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54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fuck I lost faster this time.

Guess it's too late to be playing Fiya Emburem. I'll continue tomorrow.

Tomorrow you something to look forward to: Conquest chapters! It starts at 6. I know you can get there! Even chapter 6 is so fun...

Anyway, good night! The Conquest cult has bigger plans for you, you can’t have a bad night and be scared away from Conquest... no....

32 minutes ago, Benice said:


I feel you. Just hang on, divine pulse is your friend...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good. The dumber the better. I'm loving this.

What‘s sad is that the recruitment and Kaze’s character good have been really good, but no...

On a completely unrelated note, since I just thought of it, if you reclass Camilla from any class that isn’t Malig Knight, she will use the generic model for that class from below the head, so you’re good!

Except for ninja and master ninja. She uses Kagero’s model for those classes for... reasons...


So do I, but I don't want to fix it at this point, this is glorious.

Oh I agree, that was just curiosity. This will define your run.


I'm all for it, she's exactly my type.

A horrible unit with a literal Fire Emblem: Fates design that has abs almost as cardboard as her personality?


I love the dragon vein mechanic. At first I was like "ohhh so this is that Sun God's Wrath mechanic that lets you freeze all the enemies!", but as it turns out, dragon veins have a good bunch of different uses in its origin game. I dig it.

I will be so glad if you become a conquest fan too as long as you don’t toxic-ly rant about the story actually being good. Or anything for that matter.


Dang all this conquest posting might be tempting me... A very small part of me wants to try to get Citra running just because not being able to save before endgame. That’s probably my biggest flaw with the gameplay if I’m being honest.

But I know my laptop can’t handle that...

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Dang all this conquest posting might be tempting me... A very small part of me wants to try to get Citra running just because not being able to save before endgame. That’s probably my biggest flaw with the gameplay if I’m being honest.

But I know my laptop can’t handle that...

IMO it's worth a shot-My old-ish computer could do pretty decent with it despite being practically unable to play DS games. Maybe yours will be the same?

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I feel you. Just hang on, divine pulse is your friend...

I'm not gonna lie, it hasn't even been the hardest chapter, or the worst one. Chapter 12 was way harder-I only 1-turned it out of borderline necessity.

The paralogues have been infinitely worse.

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15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

A something something that has abs


...What? I'm sorry, just because I like to very loudly rant about fanservice doesn't mean I'm entirely immune to it.

Besides it's not like she's FE's best example or anything. Malice > Rinkah any day.

I probably should regret writing the last two paragraphs.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The Conquest cult has bigger plans for you, you can’t have a bad night and be scared away from Conquest... no....

If Kabbãge's true form did not scare me, nothing will.

Ryoma's head will roll for causing Ninja Luigi's death, though. Rest assured of that.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Oh I agree, that was just curiosity. This will definite your run.

Considering nobody else seems to have the same issues, I imagine my ROM is just corrupted. Which is fine, I love it. I'm waiting for the inevitable moment when Garon glitches out and we reach peak hilarity.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

as long as you don’t toxic-ly rant about the story actually being good

Are you kidding me? If these first four chapters are any indication of what's to come, I won't be caught dead defending it.

That does not mean I don't love it. Everyone is so stupid, I had the dumbest smile through every cutscene. It's too much fun.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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8 minutes ago, Benice said:

IMO it's worth a shot-My old-ish computer could do pretty decent with it despite being practically unable to play DS games. Maybe yours will be the same?

Here’s to hoping my laptop doesn’t die!


I'm not gonna lie, it hasn't even been the hardest chapter, or the worst one. Chapter 12 was way harder-I only 1-turned it out of borderline necessity.

I love chapter 12! It’s a nice difficulty. At least, on hard.


The paralogues have been infinitely worse.


Yeah, I would expect that. Dorothea/Ingrid, Hanneman/Manuela, the DLC paraloguea you don’t have access to...

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...What? I'm sorry, just because I like to very loudly rant about fanservice doesn't mean I'm entirely immune to it.

Besides it's not like she's FE's best example or anything. Malice > Rinkah any day.

I probably should regret writing the last two paragraphs.

I was making fun of Rinkah’s character, her fanservice surprisingly wasn’t the target.

And good on you for liking Rinkah!

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If Kabbãge's true form did not scare me, nothing will.

Ryoma's head will roll for causing Ninja Luigi's death, though. Rest assured of that.

Kabbãge x Kaze

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Considering nobody else seems to have the same issues, I imagine my ROM is just corrupted. Which is fine, I love it. I'm waiting for the inevitable moment when Garon glitches out and we reach peak hilarity.

