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A Metal Slug Tactics? Huh, interesting.

Okay, went back to the Ranger Compound to fully finish the quest, and from there it was short hop to Anacostia to finally reach Rivet City. Though that's it for today.

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Okay, I am back to where I was in Until Dawn, with all of my first choices being made (except for that one pathway choice that didn’t matter).

What I’ve learned: This game is not Telltale. It knows what it’s doing and I should give it the benefit of the doubt. From now on, I live with my choices! Or, well, I’ll try to.

Edited by Sooks
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13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

This looks hella cool

It is unusual to say the least. Who woulda thunk that a run & gun franchise would be material for an SRPG? I do like the aesthetics of it, unusual for the SRPG genre I'd say.

Although if you're someone to make purchases based on IRL politics, be warned. SNK in the past year had 50% of its stock bought up by the Crown Prince of Saudia Arabia of all people, who fits the phase "Enlightened Despot", modern in many ways -but don't dissent.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

of course....

wasn't that guy also a one piece fan?

I haven't a clue, but hey, it ain't a Tencent acquisition for a change. And ultimately, if the USA goes despotic Russia-esque oligarchy in the next few years, then that'd really cut down on the countries where video game companies exist that aren't despotic. Thus, it wouldn't be so bad if supporting despotism was inescapable.

And I pray for One Piece fans if that's the case that he doesn't purchase Shonen Jump or something.

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 Thus, it wouldn't be so bad if supporting despotism was inescapable.


What's sad is that i can see the whole world heading into that direction

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It feels so weird to hear Ashley thank Chris for saving her life when he acted like he wasn’t going to and then didn’t touch the lever.

I guess the game just lumps in people who let the lever time out with people who picked Ashley.

…and then he says “Sure, Ash, sure. I’d do it again, of course.” This is awkward.

Edited by Sooks
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@Saint Rubenio I finished Until Dawn chapter 6 and made some… not good choices. You said you wanted me to keep you updated.


The first thing that came up on the butterfly effect menu was Ashley taking the scissors.

I later used them to stab the evil guy, which caused him to giver her a black eye, but more importantly, the specific moment of him giving her a black eye was the exact same as in a danger totem… oh no.

But they found Sam, alive! Great! So getting her captured didn’t get get her killed (at least, not yet, if it does).

I also had the choice to have Ashley follow Chris, who was following blood that he thought was Sam’s, or have them split up and have her follow someone she saw in the hallway for a second. The latter was very, very tempting, but this is a, as Ruben put it, half love letter to, half parody of Slasher movies, so there was no way splitting up was the right thing to do. Or at least, so I thought, but then Ashley and Chris both got captured when they found Sam, which might not have happened if Ashley wasn’t there? That didn’t show up as a consequence of that on the butterfly effect menu though, what showed up was Chris and Ashley finding the dummy in Sam’s clothes which seems… completely pointless, honestly. And the potential of Ashley not being captured leads me to the next choice, the big one, the elephant in the room…


Having Chris shoot himself or shoot Ashley. So, that’s a thing. Two bad choices (again). But I had a ray of hope. There is a guidance totem that shows Chris sitting at the same table he was sitting at for that choice with a gun in his hand. He brings it up to his head for half a second and then puts it down on the table with a pained expression. That was what I had to work with. On the very first frame of that clip from the totem, Chris is holding the gun pointing up in a neutral position. When you have him poised to shoot himself, he has the gun to his head, and if you navigate over to the choice for Ashley, he points it at her. However, when you’re first prompted with the choice, before moving it. Chris is pointing the gun up, in the same way as in the totem. Considering my prior choice in a similar situation it’s probably obvious where I’m going with this, but yeah, I did nothing again. I mean, I can’t see any other way Chris would put the gun down on the table like that, since my only options were shoot him, shoot Emily or nothing. If he shot himself, he wouldn’t be able to put the gun down on the table for obvious reasons, and if he shot Emily he would have no reason to hold the gun to his own head for a second, unless he felt that guilty but that doesn’t make a ton of sense since he could have just done that originally and spared Ashley if we would have felt that bad . So I was sure I was right! But no, alas, I can’t have nice things. After I let the timer run out, Ashley just started saying no over and over as the screen faded to black, then the butterfly effect menu updated to say “Chris didn’t shoot Ashley”. Oh no. If I’m being honest, there’s a tiiiny little part of me that hopes Chris is still alive because it feels odd that in a game that’s as gory as this one it didn’t show Chris shooting himself, but that’s probably just me being overly optimistic. Of course when I let the choice time out the game would kill Chris, why do these choices always kill my favorite of the two when I don’t pick anything? I know there had to have been a way out of that because of the totem though… hm. Plus, I have a fortune totem that shows Ashley opening the door to a smaller looking wooden building for Chris while he holds a rifle, and nothing remotely close to that has happened yet, so I’m guessing it could have come after. I can’t help but feel like it has something to do with either Ashley NOT stabbing the evil guy, because his retaliation was in a danger totem, or Ashley and Chris splitting up, because she might not have been there (but that’s kind of unlikely since the killer is watching the entire cabin).

And after all that, I don’t even get a fun quiz from the Analyst. Come on, game! I liked those.

This is completely unrelated but Ashley’s actress is actually really good, I didn’t realize it before because lol


>screen time

but it’s true, that was a pleasant surprise. Too bad I probably killed her character’s lover.

This didn’t show up in the butterfly effect menu, but I had Ashley insist there was a “ghost” instead of dismissing it when Chris said there probably wasn’t one. She then didn’t shut up about it for the rest of the chapter, which feels important somehow, and also like those two things are related.

I guess that makes my death counter 3. Probably, there’s about a 99% chance.

I mean I already spoiled myself that of my two previous deaths, one was unavoidable and maybe not a permanent death and the other isn’t actually dead, but that’s not important, is it?

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:




3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

wasn't that guy also a one piece fan?

Apparently, yes.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I guess that makes my death counter 3. Probably, there’s about a 99% chance.

You actually did good, Sooks. The righteous will be vindicated!

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:



How are days shorter a better thing? I like daylight, and nights where it's not cold and I can go outside and look at the starry sky without it being a chore. Late spring/early fall temperatures with summer's daylight would be the ideal combination for me. -Although you're from Florida, I am not.

...Speaking of looking at starry skies, looks like the night of 12th into the 13th of this month is the peak of the Perseid meteor showers, maybe I'll head out and try to look for one.

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