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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Are you trying to say its OK to send death threats and harass people online because they "started it"

Yeah no i am not. I never said it's ok to do that.

But putting the blame solely on the fans when they get backlash and attacked for asking simple question is ignoring what's happening. I didn't say death threats are ok, don't put words in my mouth.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Are they "stating the whole mess" by allowing people to harass them by having to have a twitter account for networking purposes?


They started by attacking anyone who dare question their work (which is a normal thing in any work environment).

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Is responding to people spamming repeated questions on your person twitter, who do not bothering to check if you have a professional twitter account, or some official channels for asking those questions, "starting things" now?

It even happens outside twitter and in more spaces  actually relevant for such questions. Even real life events a simple question got met by name calling and humilation by localizers instead of responding.

And if they involve their personal twitter in work stuff, it ain't personal twitter anymore.

Anyone who acts like that in any other job would be rightfully fired. If they wantvto be treated like professionals they should act like ones. Dear god, don't you think i don't deal with annoying af clients? I don't tell them "you fucking idiots" to their faces - i either respond with a polite message or escalate to the appropiate channels.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

as these two very specific examples are...

FE is filled with bad loc

Gunvolt was a mess before a relicalization

All of NIS' library

Sci;Adv stuff

And that's just 3 seconds of thinking without me even searching or really thinking about it. And don't let me start on animanga

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

pedestal, when I have seen plenty garbo fan translations pushed out just to be the first, that don't give a shit about anything else

I've seen just as much garbo from official localization - including the "first" thing, yes it happened - and in fangroups there're efforts to fix bad translations quite often - not to mention i have to pay for the first, but not the second

And you're understimating how fangroups are the ones who made everything we talk about here even available and popular - without them jp stuff wouldn't have become as popular (especially the more niche stuff) nor would we even be talking about it here right now.

1 hour ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 I agree with a bunch of these such as how it's stupid to americanize some stuff (specially for things that are gonna be released in more place than in USA), that people should learn to deal with fiction and that it's very good to know how to deal with reality(and if you can't deal with it, then don't watch), that media from other places shouldn't be policed and it's great to have an insight in what's normal or not in other places, etc.

Then we should be pushing for it i stead of bullshit changes and justifying a bad job/reason/etc.

1 hour ago, ARMADS!!! said:

it's shit that this "has" to happen, but it's not the localizers fault, it's the fault of the government

You're understimating localizers and overstimating laws

1 hour ago, ARMADS!!! said:

? I can't think of any example of this, except for the infamous Ghost Stories.

That's actually one of the few good faith ones lol, since they were given free reign and it reached meme status lol

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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30 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That's actually one of the few good faith ones lol, since they were given free reign and it reached meme status lol

 Thinking back perhaps it was, I always felt as they made the thing with the baddest faith possible because they were given free reign, and that it ended up being so absurd that it became a meme, but tbf it was only a baseless assumption, there's a chance it was really in good faith. Lol, regardless of the intention they got what they wanted.


 Also, when you said I'm understimating localizers, how? Can they even decide that much about what changes and what doesn't? With the now possible exception of Ghost Stories, I never saw anything absurd enough to say it was made in a way that was trolling fans too, sometimes they put something that sounds weird in there (such as having Alfonse refer to his brother as "brother" in the Fullmetal Alchemist eng version, which feels weird cause no one calls their brother by "brother" in english while speaking to them) but I wouldn't say it's in bad faith at all (although answering fans in a rude way is something that I think they absolutely shouldn't do, unless if some fan is straight up rude as fuck to them while asking something in a public event or something), maybe the 4Kids stuff is trolling to some point but even then it might have been forced by the network or something, there's probably a lot of limitations in working as a localizer for some official material (and I bet that the more famous the thing is, the more limitations you have), you likely have a bunch of superiors and supervisors telling you to change stuff to fit into the country or whatever else, I find it hard that the team localizing it is at total liberty to choose what to censor and what to change, or that they can ask for feedback from the public before doing the job like fanslators can. All they can do is listen to people complain later (which doesn't excuse being rude, but looks frustrating), it's similar to when people start to complain about an illustration in feh and diss the artist, people got pissed at PenekoR for drawing CYL Adult Tiki in young Tiki's clothes (so much that they complained on twitter about death threads and the feh Reddit had to make a rule to forbid any dissing of art from the game in general) but it wasn't even him who decided that those were gonna be her clothes, he just was comissioned to draw her. 

