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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think the endorsement from Liz Cheney is a sign that it's happening. She was always a Never Trumper Republican but not only has she endorsed Kamala Harris but also the guy who's running against Ted Cruz. It's one thing for someone to endorse the Presidential candidate of the other party but doing so for downballot as well?

Either way once Trump dies, the real schism will begin. He has no successor, because anyone who's tried becomes a laughing stock. See: Ron DeSantis and JD Vance.

Trump losing the election again may even cause it already. One of the reasons they put up with him for long was due to his drawing power. It's shown the GOP does worse when Trump isn't on the ballot. The expected 2022 Red Wave that ended up being more of a Red Ripple being good proof of that. But even that is petering out of its effectiveness. And as you said, the movement won't live long once Trump is gone, and he doesn't have much left as it is. Even if he were to win this year and makes true of this threat of a lifelong presidency... well, it'd be a miracle he'll even be of sound mind by 2028.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

good in the sense that he's not a fucking fascist.

just a war criminal

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


So Falcom gave Nintendo the news/footage, but allowed Ninty to decide whenever without warning it wanted to showcase Sky?🤔 I wouldn't think Nintendo to not give a heads-up in advance.

There's a mistranslation here - Falcom knew it was gonna be in the direct, but didn't know when the direct was.


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Nina not being here suggests reasons.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

It is worth noting that Dick Cheney did not actually endorse Kamala Harris but this is the strangest timeline. War criminal voting for the opposition to his party, meanwhile the largest police union or whatever endorses the convicted felon (it's because he promised to give all cops federal immunity).

Still something to see.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Either way once Trump dies, the real schism will begin. He has no successor, because anyone who's tried becomes a laughing stock. See: Ron DeSantis and JD Vance.

Well, it's early days yet on the potential schism, wouldn't be so sure there won't be an attempt to cling on for dear political life.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


So Falcom gave Nintendo the news/footage, but allowed Ninty to decide whenever without warning it wanted to showcase Sky?🤔 I wouldn't think Nintendo to not give a heads-up in advance.

So they were given it, I'd assume had the permission to show it and did so as part of a direct that came out early as plenty of people figured would be the deal, but Falcom were not let know it'd be then.

Guess Falcom aren't on the list of devs in the know for the 2itch.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Honestly "Earthen Lord" doesn't sound half-bad for a class name. Not so much b/c dirt-elemental, but more aristocracy rested on land ownership and "earthly affairs" being a phrase for matters of this world and not the supernatural/religious. Earthen Lord would emphasize "I am one with this realm!", in both physical landscape and metaphysical existence senses -and sure it can be aesthetically/magically Rock-Ground type if it wanted to be.😛

  Yeah, it could also emphasise the sheer control someone has in Archanea to be able to commandeer an Earth Dragon, if admittedly Ashnard beat them to it.

And of course they'd be such an affront to Pyrathi, you'd have an easy war right there.

46 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

There's a mistranslation here - Falcom knew it was gonna be in the direct, but didn't know when the direct was.


2 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Seems like the Mina doll is now always in Yoko's place. I think it used to only appear if you had Aria of Sorrow in the GBA slot on the DS.

All those touchscreen gimmicks are still so annoying. Can't wait for Julius Mode.

RIP dual-slot Rare Ring

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17 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And of course they'd be such an affront to Pyrathi, you'd have an easy war right there.

Wait, how?

17 minutes ago, Dayni said:

RIP dual-slot Rare Ring

At least you can still get the ring. Imagine if dual-slotting was the only way...

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Gust delivers as usual


Rami OP


That was a fun final boss - just wish the game prepared me for it better using the other bosses xD

Thoughts after the final item synth

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Maria's pigeons are basically winged piranhas. Everything made of flesh they strip down to the bone.

I do like how their solution to allowing Richter and Maria to squeeze through tight spaces was to simply heavily shorten Maria's collision so she can just walk through them. Love that kinda bullshit.

