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Oh right! I forgot to check my final playtime on 3D World. Let’s see... 60ish hours. Yeah, that’s about right.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But there's still this!


Here's the thing about the Congo Free State. There's a few ways to let it develop as a colony, with different outcomes. For now, I'm going philanthropic endeavor...

Do you know what the outcomes are already? Are you going for the best one?

1 hour ago, Benice said:

Great job, @Sooks!

Thank you!


Now 100% Yakuza 5.

68 hours... meh. If it’s good.

42 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yo, @Sooks, Death Stranding is 60% off right now, so if you were interested in it, it might be a good time?

Death Stranding. I didn’t watch that video because the guy said it wasn’t a good idea if you were unfamiliar with the game and I want a less intense game after 3D world than another “die 50 times trying to learn the hard part” game, and I also have a few games on the back burner so I will pass. Don’t know much about it thought. But thank you.

I actually want to play Boswer’s Fury before I’m done with the game. But from what I’ve heard, that should really only take a day’s worth of free time...

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7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Don’t know much about it thought. But thank you.

As far as I know, it's not strenuous in terms of skill or high-paced stuff.

(Would you want me to timestamp the video to a portion that won't have any spoilers?)

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

68 hours... meh. If it’s good.

Isn't Y5...

[checks google]

Yup, roughly 120 hours to beat at 100%.

(Definitely don't start with 5 IF you choose to get into the series. If you want turn-based combat with a timing-based guard mechanic, then go with Like a Dragon, but otherwise, IMO Y0 is the way to go. I also don't like 5 that much, but many call it the best.)

Actually, 0 is longer than 5 to complete? Color me surprised. 5 has five different playables, but I guess 0 is just that deep.

EDIT: Or Judgement.

Edited by Benice
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Just now, Sooks said:

Dang it whatever article Google quoted.

To be fair, I think it's 60 hours for main story, most often. So to finish it, it is probably about 60.

If you do care, my ranking of Yakuza games: (an * next to unpopular opinions) Spoiled in case you don't, but there are no spoilers at all. (I'll explain the rest IF you're feeling up to it, but I don't wanna force you.)




3: Generally considered to be the worst Yakuza game, although I think this is mostly for the gameplay. I adored the varied cast, and it made me cry the hardest of all the Yakuzas thus far.

5: Prolly 'cause the person who I watched play through it didn't like it, but the story wasn't that great IMO, and...Well, it's a bad sign if you can't even remember who the final boss is when they show up in a scene that's supposed to be dramatic.

4*>...It's got really good gameplay from what I've heard, Akiyama is 💖, and For Faith is a banger. However...Well, the story is not very good by Yakuza standards.



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Just now, Sooks said:

I am feeling up to it.

And you're not just saying that to get me off your back? 'Cause I know the intro to 0 made you feel uncomfortable, so I REALLY don't want you to have a negative experience 'cause of me.

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13 minutes ago, Benice said:

And you're not just saying that to get me off your back?

I’m not, does a man not have a right to want to play a karaoke game but with mobsters? /j

Edit: Wait you’re not on my back!


'Cause I know the intro to 0 made you feel uncomfortable, so I REALLY don't want you to have a negative experience 'cause of me.

If the whole game is good that’s not a big deal.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Deadass the pits were a non-issue. Everyone was like "ohhh the bridge maps are garbage because pits" and I went in not knowing where the pits are. Zero problem, those pits were just a minor inconvenience. Especially in RD, where that's a Griel Mercs chapter so lol.

To you maybe, but you could argue the same for Thracia. I could just as easily say that the gameplay elements that bothered you didn't bother me and are therefore not an issue.

But my point was that they exist, not that they were an issue.

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40 minutes ago, Sooks said:

If the whole game is good that’s not a big deal.

Well, I do think that the intro does misrepresent the nature of the game in a lot of ways. One could argue that it is a representation of one of the themes of the game, that being that the value of a person and a life lies beyond the surface. I don't know if I would.

Anyways, Yakuza 0 is, in my opinion, absolutely incredible. It's often quite funny, it's got a really unpredictable plot, it's got Majima... Maybe it is because it was basically my first exposure to a series that wasn't FE/Zelda, but this game knocked my socks off. It can make you laugh, then around and make you cry. Or maybe I'm overly sensitive. Still, despite the warnings I give, I would give the game a 9.8/10, having not played it yet. The only non-Yakuza games I'd rate that highly are Berwick Saga and Skyward Sword. So it is amongst elite company.

