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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Man, counteracting the piss filter really does make a world of difference.

Between all those GBA mods, surely someone must have fixed the colors at some point.

See, the problem there is the same as with changing the lance family of weapons to spear. Everyone is used to the weird unfiltered colors, so changing them would inevitably result in a solid 10-20% of the thread's posts being "WHY IS THE COLOR WEIRD" and having to explain that over and over, and then another solid 10-20% being people asking you to make a version of the patch that has the normal colors, and in the end the thing just causes more hassle than anything else.

So, I say, the mGBA filter is there. People can use it if they feel like it.

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:


Yes, yes, yes! I can't echo this enough, Crow.

You haven't fawned over Touma's shirtless yet jacketed Carnage form, I have.

Most video games have been made by straight men for straight men. The only eye candy they want is girls girls girls. They usually give those virtual beings belonging to their own gender entirely/mostly practical designs, and are more willing to design impracticality for the opposite.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Indeed! Since the GBA was so dark, GBA games were made with vibrant, bright, washed out color palettes to compensate. They weren't intended to be super bright, but they needed to be so you could actually see something on the console. Emulators, of course, don't have this problem, so they display the games in their original, not-exactly-intended glory.

However, mGBA, the current best GBA emulator, comes packed with a shader you can turn on that simulates the GBA's darker lighting. Trying it on explains a few things. Check this out: FE6 as most of us know it on emulator on the right, vs aproximately what it looked like in original hardware on the left.

mGBA_-_FIREEMBLEM6_-_0.9.3_01_03_2024_15_37_39.png?ex=65f45e53&is=65e1e953&hm=97c2886a5a79b8495c57e220b142c9d52779e12d2d6f495896cb807043be9cfc& mGBA_-_FIREEMBLEM6_60.1_fps_-_0.9.3_01_03_2024_15_37_31.png?ex=65f45e53&is=65e1e953&hm=e62bcbdd52a899f1991256b1312668e56322b375c6e54b77c51b14f2f9a71e6a&

It's a world of difference. That looks much better. It's also quite noticeable in the portraits. Using the earlier example...


The purples on his hair become gray, the dark purple outline becomes black and the yellows on his face become a more natural skin color.

The last time I played GBA FE, it was either emulating Binding, or SS on my 3DS, which would've also had unintended brightness. Although owning a GBA SP, and I probably got used to the jaundiced flesh loooooong ago.

Perhaps this would explain why, to a degree...




...Blazing's character designs are less boldly colored than Binding. Perhaps IS thought they overdid it with Binding (the opposite of Castlevania, where Circle of the Moon was considered too dark, so Harmony of Dissonance became kaleidoscopic vomit). Although it could just be a maturation of the Elibe aesthetic, akin to how RD toned down PoR's character coloration.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Note that, with this filter on,Vigarde still looks yellow. It's actually even more noticeable when everyone else actually has more realistic white skin.

Would make a lick of sense for a reanimated corpse. I guess.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Xenoblade X bros, i don't feel so good.......

Even under the benevolent ownership of Nintendo, Monolith is still destined to produce unfinished works.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Blazing's character designs are less boldly colored than Binding. Perhaps IS thought they overdid it with Binding (the opposite of Castlevania, where Circle of the Moon was considered too dark, so Harmony of Dissonance became kaleidoscopic vomit). Although it could just be a maturation of the Elibe aesthetic, akin to how RD toned down PoR's character coloration.

Sacred Stones further darkened the sprites, with darker, more contrasting dark tones and an almost black (if still purple) outline. Yeah, I feel they were probably figuring things out in FE6 and gradually dialed it back over the following GBA entries.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Would make a lick of sense for a reanimated corpse. I guess.

Fairly certain the intention was to make him look very sickly. It's just a bit less noticeable when everyone is yellow.

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8 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Was it the 1970s 20 years ago Shrimp-kun?