...just keep a backup of your save... or 10...

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Are you kidding me?


3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If these first four chapters are any indication of what's to come, I won't be caught dead defending it.

That does not mean I don't love it. Everyone is so stupid, I had the dumbest smile through every cutscene. It's too much fun.

I wish I had that mentality going into Fates... would have been so much more enjoyable.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

And good on you for liking Rinkah!

's abs. I don't know enough about her for much else.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Kabbãge x Kaze

Ah yes, my favorite ship: Kabbãge.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

just keep a backup of your save... or 10...

Wise advice. We never know when Kabbãge will decide to hold my saves hostage in exchange for child sacrifices.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I wish I had that mentality going into Fates... would have been so much more enjoyable.

Without a doubt. There is no better mindset for something like this.

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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Here’s to hoping my laptop doesn’t die!

FYI, Decrypting the ROM is really hard on my laptop, so watch out for that.


11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I love chapter 12! It’s a nice difficulty. At least, on hard.

Mage Raphael broke it.

I live a sad existence.

11 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Yeah, I would expect that. Dorothea/Ingrid, Hanneman/Manuela, the DLC paraloguea you don’t have access to...

So far, the worst maps, with 5 being the worst of the worst:

  1. Hunting by Daybreak
  2. Chapter 4
  3. Ingrid/Doro paralogue
  4. Monocle/Hanneman paralogue
  5. Chapter 5

I'm probably forgetting a few, but chapter 5 comes to mind first for reasons I haven't enjoyed Maddening very much.

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I wish I had that mentality going into Fates... would have been so much more enjoyable.

I mean, IMO stories should focus more on being fun than "good." Like, Age of Calamity does some really stupid stuff at times, but I love it all the more for it.

...And I also play bad games for fun. Soooooooo...

Edited by Benice
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Still thinking about how Lea CrossCode is like, the best silent MC I have ever seen. She's like the perfect blend of personality and canonical reason for being silent.

5 minutes ago, Benice said:

I mean, IMO stories should focus more on being fun than "good." Like, Age of Calamity does some really stupid stuff at times, but I love it all the more for it.

Replace "fun" with enjoyable and I agree. That sounds interchangeable but not every story that is enjoyable is also fun. Case in point: horror movies.

This is all subjective tho.

Let's just say it's a case by case basis and what determines if a story is "good" depends on a variety of factors.

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27 minutes ago, Benice said:

I'm not gonna lie, it hasn't even been the hardest chapter, or the worst one. Chapter 12 was way harder-I only 1-turned it out of borderline necessity.

Curious, why so?

I can safely say I didn't find 12 all that hard beyond the first turn, keeping in mind some of my units were in Tier 1 classes because masteries. RaD on the other hand was a definjite trial for me.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

's abs. I don't know enough about her for much else.

Well you have to be her abs’ enemy on Conquest, all though she survives the battle if you kill her or circumvent her, never to be seen again.


Wise advice. We never know when Kabbãge will decide to hold my saves hostage in exchange for child sacrifices.

Well that would require you to use the S-support mechanic 😉

11 minutes ago, Benice said:

FYI, Decrypting the ROM is really hard on my laptop, so watch out for that.

How do I watch out for it?


Mage Raphael broke it.

I live a sad existence.

The bench is always waiting...


I mean, IMO stories should focus more on being fun than "good." Like, Age of Calamity does some really stupid stuff at times, but I love it all the more for it.

My opinion on this is the same as most things: in moderation. Stories shouldn’t take themselves so seriously that they’re boring and/or cringy, but they also shouldn’t not try.

Edited by Sooks
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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

How do I watch out for it?

I guess I meant "Be patient." Because your computer might freeze during the process. So don't do it when you need to be doing something else on the computer.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The bench is always waiting...


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11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Curious, why so?

I wasn't able to deal with all of the incoming fliers and ballistae plucking away at me. Chapter 13 was basically me hiding in the corner and trying to avoid making enemies move.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

GC/Wii, DS and PS2 have great emulators as well, but that's where you begin to need a beefier computer to be able to run them properly. Citra is for an even more modern system, so I can't say I'm that surprised.

I still don't understand this criticism. My old mid-2012 MacBook was running DS games smoothly last year, a slight hiccup once in a while, but otherwise I didn't notice any issues, no prolonged periods of lag. Sure I mostly ran 2D games, but one of them was a 3D lite Action RPG and another was a fast and very flashy 2D game, though it was a turn-based RPG and not something that demand more resources in more places at once. Running the same emulator on a brand new MacBook last year, things were as unnoticeably stable, and Apple products are usually the butt of jokes. Why was I seemingly lucky? Do my eyes not know the difference between 30 fps and 3?


