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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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12 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Yeah that doesn’t make the statement any less pretentious. You wanna see the full quote? It’s much worse. 

Being pretentious is not the same as being racist.

1 minute ago, Father Shrimpas said:



Going down the memory lane, this is a rpg maker game i played like 5 or so years ago

i dunno what reminded me of it, but i remember really enjoying it haha

Looks like a Kemco RPG. Don't mean that in a bad way, I used to kill time at school by playing Kemco RPGs.

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1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

Yeah and so are a lot of stories. There is no such thing as an original idea anymore. If it’s not a direct copy paste then I don’t see the issue also you just can’t beat Takeshi Obata’s art. That man mentored Yusuke Murata. The man is one talented manga artist

Both stories have protagonists who discover they have the power to kill people via describing how they die in a book, experiment to see the limitations of this power, use the power for their own perverse pursuit of their idea of justice, use the power to kill criminals who get away with crime, become obsessed with the power, become suspected criminals by the police, and finally use the power to kill off lots of people in an elaborate scheme. I’m pretty sure if the Ballard estate could sue and would actually have a legitimate case. Harlan Ellison sued the creators of The Terminator for having the very specific plot concept of a time-traveling assassin robot and he would have probably won his case if he hadn’t settled outside of court with the film studio.


Edited by Wraith
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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Looks like a Kemco RPG. Don't mean that in a bad way, I used to kill time at school by playing Kemco RPGs.

This one is a free rpg maker game, however xD

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.


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14 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Anime is a genre.

Wow way to generalize an entire fucking subset of animation based in Japan. It’s like saying western animation is a genre. It’s not. Animation is a complex medium. Anime(at least in western terms) refers specifically to animation originating from Japan or any kind of animation that takes heavy inspiration from it most notably in artstyle. Anime can be any genre from fantasy to horror to slice of life to romance. Anime itself is not a genre it’s just a shorthand term to refer to Japanese animation.

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4 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Harlan Ellison sued the creators of The Terminator for having the very specific plot concept of a time-traveling assassin robot and he would have probably won his case if he hadn’t settled outside of court with the film studio.

I mean, that just sounds like the creator being an asshole at that point. Especially given that Terminator is a pop-culture icon, at least the original movies.

Which does happen, authors can also get pretentious and try to sue other people if it looks like someone did something similar. See the time Universal Studios sued Nintendo because they argued the premise of Donkey Kong the arcade game was plagiarizing King Kong.....even though Universal was not the original creator.

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49 minutes ago, Dayni said:

As for Super Thracia, I understand the restart.

My partner didn't continue uploading their part, so I saw this LP being cancelled.

Would like to restart because I pretty much forget all the content.

It's been almost a half year when I touched it the last time.

It will be blind after chapter 8x.


Also finally we have come back to the actual purpose of this thread.

Edited by Jules Necrofantasia
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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Being pretentious is not the same as being racist.

No but saying that all anime is the same even when it branches out into different genres and that it doesn’t hold a candle to the like of western literature kind of is

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4 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

No but saying that all anime is the same even when it branches out into different genres and that it doesn’t hold a candle to the like of western literature kind of is

Nah, that's still pretentiousness.

Racist would be arguing that the Japanese are genetically superior when it comes to voice acting, which I have seen one person unironically claim. Thought it was a troll at first but he kept going, claiming that anything that has voice acting ever that is not Japanese dubbed is inferior.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean, that just sounds like the creator being an asshole at that point. Especially given that Terminator is a pop-culture icon, at least the original movies.

Which does happen, authors can also get pretentious and try to sue other people if it looks like someone did something similar. See the time Universal Studios sued Nintendo because they argued the premise of Donkey Kong the arcade game was plagiarizing King Kong.....even though Universal was not the original creator.

He had a legitimate case of plagiarism, enough at least to get his works acknowledged at the end of the movie and a cash settlement outside of court. If I wrote a story where the protagonist had the power the kill people by writing down their specific death in a notebook I’d probably get sued for copyright infringement, even if the story ended up being nothing like Death Note. The fact that the main concept of the story is very similar to Death Note would be grounds enough to have it’s creators successful sue me in a court of law. People are inspired to write in a similar vein to their favorite stories, but still copyright laws exist for this very specific reason.

