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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Hmm, Clouds of War would be perfect for ch15

Clouds of War would be perfect for a lot of things.

Just now, Shrimperor said:


You should change your pfp to punished Rubenio

I mean, my death count's looking pretty bad right now. But for lack of care more than anything. Seriously, I complained about the likes of Seth, but in this game, half the army is Seth, and the other half can be turned into Seth by just pairing up. Hoo...

I hope the fans of Awakening won't hate me too much, but if this continues, I think I know where this game will be in my ranking of FEs.

Just now, Dayni said:
Tumblr: Image
Ah that was a good laugh. Needed that after the talk I wanted to listen to didn't work out.

I knew you would like it.

I must say, it was pretty hilarious how Edgy Kabba and Chrom were like "omg is that girl a dragon!? A manakete!? Maybe we need our help more than she does ours..." and then she just instantly got whacked. Fucking Gregor, on the other hand, managed to survive in spite of also not moving the first turn.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

(Did that also happen to Attrom or am I remembering wrong?)

Nah, Attrom moved. He just died because RNG.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I must say, it was pretty hilarious how Edgy Kabba and Chrom were like "omg is that girl a dragon!? A manakete!? Maybe we need our help more than she does ours..." and then she just instantly got whacked.

Yeah, Terra Nowi is not. (That character had a similar scene when she showed off having magic, but unlike Nowi could actually take a hit at base)

(In case you're wondering I don't hate the character, low as she may be in the reckoning, but it's just funny to hear something like that happening.)

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So Edgy Kabba is level 17, so she promotes already so that the game may be even easier than it already was.

I made a mistake and lost Maribelle late into the last chapter, but I'm not patient enough to reset this game, so I pressed on. This is starting to look like the infamous Shadow Dragon ironman...

Well, no matter. On to the next chapter, named after Emmeryn. Maybe this one will actually make any sense. Seriously, why the hell were we just chilling in the desert just then?

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Seriously, why the hell were we just chilling in the desert just then?

They were crossing the desert to get to where Chapter 9 is.

It's not the first time Awakening has "Chichrom crosses the road" as a chapter happens, essentially that's the first two chapters aside from the Risen showing up.

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Oh no. Not Phila. Anyone but Phila.

Anyway, Gaius couldn't run fast enough and got eviscerated by wyverns. Too bad.


Ohohohohohoh... Oh, no way. Is the game really giving me the choice to sacrifice Emmeryn? Really? Ahahahah...!

Yeah, you know what? Sure. You can take her, Gangrel. I've got Libra, and he's the only healer I'll ever need, with those stats of his.

...Oh, of course the choice didn't matter. Should've known better than to expect anything from this game.

18 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wow Ruben, you really hate Awakening, huh?

Not really, I wouldn't call it hatred. I expected a bad game, and I got an even worse game than I expected. It's not a tremendous disappointment like Three Houses. At this point I'm just wondering how much more bad could it possibly get.

17 minutes ago, Dayni said:

They were crossing the desert to get to where Chapter 9 is.

It's not the first time Awakening has "Chichrom crosses the road" as a chapter happens, essentially that's the first two chapters aside from the Risen showing up.

Right... Perhaps they were discussing that in the scene that I skipped out of boredom. My fault.

...I mean, this is I think the first Fire Emblem where I've started to skip scenes because I care that little about what happens, but... My fault, my fault.

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All right, that was Awakening for now. I'll play it again at some point. It's not like it requires braincells to play, so I suppose that as long as I don't have anything better to do...

I mean, I do, but... meh. The maps take 10 minutes each, anyway. Might as well keep going for now.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


I love how he has a skill that doesn't have any effect because he's a green unit lol

Useless tactician smh

Gameplay-story integration!

...Unfortunately, held back by technical restrictions.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

since he is the tactician, is he, theortically, the player?

That would mean Eugen is the player in TRS. Which makes it the greatest sort of escapist fantasy.

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37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Anyway, I completely forgot to move Nowi, so she's dead now. No, seriously, I didn't mean to. I just forgot. If you want proof that I'm capable of doing this, you just need to read my FE6 LP.

I was kinda expecting you to kill her off intentionally, but it being accidental is kinda funnier.


31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, my death count's looking pretty bad right now. But for lack of care more than anything. Seriously, I complained about the likes of Seth, but in this game, half the army is Seth, and the other half can be turned into Seth by just pairing up. Hoo...

I hope the fans of Awakening won't hate me too much, but if this continues, I think I know where this game will be in my ranking of FEs.

Ouch...I feel like that is such a harsh judgement on Awakening. One of the worst things a game can do is make you not care...


32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I must say, it was pretty hilarious how Edgy Kabba and Chrom were like "omg is that girl a dragon!? A manakete!? Maybe we need our help more than she does ours..." and then she just instantly got whacked. Fucking Gregor, on the other hand, managed to survive in spite of also not moving the first turn.

The Nowi death just gets funnier.