7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Why, as a worker, spend far more time than what is reasonably good for one's mental health to do everything perfectly when you can do good enough and the only people who will notice are those more mentally invested in the project than you could ever have time for.

it's called being a professional

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

that all translation is a form of interpretation

Wrong - Some might be, but not even close to all. And Rewrites are definitely not "interpretation"

The best kind of translator is one who is ....invisible...who you don't see in the product you get.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

My question for you is who are you most inclined to side with? Who do you relate to the most?

the fans - even as one who is unhappy with the shit system.

People pay with their money and get a product - have every right to complain with something they dislike and air grievances - and if said "minimum" wage workers responds to questions with namecalling, swearing and hate on the fans, then they aren't free of blame - and honestly lose all my sympathy. If you get question on the wrong communication channel, then point to the right one or block. If you use the wrong communication channel yourself (ie private account) then you just made that communication channel the defacto right one.

And don't attack the fans - attacking the fans and gloating about your bad job is why we are in this mess to begin with.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Turns out everyone has Major Loptyr Blood!😈 The entire continent is cursed (blame Manfroy)! And the 2nd Gen is a conscious attempt is restore the lost holy bloodlines which could then carry out the Great Bloodletting in the ending. During which the Major Crusader Blood kids would turn themselves into magical blood filtration machines for the entire continent, enduring the burden of cleansing the Loptyr in literally every human on the continent as it streams into and out of them. For several hours everyone in Jugdral would become one great circulatory system as the process of cleaning out the demon blood increasingly accelerates. I just hope one isn't squeamish about the sight of all those gushing geysers of red soaring through the air, and yes, a little gets on the floor and peoples' clothes.🩸😜

Omg so edgy

where are you hiding all tha - strange question, don't answer xD

4 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

So... We are accepting no QA at all anymore? Xd and whats worse: for a fair amount of money!? Yeah no, somebody getting paid to do their job should do it.


3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Because you claimed that behavior was the norm, and then doubled down when I pointed out that you were cherry picking some very extreme behavior as the norm.

no i did not - or we misunderstood each other - because not even every example i posted had a retranslation.

What i posted were some examples of translations seen as bad/awful.

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

, because you keep making it sound like harassment is going on


Someone pointing out mistakes in translations is harassment how?

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Add to that you having to look onto unsavory site to get more details about localization drama, which I suspect are the kind of site that regularly organize harassment campaigns

I had to because i wasn't even aware of the drama Armagon pointed out - and i am knee deep in animanga and gaming communities and i always get this happening very fast - only to find even said unsavory side not finding the translation bad.

Or "Nothingburger"

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It seems a lot like they are surfing in with legitimate complaints on a wave of harassment, and getting indignant when they are rightfully treated like a part of the wave they rode in on.

them happening concurrently doesn't mean they approve of each other or tolerate each other - the communities are vast, varied and wide.

Ya know, last year during the Engage "drama" - you know who else complained about the translation? small parts of the LGBTQ community - and they pointed out why (The translation in some ways had less LGBTQ than JP version - which is why all the "woke" complaints made me laugh lmao.) - are you gonna put them in the same wave as people who harass translators or alt right bigots? When they don't wanna be near each other and hate each other?

Stop putting all people in a box.

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

If someone who purchased one of your client's product tried to circumvent your client to dictate how you should do your job for your client, would that be reasonable?

Sometimes they try - i point them to the communication channels.

If i do anything else - and that including responding to them in an offensive way and attacking them - oh boy i will be in a damn mess.

We have very clear & strict guidelines on how to deal with that.

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

(like sending it through the company they worked for, or to a specific space they set aside for complaints, etc.)

And discussing it in gaming forums don't count? Or in review spaces? That's some of the little tools we players/fans have. Making grievances loud and discussing them is a legit way to do so - or might as well delete gaming forums and review spaces because some abuse them.

And you know how fandom communities are - how hard and sometimes toxic they can be - and aside from kicking out unwanted people, we can't ban them off the net - we're not a monolith.

2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I imagine like always, it'll just get ignored lmao.

Thanks for standing for me at least XD


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

You underestimate how people will do the minimum sometimes because the job doesn't pay enough. 

