but in Spanish, he says "TARDIS, para resumir" which literally translates to "TARDIS, to sum it up". Considering they're working with an acronym, the idea got across but obviously the actual acronym can't work in Spanish.

In German and Italian


and in French


so in French they actually got it working but French and English have a very shared history.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Consider how there are people out there who get extremely invested in arguing about Spanish dubs vs Latin American dubs. I'd say this is a human phenomenon.

Let's not even get started on the dialects. Because LATAM dubs tend to default to Mexico and Spanish is a mindfield language......well sometimes it may happen that the Mexican word or phrase that's innocent in meaning is actually super offensive in like, Chile.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They recently-ish had a remake of Tactics Ogre, right? That's about it, though. From what I can tell this game is basically a RTS Tactics Ogre with a Fire Emblem story. I can only hope that'll sate all parties involved.

Nah that's different (though part of the same series). Tactics is grid-based like Fire Emblem. Battle is the RTS one.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yeah how about no. Quite a few of them do actually speak the language, are japanese themselves and/or have contacts with jp peeps (or jp speaking peeps). Also in close contacts with fan translators that do actually provide contexts on why something was translated like that and teach us about language use or cultural context as well.

Fan-translators are also the kind of people who will literally translate a name despite only making sense in Japanese (see: early Fire Emblem translations).

It's a case-by-case basis.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And a good localization will cover that and change appropriately

A bad one will deliver a completely different meaning.

Problem is for these people it's never about the meaning, it's about whether or not it was an exact copy. Just found out today these nerds made a "retranslation patch" for SoV.




Fucking Dyute lmaoooooooooooooo like yeah that's her Japanese name but this the kind of shit these people want. They'd rather their bland-ass lines that only truly work for Japanese people become the standard than lines that make the text actually fun to read. Let me remind you SoV's localization was praised across the board for doing the exact same thing Unicorn Overlord is doing.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Localizers directly attacking & shaming the fans, answering honest questions by calling them names, being proud of pissing off fans - and more. If i even did 10% of what they did in my job i would be on welfare my whole life.

It's important to remember that localizations are usually not done by a single person but by a whole team. These teams will often work with the original creatives to achieve the desired vision. Not always but there's enough instances where it is the case that it can be said is common.

53 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Excelblem playthrough be like.

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I like how some of our dubs can get cheeky about it. Like, to use the TARDIS as example, there's a chance the dub could've gone:

"Or TARDIS, in English."

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55 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

We know what you’d choose Shrimp-kun the Sinister.

Men are corrupted by darkness

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah but PS1 era was when this was acceptable

Similar stuff still happens nowadays

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Fan-translators are also the kind of people who will literally translate a name despite only making sense in Japanese

I prefer that over completely changing their names

And fan-tl's don't just do that - they actually engage with the community and receive feedback - unlike some localizers that only seem intent on pissing off fans. You massively undervalue'ing the work fantranslator do and did. Most of the jp games you play and animanga you read/watch wouldn't be here without the fan translation era - and the decensoring of the bullshit we faced back then.

Oh yeah, localization discourse isn't a new thing  - has always been a thing and an official translation was more than often not - bad. Really bad. Especially in animanga (less so in games - infact some of the limitations translators faced back then (like memory limits) and how they dealt with is worth a read - unlike some of the bs we get today).

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Problem is for these people it's never about the meaning, it's about whether or not it was an exact copy.

Not really. Also case by case as you said and you're cherry picking the worst examples

Like UO's ain't the first discourse to spill over to jp but it's one of the rare  ones where jp diagrees with the complaints...and so far it seems most UO complaints are complete and utter bs (except the Gammel one - jury still out of that)

The last few cases jp side reaction was very different. Nice burn tho i admit

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

these nerds

We really returned to the days wherw nerd is being used as an insult again...by fellow nerds

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

They'd rather their bland-ass lines that only truly work for Japanese people become the standard than lines that make the text actually fun to read.

Only the minority complaints when that's the case - and that's why for example UO's ain't making waves like other loc did - i didn't even know there was a discourse until you pointed it out and i run in much deeper circles than you do - nobody truly cares about "hello" to "hello there", but we do care when meaning is changed or something is inserted.

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Not always but there's enough instances where it is the case that it can be said is common

No it's actually quite rare. Not many products are that lucky - especially the more niche you go

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

localizations are usually not done by a single person but by a whole team.

You'd be surprised by how small the teams can be - and how much one person can affect it.

