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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahah... Ahh, yes. Beautiful, isn't it? There's a way to cheese it, but even then it's annoying as all hell.

I used the sleep edges I nabbed from Ilios' crew to put the named knights to sleep, after I nuked the non-named ones with Olwen and Bolting.
But yes, it was annoying. A turn-inflating waste of time. Like the snow-shovelling.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For me personally? KagaSaga. His FEs are more in the "some good ideas, dragged down by massive flaws" camp, in my opinion. TRS and Vestaria a bit like that too, but there's far more good ideas and far less massive flaws. HSoS looks like a wonderful game, but the language barrier makes it too cumbersome for me to enjoy it properly. And well, we all know how I feel about Berwick Saga.

Kaga's FEs, though... FE1, FE2 and FE3 are boring, annoying to play and completely outdated thanks to their remakes, FE4 I played once and I saw everything I needed to see, and FE5... well, it's the best Kaga FE, for what it's worth. I really wish they'd bring back Capture, I love that mechanic, but the map design in this game is... very hit-or-miss, and the lategame is just plain bad, in my humble opinion.

I see.
I honestly liked FE4 more, so far anyway. But yeah, FE5 has some interesting mechanics going for it.
Story's nothing new, though I wouldn't call it entirely bad, either. Just meh, kind of.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You only need to get a certain amount of skill and this flaw disappears. It only exists in the earlygame and Tina. It's dumb, but it hardly exists, so...

And that just makes me question why in the hell it even exists in the first place.
And the only answer I can come to is that it exists to make the earlygame needlessly annoying. And I am not masochist enough to enjoy that kind of thing, I suppose. xD

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This, though... Yeah, the ballistae in Thracia are pain.

Luckily, Dean exists. Dismounted, he can actually tank them rather okay-ish.
The Karin I got can, too, funnily enough.

Also, you can exploit them: so long as no one can die, you can put Leif in range and they'll go for him, always and without fail.
So if you're threatened by two at once, just put Leif in range of one of them and you're golden.

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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And the only answer I can come to is that it exists to make the earlygame needlessly annoying. And I am not masochist enough to enjoy that kind of thing, I suppose. xD

If i may ask: what happened to Fergus? He can literally carry you from CH4 and onward! 

Edit: His PC of 5 makes him a complete enemy phase sweeper.

Edited by lightcosmo
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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

>JoJo Part 5 composer returning for Part 6

I'll vento d'oro 2.0?


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

JoJo animes usually enhance the story so i'm curious to see how this will upgrade Part 6. After all, Part 5 did get the best adaptation imo.

Part 2 got the best adaption imo.

I just hope we get an expanded epilogue.

I'm missing Jolyne's VA from the games though.

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22 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

If i may ask: what happened to Fergus? He can literally carry you from CH4 and onward!

Oh, he's there! And very useful!
Definitely one of my main units I fall back on when help is needed!

Him, Carrion, Asbel, Macha, Dean, and Karin are probably my best combat units, currently.
Out of them, Dean is possibly the weakest, because he decided to be Brighton 2.0 (i.e. he misses almost every single time). But at least he's tanky! XD

43 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:


It's alright! Trust in Nep! XD

Also forgot to reply to this, but thank you!
Seeing Neptune always brings a big smile to my face! ^^

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4 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

You think so? Maybe for Cold Steel I, but at least in that game the combat is pretty fast-paced in comparison to FC.

Honestly, the Sky games have this thing where I like them but then the gameplay of the later games spoiled me and now it's a little bit hard to go back.

It's not like, Xenoblade levels where Xenoblade 1's gameplay is so inferior to what came after it that it kills any motivation to revisit it but yeah.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

admittedly, and i've seen this in both fanbases, those who dislike Black Hole Saga tend to like 3H, and those who dislike 3H tend to like Black Hole Saga

Me, who likes both


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

So I caved in to self-pressure and played FE5

But why would you do that? Like I read the post, I'm just wondering why not like, play a good game instead.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

And this entire game just makes me question why in the name of all hell Kaga is so beloved. The game has interesting mechanics, yes. But it is filled to the brim with so much stupid bullshit, it is absolutely inconceivable to me how anyone can call that good game design.

Kaga has this issue in general. Mystery of the Emblem and TearRing Saga are the exceptions, the former because it's pretty basic and the latter because he showed showed some balance.