 Also the only example I gave in relation to laws was the example in which they didn't do anything to censor something (the lesbian wedding in Steven Universe) and it was what got the cartoon banned in several countries of the middle east, not that I think it's right to censor this kind of stuff but it was surely banned duo to some kind of law (or at least heavy social pressure from parents in these places or something), the localizers can't have anything to do with it otherwise they could've just changed some things on the episode (or straight up not released this one at all).

 I'm not trying to sound confrontational here or anything, just really wanna understand better how it works, and how the localizers can be so bad in general (and how they act in such bad faith while doing the localizations), so I'm trying to clarify it with you since you seem to understand about the subject (and since it's you who answered the things I said, correcting it).

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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

But the localizers have the power here and they started the whole mess

Dawg you think they just submit the rough draft and that's it? That shit has to get approved and revised and etc.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Massively disagree. Not only because we're all not the same culture (in am not american don't americanize stuff for me),


I wasn't just referring to America. I meant the world as a whole. Hell even when Japan gets our games, things can get changed too. For instance, gory violence.

This can also apply to names, phrases, etc. If a character is named Chola, that shit ain't flying in El Salvador.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

think it's pretty funny ngl. Would've made for great memes.

Racist Mumkhar.

2 hours ago, ping said:

Oh, we passed the funny nicenice page of the thread without noticing. Folks, we failed at juvenile internet humour. We are a disgrace.

Aw man 😔

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

They started by attacking anyone who dare question their work

How many of these questions were in good faith?

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You're understimating localizers and overstimating laws

Gal*Gun got banned in Australia because it had panty shots.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


T-minus 10...

Man... the art on this game is so pretty (or official art FOR the game or whatever).

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1 hour ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Can they even decide that much about what changes and what doesn't?


They have more power than some think, especially on smaller stuff, and only after outeage reaches jp side stuff get's fixed.

1 hour ago, ARMADS!!! said:

was what got the cartoon banned in several countries of the middle east

If we take every cultural sensitivity into practice might as well ban everything.

I also find it very hypocritical from western companies to let their stuff gen censored in china or ME.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Dawg you think they just submit the rough draft and that's it? That shit has to get approved and revised and etc.

Some localizer, a jp one who works on translating stuff into english, talked about the topic at large and how that does actually happen.

So yes, it happens.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

How many of these questions were in good faith?

I will assume every question my clients ask me from now is in bad faith, let's see how fast i get fired. Oh wait the most i can do is complain private because that's what being a professional means.

Not to mention not everything is in bad faith, and considering the shitshows the fans faced since back in the days that still goes on today, even if in a different way, most grievances are pretty damn legit.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


T-minus 10...


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10 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Oh, ok! I was starting to think that someone made a fanslation and put that in for the lols. The hack is about what?

Last year I made a hack where you play through FE6 as Zephiel and kill everyone. It was a lot of fun, and a few people asked me if I'd do FE7 at some point, but I don't like FE7 so instead I'm making the FE8 version. Where you play as Lyon and...


Well, do this.

10 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Also, what the fuck isn't Klavier supposed to be german?! I never realized that before but guess it makes sense, let me guess he's american then on the original version?

Not exactly American, and he does travel to Germany, he just... doesn't use German words at random like he does in the American version.

And it really is only the American version. This led to the magical situation where I played the game in English, a friend played it in Spanish, and he kept reacting weirdly when I made references to Klavier's Germaness. This continued until I straight up sent him a screenshot to prove I wasn't insane, and we compared notes and realized we were seeing different Klaviers lmao

And yeah, I knew about the Klavier/Konrad thing. Honestly, I prefer Konrad. The musical name is a bit too obvious and the fact that his brother is just called Kristoph kind of ruins the naming scheme.

10 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

I still think it's pretty good overrall, they managed to replace every name and redo every pun and that alone look very hard.

Oh the translation of the pun names was definitely a great thing. Every name in JP was a pun, if they were just preserved as is that'd be a ton of humor and context that would be completely lost in translation.

...Then again, I've seen some of the more hardcore anti-loc folks claim that they genuinely would prefer "translator's note: Keikaku means plan" solutions to these kinds of situations because they "learn things that way." Which, to be fair, is not strictly wrong, but at that point you should just go with the original version and actually learn Japanese rather than some specific jokes and expressions here and there at the cost of immersion.