Or, for someone else's review about it: (You only really need to watch the first few minutes to get the gist of the review.)

Warnings about it:

  • The beginning of the game is quite handholdy and slow. It does not last, and the game should open up by about...Well, chapter 2/Two-to-three hours in. The plot to start off is decent but not amazing. In terms of first impressions...Well, it could be a lot worse. It's not necessarily "It gets good at x", it's more "it goes from good to AAAAAAAAAAAA at Z", x being...Well, chapter 5, I think? From chapters... 10-Final (Ch. 17), the plot absolutely floors it, which is when it goes from "amazing" to "stunned silence." At least for me.
  • Long cutscenes. Nothing like Metal Gear Solid having seventy-minute long cutscenes, but there will be portions of the game where you'll be taking in a lot of story at once.
  • The intro to Chapter 3, once you go to the Grand in chapter 8, and chapter 11 after the second Nishitani fight all have some things going on where you may wanna avert your eyes. I wouldn't consider any of them awfully violent, but they're more so than most of the rest of the game. These are not "AVERT YOUR EYES OR THEY WILL BE GOUGED OUT", simply words of caution. These were the ones I remember the most, but I may be forgetting some.
  • The start of the game is kinda confusing with the amount of names they drop. It'll make sense eventually, and if you do choose to play, I can explain it.
  • EDIT: There are a few minigames that are...Questionable in nature. Catfights being the most notable.


Important information:

  • Kiryu has never killed a person in his life. Not once. This is canon.
  • There is a proper postgame that lets you finish up anything you didn't do beforehand, (Substories, minigames, etc., everything from start to end is here) as well as equipping different outfits. IIRC NG+ is also a thing, but I don't know what it does. You do not have to worry about getting everything done before finishing the game, and I would personally advocate for having dedicated sessions or periods of time for side content and others for main story, at least later on in the game. At least to me, I just really didn't wanna stop watching the main story once it put the foot on the gas. However, find what you enjoy the most!
  • There is no penalty for not doing main story right away unless it's overtly clear that you're doing something main-story related already.
  • After your first playthrough, Legend difficulty becomes avaliable.
  • If the game ends up being too hard or you don't like the combat but enjoy other bits, set the difficulty to easy, because, at least in other games, it makes the game very easy to deal with. You can change the difficulty whenever you want to either direction. I think Legend works a bit differently, though.
  • Don't worry about running out of money.
  • Kiryu has never killed anyone.
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I was just about to go asleep, when I realized my nonchalant handing over of my laptop to get the logic board replaced caused my pages and pages meticulous notes on the 30 Years' War and medieval universities to disappear with the computer's memory.😨 Had I not been so lazy, I should've made a backup of the stuff.

Oh well. I shoulda just bought the books instead of taking notes, that was madness. But doing it committed it better to my long-term memory, maybe. A lesson in the fragility of all in life, do not take any form of storage of knowledge as destined to endure, they are all capable of being so so readily transient.

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Super Metroid music has me feeling very conflicted. One one hand, it fits the atmosphere of the game very well. On the other hand, wow this OST is super unmemorable.

34 minutes ago, Benice said:

Kiryu has never killed a person in his life. Not once. This is canon.


34 minutes ago, Benice said:

Kiryu has never killed anyone.

I like how you state this twice.

Reminds me about how the creator of Yakuza doesn't want Kiryu in Smash because Smash has women in it and Kiryu would never hit a woman. Or so the story goes.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I was just about to go asleep, when I realized my nonchalant handing over of my laptop to get the logic board replaced caused my pages and pages meticulous notes on the 30 Years' War and medieval universities to disappear with the computer's memory.😨 Had I not been so lazy, I should've made a backup of the stuff.

Oh well. I shoulda just bought the books instead of taking notes, that was madness. But doing it committed it better to my long-term memory, maybe. A lesson in the fragility of all in life, do not take any form of storage of knowledge as destined to endure, they are all capable of being so so readily transient.