...It makes me feel bad that i have standards even in a job i hate lmao

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14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Most video games have been made by straight men for straight men. The only eye candy they want is girls girls girls. They usually give those virtual beings belonging to their own gender entirely/mostly practical designs, and are more willing to design impracticality for the opposite.

that is because that's the demographic of most gamers.

That said - there're alot of genres out there that have a different target demographic - and offer their own eye candy. I think it's very wrong to target one demographic's games instead of trying to popularize other games and make it so anyone can find what they want.

Then again, talking with people from shoujo/otome circles they don't exactly want their stuff to become more popular - by that i mean, they would like for it to become more popular yes - but they saw what shitshows mainstreamfication leads to and want none of that - especially since they have just as degen and problematic stuff lol, if not even worse.

Or an artist friend of mine told me: "Take the normies back - why are they coming to shoujo now?"

Something targeting only a certain group is not a bad thing - and it's good that it's that way - so stuff can be more varied and everyone can find what they like/what they are in the mood for.

....Then again, i am someone who dips into Shoujo and Otome stuff, what do i know.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

See, the problem there is the same as with changing the lance family of weapons to spear. Everyone is used to the weird unfiltered colors, so changing them would inevitably result in a solid 10-20% of the thread's posts being "WHY IS THE COLOR WEIRD" and having to explain that over and over, and then another solid 10-20% being people asking you to make a version of the patch that has the normal colors, and in the end the thing just causes more hassle than anything else.

So, I say, the mGBA filter is there. People can use it if they feel like it.

Sure. But that's really just putting a bandaid on it. At least I would assume that IS didn't halfass things so much that every texture can be fixed at once with a simple real-time filter.

And I can't imagine anyone thinking the game is actually supposed to look so freaking yellow. Yellow buildings. Yellow floors. Yellow walls. And frankly, yellow grass.
07.png map6.png

I do find the weapon shop in particular really interesting. It's directly lifted from Thracia. But of course on the GBA it looks as if it's practically the same color as the floor.

Edited by BrightBow
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32 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

that is because that's the demographic of most gamers.

That said - there're alot of genres out there that have a different target demographic - and offer their own eye candy.

I'm aware. I've seen yaoi character designs.😛 One dude described by his artist as intending to fulfill that classic alluring adjective trifecta- tall, dark, handsome. Another as extra thicc.😜

32 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I think it's very wrong to target one demographic's games instead of trying to popularize other games and make it so anyone can find what they want.

I haven't any qualms with bishoujo (the correct term for dating sims for heterosexual males, no?) specifically. But if an anime game is intended to be "mainstream" (such as Trails), could it pleeeeeeeease then truly offer eye candy for everyone?🥺

I suppose, in my selfish heart, that's all I really personally want.😆 

When I saw the news about Riviera two nights ago, I was thinking to myself as I had before. About how, despite the gameplay jank, I enjoyed the eager adventurous spirit in the game. And how I liked that it was entirely in the adventuring moments that Ein's bonds with his female companions were sent up and down, nooooo quiet scenes just between him and one of them off to the disconnected side. But now, me being who I am, I can only wish there was a exactly game like that -but gay. (Or even had one gay companion that was decently written, I'd settle for that.) Yet such a game probably doesn't exist, and probably won't.

32 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Then again, talking with people from shoujo/otome circles they don't exactly want their stuff to become more popular - by that i mean, they would like for it to become more popular yes - but they saw what shitshows mainstreamfication leads to and want none of that - especially since they have just as degen and problematic stuff lol, if not even worse.

Or an artist friend of mine told me: "Take the normies back - why are they coming to shoujo now?"

I get it. The games expressing solely the desires of straight women and queers lay on the margins of gaming, lacking the pervasiveness beyond their little genres that bishoujo gets. They don't want to lose their itty-bitty worlds where they can indulge themselves.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But if an anime game is intended to be "mainstream" (such as Trails), could it pleeeeeeeease then truly offer eye candy for everyone?🥺


I wouldn't call Trails mainstream tho - it has a pretty clear target demographic, especially the modern Titles.

But you have something like FE - it is slowly getting better with that. Good!

