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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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37 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I thought it looked straight up better than the wii version.

Me too, but I didn't want to sound like I was shitting on the original game.

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Even though I still think she kinda sucks (gameplay wise, that is), I will give her this: Tita’s S-craft with a ruby talisman is an absolute godsend in the mosquito boss battle. Thank you for contributing.

Speaking of Tita, she got three levels from that boss battle alone and she died twice (or maybe it was three times?). Looks like I really don’t have to worry about leveling after all.

7 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Me too, but I didn't want to sound like I was shitting on the original game.

We can like games while acknowledging they look like absolute trash. After all, I do like Three Houses.

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Um… what…?


Are we seriously using a 12 year old as bait for a ‘peeping tom’? I mean Estelle and Kloe are 16, I think, which could be fine in Liberl so okay, but there is no way 12 isn’t crossing a line. What? No one objects?


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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I thought it looked straight up better than the wii version.

3DS version is a lot blurrier in most places because 240p.

But also like i said, even the New 3DS' screen doesn't do Xenoblade justice.

Like New 3DS version is fine if you have no options (that was how i was introduced to the series after all) but you really do gotta keep in mind that it's the worst version of the game.

46 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Me too, but I didn't want to sound like I was shitting on the original game.

Xenoblade 1 is the weakest Xenoblade game anyway.

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Man, this game sure makes you feel like a genius for figuring “puzzles” out blind. A rank here I come.

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Getting the Thermal Visor and getting out of the Space Pirate facility afterwards wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be. My old Nintendo Power game guide implied there were no save stations between that and the next boss fight IIRC, but it was very clearly wrong. It was kinda fun for a short burst having the enemies turn off all the lights making it impossible to see anything normally -but the dummies only did it after I "borrowed" their latest in thermal imaging. "Metroids in the Dark" sounded like it'd be a total nightmare, but so far, because I knew in advance and have been very cautious around them, I haven't been latched onto once yet. On hard mode and for the unprepared, I can understand how this would be nasty.

As for Thardus, it took me two tries. The game is so wrong suggesting you Boost Ball to avoid the rolling boulder attack, running around like a beheaded chicken is actually better. First try saw me doing badly at doing the roll, I got frozen a lot, and many of my attacks got deflected off of rocks in way of the weak point. On the second try, things went much faster, Super Missiles made quick work of the boss's health, although I ran out and resorted to the charged Power Beam shots at a point, sticking a little close to the boss seems to have made it easier to hit at its weak spots. I got sloppy later into the fight, but still finished it with a full Energy Tank of five (didn't get the Double Bomb Jump one) to spare.

I think I have to resort to a guide now. I can't find the way to the detected "abnormally low temperatures" (Ice Beam) in the Chozo Ruins. I got lost and wound up finding the Wavebuster in the process.😅 The map is totally failing me on where to go next, the Antechamber has no connecting rooms anywhere near it. The one room I thought that'd lead to the Ice Beam, turns out to require an upgrade I don't have yet, so that can't be it. The game has been fairly transparent about how to get to the next location so far, jarring it'd be to stop being so all of a sudden.


2 hours ago, Maof06 said:

I think I'll play the 3DS version, it doesn't look bad (and in some ways it looks better than the Wii version) imo.

Considering the faces are atrociously painted on in both Wii and 3DS versions, a lower degree of detail might actually work in the 3DS's favor I'd say, as detail only accentuates the bad.


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

How about them PSX graphics:

I see your PSX, will raise you the N64.:

64-bit graphics sure were chunky. Truth be told, I'm not interested in ever returning to SM64 except the DS remake because of how horrendous it looks.


13 minutes ago, Armagon said:


With every image of her and Demitri you post, I can't help but wonder "Why doesn't Capcom resurrect Darkstalkers?". They keep Street Fighter alive, but can't find the time to make one little revival game once in a decade for something they like tossing into crossovers or DLC costumes and the ilk.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

With every image of her and Demitri you post, I can't help but wonder "Why doesn't Capcom resurrect Darkstalkers?"

Funnily enough, the last Darkstalkers game that was released in 2013 was called Darkstalkers: Resurrection.

Looking at Wikipedia, Darkstalkers has had weird releases. Most on arcade obviously but as far as consoles went, the first game released on the PlayStation but then after that, the series moved on to the Saturn of all things. And considering the failure of the Saturn.....yeah.

The third game did get updated for the PS1 eventually and......the third game actually got "Street Fighter 2-itis" where it just got released over and over again.

There has never actually been a Darkstalkers 4 and the latest game in the series is actually an HD compilation update of 2 and 3. Resurrection preformed horribly btw.

As sad it is to say, Capcom probably doesn't see a viable future for the franchise and it only survives through crossovers and cult status.

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Wow, they kinda did a good job with Tita in this game. In the first game she seemed like she was supposed to be a glass canon, what with her getting obliterated by practically everything and her weapon actually being a canon, but her strength was just too low for her to ever actually be able to contribute. Here, though, she’s been buffed quite a bit and she’s been helping nicely. Good job, devs. (Or maybe it’s the attack 3 quartz, not sure.)

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53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

3DS version is a lot blurrier in most places because 240p.

But also like i said, even the New 3DS' screen doesn't do Xenoblade justice.

Like New 3DS version is fine if you have no options (that was how i was introduced to the series after all) but you really do gotta keep in mind that it's the worst version of the game.

Xenoblade 1 is the weakest Xenoblade game anyway.

Is this meme real?


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2 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Is this meme real?



Xenoblade 1 is a good game, i just like to rag on it a lot. 

Like if we compare scores:

  • Xenoblade 1: 8/10
  • Xenoblade X: 10/10
  • Xenoblade 2: 10/10
  • Torna ~ The Golden Country: 9/10

And for the overall Xeno series, Xenoblade 1 shares it's score with Xenogears and Xenosaga Episode III but that's because the latter two are dated games. Both Xenogears and Xenosaga can easily break into 9/10, potentially 10/10 if they get proper remakes.

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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:


If I was Sigurd, I simply would not have died.

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