......no I haven not played enough of Berwick to make a full opinion, because I know Ruben is gonna bring it up. Although I do think some of the stuff there wasn't as thought out.

43 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Part 2 got the best adaption imo.

I mean, Part 2 is the best Part.

But like, the thing with Part 5 is that it's kinda mid but the anime makes it so much more enjoyable.

44 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

just hope we get an expanded epilogue.

I hope they change the fucking ending but they probably won't considering the Part 5 anime didn't cut the completely unnecessary Rolling Stones arc.

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5 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

Now see, that's a fair complaint. FC has a notoriously slow start, which is why the start of arcs in future installments typically have a snippit of gameplay that canonically takes place in the second half of their games. FC also doesn't help itself because you don't get a multi-targetting attack until either you get Olivier (who joins halfway through Chapter 1), or if you somehow manage to gem in the art Aerial before getting him, which likely isn't going to happen.

Wait, what? I got Aerial in the prologue.

I know because I used it to completely wreck Josette and the bandits in Mistwald. I mean I’m not saying it isn’t unlikely, I just never realized I guess.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

admittedly, and i've seen this in both fanbases, those who dislike Black Hole Saga tend to like 3H, and those who dislike 3H tend to like Black Hole Saga

i've seen it alot in both fanbases. Including myself

Nooo, I want to like all of Trails, I don’t want to be a Sky boomer, nooo—

Edited by Sooks
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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

So I caved in to self-pressure and played FE5,

You didn't have to force yourself. Usually it doesn't end well if you didn't like the game in the first place. I know you dropped it at Chapter 4, understandably so. Not every game out there has to be played, even if it's in a franchise you generally like. Nor every "masterpiece". Games are entertainment, play what entertains, not what some consider "scripture", you won't burn in Hell if you don't play Z game.

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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Kaga has this issue in general. Mystery of the Emblem and TearRing Saga are the exceptions, the former because it's pretty basic

At this point I just wish Mystery's interface wasn't outdated garbage. I would play book 2, but every time I try I quickly realize I have no idea how much damage I'm dealing or taking because they show you the enemy's stats and your own stats in two different screens that aren't even in the same order. It's a headache and a half to play, and in book 1 I only rolled with it because it was so mindnumbingly easy that I coasted through it without knowing the numbers. Yeah. It's that easy.

For that alone I'd rather play New Mystery and Shadow Dragon. I guess I could get used to it like I got used to the UI in the later Kaga games, but... you know, at least those showed the stats side by side so I could compare them at a glance. This is just so insufferable.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

and the latter because he showed showed some balance.

Ah yes, playable Gaiden-style witch, truly the peak of balance

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

......no I haven not played enough of Berwick to make a full opinion, because I know Ruben is gonna bring it up.

Nah, I wasn't gonna. I know full well what your opinion about that one is.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that's... odd. I would've expected the opposite. Any particular reason?

If i have to guess, maybe it's disappointment from former fav. Series? Like ngl i was thinking "so this how a good CS is like" alot while playing 3H

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

The game would be easy as hell without this bullcrap.


Thracia is one of the easier games, honestly.

But so are most Kaga games. Berwick is the exception and even that isn't super hard

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Well i don't fit in either, so what does that make me? XD

Play CS (&maybe Ao) with horny mindset and you might enjoy it xD

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You can only go so wrong with Fates mechanics

Now imagine if they evolved on those mechanics...

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I have purchased the funny game. Soon i will know if this game is truly the war crime against humanity that everyone says it is or if it's all just an overblown exaggeration and the game is good actually.

Regardless of what happens, i will play this to the end, this i promise you. And if it does turn out to be shit, well i can take solace in that Metroid Dread releases in two months (holy shit, it's exactly two months away).

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At this point I just wish Mystery's interface wasn't outdated garbage. I would play book 2, but every time I try I quickly realize I have no idea how much damage I'm dealing or taking because they show you the enemy's stats and your own stats in two different screens that aren't even in the same order. It's a headache and a half to play,

Honestly, the UI didn't bother me too much. What bothered me more was that the cursor could only move within a unit's movement range. If there's an obstacle in the way, you have to go around.

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, playable Gaiden-style witch, truly the peak of balance

She wasn't that good.

15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Play CS (&maybe Ao) with horny mindset and you might enjoy it xD

Ao is the horniest Trails game because all but like two of the women have the most massive tits.