1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ohohohohohoh... Oh, no way. Is the game really giving me the choice to sacrifice Emmeryn? Really? Ahahahah...!

Yeah, you know what? Sure. You can take her, Gangrel. I've got Libra, and he's the only healer I'll ever need, with those stats of his.

Sorry to burst your bubble a little here, but this is famously a choice where decision has no impact on much of anything. She jumps either way...


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8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I was kinda expecting you to kill her off intentionally, but it being accidental is kinda funnier.

Well, we had a bit of a discussion here at the thread, and I didn't want to come across as a puritan dick, so I decided to just grab her and bench her for life.

Turns out, my subconscious decided it wasn't about to give up so easily.

1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ouch...I feel like that is such a harsh judgement on Awakening. One of the worst things a game can do is make you not care...

Oho, believe me, Awakening has managed to make me not care like few other games ever have. Not even Path of Radiance, man. Path of Radiance took quite a while before the slow pace and lack of difficulty became apparent enough that I lost all motivation to continue. For a while there, PoR was decent.

This? This has been nothing to me from the very beginning. I haven't even managed to laugh at its badness. Only reason I'm still playing is how pleasant the engine is to play. Really quick, easy to skip stuff. Very nice.

2 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sorry to burst your bubble a little here, but this is famously a choice where decision has no impact on much of anything. She jumps either way...

Yes, it is quite unfortunate.

...I must say, I'm more confused about Phila than Emmeryn. Emmeryn's death is a big event that I'm sure made a lot of people more invested in this game than me cry. But... Phila? Why did Phila die? What was accomplished by killing off the character that was obviously going to die? Heck, I'd argue it would've been better if the writers revealed her to be the traitor here, instead of pulling a random-ass old guy out of their asses to be the traitor two chapters ago to zero consequence. You know, the whole "how did they know we were here?" shenanigans? They could've been attributed to an actual character. But no. That would require the writers of Awakening to not be random people they picked off the street in exchange for a few bucks.

I still can't get over that, seriously. It was so absurd a display of incompetence from the writers that it gave me whiplash. Whereas Conquest's story was so bad it was good, this shoots right past that and lands firmly on "so bad I can't believe human beings wrote it."

And even still I don't hate it. I can't hate it. I'm just baffled that this game is one Fire Emblem's best sellers. I know, marketing, and if it was my first FE I'd probably enjoy it more, not gonna lie, but... Goodness me.

Fans of Awakening in the thread, if you're reading this, then pray tell. Why? Why do you like this game? Is there a reason beyond "it was my first"? I see the virtues in Three Houses, as much as its flaws kill it for me. I get that people enjoy SoV's presentation and PoR's story. But... but this game has literally nothing good to it. It's just a horrible mess through and through, from where I'm standing. So please, enlighten me. What do you see in this game that I do not?

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All the best characters.

...Except FE6. FE6 makes you Merlinus. What a depressing idea...

Even escapist self-inserts Kaga did first! And once he left IS gave us Merlinus smh

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Even escapist self-inserts Kaga did first! And once he left IS gave us Merlinus smh

Not gonna lie, in a twisted sorta way, I'm fond of the old fart bag. The guy's so utterly incompetent, so unlikeable and so paranoid and so wrong all the time that I can't help but like him. He's a fun character to hate. Like Volcens, you know? Except more pathetic, somehow.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fans of Awakening in the thread, if you're reading this, then pray tell. Why? Why do you like this game? Is there a reason beyond "it was my first"? I see the virtues in Three Houses, as much as its flaws kill it for me. I get that people enjoy SoV's presentation and PoR's story. But... but this game has literally nothing good to it. It's just a horrible mess through and through, from where I'm standing. So please, enlighten me. What do you see in this game that I do not?

Well... The game has Lucina. So you have a main character who is actually interesting, imo at least.

I like the easy to get into, stress free gameplay. It doesn't require the best options/setups to be enjoyable.

I like the music they have in the game.

They have alot of weapons in the game, so you have plenty of unique options for combat and trying new things out.

The pairing function is fun to mess around with for new combinations and isn't just "pair 2 X best options together"

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more thoughts on Awakening:

The artstyle is something i like as well.

It feels smooth to play, good speed and whatnot.

I don't mind the pair up function like most do, so it's fun to play around with.

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34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I mean, this is I think the first Fire Emblem where I've started to skip scenes because I care that little about what happens, but... My fault, my fault.

There is so much said in so few words here.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Oh, of course the choice didn't matter. Should've known better than to expect anything from this game.

Ah Awakening, where your choices really do matter!tm /s.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Except FE6. FE6 makes you Merlinus. What a depressing idea...

Considering BS's is Mark, guess Elibe yote the ball off the cliff in lieu of just dropping it.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Well... The game has Lucina. So you have a main character who is actually interesting, imo at least.

Miss Time Travel? I guess I can... kinda see it. Maybe when she becomes more of a presence she'll carry the otherwise completely idiotic and aimless story on her shoulders.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I like the easy to get into, stress free gameplay. It doesn't require the best options/setups to be enjoyable.

