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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Serenian elementary school

If I’m in elementary school then you’re still a toddler Shrimp-kun.

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21 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

So I think that the Riddle quests from

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Are actually pretty fun! Hard too.

These are in every game FYI.

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26 minutes ago, Wraith said:

If I’m in elementary school then you’re still a toddler Shrimp-kun.

If Shrimpy’s a toddler then I haven’t been conceived yet.


I wanted to steal Armagon’s joke but don’t know how to insert a gif like that

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Common complaints i've heard:

  • The gameplay sucks
  • They ruined Samus' character
  • "Not a real Metroid" game

Now the only Metroid game i've played is Super Metroid but i'm really curious to know what my opinion on Other M would be considering i'm not like, a Metroid megafan.

  I've heard positives on the gameplay too, so I have no idea myself. Then again, I've got a bit of experience with the GBA titles and a lot less with Super, no actual opinion on Other M.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's part of Reignited Trilogy's concept art.


Here's one with the other Breezebuilders.

I really didn't get round to all the Skill Points, that's on me.

(And still RIP Toys for Bob, didn't deserve the end they got)

1 hour ago, Sooks said:
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“I showed it to my 2 kids and told them it’s why there’s only 2 of them.”

Gotta love the internet.


The internet was a mistake.

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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

wanted to steal Armagon’s joke but don’t know how to insert a gif like that

Same way you would insert an image. Copy the link, paste.

9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I've heard positives on the gameplay too, so I have no idea myself

I have heard some positives too. I do see the yaysayers saying that Other M is essentially a 2.5D Metroid game.

But I've seen so much shit thrown at this game that I'm genuinely curious. 

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>Gets ready to take shower to go to work in an hour

>Boss calls, says not to come today because it's a slow day

Monday really was the only weekday i worked, huh. Well I still work on the weekends tho.

Part-time job moment.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think the only other game that has useful status effects are the SMT games. If only because i always hear "SMT teaches you when to buff/debuff" and i do recall that being useful when i played TMS.

Ailments aren't so useful for the player, I barely touch them. Hama and Mudo might have a use b/c instadeath, but even then those are worthless on bosses. Stat buffs/debuffs, meaning ta/ra/suku + kajas or -undas, aren't the same thing as ailments if you ask me. Etrian Odyssey treats them as distinct, and as a whole I prefer it that way. Debuffs will always land, but they can't be as crippling as an ailment, which can be resisted or outright blocked. It strikes a balance of consistency vs. potency, and encourages having both.

-Sorry I have a slight tendency to throw EO's gameplay on a small pedestal. It is sublime turn-based RPG gameplay for me, although each game in the series does have its flaws.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

And they actually stick around too. In most games, bosses will be debuffed for like one turn which, depending on the game, means nothing.

In this specific regard, TMS deviates from traditional SMT. It is modern Persona influence at work here, buffs and debuffs are done slightly differently from mainline SMT, even if the spell nomenclature is the same.

Traditionally, going back to at least SMT1, buffs and debuffs have no expiration date. They can be purged, or replaced with the opposite, but they never naturally wear off, unless a demon is sent back into the reserves or whoever had the stat changes dies.


3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Although SMTIV has an interesting mechanic where, if you debuff the boss/buff yourself all the way (I think it's four times, but I'm not sure), the late game bosses will just delete all buffs and debuffs, so you have to be smart about using them, too.

It's a maximum of three stacks in SMTIV and IV Apocalypse. Prior games, both "Classic" SMT and earlier "Modern" SMT did allow up to four stacks of buff/debuff in a given stat. I believe it is the case in all games, or at least the earlier modern ones, each stage of buff/debuff is +/- 12.5%. So +4 in attack means a +50% bonus. Apply -4 defense to the enemy, and your attacks are now dealing about double the hurt. 

I think the stat buff/debuff cleansing spam originated with Strange Journey, or possibly Digital Devil Saga. Nocturne's bosses can carry Dekunda/Dekaja (no Silent Prayer), but compared to later games, the spells aren't as frequently given to bosses, nor as heavily used by them. Which means it's an even greater idea to use them when fighting bosses. -No Luster Candy for SMTIII though, that spell wasn't invented until SJ, though Debilitate is still around.