Not that i'm complaining.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ao is the horniest Trails game

CS5 says hi

as much as horny Ao is with the cream your fav. girl scene, CS5 is much much more horny

with VR

and much more girls

It's one of the most horny non porn games i ever saw

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

CS5 says hi

as much as horny Ao is with the cream your fav. girl scene, CS5 is much much more horny

with VR

and much more girls

It's one of the most horny non porn games i ever saw

Ok but that's like a separate thing. Like if you don't have VR it like, doesn't exist.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

She wasn't that good.

The far from broken base stats do that sure. A slowpoke such as yourself you can't say I can't call you that if you've slowly trained Sophia won't care so much about the infinite, whereas a more elitist player will say "Yeah she's getting all the stat boosters b/c Warp". Sierra's worth is much dependent on your style of play. 


8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I have purchased the funny game. Soon i will know if this game is truly the war crime against humanity that everyone says it is or if it's all just an overblown exaggeration and the game is good actually.

"7.5/10 Hate is mostly unjustified." I'll make a blind bet on the outcome.😜

Also, don't review the game once you've finished the final boss, apparently there is a postgame boss in this. 

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The far from broken base stats do that sure. A slowpoke such as yourself you can't say I can't call you that if you've slowly trained Sophia won't care so much about the infinite, whereas a more elitist player will say "Yeah she's getting all the stat boosters b/c Warp". Sierra's worth is much dependent on your style of play. 

The thing with Sierra is that she dies in one hit. Which is also true for Sophia but the difference is that i could exploit-train Sophia, whereas i couldn't really do the same with Sierra.

Doesn't help that Sierra joins in the last stretch of the game where map quality takes a severe nosedive.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

it does.

and i didn't even mention spring events yet

I know it does, what i meant is that i'm pretty sure it's comparable to Megadimension's VR segments in the VR port. Or heck, even Fates' skinship that everyone forgets about because it got cut in the localization.

In other words, it's own thing.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

"7.5/10 Hate is mostly unjustified." I'll make a blind bet on the outcome.😜

Also, don't review the game once you've finished the final boss, apparently there is a postgame boss in this. 

(Forgot to comment on this)

Metroid having a post-game boss is interesting. Usually, the games just end (although Super is the only one that locks you out of returning to the other areas).

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

not when it's clear why they added it.

Fates' skinship was very clearly added for the horny too and nobody cared.......that's a lie. Everyone cared. An unhealthy amount. And then they cried even more when it got cut. Everyone lost.

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and i wouldn't be complaining that much if the game didn't utterly destroy Crossbell arc's conclusion by exisiting. Like i waited so long...

for this? 

What bullshit.

And Rean becomes a bigger fucking blackhole.

Fucking 5 games of bullshit main character. For a development other games and stories do in 1 chapter max, and with a much more tragic past, even. Fucking Hell.

Not that CS5 Lloyd is any fucking better. Dumbest detective alive.


I better stop before i turn this into a salt zone even Bow would be afraid to get into 

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Fates' skinship was very clearly added for the horny too and nobody cared......

except Fates atleast has good gameplay.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Also forgot to reply to this, but thank you!
Seeing Neptune always brings a big smile to my face! ^^

I was just posting it as a reminder, its fine if you didnt reply!!

33 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I have purchased the funny game. Soon i will know if this game is truly the war crime against humanity that everyone says it is or if it's all just an overblown exaggeration and the game is good actually.

You didn't...

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

But why would you do that?

Honestly, I have no idea.
Perhaps something inside me is telling me to play through all FE games at least once. But then another part also really does not want to bother, and just play something better instead. Like Nep.

59 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You didn't have to force yourself. Usually it doesn't end well if you didn't like the game in the first place. I know you dropped it at Chapter 4, understandably so. Not every game out there has to be played, even if it's in a franchise you generally like. Nor every "masterpiece". Games are entertainment, play what entertains, not what some consider "scripture", you won't burn in Hell if you don't play Z game.

That is very true, and you'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now, but alas.

38 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Thracia is one of the easier games, honestly.

Like in the chapter where you need to protect villagers in fog of war, and peg knights show up to steal them, you can kill them with someone who is rescuing someone else. They make FE7 pegs look like the most dangerous thing on the planet. xD

22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

as much as horny Ao is with the cream your fav. girl scene


42 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Play CS (&maybe Ao) with horny mindset and you might enjoy it xD

Playing CS and Ao like


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