Look at what happened recently with Jelloapocalypse - stuff like that happens way too often - and what most of us actually care about - and if we dare ask about it or voice concerns we not only get attacked - but they go all political virtue signally on us.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Monkey Island 2 had a little joke in the German translation that I quite liked. In a library, you can find a book with the title

"Der Säbel in der Tastatur"
Finstermänner setzen einen Übersetzer unter Druck.

("The Sable in the Keybord" - shady people are excerting pressure on a translator) - I would hazard a guess that this was not in the English original.

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On 2/25/2024 at 1:42 PM, Armagon said:

Won't let you. Saving Scarlett is like the Great Plateau in BotW, you gotta do that first before you can go into the lands beyond.

I get it, so Scarlett gives Alain a paraglider so he can leave Cornia without taking fall damage.

On 2/25/2024 at 2:07 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

The Z2 duology, for instance. Z 2-1 uses both Gurren Lagann and Getter Robo Armageddon. Both have their stories begin before their years-long timeskips. So what does SRW does? It has both casts and stuff end up trapped in some kind of... energy field or something, that engulfs part of the world. By Z 2-2 the field has disappeared... and viola, everyone is now their post timeskip selves to now continue their plots, while for everyone else it was a much shorter amount of time.

I should've considered the Hyperbolic Time Chamber method. I wonder what would happen if 3.0+1.0 ever gets covered... playable Gendo when?

19 hours ago, Armagon said:

Uhhhhh it's Vanillaware so it's selling like five copies 😔

Didn't 13 Sentinels sell a million copies? It must've been because of the yakisoba pan.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Seriously though why is this a fucking option, there better be a Dark Alain route or something

I look forward to the "Galerius did nothing wrong" discourse after Alain joins him.

This isn't related to anything, but it would've been cool if Ilenia was the main character.

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Oh god, scrolling through the list...

"Meins bleibt meins..."
...auch wenn es sinkt und kracht - Schiffsbesitz.

("Mine remains mine..." ...even if it sinks and crashes) ...except that it's also a carnival-related pun: Mainz bleibt Mainz, wie es singt und lacht - "Mainz (a city western Germany) remains Mainz, as it sings and laughs".

"Rettet dem Dativ"
von dem Tücken des Grammatiks.

...where do I even start. A little joke about German grammar.

"Gilberts verdammte Wortspiele"

(Translations - "Gilberts bloody puns") - Ron Gilbert being the lead designer of MI1 and 2. This book then explains two riddles that simply make no fucking sense in German.

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7 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

> Long Hair version

They know what's up.

7 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I should've considered the Hyperbolic Time Chamber method. I wonder what would happen if 3.0+1.0 ever gets covered... playable Gendo when?

Considering SRW has dabbled into the "multiple worlds" route, they can always have the plot pick up at the fourth movie while they're on their own world.

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9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Yes Shrimp-kun, waste the gold of your youth gloating while the desolation which surrounds you reduces to cinders those that nurtured and loved you. 

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Xenoblade if it was good


2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Similar stuff still happens nowadays

Nah. Not to that extent. Let's not kid ourselves. 

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I prefer that over completely changing their names

Changing names is like the least inconsequential thing generally speaking. Yeah calling the actually Japanese character "Mark" is weird but outside of that, like, it doesn't really matter that much. And besides



Arguably the most famous instances of a changed name. The former would not be anywhere near as popular if his name was that generic.

The only actually bad names are *looks at JoJo localization that changes things out of fear of copyright*

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And fan-tl's don't just do that - they actually engage with the community and receive feedback - unlike some localizers that only seem intent on pissing off fans. You massively undervalue'ing the work fantranslator do and did. Most of the jp games you play and animanga you read/watch wouldn't be here without the fan translation era - and the decensoring of the bullshit we faced back then.

Yes and then a lot of these people got official jobs too. Official localizers didn't just show up out of nowhere.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

except the Gammel one - jury still out of that

I saw this and it doesn't look that different. It's like more explicit in JP but i got the vibes anyway.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yeah and he got fired for it.

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Didn't 13 Sentinels sell a million copies? It must've been because of the yakisoba pan.

13 Sentillion copies.

But yeah it sold pretty well. The most for Vanillaware iirc.

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If I had a nickle for every time I've had a virus scare while hacking, I'd have two nickles.
Turns out the entire public repository has been marked as a virus site by Google? According to someone I've spoken to, it's been this way for a couple weeks. Huh. Hacking's tough shit, I guess.
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