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26 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



Tasha's great. Love the dialogue she has with Troy in Chapter 6.

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Bro if they bring back Kiko....

@Lightchao42 obviously if they've started the next movie, they're definitely in the pre-pre-alpha stage but if this ends up the path they end up going, I would not mind a movie about Kong's new role as a father in Hollow Earth.

And this could potentially open up the possibility of Minilla or Godzilla Jr to enter the MonsterVerse.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Well, that’s Bowser’s Fury. It feels like a 3D Mario on a budget, which it probably was. I’ll pass on finishing it, very meh.

Literally everyone agrees that it's basically a prototype for an open-world Mario game but I'm surprised to see you feeling meh on it.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

She's starting to remind me of certain girls...

Accorate checks her mailbox one day and receives an invitation from Catria to join the unrequited love club.

Well for now anyway, VS story isn't over yet. But we all know where it's going.

30 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



Hang on, I remember there's one similar to this



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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:
Literally everyone agrees that it's basically a prototype for an open-world Mario game

It feels like our standard 3D Mario but smol with  one big world. So yeah, sure.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:
but I'm surprised to see you feeling meh on it.

I did just basically play through 3D World five times. I’m more tired of Mario than anything, not really the game’s fault.

Did you like it though?

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Merida wtf

Aaaaaand here we go again. Not a big fan of this part, I'll admit. 

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Deirdre, again, but this time even more dumb considering there's a whole army around and Merida proved herself to be a knight...

More like Plum 2.0 but with fewer incredibly fucked up implications.

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9 minutes ago, Spara said:

More like Plum 2.0 but with fewer incredibly fucked up implications.

I think he's referring to the levels of idiocy going on rather than Deirdre herself.

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Just now, Armagon said:

I think he's referring to the levels of idiocy going on rather than Deirdre herself.

That's fair. This part is dumb. Though, hey, at least you get a few good character scenes out of it. 

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23 minutes ago, Armagon said:
Bro if they bring back Kiko....

@Lightchao42 obviously if they've started the next movie, they're definitely in the pre-pre-alpha stage but if this ends up the path they end up going, I would not mind a movie about Kong's new role as a father in Hollow Earth.

And this could potentially open up the possibility of Minilla or Godzilla Jr to enter the MonsterVerse.


Finally, maybe the rumors of Godzooky being added to the MonsterVerse were true.

Even if 'Son of Kong' isn't the final title, we at least know now that Kong will get another movie (likely about Hollow Earth). News of another Godzilla movie will likely take longer because Legendary has to negotiate with Toho, though I don't think Toho would be uncooperative about it.

If we do get another Godzilla movie, the other monsters picked should be included based on how they can fit into the plot, as all of Godzilla's most famous costars have been included already.

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So, the Ottomans sparked another crisis, and now Palestine is independent under Britain's sphere, and...


Because surely that will end nicely...

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So, turns out the decision I chose in regards to the Congo wasn't the one I was thinking of. Had to backpedal a bit, but now...


This happens if choosing the historical route. This event will trigger a few times as hidden counters add up depending on the choices made. Hopefully I can trigger the outcome I want, so for starters, going with the middle route...

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, the Ottomans sparked another crisis, and now Palestine is independent under Britain's sphere, and...


Because surely that will end nicely...

Oh boy, this will be a disaster.

So, I got through Birthright on Hard.


I must admit I had done a bit of grinding at the end (After Chapter 26, where I had no paralogues either aside from Mozu and Anna's maps), mainly to obtain endclass skills. Despite it I sucked enough to let two units die, Scarlet (Definitely could've avoided) and Daniela (She made it so far and it didn't even matter because I didn't have her kill Garon). And those ending cutscenes, sheesh the one where Azura evaporates made me wince due to all the lip shots, then the final one has Mikoto's face show up overlaid on a statue. The whole endgame made the fact this was the last game with voice clips in lieu of voice acting a serious relief.