Edited by Wraith
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8 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Wow way to generalize an entire fucking subset of animation based in Japan. It’s like saying western animation is a genre. It’s not. Animation is a complex medium. Anime(at least in western terms) refers specifically to animation originating from Japan or any kind of animation that takes heavy inspiration from it most notably in artstyle. Anime can be any genre from fantasy to horror to slice of life to romance. Anime itself is not a genre it’s just a shorthand term to refer to Japanese animation.

This is not my decision. People have treated it as such for a long time. Go on any streaming service not dedicated to anime and under genres there will be anime. People refer to themselves as anime fans not referring to just the style of animation. You yourself compared anime to culture, meaning it at least has similarities in and of itself. You cannot blame Wraith for referring to it how society, or at least outside of anime circles (which is the vast majority of society I would say, but correct me if I’m wrong since I know next to nothing about anime), and you cannot complain about generalizing all anime after just comparing all of it to one culture just because now it benefits you.

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9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I probably shouldn't...but...how frequently would you expect LP material from me?

The issue with my partner was that we played frequently (one map each of us per week), but he didn't update it timely, so at the end we were about four maps ahead of the update of the LP.


A chapter / update doesn't have to be done every week; but if an update could be done at the latest one week after playing the chapter, it would be cool because otherwise I will forget the content after more time has been passed.


I haven't played and updated more than a chapter peer week, and this wouldn't change in the retry.

Though I would accept less frequent progress in the LP.



If i wasn'T doing the pme maybe i could've joined in...

then again super Thracia is...something

It's fine!

Focus on your Conquest LP, it sounds already hard enough.

I don't expect beating Super Thracia anyways.

Though a bit support would be great.

Edited by Jules Necrofantasia
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Even if it wasn’t, preferring western literature to anime is absolutely not racist because it has absolutely nothing to do with race.

And if it is, Ottservia admitted to being racist by saying western media didn’t appeal to him as much, so......


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1 minute ago, Wraith said:

He had a legitimate case of plagiarism, enough at least to get his works acknowledged at the end of the movie and a cash settlement outside of court. If I wrote a story where the protagonist had the power the kill people by writing down their specific death in a notebook I’d probably by sued for copyright infringement, even if the story ended up being nothing like Death Note. The fact that the main concept of the story is very similar to Death Note would grounds enough to Have it’s creators successful sue me in a court of law. People are inspired to write in a similar vein to their favorite stories, but still copyright laws exist for this very specific reason.

Yeah but just because you legally can doesn't always mean you should.

Easy example, how Nintendo treats fan games. Nintendo is 100% in their rights to sue and issue DMCAs but that doesn't mean they aren't assholes for doing so.

Just now, twilitfalchion said:

If similar concepts between creative media weren't enough to infringe on copyright law, then Kaga wouldn't have been sued for making TRS.

Tbf, what Kaga lost the lawsuit on was more of the name. There were two lawsuits, one of which aruged that "Emblem Saga" would confuse people who were trying to buy Fire Emblem. 

Btw, if you haven't read about it, a similar thing happened with Universal vs Nintendo where the former argued that Donkey Kong would confuse people with King Kong.

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So, when do we expect Morgan Robertsome's Estate sues James Cameron because his Titanic film is too similar to Robertsome's The Wreck of the Titan.

Or sue the White Star Line for making the ship with similar name, specs, and stuff, and had the gall to have it sink, like Robertsome's Titan.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

If similar concepts between creative media weren't enough to infringe on copyright law, then Kaga wouldn't have been sued for making TRS.

To be fair, they also sued him for Berwick saga, which is just....Huh? 

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

So, when do we expect Morgan Robertsome's Estate sues James Cameron because his Titanic film is too similar to Robertsome's The Wreck of the Titan.

No, he should sue the company who owned the Titanic for copying his boat!

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3 minutes ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:


A chapter / update / doesn't have to be done every week; but if an update could be done at the latest one week after playing the chapter, it would be cool because otherwise I will forget the content after more time has been passed.

Alright I think I can work with that.

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