10 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Didn't know about the Benjamin Hunter thing to. LOL (seriously, wonder what was the idea behind that one)

I'm guessing Hunter because he hunts criminals down in the court of law and Benjamin because... uhhh... Well, I found this.

"His given name is "Benjamin" in the French localization, which is derived from the Hebrew for "son of my right [hand]" (i.e., "my favoured son"); this may be intended to reference the fame and success he garnered as a prosecutor. "Benjamin" is also a French noun meaning "the youngest individual of a group", possibly alluding to his status as young, but skilled, prosecutor."

Honestly, it's just a really fun name. Miles Edgeworth is perfect for the character, but Benjamin Hunter sounds like the name of the protagonist of a cop procedural show. Show's name being "Hunter."

4 hours ago, ping said:

Oh, we passed the funny nicenice page of the thread without noticing. Folks, we failed at juvenile internet humour. We are a disgrace.

Better late than never. Let us celebrate with Garon.


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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I've seen just as much garbo from official localization -

This gives me Reverie vibes. Arguably the most trash official translation i have ever witnessed. Its not bad enough with all the errors and memes, they clearly just couldnt handle a C/P job going from IV lol.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


T-minus 10...

Travis looks surprisingly feminine in this unless it's a completely different character.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

we take every cultural sensitivity into practice might as well ban everything.

I agree but I also think it's valid to some extent.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Some localizer, a jp one who works on translating stuff into english, talked about the topic at large and how that does actually happen.

So yes, it happens.

Then the higher ups approved the rough draft. Shouldn't have. But it's not the localizer's final call.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

will assume every question my clients ask me from now is in bad faith, let's see how fast i get fired. Oh wait the most i can do is complain private because that's what being a professional means.

You know that's not what I said man.

46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Which, to be fair, is not strictly wrong, but at that point you should just go with the original version and actually learn Japanese rather than some specific jokes and expressions here and there at the cost of immersion.

I prefer simply learning the expression through exposure.

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44 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Then the higher ups approved the rough draft. Shouldn't have. But it's not the localizer's final call.

This feels like an excuse to say "X side did no wrong", to me. Xd

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3 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Man... the art on this game is so pretty (or official art FOR the game or whatever).

I honestly have no idea how many artists Vanillaware employs (maybe I should rewatch the credits of one of their games), or if it's above the average for a developer their size. But it was founded by two artists, and Vanillaware seems to enjoy letting them express themselves in these one-off drawings.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Travis looks surprisingly feminine in this unless it's a completely different character.

Look at the other guy's muscles- while still tightly defined, as much as the rest of this artwork, they're cast in a softening luminosity. Although it could still have well been a conscious choice the gentle brilliant aura permitted, to create a stronger contrast between the rugged, teeth-missing, hulking physique, and the sly, smaller thief.

*Sees artist's name. Checks GrimGrimoire to see if they contributed anything in the gallery there to see if Hirai has a specific style.* ...Two contributions, one of which is something of a match. (Although other artists I can compare between what they've posted for the UO countdown and what they included in GG aren't of the same style.)

Also, doing a cursory look, Hirai was one of the two character artists for 13 Sentinels. I think I can see similarities.

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

This gives me Reverie vibes. Arguably the most trash official translation i have ever witnessed. Its not bad enough with all the errors and memes, they clearly just couldnt handle a C/P job going from IV lol.

Sshhh don't complain or you are a bad nerd.

Didn't someone with legit complaints (although more on the technical side rather than localization side) get their issues dismissed and ouright was called a liar?


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Then the higher ups approved the rough draft. Shouldn't have. But it's not the localizer's final call

The localizers still have aloot of freedom, and hence, the biggest part of the blame.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

You know that's not what I said man


Just like you assume bad faith in every question from the fans i had to assume the same here 😛


Fyi, i decided to dip into one of the worst places on the net to check on the UO complaints and even there there was pushback against the complaints (and that place is an absolute shithousery that complains about everything) - it's a nothingburger, unlike some of the other real/legit complaints that actually have merit.

You owe me mind bleach.

Some more jp peeps were chiming in tho, including some big names, but the voices were more natural - most likely to maintain professionalism.

52 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

This feels like an excuse to say "X side did no wrong", to me. Xd


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16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sshhh don't complain or you are a bad nerd.