More fanservice for everyone - yes! Reduction of fanservice that targets a certain demographic - no, that i am against.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But now, me being who I am, I can only wish there was a exactly game like that -but gay. (Or even had one gay companion that was decently written, I'd settle for that.) Yet such a game probably doesn't exist, and probably won't.

Pretty sure it does - but probably not translated. But if you dig deep enough into the BL genre...wew.

Or that too dating simy for you?

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They don't want to lose their itty-bitty worlds where they can indulge themselves.

They see what's happening in our worlds and are like - NOPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Sadly, even they are also getting targeted atm, to make them more "safe" 😞 

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32 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Sure. But that's really just putting a bandaid on it. At least I would assume that IS didn't halfass things so much that every texture can be fixed at once with a simple real-time filter.

IntSys halfassed... What? Again, the whole reason of the textures looking like that was an unavoidable hardware limitation. Of course applying a filter that simulates the lighting conditions of the GBA is going to fix the looks. The filter is how they looked on the GBA, it's emulators lacking the hardware issue that are the problem here. What, you wanted IntSys to fix the GBA's lack of backlight themselves?

35 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

And I can't imagine anyone thinking the game is actually supposed to look so freaking yellow. Yellow buildings. Yellow floors. Yellow walls. And frankly, yellow grass.
07.png map6.png

Everything is yellow because the yellows become brown-ish when the lighting is less saturated. Just look once more at the screenshot I posted.


The yellow tiles outside Etruria Castle become an ocre tone much closer to the floors of Thracia you just posted there. The greens are brighter but much more clearly green, and the blues aren't nearly as loud.

Again, this filter is not me fixing the game. It's how the game looked originally. At least, as I understand it.

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59 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

he best kind of translator is one who is ....invisible...who you don't see in the product you get.

99% of people will not notice.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

...It makes me feel bad that i have standards even in a job i hate lmao

If the worker is to have higher standards, then the employer should set those higher standards to begin with.

57 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

that is because that's the demographic of most gamers.

Worth noting that girl games are almost never made.


26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But if an anime game is intended to be "mainstream" (such as Trails), could it pleeeeeeeease then truly offer eye candy for everyone?🥺

Funnily enough, with what i've seen, Xenoblade tends to have a higher female demographic than male.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

IntSys halfassed... What? Again, the whole reason of the textures looking like that was an unavoidable hardware limitation. Of course applying a filter that simulates the lighting conditions of the GBA is going to fix the looks. The filter is how they looked on the GBA, it's emulators lacking the hardware issue that are the problem here. What, you wanted IntSys to fix the GBA's lack of backlight themselves?

IntSys could solve world hunger, cure cancer, and bring peace to all nations of the world and BrightBow would still find some way to say that they half-assed it.

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12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I mean, Tifa always won, even setting the The Old Spoiler aside. Not say to Aerith couldn't have developed independent feelings for someone like her old boyfriend ...but he's why she first took to Cumulonimbus Conflict. (I've only played through FFVII once, so forgive me if my memory is off.)


But the original and Advent Children always left it ambiguous, now it's clear cut.

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That ship sailed years ago. If things won't stay faithful, let it be entertaining at least.🍿

12 hours ago, Armagon said:

Buddy is surprised after seeing all the changes Part 1 made? Ngl i'm impressed.

Remake added a bunch of unnecessary shit but there was hope SQEX would course-correct. Said hope was squashed.

This is Rebuild of Evangelion all over again. A fake remake that fails to understand what made the original good and the only good thing about it being more merchandise, fan service and shinier graphics.

Sorry Lightchao

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I haven't really followed Remake and Rebirth, though I have seen the criticisms that Rebirth is ReFiller. Going off my memory of VII, that would make sense. Midgard was a tight opening, but the hours that followed after that and before the Forgotten Capital... felt too loose. Rather directionless, feeling like low stakes or chill? Just the heroes chasing after SephyActuallyJenova, bumping into other things along the way. I could conceive of the possibility that once Re3 (Rejuvenation? Regeneration? Recycle? Replete? Resound? Redo? Reborn? Rebuild? Repeat? Repetition? Resident Evil?) is out and the dust settles, that the trilogy will go Best-Worst-Mixed in terms of retrospective reception.

