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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Teeheemperor said:

I heard it's because they apparently added a new character or something

Don't know about completely new. The only big gameplay difference I know is that they made possible to unlock Milanor's Flunky to be playable for the entire game, not just BF1 (though you need to wait for BF4 to actually start deploying him).

Still, that doesn't really say why they don't release the English version as well. It's been over a year already since the mobile/Switch port.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Don't know about completely new. The only big gameplay difference I know is that they made possible to unlock Milanor's Flunky to be playable for the entire game, not just BF1 (though you need to wait for BF4 to actually start deploying him).

i see i see

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Still, that doesn't really say why they don't release the English version as well. It's been over a year already since the mobile/Switch port.

probably not enough demand. Or they don't think there's enough demand, not even enough to just port the translation over.

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6 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

Did they add the most important thing tho?

Milanor finally getting his Castle?

Technically he could actually get it in Yggdra Unison. Since it's basically a Risk-style game with the traditional gameplay if I recall correctly, Milanor can just conquer Fantasinia and Bronquia for himself. lol

And all he has to his name at the start is Kylier and Flunky (he was fully-fledged playable there too, and the only "generic" character to be so), hehe.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The game's kinda interesting.

Basically, it's an AU that starts the moment Gulcasa took Fort Karona and kills King Ordene. You choose your faction, and it's off to conquer everything. So yes, you can have Gulcasa fulfill his dream, or Yggdra to actually prevent the fall of Paltina and go on a world conquest much earlier than canon. Or have the Undines enact revenge on humanity and conquer the world themselves. Or even have Ortega taking over the world. lol

Sadly, it never got localized. It was originally a cellphone game, but then got a DS enhanced port. And then nothing. Unlike the other Union games making it to the PSP and now starting to go mobile/Switch, Unison has been left behind. Poor game.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Basically, it's an AU that starts the moment Gulcasa took Fort Karona and kills King Ordene. You choose your faction, and it's off to conquer everything. So yes, you can have Gulcasa fulfill his dream, or Yggdra to actually prevent the fall of Paltina and go on a world conquest much earlier than canon. Or have the Undines enact revenge on humanity and conquer the world themselves. Or even have Ortega taking over the world. lol


that sounds interesting

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sadly, it never got localized. It was originally a cellphone game, but then got a DS enhanced port. And nothing. Unlike the other Union games making it to the PSP and now starting to go mobile/Switch, Unison has been left behind. Poor game.


well, watching playthroughs on bed could be fun

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You know, I just now remembered why I thought Yggdra and company never returned from Asgard.

Because when I read that, it wasn't related to Yggdra, but Nessiah. In fact, it's from his Unison ending:


After ending the chaos of the land that humans were unable to affect, the fallen angel Nessiah, who had accomplished the first phase of his true objective, set out for Asgard to take revenge on the gods with only the power he carried. It is said that there were many people who left for the front with him, but none ever returned… Afterward, upon the world that had lost its sovereign dawned yet another conflict of choosing one. And so the long-standing chaos of war enveloped the world yet again…


Anyway, don't know about video playthroughs, but you can find some screenshot LP's here:

https://feral-phoenix.livejournal.com/tag/yggdra unison

Start from the bottom. They started playing with Yggdra, but then showed a few other factions. Oh wait, didn't saw the "Go earlier" button. Ah, they started with Milanor, then.

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15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Because when I read that, it wasn't related to Yggdra, but Nessiah.

nice i can continue with my Heaven's conquerer Yggdra headcanon


15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Anyway, don't know about video playthroughs, but you can find some screenshot LP's here:



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Title: Come-Near-Me-And-I’ll-Kill-You Yggdra
Vitality: High
7 battles, 74 attacks, 4 kills
Never defeated
Score: 651,300
It is said that she, who had gathered great military power, considered it a virtue to carry out her word and cut down the opponents she’d decided to kill, and henceforth continued to run around the battlefield…
Yggdra: Th-this can’t be…

AHAHAHA, I had forgotten how funny the character endings could be in that game... ahahahaha... lol

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Apparently character endings vary depending on their score by the end of the game. Still, that line of hers is a meme, even in Japan. lol

I kid you not, Yggdra also has a Title that goes: "The Aieeeeeeeeeeeee". As in, like every time they scream... XD

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1 minute ago, Teeheemperor said:

When you see a blonde Princess, you better run far far away xD

I mean yeah, wouldn't want to take 60 damage by Peach's down-smash.

Seriously, that thing was busted in Melee.

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Even if it only got a DS port, Unison also got supplemental stuff like a couple Drama CD's and the like.

The snippets of the Imperial Army in there was basically BU-lite when it comes to showing them in a more heroic light. Since Unison did came first before BU did. And then of course silly dramas like, in Unison the Diamond Dust card now has the effect of turning everyone into Undines temporarily. Drama CD took it to its logical conclusion of having a snippet where the card is used and... shenanigans ensue.

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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Unison the Diamond Dust card now has the effect of turning everyone into Undines temporarily. Drama CD took it to its logical conclusion of having a snippet where the card is used and... shenanigans ensue.

Pamela approves


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I think a Monolith Soft-directed Fire Emblem would do the thing Project X Zone does where the characters move around in their tile range as you lead them to their next target.

Kinda like that 3D perspective in Three Houses but you can actually see the map.

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50 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean yeah, wouldn't want to take 60 damage by Peach's down-smash.

Seriously, that thing was busted in Melee.

That's only if your a fast faller or are crouch canceling, both of which are conscious choices. 

Edit: I suppose you could DI into it, but why would you?

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Just now, Armagon said:

Guess what kind of character the best character in Melee is.

Again, a conscious choice. No one is forcing you to play Fox. That's silly. Saying "X character is the best, and therfore the game revolves around them", is kinda limiting a view of the game.

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Saying "X character is the best, and therfore the game revolves around them", is kinda limiting a view of the game.

While i would normally agree, this is actually the case with Melee and then it's even more of the case with Brawl.

In Melee, if you ain't playing the top 5, you ain't winning.

In Brawl, Meta Knight lol.

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11 hours ago, Armagon said:

I said this before but i think it's really cool how Blaster Master Zero 3 is bringing back the OG characters from the original Blaster Master game.

I never finished the first game, I cleared the seventh sector, but went looking for stuff in the earlier ones again and couldn't figure out how to get back in the 8th. Nonetheless, given they're inexpensive, I think I'll get the subsequent two. Some game variety for my Switch is good.

I had also played a dash of the NES original back in the day. Never was able to best the first boss.


23 minutes ago, Armagon said:

PxZ Ch.8 getting a little bit too trigger happy with barrier enemies.

...Not a great sign when I read the game goes up to Chapter 40.

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Did my second part of my KHIII stream yesterday.

Aside of having my first deaths, two things were noticable:

  1. I watched more than I played.
  2. I didn't expect it had space shooter sections like StarFox.

I have to admit remembering all moves is not that easy since Sora has A LOT of them.

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