Didn't someone with legit complaints (although more on the technical side rather than localization side) get their issues dismissed and ouright was called a liar?


I'm bad because I know they are capable of something better? XD Like, at least in III's case i can say they had to remake the groundwork for everything, past that point no excuses.

Yeah, with the fishing minigame lol

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And of course: Link Attack:


was clearly their favorite Link Skill (Side note that Link Attack doesn't actually DO anything, so it's a wasted slot. Can you guess the other 4 empty skills? lmao)

This was present in the translation only, so they fucked the file clearly when importing text. XD How the hell, I have no clue though.

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7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


But putting the blame solely on the fans when they get backlash and attacked for asking simple question is ignoring what's happening. I didn't say death threats are ok, don't put words in my mouth.

You don't start talking about who started things when all people are throwing around is reasonable questions...


7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


They started by attacking anyone who dare question their work (which is a normal thing in any work environment).

These question aren't being asked in a work environment. If I were to guess, this point is why these questions are met with such hostility, as most people don't like their personal time-off repeatedly invaded with "work questions" that they aren't being paid to respond to.

How would you respond to strangers trying to turn your weekend into unpaid overtime responding to innumerable lay people's complaints about your work?

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It even happens outside twitter and in more spaces  actually relevant for such questions. Even real life events a simple question got met by name calling and humilation by localizers instead of responding.

You make it sound like one of these people stalked one of the localizers, to then bring their twitter harassment to them in person.

Am I reading that right, did someone not get a response on twitter, track down a place the localizer was appearing in person, all to then force them to answer the question in person? Was this name calling the localizer accurately describe that behavior as rather creepy, and stalker-like?


7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


And if they involve their personal twitter in work stuff, it ain't personal twitter anymore.

When you complain about work here, does that make this a work account for you too?

Does other people posting questions about your work against your wishes forcefully transforms a personal account into a work one?


7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

FE is filled with bad loc

Gunvolt was a mess before a relicalization

All of NIS' library

Sci;Adv stuff

And that's just 3 seconds of thinking without me even searching or really thinking about it. And don't let me start on animanga

I am guessing the bit of context where you are laying down some very extreme and specific cherry picked behavior as the norm there (specifically localization that went behind the original creator's back to intentionally change things, or received so much backlash the original creator intervene to "fix" them) was lost between posts.


7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

 in fangroups there're efforts to fix bad translations quite often - not to mention i have to pay for the first, but not the second

And you're understimating how fangroups are the ones who made everything we talk about here even available and popular - without them jp stuff wouldn't have become as popular (especially the more niche stuff) nor would we even be talking about it here right now.

I have lived through enough fan translation efforts that die on the vine or in drama to know there is a lot more chaff than there is gold in fan translation. Hell the translation with Eltosian in it died well before it was finished; it took almost 20 yrs to get a Genealogy of the Holy War translation all the way to the ending, and it still pretends it is in beta despite no updates in years; and it would depress me to think about how many Thracia Translation projects I got excited about over the years before they silently died without releasing anything, and even when one finally did get results it explded into drama. The ones that make something even slightly reasonable (I pointed out in the last post some clear places where a lot of things came into existence that weren't reasonable) are not the norm. I find your view massively skewed by the survivorship bias of fan translation groups.

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Ehhh, lets not be Irish nationalists too early, don't want to pull a reverse UK on the Scots, Welsh, and Anglish in this timeline. This shall be a multicultural empire united by faith and region!

Ignore the fact that all the English and Welsh Duchies are owned by Irish nobles because they didn't let me choose local rulers.


The life of this queen was truly insane. She outlived all her daughters, defended successfully against an invasion of thrice the Empire's military size and managed to best it with the defense of all the combined Duchies and Petite Kingdoms armies from peasants to nobles on her side. And she declared the new Empire of Celtia and was crowned it's first Empress. She lived to be older than any member in her dynasty had before, pushing strong at 72 without even becoming an Infirm yet.


Empress 'The Adèle Tuatha Dé Danann' of Celtia.

I might call the run there honestly, I feel that's a satisfying climax to the Dimasaigh dynasty. I know there's outta be more stuff to do like keep this new Empire stable, continue trying to defend against hostile Catholic Europe, the Bubonic Plague, and whatever else but I feel ready to move onto other sections of the map.


9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Damn, and then you win a defensive crusade out of no where? That is kind of impressive, as those things can cascade into a real disaster.

