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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I don’t understand, why do they pick the two most popular guys and gals and not just the four most popular characters?

To give the boys a fighting chance.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But 3H females are awesome! Best cast in the series!

See, this is the reason I despise Three Houses as much as I do. Believe it or not, I genuinely enjoy the cast, but... God, the game is so bad. I cannot enjoy these characters because they exist in an awful game, it frustrates me to no end.

Also the fanbase has awful taste, why are Marianne and Bernadetta so popular when Leonie and Catherine exist in the same game smh

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


For some reasons, which i don't agree with at all, she's one of the least popular characters in the game. So is Cathrine, although for more understandable reasons.

Edited by Shrimperor
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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also the fanbase has awful taste, why are Marianne and Bernadetta so popular when Leonie and Catherine exist in the same game smh

I agree with Leonie and Marianne. Leonie only has two supports where Jeralt comes up but people act like that’s her entire character, meanwhile, “waifuing” Marianne is like “waifuing” depression. I don’t get it.

Catherine is atrocious though.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To give the boys a fighting chance.

But, if they’re not the most popular...

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Leonie only has two supports where Jeralt comes up but people act like that’s her entire character

At the same time, characters like Dudududu and Snape, whose characters are literally ''His Majesty'' and ''Lady Edelgard'' are some of the most beloved.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Marianne is like “waifuing” depression. I don’t get it.

Marianne grows though and seeing her smiling in 2nd part warms my heart honestly

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Someone needs to mod Berwick with 3H characters so that Rubenio will join our ranks.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

At the same time, characters like Dudududu and Snape, whose characters are literally ''His Majesty'' and ''Lady Edelgard'' are some of the most beloved.

Snape/Dorothea support. You’re welcome. (Besides the OG Snape is either my favorite or second favorite, but probably favorite once I get to his chapter in this reread, Harry Potter characters.)

Dedue is garbage though.

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

agree with Leonie and Marianne. Leonie only has two supports where Jeralt comes up but people act like that’s her entire character,

I think with Leoine, it's moreso the timing. Her B-Support with Byleth unlocks literally right after Jeralt kicks the bucket, so it takes you out of it. Comes off like "hey, I know your dad just died, but I'm still better than you" or whatever it was about.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I think with Leoine, it's moreso the timing. Her B-Support with Byleth unlocks literally right after Jeralt kicks the bucket, so it takes you out of it. Comes off like "hey, I know your dad just died, but I'm still better than you" or whatever it was about.


I did hate her for that!

She says something worse, she says that she appreciated Jeralt more than they did.

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12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

For some reasons, which i don't agree with at all, she's one of the least popular characters in the game.

I always love when people use her B support with Byleth as an excuse for why she's one-note and an awful person. Some people say it would improve if it wasn't locked until the J-man dies. I disagree, I think it's perfect. I always thought it was very obvious that the reason she acted like a piece of shit was that she was not thinking straight due to her hero having just died. That's the reason she lashes out at Byleth, people don't act rationally when they're grief-stricken. Not saying what she does in that support is good, but there's definitely reason for it. Heck, I think it's admirable that she tried to apologize in that situation, even if she lost control of herself soon afterwards. And unlike, say, Lysithea in Ignatz's support, Leonie at least apologizes for her horrible behavior in the A support. It's a nuanced support, I quite like it.

But no, she sucks and only talks about Jeralt, better continue fawning over Bernadetta and her one arc that she goes through in every single support chain. Urgh.

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

“waifuing” Marianne is like “waifuing” depression. I don’t get it.

I think this says more about the fanbase than the character, to be honest. Marianne is treated with decent respect by the game. It's some of the fanbase (and don't get me wrong, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone) that seems to be "uwu depression is so cute."

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Catherine is atrocious though.

Catherine could beat me up. I need nothing else.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Someone needs to mod Berwick with 3H characters so that Rubenio will join our ranks.

Don't you dare sully Best Game with 3H trash.

...Okay, put Hanneman in Berwick - but that's all I will allow!

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think with Leoine, it's moreso the timing. Her B-Support with Byleth unlocks literally right after Jeralt kicks the bucket, so it takes you out of it. Comes off like "hey, I know your dad just died, but I'm still better than you" or whatever it was about.

Oh look, it's exactly what I was talking about.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

always love when people use her B support with Byleth as an excuse for why she's one-note and an awful person. Some people say it would improve if it wasn't locked until the J-man dies. I disagree, I think it's perfect. I always thought it was very obvious that the reason she acted like a piece of shit was that she was not thinking straight due to her hero having just died. That's the reason she lashes out at Byleth, people don't act rationally when they're grief-stricken. Not saying what she does in that support is good, but there's definitely reason for it. Heck, I think it's admirable that she tried to apologize in that situation, even if she lost control of herself soon afterwards. And unlike, say, Lysithea in Ignatz's support, Leonie at least apologizes for her horrible behavior in the A support. It's a nuanced support, I quite like it.

