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28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Tries stealing some items from another FFIX boss named Lenore, suddenly goes into a downward spiral of ultimate defeat, having stolen neither of the rare items*


I give up. This is total BS and ain't wasting my time any more with this freakin asscave stuff. Steal rates are extremely low for how you "can" do this for every single boss. Excuse me while I beat the game without this nice but totally unnecessary crap equipment and you're still waiting to get the stuff off the game's fourth boss. 

*Exhales* Not playing the game any more tonight then. I resume tomorrow and pretend Zidane is not a thief whatsoever from here on out. 

Have to be at ease if I'm going to listen into the Dragon Quest announcements they make in about an hour. Not sure why they're not waiting for E3, it isn't far away.

Ummm, I did warn you, it can become a total drag to steal. That solely is why I prefer non thief MC's. 

If you DONT SELL EARLY GAME STUFF you can make some good weapons later on. 

Seriously, dont sell stuff unless you HAVE TO. 

Edit: I could be wrong but weapons like Mythril Dagger are needed quite often in smithing better weapons.

Edited by lightcosmo
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A chibified & offline version of Dragon Quest X. They didn't tack "no plans for international release" disclaimer on the screen after the trailer, the way they did for standard DQX version 6.0. Is this finally the chance for the game to leave Japan? I'd rather let Orochi eat me than hope it true.

DQIII "HD 2-D"? I bought the game a few months too soon. Now it's going Octopath Traveler in terms of visuals. Pretty, but I might prefer tried and true DQ 16-bit. Nonetheless, Japan loves DQIII, they'll eat it up.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A chibified & offline version of Dragon Quest X. They didn't tack "no plans for international release" disclaimer on the screen after the trailer, the way they did for standard DQX version 6.0. Is this finally the chance for the game to leave Japan? I'd rather let Orochi eat me than hope it true.

Nah, appearently they confirmed there's no worldwide plans for it.

Square Enix really must not have a lot of confidence in a worldwide release for DQ10. I get that DQ isn't as popular in the West but you look at FF14 making bank, it's kinda surprising they won't do the same for DQ10.

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Ok I might actually look into that Dragon Quest 3 remake.

I don't even care for the franchise but this one does look kinda dope. As long as it doesn't suffer Octopath's problem of being too faithful to the 16-bit era.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nah, appearently they confirmed there's no worldwide plans for it.

Of course, no additional expensive servers to maintain, and they still won't do it.


7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Square Enix really must not have a lot of confidence in a worldwide release for DQ10. I get that DQ isn't as popular in the West but you look at FF14 making bank, it's kinda surprising they won't do the same for DQ10.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Enix thought "half of the playable races would look fugly to a Western audience. They want edginess, realism, sexiness; not cuteness or whimsy". No cool fantasy races to play as = no sales.


Just now, Armagon said:

Ok I might actually look into that Dragon Quest 3 remake.

I don't even care for the franchise but this one does look kinda dope. As long as it doesn't suffer Octopath's problem of being too faithful to the 16-bit era.

I'd say your money is safe and can be put towards XC3 DLC. Sure you can wait things out, but I'm sure it'll stay too dated for you.

And mind you, DQIII was originally a NES game, 8-bit, extra ancient and jagged. Just like you won't like it! 



Erik and his sister are getting a spinoff? He was nice, decent bro/bud/male-companion-similar-in-age-to-the-male-main-character trope. Not the worst character to a give spinoff too. I hope the game sells well, but doesn't turn to gold.

And good approach to DQXII, talk and a logo, should build the hype for E3 to actually show a trailer of the game. -If they haven't said they won't be doing that.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd say your money is safe and can be put towards XC3 DLC. Sure you can wait things out, but I'm sure it'll stay too dated for you.

And mind you, DQIII was originally a NES game, 8-bit, extra ancient and jagged. Just like you won't like it! 

That's probably the realistic outcome but if they put out a demo, I'll give it a shot.

It does look nice tho, arguably the best looking out of Square's "2.5HD" games.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And good approach to DQXII, talk and a logo, should build the hype for E3 to actually show a trailer of the game. -If they haven't said they won't be doing that.

That would be ideal but something tells me it's too early for them to actually show the game.

Still really curious on how they're changing the battle system and making the game more "for adults". I may be an outsider but that had me intrigued a little bit.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

>Dragon Quest 12

>They're changing the battle system

I don't even play the series but this sounds blasphemous ngl.


Holy Rubiss, unnamed Goddess, Almighty and whoever else rules the universe, that is questionable.

The main draw of Dragon Quest has always been it sticks to turn-based combat, it makes adjustments and modernizations, but stays true to origins. In a world where every other franchise experiments up the wazoo for better and worse, Dragon Quest stays a steady, reliable ship. One could jump from DQII in 1987 to DQXI in 2017, and have an easy time adjusting, you couldn't say the same of going from Final Fantasy III to XV. Dragon Quest as a franchise has been proud of its conservatism in both narrative and gameplay, and the franchise's fans have appreciated that for as long. Enix is treading on dangerous ground if they seriously want to ditch turn-based combat and go ATB or real-time.

