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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If you count the damage every few seconds debuffs in XC1 -Bleed, Blaze, Chill, Poison- then they're actually quite good. Riki and Melia can deal great damage that way, and without the risk of drawing more aggro for Melly.

Very true and it was something i neglected during my very first run.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Slit Edge would like a word with you.

I use it more for the attack than the debuff.


Started watching Invincible. The show's good. It's also extremely brutal so i can't recommend it if you have an aversion to blood and gore. Shit makes JoJo look tame in comparison.

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What the hell!?

It's snowing again.

Can be glad that I always work from home on fridays.

Weather forecast says about 27°C on Sunday.


Seriously I'd appreciate a constant average of like 20°C or a bit more, at least that I can go out without freezing or getting breathing trouble.

Edited by Zan Partizanne
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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, Charlotte is a prime example of not judging a book by it's cover.

Especially if said book exists in the world that is Fire Emblem Fates.

It is quite unbelievable, yes.

There's also the fact that she's a fun unit. Way more fun than Arthur. I do have to remember to take Gamble away from her, though. 30% crit is fun, but 50%s on WTD isn't.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh you guys are talking about the JP voice actor.

No worries, I was confused at first, too.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

I question that description.

Coupled with the achievement's name, I'd say there's not much room for questions, is there?

8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ugh, what a night...
Fucking migraines, I swear to god...

Dang, that sucks... I hope the next night's better.

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

So... started Etrian Odyssey III and....

Where was THIS in EO Nexus? XD

I like how everyone else is a tiny child, and then there's just... G r e g

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how everyone else is a tiny child, and then there's just... G r e g

Well, to be fair, Greg is the name I gave him.
For context: in Etrian Odyssey, you make your own characters by selecting their class, and then their appearance.
In Etrian Odyssey III, you give them a name first, then you get to choose everything else. I think I prefer the new way of doing it, where you only give them a name when you're done actually choosing what you want them to be, but hey!
I was like "Greg the Monk, yeah, that works", and then one of the selectable appearances was that. XD

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Well, to be fair, Greg is the name I gave him.
For context: in Etrian Odyssey, you make your own characters by selecting their class, and then their appearance.
In Etrian Odyssey III, you give them a name first, then you get to choose everything else. I think I prefer the new way of doing it, where you only give them a name when you're done actually choosing what you want them to be, but hey!
I was like "Greg the Monk, yeah, that works", and then one of the selectable appearances was that. XD

Absolutely hilarious. Greg needs to kill the final boss.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Absolutely hilarious. Greg needs to kill the final boss.

Oh he will! Trust me!

Alright, with that said, let me introduce the Draggy Guild for this playthrough:

First is Melissa. She's a princess, and self-proclaimed leader of the group. She's the type to rush headlong into things and has no real indoor voice. She got sent to Armoroad with the task of exploring the Yggdrasil Labyrinth by her father, who wants her to learn self-restraint (and possibly get rid of her, because of how annoying she can be, but that is something he'd rather not say).


Next is Greg. He is an old, retired monk, and master of martial arts. Though he is senile, so he has forgotten most of his techniques. He was assigned by Melissa's father to accompany her (because sending her out without a bodyguard would have raised some suspicion), and the chance to explore a labyrinth has rekindled his spirit. He is a bit of an eccentric old man, the type who would yell "get off of my lawn!" while punching monsters in the face... even when they are nowhere near his lawn to begin with.


This is Aria. She does not talk much, but she is a mage of some talent. Emphasis on "some". Nobody knows what all the gadgety looking stuff she carries with her is even for, but she thinks it makes her look "cool". Her quiet nature and piercing glare tends to scare people away, but in truth, she's just very shy.
Also, Aria is not her real name. She just chose to call herself that, because she thought it sounded better. She also won't reveal her real name.


A Gladiator called Jack. He pretends like he has had years of battle experience and tends to prattle on about how many battles he fought, and how he once defeated a dragon with both arms tied behind his back... which is a lie, obviously. Though his physical strength certainly is not. Jack is the guy to call when you need some heavy lifting done, like heavy crates, or something, and despite his... exaggeration of his own abilities, he's actually a nice guy, and easy to get along with.


And lastly, there's Marie, who is a very regular daughter of a very regular farmer. Nobody knows why she's here, or what her goal is, but the Draggy Guild lacked a fifth member, so they just grabbed the first person they could find, and it ended up being her. She has the uncanny talent to remain cheerful even when in mortal peril, happily scouring for rare things everywhere she goes without a care in the world. She wants to one day open up a flower shop despite being allergic to pollen.

All characterization is made up by me.
But yeah, these idiots will be the, uh, heroes for this story.
Wish them luck!
Or not. XD

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Though he is senile, so he has forgotten most of his techniques.

Come, draw your sword. Even though I, Greg, am old and senile, I will not lose to the likes of you.

...Sorry, couldn't resist.

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

All characterization is made up by me.

