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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Acacia Sgt @Saint Rubenio Spanish really was made to fuck over Americans haha.


Now imagine the struggles of my programming teachers trying desperately to write "años" in their codes without using the ñ character because language-specific characters in code are a no-no. One of them went the french route and wrote "anyo."

Anyway, yeah, this is one of those funny little quirks that our beautiful language has. They may look alike, but ñ and n are completely different letters. It is not good to compare them.


Funniest bit about this is, if you ever play Birthright you will learn that his character is basically being an asshole.

Ahahaha... Ahh, he's gonna die so hard if I do play the other routes one day...


Yeah, Soleil gets kinda creepy in some of her supports with other women, although I always found her relationship with her father one of the best parent-child relationships in Fates...

Too bad Lazlow is getting benched the second he procreates.

6 hours ago, Robert Stewart said:


In America.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Look at that quality 2008 fan-translation.

Well, to be fair, 2008 was also when the Mother 3 fanslation came out, and that thing feels official, it's so good.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Official translations usually don't have grammatical errors. The good ones anyway.

Yeaaaah I'm gonna have to put a "citation needed" tag on this statement. Or, well, I don't, because you yourself said it - "The good ones, anyway." They're less common than you might think.

I've seen plenty of horrible official translations and plenty of fanslations that kick their asses any day. Take Ace Attorney, for example. The fanslation of Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is amazing, I didn't see a single typo in the entire game and the writing was on par with the rest of the series. Meanwhile, half the officially translated games are riddled with typos and mistranslations. Most infamous, the climatic final line of the bad ending of the second game has a colossal typo that quickly became the laughingstock of the internet. It was supposed to be the quote that would stick with you after watching the bad ending. Instead, what stuck was "the spellcheck never happen."

Then there's FE. I think I've said enough times what I think about Treehouse. I mean, for crying out loud, they mistranslated Nergal's true death quote and ruined what good his character had. You can't do that. I don't mind minor typos, but those are the sort of things that you double check because they really have to be correct, or else they ruin everything. Honestly, at this point, I think I would call... just about every FE fanslation on par or straight up better than the Treehouse translations. FE12's fanslation is super old and the writing's kinda drab, but other than that, they're all super high quality projects.

Going away from these extreme examples, I've seen few games with no typos at all. There's always one or two that slip by the cracks. Which is fine, but... yeah, official translations are not immune to this.

What I'm trying to say it, just because a translation is "official" doesn't instantly mean it's probably perfect. All too often, it doesn't. Now, fanslations aren't all rainbows and sunshine either, of course. There's good and bad translations on both sides. I just don't think it's wise to assume that one is good just because it's official. I've seen enough awful official translations to know that just isn't the case.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Now if only teehee could all agree on a game... that’ll never happen, so I’m good. 😎

I think the day that happens is the day mankind comes to an end.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Oh yeah? Well, your waistcoat looks stupid.

...At least I think it's the same dude from the image you posted before.

......It is a dude, right?

You know what, I think I'll just shut up now.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Official translations usually don't have grammatical errors. The good ones anyway.

I don't know about that... I agree with Ruben, here.

By far the worst i've seen has to be Tales of Berseria. Wow was that game translated awfully. 

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Not gonna lie, I don't see the problem here. That is all glorious.

And to be honest, that's like, half of them. I seen alot more than that during my playthrough, it was pretty sad. Tbf, all Tales of games are like that, but Berseria is the worst i've seen so far.

I can't tell which massive jumble of text is my favorite, though. XD

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5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I can't tell which massive jumble of text is my favorite, though. XD

I think mine's the little kid going "And that is responsible for your mother's stuff", and then the caption nonchalantly reveals that he's referring to her friggin' death. Yeah, y'know, just stuff. Shit happens, amirite?

Just now, Shrimperor said:

Iirc the problem was only the written text, but not the spoken one. So unless you played the game with jp voice, it shouldn't be a problem

Yeah, the only problem then is that if you don't know Japanese you're shit outta luck lol

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Iirc the problem was only the written text, but not the spoken one. So unless you played the game with jp voice, it shouldn't be a problem

But we were talking about the translation, which is related to the text and not the audio.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, to be fair, 2008 was also when the Mother 3 fanslation came out, and that thing feels official, it's so good.