Luster Candy as a fun fact has its name originate as a combination of the stat spell prefixes. It's "Rasuta Kyandi" in Japanese, Ra-Su-Ta. The translation might've lost the reference through assuming this was a conventional word and transliterated it as one, although perhaps the Japanese is a wordplay with two meanings, in which case, one meaning simply had to be lost to non-Japanese audiences.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Common complaints i've heard:

  • The gameplay sucks
  • They ruined Samus' character
  • "Not a real Metroid" game

Now the only Metroid game i've played is Super Metroid but i'm really curious to know what my opinion on Other M would be considering i'm not like, a Metroid megafan.

The gameplay isn't the absolute worst I think, given what I've read. The biggest hissy fits definitely got thrown over Samus's portrayal. Any imperfections in the gameplay were less le infame, and rather additional oxygen growing the flames started elsewhere upon the jumbo jet. You can argue that Wind Waker went from "Celda" to a respected LoZ game because, water woes aside, the gameplay was resolutely the same tried & true Zelda formula. Other M rocked two different boats at once, and so there was nowhere to find peace of stomach on the high seas.

Other M is unusually story-heavy for a Metroid, which could be considered good, or simply different, or bad- b/c you think the plot that exists is badly done. Metroid is usually devoid of story for better or worse, although before Other M, Fusion and Prime 3 did go heavier on it than the nonexistent Super/Prime 1. And some people enjoy the subtle Prime 1, 2 & Hunters approach of "story through logbook entries scattered across the explorable world".

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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The gameplay is the absolute worst.

They tried to make the controls "simple" by making the only allowed controller the Wii Remote in sideways position. No Classic Controller. No Nunchuck. Just the D-pad, 2 buttons and... motion controls.

Honestly, I'm inclined to just say "It's a 3D game that handles movement with the D-pad", but it's so much worse then that.
Sakamoto though that if you reduce the number of buttons used, it makes the controls simpler. And I don't think that's true.
I mean, what sounds easier?
Firing a missile with the press of a single button
Firing a missile by changing controller position from horizontal to vertical, aiming at the tv screen and then press a button to fire after the game switches into 1st person.

It's a fucking mess.

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If you still need to aim the missile before pressing the button, I can see the appeal of letting the motion control handle the aiming.

Like how I find using the mouse in PC games better than a joystick.

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Sure, but there is no need to have to manually aim in the first place considering the game uses a lock-on function for the buster. Why would missiles suddenly require manual aim?

It's just handled that way so they don't need to use a 3rd button.

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Dorothy really wants to come with us into the Zeiss factory while it has a super bad gas leak and we need to save someone even though she would be able to contribute absolutely nothing.

Hmm... Dorothy is the true villain confirmed?


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She said it!

6ltxowyz o

She said the thing!

She said the--OH MY GOD




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Having played a bit of Other M back when it was new, figured I would add my two cents.

Gameplay wise, as long as you don't need the missiles it plays well, you have to get a little used to the movement first, bit that doesn't take that long to figure out. The big issue with missiles is that need to change hand positions to use them, if you want them in combat, or any moment where timing matters, then you are in for a bad time.

Storywise, it sucked, and was what really killed the experience for me. A few too many cut scenes about the baby (metroid), and I was done with its crap. Didn't even reach the infamous don't activate the varia suit despite almost dying until Adam commands it moment...

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...Did... Did Charizard just flirt with the 16 year old?

Well. That kinda ruins the character, doesn't it. This is why Japan needs to stop with the underaged protagonists.

Oh, but no time for that now. That which I totally hadn't seen coming has happened. Who could possibly have foreseen this turn of events.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She said it!

6ltxowyz o

She said the thing!

She said the--

Hasn’t Estelle already said that like five times?

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


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Huh, I never noticed the professor’s eye color.

I also forgot he ever opened them.

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Also, that colonel who kept showing up is obviously bad guy. It’s probably him or Dorothy at this point. Or both I guess.

Anyway the story just when from 1 to 100 in like two text boxes. Nice.


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