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Alright, this is it. Time to finish SRW X! Just two maps left... and one of them is the Gurren Lagann finale!

If you think Z3 was going overboard with Chirico using his handgun, then X tops it thanks to...

this. LOL

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I still don't understand Dracula's instant kill attack in Portrait of Ruin.

Like, does pushing the hands back depend on the number of hits or is it a matter of raw damage?

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Trump really out here trying to make a America a "tariff country" as if tariffs weren't one of the leading causes of the American Revolution.

4 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

just a war criminal

He's like Churchill but without the racism (ok maybe Bush is a little bit racist idk). Awful but compared to the alternative?


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Portrait of Ruin is awkward in how they handle the health of the partner bosses.

You would expect those bosses to either have a shared health pool or that the surviving one would continue the fight solo.

Instead it's neither of those things. If either of the bosses reaches 0 HP, you win. So you basically kill Loretta so hard that Stella also dies, despite the latter never receiving a scratch.

I guess it isn't too different from say, the Ornstein and Smough fight in Dark Souls. The only health bar that matters is the one from the first boss to reach 0 HP. All damage to the other boss is wasted.

It's just... Dark Souls has life bars for bosses. It's transparent about it. Portrait of Ruin doesn't. So you have no way of knowing that it works that way.

The absence of lifebars is also just really strange about those games in general. Classic Castlevania games did have boss lifebars. Why get rid of them?
Considering you have levels and stats and whatnot, your attack power can vary widely. So more so than any traditional Castlevania game it's important to know if you are actually making any progress against your opponent.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:


I think despite his cratering approval rating in his second term, Bush is looked back on as "the last good Republican President", good in the sense that he's not a fucking fascist.

It kind of disgusts me a little that Trump has sunk the bar so very low underground that dubyah is considered good.


6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Then P4Remake ...and then the possibility of resurrecting the old trilogy would open again.

I still don't see P4Remake happening. P3 only got away with another remake due to the ambiguity of which of P3P or FES was the definitive version, and P4 Golden has always been considered the definitive version of P4, and is still available on a lot of platforms.


6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(Adding a calendar to Oldsona would be like breaking up Genealogy's big maps- a radical move that would likely both attract and detract potential players. Not to mention the story issues with a calendar. Things get a tad zany later in P2, hard to have normal school & hang out life when the public at large knows 20th Century German Dictator is back and has literally invaded their city.)

They would have to change so much fundamentally about Oldsona to try and force the Newsona mechanics into it, that it would be almost as much work as a brand new game. I just don't think they will put in that kind of effort for a remake.


All of @BrightBow comments on the DS Castlevania games is just reminding me that all three of those games blend together in my mind, such that he describes a thing from one game, and I keep thinking it is from one of the other three...

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Teehee drop



So Sophie 2....

Another Atelier game i pick up - another one that's the 4th game in it's Quadrilogy.

What can i say about the game...

It's a game that almost does everything it sets out to do right!

Like, if a series i am into or something more to my tastes was done on the same level, it would probably be one of my fav. games of all time. I can imagine it's one that ranks quite high amongst Atelier fans.

I honestly have no big/major complaints with the game.

But let's talk a bit about the game - not much tho

The Alchemy in this game is super fun - the Elemental tetris and how you need to combine everything to get the item you wanted is pretty fun, especially later on when you get the bigger boards with the different effects and you just go on elemental tetris'ing.

If i have one thing to complain about concerning Alchemy is that you can't create multiple items at once (like in Lulua) - but i can imagine that's pretty hard to with Tetris - and you have duplicate anyway if you need an item multiple times - but you can't do the wholesale thing.

Gameplay - dungeons and the whole weather thing were fun, and i liked the whole Aura thing in combat, but did they really have to give us 4 AT Delay characters xD. Also weather in combat could've been used better.