Hopefully you wrote some of it down on paper so you don't have to start over from scratch. But man, that sucks.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I like how you state this twice.

It is because Kiryu has never killed anyone.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Reminds me about how the creator of Yakuza doesn't want Kiryu in Smash because Smash has women in it and Kiryu would never hit a woman. Or so the story goes.

Yeah, I heard about that.

...Which doesn't make too much sense, since,

This was in the original Yakuza 1. Which...Well, sucks a lot. Kiwami 1 did a decent job salvaging the trainwreck.

But yeah, in his fight in Like a Dragon, he won't directly attack female party members. He will tiger drop 'em, though.

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yeah, I heard about that.

...Which doesn't make too much sense, since,


That's his daughter tho, right? While I don't agree in hitting your child to discipline them, that seems to be what's happening here.

Unless I'm wrong and that's not what's happening here.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

That's his daughter tho, right? While I don't agree in hitting your child to discipline them, that seems to be what's happening here.

Unless I'm wrong and that's not what's happening here.

...It's kind of hard to explain.

For simplicity's sake, I'll say that she's not his daughter yet.

And also Yakuza 1 is trying so hard to be edgy that it's the literal opposite of everything else in the franchise.

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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That honestly kinda saddens me...

Wait till he asks about Berwick and the percentage is even lower.

...unless he doesn't ask because he himself doesn't know it either.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

I DID IT!!!! I

Congrats Sooks! You completed the Sooks%! Now on to therapy.

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:


On the one hand, I am not that surprised the numbers who've played it are so low.

On the other hand, 61% know-nothings. I also shouldn't think that's surprising given it's just about 20 years old and was a title not released internationally, but how much overlap is there in the people voting on this with other places online where you'd think it'd be mentioned now and again?

(Calling it now Berwick percentage would be higher on all but know-nothing)

And on another note, I was asking myself how viable it would be to play PS1 games on the PS2 emulator, only to learn my emulator's vanished into the unknown. What the shit, not something that works with Champion's road playing in the background.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

I DID IT!!!! I did! I, am the real champion, that is my road!

Does this mean you legally own that road now?

Good job anyways! How many lives were lost in the process?

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Okay, time for a bit of Awakening. This time, I fight a bunch of wyverns lead by a guy called Vasto whose face looks like he's nutting all the time.

Also, I've been dissing this game's story a lot, but... wow, this is a new low. The Hierarch is introduced, he's described by Chrom as an important figure in the Ylissean government and a person who guided Emmeryn through the darkest times... And yet he has exactly one line before he's immediately revealed to have betrayed Emmeryn. And then he dies, just like that.

This isn't how you write things, damnit! At least introduce him earlier in the game and give him some scenes so his betrayal has... any weight to it at all! You can't just introduce a guy and immediately dispose of him on the next throwaway boss! What even was the point of him? If they just had an unidentified off-screen spy spill the beans to Mr. Nut Face, that would've been a lot less annoying that this display of horrible writing lol

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Okay, so that's another map over. And I complained about the length of Three Houses maps. Holy shit, this game is bad.

Anyway, Emm goes back to the capital so she can be with her people, and we get Selena Fire Emblem Fates.

Also, Donnel died. In any other game I would've reset so I could continue to mold him into an axe murderer, but in this game you're either completely useless or so overpowered there's no point in even trying, so... Can't say I care enough.

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Oh, good grief, a desert chapter already? And Edgy Kabba doesn't count as a mage? Fuck's sake, man...

...Ohhh, c'mon, and of course she's here, too. Of course she is. The game really wants me to quit here, doesn't it... Only good part about this garbage is that Bootleg Heavy Weapons Guy has finally arrived.

Anyway, I completely forgot to move Nowi, so she's dead now. No, seriously, I didn't mean to. I just forgot. If you want proof that I'm capable of doing this, you just need to read my FE6 LP.

Well, worse things could happen. Gregor's still kicking, so I'll keep going for now.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, I completely forgot to move Nowi, so she's dead now. No, seriously, I didn't mean to. I just forgot. If you want proof that I'm capable of doing this, you just need to read my FE6 LP.

Tumblr: Image
Ah that was a good laugh. Needed that after the talk I wanted to listen to didn't work out.

(Did that also happen to Attrom or am I remembering wrong?)

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