I think it will be exactly the opposite (mixed-worst-best), since the third game will have enough material to avoid the pitfalls that these first two fell into. Unless they manage to fuck up in colossal proportions, which I don't doubt.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait, people actually expected that plot point to be preserved? I'm not even a FF fan and I could've told you they were going to change that.




10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I don't do Trails stuff anymore and you know it xD

Who knows when someone decides to dig up things from the past to attack others. In December last year an old friend was accused of being a Nazi in a video by an ED because of a comment on Titanfolk from 2021 when chapter 139 was released (he was just pro-rumbling). Just showing a little concern that you might still have some bad blood in the fandom.

10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Was OP smoking something lmao

Also Akiha route RE when?

Don't fuck it up, Mushroom

We will receive updates on the status of the remake in August of this year, trust the plan.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


The purples on his hair become gray, the dark purple outline becomes black and the yellows on his face become a more natural skin color. Note that, with this filter on,Vigarde still looks yellow. It's actually even more noticeable when everyone else actually has more realistic white skin.

This just reminded me that he is a bearded, middle-aged man with gray hair. Ruben, you don't talk about Duessel enough.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Again, this filter is not me fixing the game. It's how the game looked originally. At least, as I understand it.

How could a filter even do that? It just runs everything through an algorithm before the output.

You could have a patch that restores the colors if you knew what the original colors were supposed to look like. But a filter?

And some early screenshot most certainly suggests colors were meant to be more like the Thracia colors then the washed out colors of the filter.

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

99% of people will not notice

that's not a good excuse imo

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Worth noting that girl games are almost never made

isn't that mostly western side.

10 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

ust showing a little concern that you might still have some bad blood in the fandom.

Thanks - and something similar to what happened to your buddy also happened to me with Trails a few months to a year after i left the fandom. Although it was less name calling and more impersonation lol

10 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

We will receive updates on the status of the remake in August of this year, trust the plan


10 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

1st tweet

Oh boy....

I caused enough discussions here the last few days i am not gonna chime in on this - that said, you probably know where i stand xD

10 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

2nd tweet

In character lol

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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Worth noting that girl games are almost never made.

Gaming has historically been a culture that's not friendly to women. Y'know, because Big G Gamers are a bunch of misogynists. This leads to less women wanting to get into the culture, which means the folks producing it market their stuff to women less often, which leads to Big G Gamers feeling satisfied in the fact that gaming is biologically not for women. Self-fulfilling prophecies galore.

15 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

This just reminded me that he is a bearded, middle-aged man with gray hair. Ruben, you don't talk about Duessel enough.

I really don't, but not to worry. I shall give him the worthiest of deaths in the new hack.

13 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

How could a filter even do that? It just runs everything through an algorithm before the output.

You could have a patch that restores the colors if you knew what the original colors were supposed to look like. But a filter?

I did say it "simulates" the original GBA's lighting. It's an aproximation. An accurate one, from what I've gathered, but an aproximation.

13 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

And some early screenshot most certainly suggests colors were meant to be more like the Thracia colors then the washed out colors of the filter.

This is indeed an early screenshot. Perhaps from before they realized this color palette would make the grass look like swamp goop on the GBA's dimly lit screen, and the villages would be an indecipherable dark shape?

...Hey, I just noticed, the female mercenary world sprite is there. It survived all the way to FE8, where it's still an unused artifact in the files. Huh.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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31 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I wouldn't call Trails mainstream tho - it has a pretty clear target demographic, especially the modern Titles.

And Estelle fits into this demographic how? Or the guy who did the maid crossdressing once?

31 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

But if you dig deep enough into the BL genre...wew.

...Did you do a deep dive for me which you wish you hadn't? I apologize then.😅

31 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Or that too dating simy for you?

I mean, I'm playing through A Gaijin's Persona Knockoff right now.