Characters were fun - especially Rami - and story was fine...but ya know, i think worldbuilding could've done much better. The NPCs should've had names and stuff, and the quests connected to them instead of the whole guild thing. Would've made me care about the world more. I think that's the one thing the game was turly lacking - world building and NPCs.

Music good as expected of Gust - but it is the one aspect where i find it weaker than Lulua. But still pretty high quality!

All in all, it was pretty fun - and makes me excited for the series' future - maybe i will become a bigger fan of the series instead of just playing a game every know and then? Who knows. Yumia is looking pretty cool!

Atelier Rami when?

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Awful but compared to the alternative?

i get what you mean, but please don't forgot how many people died because of that fucking asshole Bush

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Trump really out here trying to make a America a "tariff country" as if tariffs weren't one of the leading causes of the American Revolution.

-And the so-called "Tariff of Abominations" led to the Nullification Crisis of 1832-33. During which secession was threatened, but ultimately not carried out.

That said, the Republicans of Lincoln's era did stand by protective tariffs as a normal part of their policies. The nascent industries of America had to be protected from British/European manufacturing dominance. The Republicans still used "free trade" as a smear phrase against Democrats in the late 1800s. Though by then with the Second Industrial Revolution, the notion that America's industries were still in their infancy was wearing pretty thin. As Hoover tried to address the start of the Great Depression, Congress passed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930, which made major widespread tariff increases. Other countries reacted by enacting their own protectionism, causing international trade to shrivel up, worsening the global economic collapse.

The resurrected protectionism of our time has become bipartisan though. Perhaps because the average American no longer feels economically secure enough to place their faith in free international markets?


27 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I still don't see P4Remake happening. P3 only got away with another remake due to the ambiguity of which of P3P or FES was the definitive version, and P4 Golden has always been considered the definitive version of P4, and is still available on a lot of platforms.

-But some people might say P4 is now the oldest of the bunch and could use a facelift to put it more evenly alongside 3 & 5. Plus it'd be guaranteed profits for Atlus, which is a strong incentive to do it.

27 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

They would have to change so much fundamentally about Oldsona to try and force the Newsona mechanics into it, that it would be almost as much work as a brand new game. I just don't think they will put in that kind of effort for a remake.

They almost certainly wouldn't. -But then, they'd easily lose out on a huge chunk of the current Persona fanbase, which means less sales, and companies like money. So, it'd come down to Atlus being generous, charitable, and that somebody at the company would have to be willing to take it up as a labor of love. Not impossible (Like anyone was demanding Shadows of Valentia? -And within Atlus, why did they make Soul Hackers 2?), but by no means guaranteed.

27 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

comments on the DS Castlevania games is just reminding me that all three of those games blend together in my mind, such that he describes a thing from one game, and I keep thinking it is from one of the other three...

Were three DS Igavanias really necessary?🤔 Especially after three on the GBA. -I guess it was some old-time frequent-iteration game development, like how there were eight Classic and X and six Battle Network Mega Man entries. Something you don't see so much nowadays with development time and costs having gone up.


11 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

It's a game that almost does everything it sets out to do right!

Like, if a series i am into or something more to my tastes was done on the same level, it would probably be one of my fav. games of all time. I can imagine it's one that ranks quite high amongst Atelier fans.

I honestly have no big/major complaints with the game.

Happiness is great to read about.😄

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So... funny thing.

Unlike V and apparently T, X does forces the protagonist on the final map. So the end deployment is 25 units (plus the 4 battleships), not 24. Uhhh... welp. I don't think I have enough to outfit a final unit, so I guess I'll do without the 25th, then.

Reminds me of my Alpha 1 playthrough. Where I couldn't field one of my planned units (Macross' Hikaru) for the final part of the final scenario... some reason. The game would freeze up if I did. To this day I still don't know why. Only thing I can think of is he got shot down in the previous map (the second part of the final scenario), and I didn't reload. So I ate the repair cost. But apparently that bugged the game out when trying to field him again? As I said, I don't know.