Worse comes to worse, the Japan fans will raze SE's office buildings to the ground, and Enix will apologize with a game that goes back to the good old tradition. But the damage will have already been done.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

making the game more "for adults". I may be an outsider but that had me intrigued a little bit.

Puff Puff is now played straight.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Still really curious on how they're changing the battle system and making the game more "for adults". I may be an outsider but that had me intrigued a little bit.

The obvious difference will be that the bunny girls will take off their tops and give you a skin-to-your-face puff-puff, no fake-out, no "image of rainbows pops up on the screen during the tantalizing act".

Gameplay-wise, not sure what they could do that'd be adult that'd be much different from what they've already done. DQXI had some "Draconian" settings that made it more difficult, if that is what "adult" means. If all it means is making like everything else nowadays, that undermines the franchise's essential spirit.

Storywise, I don't see DQ needing to get that dark or super-serious. DQ can already have hard-hitting moments, a couple scenes in DQV back from the Super Famicom come readily to mind. And again, part of DQ's charm is a simple, lighthearted good vs. evil adventure, even though it does try to give its characters some depth nowadays. 

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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Enix is treading on dangerous ground if they seriously want to ditch turn-based combat and go ATB or real-time.

Yeah like, 10 has different combat (I think) because it's an MMO and that makes sense. But for a normal mainline game, well, it's really gonna depend.

Right now tho, this game is in a Metroid Prime 4/Bayonetta 3 situation where we know nothing so for now, it's just gonna be speculation.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:


They keep finding ways to reinvent the Slime. A Daruma is a new way of doing I think, surprising, given how Japanese DQ is.


18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Right now tho, this game is in a Metroid Prime 4/Bayonetta 3 situation where we know nothing so for now, it's just gonna be speculation.

As Aristotle once, wrongly, said "nature abhors a vacuum". -And so does the human imagination.

Unlike Bayo and Prime, I'd like to think Enix wouldn't leave us hanging as much as the other two games have.

Still, who knows? No long-running franchise of anything can have an unbroken record of perfection, maybe it is DQ's time to lay an egg (though not necessarily a total bomb, 3D Mario hasn't been terrible, but Sunshine some would say was rather weak). I hope it isn't, but who can say?

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It's 2AM here, but I've finally done it: Chapter 2 is up.

Now I can look you in the eye again.

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I'd say, any time the enemy waves showed up, all it was missing was:

Kaga learned the SRW style of doing reinforcements. So proud of him.

But "Boo!" on warning us in advance they were the 'ambush' style.

Still, it got a bit hilarious at the end when a third of the eagle riders pretty much suicided on Jean's PRF.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The children are far less tacked on, is the main advantage. The timeskip, disappearance of the parents and the clear-cut divide between parts make them feel like their own proper characters, as opposed to Fatesawakening kids who just sort of... come into existence when their parents marry and tag along with the actual army. They feel like outsiders.

I can agree with this.
FE4 definitely has THE best implementation of the "eugenics emblem" feature. I was just making the point that FE4 did many of the things people blame modern FE for inventing, and I just felt like that is a bit unfair, is all.
I have absolutely no stakes in this otherwise, honestly.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The romances themselves are... well, not Kaga tier, because there's barely any material there to be Kaga tier. Even in the "canon" pairings that the game tries to push with their own conversations and all, they're short conversations that really aren't all that memorable. Not great stuff. Then again, I only did two meme pairings and went with substitutes for everyone else, so what do I know.

Yeah, the lack of dialogue was definitely a detriment to the entire experience. Many of the heavier story beats (like the Belhalla Barbecue) fell kinda flat, because for most characters, I just asked myself "who even ARE any of you?"
This is why Tine ended up one of my favorites, as well. Not only because I just like that character type, but her development was stellar, even with the few lines she did have.

An FE4 remake that fixes all of these issues DOES have the potential to be the best FE game, storywise, however. I will say that much... unless they completely butcher it, which is always possible.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ehhhh mainly, the hardware limitations give them less opportunities to pull shit like the Camilla cutscenes. You know the ones I'm talking about. Otherwise, yeah, Kaga era FE wasn't exactly innocent.

Well, that is true. Camilla was really blatant, no arguments here.

Now, I don't really mind a bit of fanservice (have you SEEN my favorite games?), because to me, it doesn't really matter if a character shows a bit of skin or not (so long as the character itself is good, I'm good), so my only stake in this court of argument is that I want that bolded sentence to be acknowledged.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence in Kaga's games. Berwick Saga was the one that held back on it the most, simply because the damisel-in-distress shenanigans are relegated to a single map that feels like the developers were trying to appease to Kaga by concentrating all the Kaga fetishes into one corner of the game while trying to keep the rest of it as clean as possible.