That's the best kind of characterization. When the game lets you create your own characters and you just make up the dumbest stories. It's my favorite thing about character creation. I still recall fondly how I spent my entire Elder Scrolls: Oblivion run playing as a hopeless alcoholic kleptomaniac. It was fun.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Come, draw your sword. Even though I, Greg, am old and senile, I will not lose to the likes of you.

...Sorry, couldn't resist.

Why apologize? This is an awesome line!

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the best kind of characterization. When the game lets you create your own characters and you just make up the dumbest stories. It's my favorite thing about character creation.

Agreed! It's one of the things I came to love about Etrian Odyssey. Pretty much all my parties so far were made up of woefully incompetent fools who were in way over their heads, but then grew to become some of the greatest heroes in the games' worlds through sheer dumb luck, and tenacity.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I still recall fondly how I spent my entire Elder Scrolls: Oblivion run playing as a hopeless alcoholic kleptomaniac. It was fun.

That does sound like it was a lot of fun, hehe!

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7 hours ago, Sooks said:

@Shrimperor so this gear in the armory place is looking really nice, especially with these hard mode enemies, but it’s like all of my money... should I make a big purchase like that early on (I think armor will be the most useful but the weapons look nice as well)?

Yeah buy buy buy. Also, if you don't have enough money, weapons take priority over Armor.

Also have Action quartz on everyone!

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Ugh, what a night...
Fucking migraines, I swear to god...

Morning, everyone.


Take care, friend.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

so they just grabbed the first person they could find, and it ended up being her. She has the uncanny talent to remain cheerful even when in mortal peril, happily scouring for rare things everywhere she goes without a care in the world.

Sounds like a kidnapping incident, if you ask me.

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49 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Take care, friend.

Thanks! ^^

49 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Sounds like a kidnapping incident, if you ask me.

You know... looking at how I have characterized these guys, this would fit perfectly. XD

Receptionist: "Uh, sorry, but you need five members for a complete guild."
Jack: "Well, ain't this a pity?"
Aria: "... Now what?"
Melissa: "Hmm... *sees Marie walking by* You there!"
Marie: "Who, me?"
Melissa: "You'll join our guild!"
Marie: "Wha--?"
Melissa: "Sign 'er up, buddy!"
Receptionist: "As you wish."
Marie: "I'm not sure what just happened, but no matter~!"
Melissa: "*grins triumphantly*"
Jack: "I think this may cause us some trouble later on..."
Aria: "Yes..."

The next day

Armoroad Times headline: "Adventurers kidnap farmer's daughter to complete their Guild"
Glorious. Morbid, but glorious. XD

I think I should make a complete story out of this. XD

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

I use it more for the attack than the debuff.

what. The 50% defence reduction is amazing, though.

Anyway, another Trails in the Sky update, this time showing off my current Quartz setup!










Note that Joshua doesn't normally have Tear, i just needed him to use Aqua Bleed on these stupid candle things that confused me, haha.

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10 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Anyway, another Trails in the Sky update, this time showing off my current Quartz setup

some observations:

Give Estelle Action Quartz. everyone should've action, really.

Give Kloe Cast Quartz. She's a very strong Caster.

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Ugh, I have to take the SOL (big, BOOORING test) today...

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Ugh, what a night...
Fucking migraines, I swear to god...

Morning, everyone.

I hope the next night is better

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Bro if you think that's going hard, wait until you get to Trails to Zero.

That’s a lot of games from now.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

I actually don't think too much of Sky FC's normal battle theme, it doesn't fit my definition of going hard.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I still recall fondly how I spent my entire Elder Scrolls: Oblivion run playing as a hopeless alcoholic kleptomaniac. It was fun.

I laughed out loud at reading this.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah buy buy buy. Also, if you don't have enough money, weapons take priority over Armor.

But I want to not die! I mean I know a good offense, but I die a bit too easily for my tastes.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Also have Action quartz on everyone!

You mean the time ones? Or is giving “action” not specific to time?

And wait, what does that even do?

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Sounds like a kidnapping incident, if you ask me.

Standard fe recruitment.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

The next day

Armoroad Times headline: "Adventurers kidnap farmer's daughter to complete their Guild"
Glorious. Morbid, but glorious. XD

I think I should make a complete story out of this. XD

Local farm girl kidnapped by an extremely ADD princess, crackpot, psychopath and gladiator.

I was gonna call Jack an idiot here but there isn’t enough evidence to support my theory. And of course we know that Aria probably isn’t a psychopath.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

But I want to not die! I mean I know a good offense, but I die a bit too easily for my tastes

Def is the worst stat in Trails.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

You mean the time ones? Or is giving “action” not specific to time?

And wait, what does that even do?

yeah time ones. And they increase SPD, which determines turn order.

Just like in Fire Emblem, in Trails speed is the most important stat

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Def is the worst stat in Trails.


1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

yeah time ones. And they increase SPD, which determines turn order.

Just like in Fire Emblem, in Trails speed is the most important stat


Yeah I want that.

By the way, is matching elements like they said to do in the tutorial important? I think they said that at any rate. Maybe. Something about lines.

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