Except if you explore the school right after Jeralt dies, I'm pretty sure she's actually in a state of grief. So seeing that and then seeing the support (or vice versa) is really jarring.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I always love when people use her B support with Byleth as an excuse for why she's one-note and an awful person. Some people say it would improve if it wasn't locked until the J-man dies. I disagree, I think it's perfect. I always thought it was very obvious that the reason she acted like a piece of shit was that she was not thinking straight due to her hero having just died. That's the reason she lashes out at Byleth, people don't act rationally when they're grief-stricken. Not saying what she does in that support is good, but there's definitely reason for it. Heck, I think it's admirable that she tried to apologize in that situation, even if she lost control of herself soon afterwards. And unlike, say, Lysithea in Ignatz's support, Leonie at least apologizes for her horrible behavior in the A support. It's a nuanced support, I quite like it.

It would be nice if the game actually gave any indication of this.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

(and don't get me wrong, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone)

I mean, no one here follows that mindset, and pointing a finger at some of the fan base or the fan base at large is encouraged by me. xD

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

that seems to be "uwu depression is so cute."


2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Catherine could beat me up. I need nothing else.

And he likes Rinkah. We have his type.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I don't know you, but she's very relatable...

If anything that would make her worse, but that is wholly my opinion.

...which I’m not allowed to have while also liking her supports with Dimitri. Heck.

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Just now, Wraith said:

...Even my cold, dead and blackened heart has to agree with this.

See Marianne says too many things like this for me to be like HECK YEAH BRING ON THAT S-SUPPORT!

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I thought there was something on this evening.

Doesn't seem like there's a reason not to be. But no, guess it's not on.

Speaking of bad ideas, you know the Fates playthroughs I was doing? Turns I fucked up because I forgot I'd put -Spd on the Corrin I'm using (as part of my previous musing of "what if I could play the routes without them?). +Str sure, but it's not much improved by also having Apothecary as talent (but at least seals exist for that to not be a huge issue)

It's going to be interesting that's for sure.

As for the inevitable waifu talk that emerged from talking about CYL as it always does, I'm one of those who just feels like he has no answer. Then again, I know my type is "please no avatars IS".

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And he likes Rinkah. We have his type.

I mean, on the other hand, there's Igrene I think? Maybe Cecilia? Also Sylvis and Paramythis. If only this was consistent with others, we could have the type be "name ends in is".

(It's amazing that F!Byleth's still as high as they were despite their design and being one half of the worst character in 3H)

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2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Have you no soul Sooks?

My soul does not enjoy watching someone constantly consumed by gloom and despair. I can understand liking her, it’s just finding her “attractive” where you lose me.

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Just now, Sooks said:

It would be nice if the game actually gave any indication of this.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Except if you explore the school right after Jeralt dies, I'm pretty sure she's actually in a state of grief. So seeing that and then seeing the support (or vice versa) is really jarring.

I like how you two sort of answered each other. Saves me some trouble.

Well, I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree, because personally, I can't see why people can't see it (wow, what a shitty sentence I just wrote). It really seems obvious to me that her attitude is a result of grief, supported by the fact that she's clearly grief-stricken in the monastery. And if Lysithea can use her condition as an excuse to get away with just about anything, why can't Leonie be excused for her one outburst right after losing someone she cared about deeply?

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

And he likes Rinkah. We have his type.

I mean, it was about as much of a mystery as the Sirius's identity. Never did try to hide it, exactly, did I?

Just now, Dayni said:

I mean, on the other hand, there's Igrene I think? Maybe Cecilia? Also Sylvis and Paramythis. If only this was consistent with others, we could have the type be "name ends in is".

Notice they all have in common that they're strong women wearing pants. It's more subtle on some of them, but it's there.

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

My soul does not enjoy watching someone constantly consumed by gloom and despair. I can understand liking her, it’s just finding her “attractive” where you lose me.

except she growns from gloom and despair to smile and happiness. That smile is worth the world.

And seeing a depresso character grow out of it is always 👌

I do usually hate depresso MCs though. Can't stand them.

Edited by Shrimperor
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Just now, Sooks said:

My soul does not enjoy watching someone constantly consumed by gloom and despair. I can understand liking her, it’s just finding her “attractive” where you lose me.

Quickly Sooks, you must watch this video before your soul flees you! Don’t end up like me!


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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Notice they all have in common that they're strong women wearing pants. It's more subtle on some of them, but it's there.

I am going to say I get it.

Nothing more in case I say something terribly dumb.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Really the only bad thing about Marianne is that she cuts her already short hair even more post timeskip.

On that subject, Mercedes' hair was the biggest tragedy of the war... you can't change my mind!

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Really the only bad thing about Marianne is that she cuts her already short hair even more post timeskip.

Is it really that much of a hot take to like... all of the post timeskip designs better than the pre timeskip ones? Even someone like Mercedes. Everyone hates war Mercedes because muh hair, but c'mon, that hat is so awesome, who cares about the hair?

To be fair, though, I think what I dislike about the school designs is the fact that everyone wears the same clothes. I hate that. I know, school uniforms and all, but I still hate it.

1 minute ago, Dayni said:

I am going to say I get it.

Nothing more in case I say something terribly dumb.

Hahahahahahah! That's all right, man.

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