I wouldn't have minded it TOO much if it didn't feel so forced in.
For what it is right now, Julia getting captured and brainwashed just felt so unnatural. It was really jarring with what was otherwise a pretty naturally flowing story. Especially because in the grand scheme of things, it didn't even matter.

But yeah, Kaga has some weird kinks, that's true. xD

13 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

At the beginning i thought i would get an Elincia (and you know how much i love her), in the end she turned out to be by far to be my least fav. Character in the game.

That always sucks.

13 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

half of my review about the game was ranting about her lmao

Reading this... yeah, that does sound much worse than Julia.

12 hours ago, Sooks said:

Favorite characters, huh? I liked Lewyn and... Lewyn. I guess I didn’t really like anyone that much. I mean Raquesis is cool, I guess.


Whoever came up with "Raquesis" for her name never heard of Greek mythology before. xD

12 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

In the defense of the SNES, there is a 16 color limit you have to consider. 

True, but still. Different hair colors would have been more than possible.

12 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Real blast from the past here! xD

And yeah, that romance is complete nonsense.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My problem with Lewyn wasn't Gen 1, there wasn't enough actual philandering to sour me on him.

For me, it's that I've seen that philanderer archetype so much by now and I've gotten so sick of it that even the slightest bit of it causes a character to tumble down my mental ranking of characters all the way down to the pile of characters I would rather forget existed.

It's a red flag for me nowadays, I will be honest.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I had built up this very majestic image of Forseti-Lewyn before playing FE4, I refused to accept what I actually saw ingame. You are not a wise dragon borrowing a human's body, you're someone's bitter old unlikable uncle. Go away and give me my ungrounded fantasy back!

Oh yeah, Gen 2 Lewyn was pretty bad, too. I agree with you on that one.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


This guy has to be one of the stupidest characters I have ever seen.
"Hey, I'm gonna try to convince this guy who imprisoned me before, and whom I'm still fighting for for some reason, to stop fighting my childhood buddy instead of just joining him. I'm sure that won't cost me my head! lol"

Like, I do think the Camus archetype is pretty stupid in general, but Eldigan takes the cake as the single dumbest of them all.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Age can be a terrible thing for video games.



Hello, everyone!

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:



That would be cool imo.

(I know you all said it's a Slime, shhh)

46 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

This guy has to be one of the stupidest characters I have ever seen.
"Hey, I'm gonna try to convince this guy who imprisoned me before, and whom I'm still fighting for for some reason, to stop fighting my childhood buddy instead of just joining him. I'm sure that won't cost me my head! lol"

Like, I do think the Camus archetype is pretty stupid in general, but Eldigan takes the cake as the single dumbest of them all.

I mean, there's dying for your country.

And then there's dying because your country's head is a selfish fool who sees you as a threat despite all evidence to the contrary barring his having the holy sword because genetics told you to fuck off.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I mean, there's dying for your country.

One of the dumbest ways to die. Especially if the ruler is unjust.

Camus characters are the most hypocrite of hypocrites, and it's hard for me to understand why people like them so much.

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

An FE4 remake that fixes all of these issues DOES have the potential to be the best FE game, storywise, however.

I do think Cult-kun needs fixing as well, as the whole cult thing especially ruins gen2 for me

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Camus characters are the most hypocrite of hypocrites, and it's hard for me to understand why people like them so much.

TearRing Saga's Camus is pretty amazing. Beyond that, though, yeah, I do find the archetype tends to be rather overrated. Some of them are super forced. Like Reinhardt, for instance. The guy has literally no reason to stay in the Imperial army. He has all the information of the Empire's evil in hand, his own sister is begging him to see reason right after Saias himself told him to stop seeing her as a child and listen to her for a change, and the only other person he's truly close to, Ishtar, has distanced herself from him to protect him, because on top of it all, the friggin' Imperial Prince wants him dead out of petty jealousy. And yet he still refuses to follow his sister to the right side because... muh loyalty? It ends up validating August's assessment of him as a zealot that is no better than any of the cultists.

I tend to prefer these "loyal to a fault" types when it's possible to make them see reason, even if it's difficult, and their reluctance to fight against their homeland is used to give them a nice moral dilemma after they join. See for instance the closest thing to a Camus Berwick Saga has. She fits the Camus description to a T, except she's not a moron.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I do think Cult-kun needs fixing as well, as the whole cult thing especially ruins gen2 for me

I mean, I found it really amazing how the game's friggin' final chapter had like four recolored cultist bosses that had the exact same battle quotes. It was absolutely hilarious.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like Reinhardt

Don't let me start ranting...

Oh you did it for me thx xD

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I found it really amazing how the game's friggin' final chapter had like four recolored cultist bosses that had the exact same battle quotes. It was absolutely hilarious.

Watch the remake turn one of them into a girl



Seriously tho i think FE4 would benefit from integrating some of Thracia's character and events into it's story.

Salem and Sara in particular would make evil dragon cult of plot destroying doom less cartoonishly evil

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