5 hours ago, Wraith said:

But cannibalism that involves eating the dead meat of a human in order to gain said dead person’s memories is definitely out there.

Well, if the guy played no role in her death nor wanted it, and he can reasonably assume she would not object to her corpse being consumed, then I don't exactly see the problem. For one, it's not cannibalism then, it's necrophagy, which isn't so immoral. Necrophagy is fine if you're that desperate for food, and if survival depends on having the memories of others via consumption under the same circumstances as the ones stated above, then go ahead. And two, don't forget the Eucharist, that ritual act of ingesting flesh and blood to be closer to the divine.

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5 minutes ago, Benice said:

I wasn't able to deal with all of the incoming fliers and ballistae plucking away at me. Chapter 13 was basically me hiding in the corner and trying to avoid making enemies move.

I found the fliers and ballistae less of an issue than trying to deal with each group in RaD.

Dozen or so resets less of an issue.

Did you go with Warping or not for the snipe on Edelgard?

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well, if the guy played no role in her death nor wanted it, and he can reasonably assume she would not object to her corpse being consumed, then I don't exactly see the problem. For one, it's not cannibalism then, it's necrophagy, which isn't so immoral. Necrophagy is fine if you're that desperate for food, and if survival depends on having the memories of others via consumption under the same circumstances as the ones stated above, then go ahead. And two, don't forget the Eucharist, that ritual act of ingesting flesh and blood to be closer to the divine.

TIL Necrophagy.

Should I call Transsubstantiation a sort of necrophagy?

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


You were supposed to kill one of those monsters, but you just walked past and Ninja Luigi died! Now I have to reset... Sigh.

How I look forward to murdering you.

EDIT: And now he goes and steals one of my kills. Oh my God I hate this guy...

For the record, deaths in the pre-route-split chapters don't matter later from memory. That said... they totally do cripple the unit's levels.
Also, I had the same problem with Ryoma the first time I played that chapter. Guy doesn't worry about teamwork.

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
28 minutes ago, Sooks said:


's abs. I don't know enough about her for much else.

She has an insane defense growth. Though for an "axe user", her strength is abysmal. Seriously only Benny and Percy have a naturally higher defense base (that is discounting class and parent bonuses for children or Banes and Boons for Corrin), and even so, there's no class with a higher bonus than the Oni Savage/Chieftan set. So Rinkah effectively has 65% growth.
Benny and Percy get 75% by nature... though Percy can be higher.

Basically, Rinkah's growths means her abs are so rock hard you can bounce arrows off them. Shame you can't use her in Conquest.


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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Dozen or so resets less of an issue.



6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Did you go with Warping or not for the snipe on Edelgard?


38 magic Bishop Lysithea-Hanneman Mag rally-Claude Stride-Pegasus Byleth warp once-Dance Lysithea-Warp twce-THUNDERBRAND EDELGARD

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18 minutes ago, Dayni said:

TIL Necrophagy.

If you didn't look up the definition of necrophagy, all it means is that you eat the dead.

Now, regarding humans eating humans, necrophagy becomes cannibalism if you intentionally murder someone and then eat them. If you're living through Mao's Great Leap Forward and the total collapse of agricultural output means Grandma and Little Brother die of starvation which is equally affecting you, then consuming them isn't cannibalism. I can understand the revulsion at the idea of having to eat them and how it might feel very sinful, so you don't have to do it.

-Thats what I've learned the difference to be. And knowing the difference, a lot of instances in human history where "cannibalism" happened, become one degree less nightmarish (but they're still nightmares in the sense that things were so bad people had to consume corpses). It is less terrible, because it means human morality in the worst of circumstances still did not collapse into lawlessness where murder was acceptable, which the word "cannibalism" implies. Humans to the very ends of what is bearable in life maintained the basic decency and civility that makes them human.


18 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Should I call Transsubstantiation a sort of necrophagy?

I didn't exactly mean to call it that.😅 And the fact that Christ was reborn three days later and only died in the flesh which existed for about thirty years and was preceded by a literal Eternity of existing as part of the Trinity that is uncreated and removed from the concept of time, undermines the premise The Son is well and truly dead. Although, nobody is truly dead then due to the existence of immortal souls. So death has to be redefined as "physically gone from this world to Hell/Heaven/Purgatory/Limbo", in which case, maybe Transubstantiation is necrophagy.

But, as a disclaimer, I am no Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, and perhaps Uniate, Maronite, and or Coptic priest or theologian in any way whatsoever. Consult one of those if you want a definitive answer on this question.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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