As for units, Corrino ended up below 20 Spd (-Spd is good I swear), though thankfully she had enough Str to do damage, she needed a bunch of Spd boosts so she didn't die to Garon (Still not as bad as Lyn in my first ever playthrough getting 1-shot by the final boss). Silas was pretty well rounded with 30 Str/Def/Spd, was reliable throughout. Rinkah on the other hand I'm impressed got to 20 Str at all, but capped Def softened the blow. Hayato definitely snowballed, with the one problem being his magic could have been better. Orochi was his opposite: Reliable as a nuke and little else. I gave her Dark Falcon and she still wasn't that OP for it. I ended up giving Shura a Dread Scroll to see how it'd work out, it could have been better. Reina and Izana were in their usual classes for most of the game, though Reina did reclass (for a bit more than Izana who got a stint in Grand Master) and actually got benched for a while, only catching up with Paragon. Kaden got a Dread Scroll too, with the result being on even turns he gave zero fucks about magic, ended up being a still fine offensive unit but no 2 range in Nine-Tails will be a limit. Kaze capped Str. This would be impressive if it wasn't super low. I ended up getting Anna and Scarlet through their entire class list, which I probably could have cut a fair amount out of as well. Yukimura ended up getting reclassed to Ballastician and frankly I'm considering it on watch because you can get some serious gambit vibes when you've gotten the class fully learned. Azura danced. Mozu got through all her classes, because of course she did. And then there was Daniela, who I tried to make a dynamo but she was pretty middling stat wise despite access to Dark Falcon.

The character who got the highest kills? Mozu. Because Mozu.

Map wise, fuck Chapter 21, most of the early game was uninteresting aside from Chapter 9, Chapter 12 was certainly something when I decided to kill Xander, Chapter 23, 24 and 25 are probably the most solid section of BR and I may not have cleared most on first run but I was being too stubborn to let units die.

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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, the Ottomans sparked another crisis, and now Palestine is independent under Britain's sphere, and...


Because surely that will end nicely...

"They have decided to The Balfour Declaration"


And yeah, there will definitely be no negative consequences down the road to this, just like in real life. :^)

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Certainly. Mechanically, it only adds Israel country cores, the country itself remains being Palestine. The decision can be taken even if the Ottomans still hold on to Palestine. It's just that the AI never thought to enact it while it was in Ottoman hands. No Jewish POPs there yet either. And with how migration works in the game... might not be there for quite some time. Maybe. Anyway...


Summit events happen between Great Powers once Great Wars are unlocked. This to pretty much try to make an alliance between them... or not, as it happened here.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Something I've never brought up, but it's kinda amusing when it happens. POP assimilations work in interesting ways. So long there's no cores with that culture as primary in the province, POPs will assimilate into the country's primary culture. Except, they can also assimilate into Accepted Cultures, so long there's no Primary POPs in the province and of being the same POP type. So, you can end up with situations like this:


Those are Irish Clerks in Santo Domingo, La Española... assimilating into Inuit culture. Yep.

Because there are also Inuit Clerks in Santo Domingo, which are Accepted Cultures in my realm, but no Mexican Clerks. So, the non-accepted Clerks will assimilate into Inuit. As much sense it can make. But with how the game works, that's how it happens.

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31 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:


Finally, maybe the rumors of Godzooky being added to the MonsterVerse were true.

Godzooky could beat Ghidorah in a fight.

32 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Even if 'Son of Kong' isn't the final title, we at least know now that Kong will get another movie (likely about Hollow Earth). News of another Godzilla movie will likely take longer because Legendary has to negotiate with Toho, though I don't think Toho would be uncooperative about it.

Yeah, making a Kong movie first in the meantime while Legendary tries to work out a new deal with Toho does make the most sense. Hopefully their next contract isn't as restrictive on Toho's side, if you remember, the original contract stated that Toho could not release a Godzilla film in the same year that Legendary does and this does explain the Reiwa series' more experimental nature.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:




What's going on here?

Also damn Zade, i think you're the first Lord ever who would just straight up abandon his cause. 

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