Yeah I definitely didn't save scum every time my army lost a battle.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

This can also apply to names, phrases, etc. If a character is named Chola, that shit ain't flying in El Salvador.

Yikes. With the new president you'd be arrested on the spot for affiliating with Gang members with that kind of talk.


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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, doing a cursory look, Hirai was one of the two character artists for 13 Sentinels. I think I can see similarities.

I got the vibes from that art too.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I can't believe Pokémon Z is real after all, pft...

The last time a Nintendo game was revealed that far in advance was Tears of the Kingdom.

2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I'm bad because I know they are capable of something better? XD Like, at least in III's case i can say they had to remake the groundwork for everything, past that point no excuses.

Yeah, with the fishing minigame lol

NISA's known for it's issues though. Other companies like 8-4 and Xseed are more highly regarded.

58 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

These question aren't being asked in a work environment. If I were to guess, this point is why these questions are met with such hostility, as most people don't like their personal time-off repeatedly invaded with "work questions" that they aren't being paid to respond to.

How would you respond to strangers trying to turn your weekend into unpaid overtime responding to innumerable lay people's complaints about your work?

It also wouldn't surprise me if said questions are asked with hostility outright. "How come you don't care for the source material".

52 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Ehhh, lets not be Irish nationalists too early,


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10 hours ago, ping said:

Oh, we passed the funny nicenice page of the thread without noticing. Folks, we failed at juvenile internet humour. We are a disgrace.

You’re drunk ping, go home.

10 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

In the end it's worth it for the meme value and it also ended up making the anime famous as the jap team wanted but... Obviously a crack dub made for trolling purpouses... I can't think of any other case like this lol.


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I didn't forget. I just didn't have the time.

Spain Day 5: Vigo/Santiago de Compostela @Saint Rubenio  @Interdimensional Observer


And off we went


The park at Santiago de Compostela





the town





and off to the cathedral/museum














We then returned to Vigo





the food court at the mall was 95% American chains (we ate at Popeyes).

I'll put up Day 6 later.


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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And off we went


I can't believe you used a vehicle. I'm going to assume you heard of this at the city, but people walk for days through northern Spain until they get to Santiago on foot. They call that the Path of Santiago. It's actually a rather big cultural deal in Spain.

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Just watched a video on feudal feasts in Japan.:

  • Three rounds of three drinks of sake served in bowls -shiki sankon- began each feast. The bowls usually shared between two people, be it close comrades, makers of a shared oath, or enemies looking to do some symbolic tension-easing diplomacy.
    • Some appetizers were present, but unless the drinking went on for a really long time, most the snacks were outright inedible or intended to be pretend-eaten.
  • After this, often some gift-giving between host and honored guest (vassal and liege) and some Japanese theatre, where food might be served. 
  • The main banquet later on, was done in a style called honzen ryori.
    • Three trays would be presented to each person (seated on the ground according to their place in the social hierarchy). 7 dishes on the main tray in the center, 5 on one of the side trays, 3 on the last.
      • On the occasion, a fourth tray would be presented, but never called "fourth", owing to the Japanese four-death homophone, it was the "additional tray".
      • Each tray also gets a soup. Plus a rice bowl and salt cellar in the center tray.
      • Each tray had to have five colors: yellow, green, red, white, and black.
      • Sometimes, each tray would come with two side trays, variations on the primary trays.
    • First, one took time and admired the food. Only after that, did one -very ritually- start eating.
    • Most of the dishes on each tray were outright inedible due to inedible "ingredients" or were not supposed to be eaten even if you could.
      • Being so elaborately prepared to look so beautiful, it would be considered extremely rude to actually eat of these dishes. And Japanese society has been traditionally big on etiquette.
      • At most, you'd again symbolically pretend to eat.
    • The only things you were actually supposed to eat were the soups, the rice, and a few of the side dishes, namely the pickled vegetables and sashimi/sushi.
    • After the banquet, an after meal -godan- would not infrequently be held, consisting of normal Japanese dishes. Because looking at food and not eating it for what must've been hours, must've been reallllly annoying. I know I would not have appreciated that at all.

Not sure if I would've liked this, but with Vanillaware's delectable art being spoken of as of late, I found it befitting.😆


10 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Arcaded courtyards, the interplay between indoor and outdoor, between shadow and light, a transitory space, subtle yet refreshing.

Thanks for sharing.😀

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