...But dating sim as in implying a visual novel, yes. I'll hold off for now. If I degenerate to the level of an outright h-game VN, I've one in my crosshairs that hasn't been released yet. I shall let that be my baptism in purest text-heavy filth.😆


8 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I think it will be exactly the opposite (mixed-worst-best), since the third game will have enough material to avoid the pitfalls that these first two fell into. Unless they manage to fuck up in colossal proportions, which I don't doubt.

Good point. We'll just have to wait, and, see.😄

10 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:


If overplaying is the problem, then how is the final battle of the trilogy going to feel truly breathtaking? If Sephiroth has been shown and fought to death, how will that possibly make the last, death-dealing & closure-giving confrontation with him actually feel special?🤔

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26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And Estelle fits into this demographic how? Or the guy who did the maid crossdressing once?

That's why i specified modern Trails

Not like stuff targeted to men can't have female MCs xD

That said, the main reason Estelle was the MC was because they wanted to have something different - Kondo's words, not mine.

And crossdressing is not unpopular - across jp media enjoyers anyway lol

26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Did you do a deep dive for me which you wish you hadn't? I apologize then.😅

not a deep dive - just a shallow look. Was curious what bara meant in my younger fandom days


And you don't need to apologize, my fault xD

Also light contacts with fujoshis

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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50 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

-1st tweet-

Jesse what are you talking about?

50 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Remake added a bunch of unnecessary shit but there was hope SQEX would course-correct. Said hope was squashed.

Why would they?

40 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

that's not a good excuse imo

You said that a good localizer would be invisible. I'm pointing out that even if they sucked ass, they would still be invisible for 99% of the population.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gaming has historically been a culture that's not friendly to women. Y'know, because Big G Gamers are a bunch of misogynists.

It was also seen, and still is to an extent, seen as nerd culture, which typically is dominated by men because it kinda just developed that way.

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You said that a good localizer would be invisible. I'm pointing out that even if they sucked ass, they would still be invisible for 99% of the population.

1% is still not invisible:p

Ok, but dor real, i think more than 1% notice it, especially the really bad ones

But eh

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

You underestimate how people will do the minimum sometimes because the job doesn't pay enough. 

This again, is an excuse. How about giving me a good reason? Lol 

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18 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Anyway, I'm assuming the other date scenes don't have a kiss, then?

Maybe they took writing advice from Falcom, only the main girl gets a kiss (until the last game, but at that point Tifa is the only romance option).

16 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although I think the odds were stacked that playing blind, you would be very very very very very likely to get stuck with Aerith -or so I heard.

Aerith starts with the highest points by default and gets priority if there's a tie. Her event might also be the longest I think, and it's the one I got on my playthrough. One detail I like:


Tifa likes Cloud more if he shows concern for Aerith, but Aerith likes Cloud less if he shows concern for Tifa.

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The A is probably a reference to AZ, but they have certainly been willing to introduce new legendaries to the Legends game, so perhaps we do have a new letter legendary incoming (perhaps one to replace Arceus, the Alpha Pokemon's role...)

The A in the logo appears to have roots on it, so a Yggdrasil themed Legendary would be interesting. If nothing else, Eternal Flower Floette might be obtainable after twelve years of existing.

3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Remake added a bunch of unnecessary shit but there was hope SQEX would course-correct. Said hope was squashed.

I admire the faith you had in Square even if it was unfounded.

3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

This is Rebuild of Evangelion all over again. A fake remake that fails to understand what made the original good and the only good thing about it being more merchandise, fan service and shinier graphics.

Sorry Lightchao

While I agree that Rebuild technically isn't as good as the original series--the shorter runtime meant they didn't have as much time to flesh things out--I think it was decent on its own. Rei should've gotten more screentime though.

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Gentlemen my resolve is falling me. I’m now mildly interested in actually buying Unicorn Overlord out of sheer morbid curiosity, despite feeling that the story is a bit too utilitarian for my tastes. 

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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5 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

This again, is an excuse. How about giving me a good reason? Lol 

That's actually a very good reason lmao. Do you know how exploitive American-based jobs can be?

If you ain't paying my worth, I'm only gonna do the minimum. Executives were freaking out at this "quiet quitting", which is "oh my employees don't go above and beyond and are content with just doing the bare minimum, why???????"


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