Well, I'd argue that the fact that half the army is invincible makes it too stress free and makes it more boring than anything, but I've had plenty of discussions with people about this. I just look for different things in my FE gameplay, and that's fine. We'll just have to agree to disagree here.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

I like the music they have in the game.

Yes, the music is fine.

...Even if it feels like a worse version of Fates's soundtrack, in my opinion. But hey, at that point we're talking subjective things. So no matter.

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

They have alot of weapons in the game, so you have plenty of unique options for combat and trying new things out.

Uuuhhh... not gonna lie, I feel like you're kinda grasping at straws here. At least in the stretch that I've played, this game has been profoundly average, weapons wise. Plenty of FEs got it beat in that regard. Fates, for instance. The more I play, the more this really feels like Bad Fates, frankly.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

The pairing function is fun to mess around with for new combinations and isn't just "pair 2 X best options together"

No, I cannot agree with you here, sorry. It very much is "pair 2 best options together." It's that mindless. I suppose you could intentionally not do that, but then, that requires that you go out of your way to salvage the game for the devs. In Fates, it's not that easy, because in Fates you might need those two best units to be separate and doing things in different places.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

The artstyle is something i like as well.

I'll give you this as well... Even if it's the same one as Fates, and the designs are all worse. But hey, once again, opinions be opinions.

...Man, I'm really stooping to comparing it to Fates, aren't I? If there's one game that's coming out of this whole thing looking better...

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

It feels smooth to play, good speed and whatnot.

To be brutally honest, this is the only reason I'm still playing it.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

There is so much said in so few words here.

Friendly reminder that I did not skip scenes in The Last Promise.

The Last Promise.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

the more this really feels like Bad Fates, frankly.

I mean, Fates (and especially conquest) is them taking awakening mechanics and refining them to make great gameplay.


5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

because in Fates you might need those two best units to be separate and doing things in different place

Also the whole attack/def stance thing is much much better done in Fates imo

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Miss Time Travel? I guess I can... kinda see it. Maybe when she becomes more of a presence she'll carry the otherwise completely idiotic and aimless story on her shoulders.

Well, I'd argue that the fact that half the army is invincible makes it too stress free and makes it more boring than anything, but I've had plenty of discussions with people about this. I just look for different things in my FE gameplay, and that's fine. We'll just have to agree to disagree here.

Yes, the music is fine.

...Even if it feels like a worse version of Fates's soundtrack, in my opinion. But hey, at that point we're talking subjective things. So no matter.

Uuuhhh... not gonna lie, I feel like you're kinda grasping at straws here. At least in the stretch that I've played, this game has been profoundly average, weapons wise. Plenty of FEs got it beat in that regard. Fates, for instance. The more I play, the more this really feels like Bad Fates, frankly.

No, I cannot agree with you here, sorry. It very much is "pair 2 best options together." It's that mindless. I suppose you could intentionally not do that, but then, that requires that you go out of your way to salvage the game for the devs. In Fates, it's not that easy, because in Fates you might need those two best units to be separate and doing things in different places.

I'll give you this as well... Even if it's the same one as Fates, and the designs are all worse. But hey, once again, opinions be opinions.

...Man, I'm really stooping to comparing it to Fates, aren't I? If there's one game that's coming out of this whole thing looking better...

To be brutally honest, this is the only reason I'm still playing it.

That would be overall, gameplay/character etc.

But that's alot of FE games, though.

Uh huh.

Both are fine, imo.

But Fates only wants you to use things like crafted Iron, though. Awakening is much more flexible in choices. Also, Awakening actually has weapon icons (and those patches for Fates don't count towards the original game)

I mean the whole "Marriage" thing, not the pair up function.

but... Fates' art style is like Awakening's, not the other way around. Awakening was first, y'know.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

I mean, Fates (and especially conquest) is them taking awakening mechanics and refining them to make great gameplay.

Yes. Exactly. Perhaps I'm being unfair to Awakening by comparing it to a game that didn't exist when it came out, but... I don't know, you all wanted my impressions and I'm giving 'em to ya.

Just now, Shrimperor said:

Also the whole attack/def stance thing is much much better done in Fates imo


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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

But Fates only wants you to use things like crafted Iron, though

Nope, not really. Not to mention you don't get enough Items to just spam Iron +7's unless you hack the game.

Maybe Birthright is like that, but not Conquest

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Nope, not really. Not to mention you don't get enough Items to just spam Iron +7's unless you hack the game.

Maybe Birthright is like that, but not Conquest

I could legit have a character like Elise sit on the fire spell the entire game, which is akin to Iron. Same with Corrin as well. And why bother with Steel/Silver? Lose AS, or risk crits. 

Doubling isn't easy in Fates (unless your a character like Elise ofc) and crit risk isn't usually worth it, from what i can tell the RNG is trash in Fates and they happen much more often than they should.

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