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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Unfortunately, this is Conquest which means Ninja Luigi has to kill Ninja Daisy.

Actually, Ninja Daisy had her head blown up in one hit by Effie. I did have Ninja Luigi kill Ninja Mario, though. That was fun.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Don't worry, Fates has plenty of literal child soldiers to go around.

Stop it! I'm not a one-trick pony! I also find old man soldiers funny, you know.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I don't know why we let the shipping get to be about salad.

When I named my Corrin "Kabbãge".


Whoever put that hammer in Percy's paralogue is an evil person. Did Kaga infiltrate IntSys HQ to tamper with the code again?

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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I actually really like Kaze x Kabbãge. I just thought of the similarities between Daisy and Kagero, and so it had to be said.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I don't know why we let the shipping get to be about salad.

If so, they might as well get someone who's a cook then.

Therefore, Kaze/Felicia should be your recommended ship.

Everyone knows Mozu is the best cook. Felicia’s cooking lowers your stats.

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Why would I do that when I could take Felicia for myself? 😛

Anyway, this is basically me exploring Deepnest in HK:


Difficulty was rough before. It's even rougher now. Fair, but wow its a challenge.

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Everyone knows Mozu is the best cook. Felicia’s cooking lowers your stats.

.....Maybe that was part of the plan.

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20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ohhhhhhhhhhh so the dragon veins in this chapter don't just make enemies run to another location - they disappear and give us money! Good to know.

Didn’t you read the hint at the beginning?

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34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Don't worry, Fates has plenty of literal child soldiers to go around.

One of them likes to tear peoples clothes off before killing them.
Well, usually it's taking their clothes of while killing them.

Surprisingly that's not Corrin's kid.

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I lost Jakob at the very end of the map. 25 minutes down the drain.

This is why I've come to hate that some FEs don't provide ways to save in the middle of the map. And at least it was entirely my blunder.


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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is why I've come to hate that some FEs don't provide ways to save in the middle of the map.

*Looks at the last stretch of maps in the game*


Like I said before, part of the reason why I'm preferring RD over Conquest in terms of gameplay (and most things) is because of the battle saves.

Turnwheel, Battle Saves (provided it's not the limited DSFE version), it's all the same in the end: anti-frusteration features.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Paralogue 19 time. Being Arthur is suffering.

Oh well. I think its funnier to play that map after you capture and recruit Gazak, but getting Percy now is probably better.


41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Unfortunately, this is Conquest which means Ninja Luigi has to kill Ninja Daisy.

My goodness, you are right;

Kazr isn't Ninja Luigi, clearly he is Ninja



MR. L !!!!!!!

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2 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Kazr isn't Ninja Luigi, clearly he is Ninja



MR. L !!!!!!!

I don't get the joke, sorry. What does Mr. L have to do with Luigi? They're entirely unrelated characters.


Well, second attempt's already going better. Apologies for the previous post. It was kinda rage-fueled.

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23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Does that delete the bookmark?

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And now Kabbãge got hit by a beast killer.

I keep making stupid mistakes that cost me 20 minutes of my life each, in this otherwise easy map. At this rate I'm going to give up on the shit child. Sigh...

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I got it on Steam lol. 

That said, i will still mess around with the Switch version for now but i'm definitely gonna do another playthrough of this game very soon. And might as well do that on the PC version since it has all of the currently released updates and will get the post-game DLC before the console versions do.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, second attempt's already going better. Apologies for the previous post. It was kinda rage-fueled.

Nah it's fine, Conquest has those moments.

I nearly threw my 3DS across the room during the Ninja Cave of Doom chapter (of which i spent an hour on) because Camilla died at the very end and i'm too deadset on keeping everyone alive.

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20 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Like I said before, part of the reason why I'm preferring RD over Conquest in terms of gameplay (and most things) is because of the battle saves.

Turnwheel, Battle Saves (provided it's not the limited DSFE version), it's all the same in the end: anti-frusteration features.

I think DSFE did it best with its save points. You have to "earn" them, and you also have to put a little bit of thought into when and how you'll use them, both of which allow them to add a wonderful little aspect to the strategy. Not only that, once you've used it, the save's there to stay. In that respect, it's even more powerful than the turnwheel/divine pulse.

Though, at this point, I'm starting to wonder if I wouldn't take the glorified savestates that are battle saves over nothing at all. I'm usually against these things on principle, but... I value my time, goddamnit. Repeating the same 20 minutes of map again and again because I made one dumb mistake at the end is just not fun. Or, well, I suppose I could just let Jakob die, but then I'd have to use Elise, and that's just not right.

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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Hehehe Conquest late game maps are brutal and resets might cost you up to 90 minutes

...Yeeeeaaaah that might be an issue. Well, guess we'll worry about it when it becomes a problem. For now, I need a break, and hopefully then I'll stop getting hit by random effective weapons and beat the goddamned map so I can bench the shitstain.

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I got some money aside to get a game. I was thinking about XB2, but i also need the DLC for that and i don't have enough money for game + DLC atm (since i need to get DLC new, not used), so i am thinking of getting TMS hmmm....

On the other hand i am not fond of the whole school/Idol thing, so dunno...


7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For now, I need a break

yup. That's what i do when i find myself hitting a wall when playing FE haha.

Hoenstly i am trying to distance myself from FE for a bit and play different stuff for a while...

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18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Yeeeeaaaah that might be an issue. Well, guess we'll worry about it when it becomes a problem. For now, I need a break, and hopefully then I'll stop getting hit by random effective weapons and beat the goddamned map so I can bench the shitstain.

You’ll want to make a save state on the prep screen before endgame. Desperately. If you can, I think Shrimpy did something similar? Anyway it’s fe1 chapter 23 time! Gharnef is going down I think!

Edit: Actually it will be that time in a bit.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Out of my price range (It's like 100€ to import...), and i am already planning to play it on PC some day after i found a way to get it there *cough*

But SRW V is only about 65 in the Switch online shop. Just make a Japanese account.

Not that it'd matter I suppose. It has DLC so that would ramp up the overall price...

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I get switch games physcially so i can sell/switch them after me and my brother finish playing them....

That and 65€ is still outside my current price range where i can get most games i want for ~40€. New.

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