Well then. At least for the second playthrough I'll know better. Although, whoever I add to complete the team will be lagging behind in some areas, like the Kill count. Ah well.

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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

t kind of disgusts me a little that Trump has sunk the bar so very low underground that dubyah is considered good.

I was only vaguely aware of what a President was when Bush was around. Like, i knew who he was but i was also 7.

I know of his crimes tho. At least the big ones.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:




1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:


What a terrible day to have emotions.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

I can imagine it's one that ranks quite high amongst Atelier fans.

A lot of people who don't like how Secret was turning out really latched onto this one.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

i think worldbuilding could've done much better. The NPCs should've had names and stuff, and the quests connected to them instead of the whole guild thing. Would've made me care about the world more. I think that's the one thing the game was turly lacking - world building and NPCs.

Honestly same but also i feel like you got a bit more out of this game if you played previous Mysterious games.

Anyways Mysterious peaked here. Granted, i feel like i need to give Firis a second chance but Sophie 2 is really good without having the asterisk of requiring you to play at least one previous game, as opposed to Lydie & Suelle which is really good if you've at least played Firis.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

i get what you mean, but please don't forgot how many people died because of that fucking asshole Bush

Oh no, i fully understand what he did (even if the act of toppling Hussein was objectively correct, that man was a monster). But as Eltosian has pointed out, the bar has fallen so incredibly low.

56 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Perhaps because the average American no longer feels economically secure enough to place their faith in free international markets?

I'm not even sure why tariffs are even being suggested, apart from Trump's idiocy. America is the most powerful country because


but anything that relies on imports for one reason or another will suffer if we implement tariffs. Especially tech, you wanna pay double for Taiwan's microchips? Don't have to pay tariffs if you annex Taiwan before China does.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Were three DS Igavanias really necessary?🤔 Especially after three on the GBA. -I guess it was some old-time frequent-iteration game development, like how there were eight Classic and X and six Battle Network Mega Man entries. Something you don't see so much nowadays with development time and costs having gone up.

The release schedule that the Iga games had is just nuts. Same with Megaman X. Basically yearly releases, then suddenly nothing at all.

With so many games made, you'd think they made all the money in the world. But nope, apparently sales went down.

Why not slow down then, so as to not oversaturate the market? Instead of, you know, suddenly stopping completely.

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Okay, this was funny.


Ende finally shows up.

Ende: I AM ENDE!!!

Party: Ah, finally, we knew you would show up!

Ende: You did? WTF!?


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Yes, give me that JAM Project fix, game.

Ah, that's the spot.


I did it... I did it! Woohoo! It's done, I've beaten SRW X! Well, the Normal End, at least.

Wait wait wait, huh.


Yazan and Rakhan are with the group during the farewell scene. I mean, the characters do bring up that everybody not present with them are also returning to their home worlds, so it's not like they need to be there. So... why are they there, then? Would've been neat if they had been playable beyond that single DLC map, then. With Mashymre and freaking Gremmy being playable, what's adding Rakhan and Yazan (again) to the pile, then.


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Honestly I find it hard to believe.

12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wait, how?

I meant that if there was some human kingdom where the king had an earth dragon as a mount it'd raise the , though preferably before SD.

7 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Why not slow down then, so as to not oversaturate the market? Instead of, you know, suddenly stopping completely.

A conclusion reached that there was no point, thus have the staff redirected to what will do better money wise is my first guess.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Honestly I find it hard to believe.

Someone does the calcs a little lower in the comments, this definitely requires Filla's Might boosting her damage, her to be at least a little strength blessed, with solid support bonuses to damage (at least an A attack boosting support with capped str, but even with the max A and B attack boosting support she would still need str above her averages), and it is only two damage lower than the maximum it is possible for her to deal. Really its the use of Filla's might instead of just going for the regular dance that makes it look so ridiculous.


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