Although, one of the fan translators who worked on that admits that it does have some issues. Albeit, these are deeper, more subtle problems that don't directly impact the experience. You can some of their thoughts here.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think mine's the little kid going "And that is responsible for your mother's stuff", and then the caption nonchalantly reveals that he's referring to her friggin' death. Yeah, y'know, just stuff. Shit happens, amirite?

Haha, true!

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I’ve never played a super bad translation as far as grammar and typos go, but they’re probably out there, official or not.

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19 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’ve never played a super bad translation as far as grammar and typos go, but they’re probably out there, official or not.

I've played a few actually. 

Any Tales of game

Final Fantasy Tactics

Smash Bros (they still don't realise that the Black Knight is only the Dark Knight in JP or that he doesnt wield Ettard)

And that's to name a few. I'd rather not clog up the topic with something silly like that.

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13 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’ve never played a super bad translation as far as grammar and typos go, but they’re probably out there, official or not.

Things have gotten better over time. The earlier days of gaming were affected by games being viewed as toys, not something demanding nor having at the time an established professional translation industry. Text-heaviness combined with that attitude, and limitations in the early days on how text could be fit into games, resulted in stuff like this.:


Nowadays, debatable or downright objectionable localization choices aside (aka a slew of things in FE Fates), the industry is a whole lot better. If you want to find the downright unplayable not-checked-for-sanity stuff, you have to look for the low-budget and super niche genre junk. Or, sometimes the Asian English translations, which cater to an audiences whose first language isn't English and hence may find it more bearable if it isn't naturally-worded.  

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeaaaah I'm gonna have to put a "citation needed" tag on this statement. Or, well, I don't, because you yourself said it - "The good ones, anyway." They're less common than you might think.

Then I must be playing the right ones then because aside from Tales of Berseria, I can't really say I've played a game with bad translations. And yes, this does include Fates, because I do think the quality of the localization is overblown a bit.

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

By far the worst i've seen has to be Tales of Berseria. Wow was that game translated awfully. 

Tales of Berseria is just a really weird case because they voiced the lines right, how do they fuck up the text?

22 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Smash Bros (they still don't realise that the Black Knight is only the Dark Knight in JP or that he doesnt wield Ettard)

I mean


They a little confused but they got the spirit.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Tales of Berseria is just a really weird case because they voiced the lines right, how do they fuck up the text?

Reading the comments on the article, there seems to be no readily identifiable answer. Maybe they lost the script and threw the VA work into a voice recognition software and didn't proofread it? There seems to be agreement that whatever happened, there must've been some kind of time crunch.

According to one comment in the article as an aside, someone said some Atelier games run into what they saw as a similar issue- main story was translated fine, the side content had flaws. Ever notice that?


10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

They a little confused but they got the spirit.

Ettard technically makes more sense than Alondite for the BK's sword. Ragnell is the name of Sir Gawain's wife in one Arthurian story, Ettard is the name of a maiden Gawain slept with on one occasion (betraying his promise to Sir Pelleas). As twin swords, two ladies of Gawain has a logic to it.

Alondite, or rather Arondight, is the name of Lancelot's sword. Still Arthurian, but it has no relation to Ragnell.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Makes you wonder why they thought a good idea to flip the names.

Specially since it then made Ettard Ike's sword. The connotations become a bit amusing factoring that.

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26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

According to one comment in the article as an aside, someone said some Atelier games run into what they saw as a similar issue- main story was translated fine, the side content had flaws. Ever notice that?

Hmmm, can't say I've noticed. The closest thing would be that a lot of the side events are unvoiced in English (which is one of the main reasons I play this series with JP voices, the other being I don't think the English voices are that good).

And since I'm playing with JP, you'd think I'd notice the errors in the text more but I can't really say I have.

Of course, I haven't played anything pre-Rorona so it could be in one of the older games.

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