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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So far i would describe it as ''FE, but weeb''

Isn't that FE already for some of us?/s

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@Sooks another few reasons why im doing it.

1: cause I can, I have the capibilities to, why shouldnt i?

2: making every character few special. Crafts, stats, you name it. Way too many skills inflict impede for example, im changing that.

3: their balance is garbage. Equipment, magic, crafts, you name it. 

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50 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Fates was weeb even for weeb games lmao.

Perhaps the Emperor will forgive you, I will no…actually you’re pretty much it the nail on the head.

Edited by WraithReborn
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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Was Ike still screwed?

And yes, praise Giffca, I was afraid for Nasir when he kept getting doubled. Honestly Ashnard probably wouldn't be so much of a chore if his HP wasn't as big as it is.

Funny how we matched on Ike and Boyd, place and all.

Yes. I bxp'd to cap just before BK and he still got doubled by him (so I escaped). Ike was doing 9 damage to Ashnard and taking 32 in response (HP was 57). If Bryce didn't drop Speedwings I don't think I could have beaten his second phase.

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7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


I like the open-mindedness.😙


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Anyways the original trilogy is pretty neat. Then I played the prequel trilogy and lost interest about an hour into the first prequel.

From I remember reading others say a supposed consensus is that in both trilogies, in terms of (narrative?) quality it's 1st = silver, 2nd = bronze, 3rd = gold. Not sure what thoughts are regarding original trio vs. prequel trio as a whole. The universe itself has spoken and anathematized Layton's Mystery Journey, exiling it to another dimension alongside the heaps of geese excrement that litter the paved walkways of a public park the day after heavy rains.

Not like a Game That Doesn't Exist's lack of quality matters for we who don't understand Rising Sun Runes. As the Layton developer, Level-5, has been downsizing, and like Romans before Goths, abandoned any notion of retaining territory in the West. The company is company is Japan-only now, and I take it has no interest now in passing international publishing rights to another company, which it has almost always done in the past.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Yes. I bxp'd to cap just before BK and he still got doubled by him (so I escaped). Ike was doing 9 damage to Ashnard and taking 32 in response (HP was 57). If Bryce didn't drop Speedwings I don't think I could have beaten his second phase.

That sounds terrible. I had a not dissimilar experience with Jill myself, mine was Spd screwed and she got 8 levels of Bexp for 2 Spd out of it.

Was Ena any help with Ashnard then?

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I have solved 7 puzzles so far. I haven't lost a single picarat to shameful failure. I am very smart and wise. Everyone should love me.

...Now, here's a puzzle for y'all: One of the previous statements is a lie. Can you point out which one it is?

19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Fates was weeb even for weeb games lmao

This more like VN with FE gameplay

Fates can't be weeb. I'm not a weeb and yet I like it.

...Because of Garon.

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So you know the "all will be revealed soon" trope and how it kinda sucks? And how some characters will point out that it sucks?

Well here's the other way of making fun of that trope


Juri's such a sore loser lmao i mean, i did just stack Hibana's 75% attack buff skill on Dante/Vergil like three times in a row and proceeded to ORKO her.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahaha... Well, I remember playing it when I was like 10. I was awful at it. But I am now an adult. My peerless strategies have vanquished countless armies, and you know the rest. Surely now I will have no trouble?

True. I was 14 i think, when i played through the trilogy so i'd hope back then it was just me being dumb dumb.

47 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Fates was weeb even for weeb games lmao

Still less weeb than Hyperdevotion Noire.

Now that is "FE but weeb".

28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

From I remember reading others say a supposed consensus is that in both trilogies, in terms of (narrative?) quality it's 1st = silver, 2nd = bronze, 3rd = gold. Not sure what thoughts are regarding original trio vs. prequel trio as a whole.

I think the main reason i just stopped caring during the prequel trilogy is that Luke's unlikable attitude made me just drop the game. I get that it's a prequel and i'm fine with characters starting off unlikable or whatever but like, i had just played through the OT and regressing from good friend Luke to bratty annoying Luke was just....ugh.

27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have solved 7 puzzles so far. I haven't lost a single picarat to shameful failure. I am very smart and wise. Everyone should love me.

...Now, here's a puzzle for y'all: One of the previous statements is a lie. Can you point out which one it is?


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Just now, Armagon said:


I like how you just bolded two statements and called it a day. Very funny.

And no. You failed, Armagon. You see, I did solve 7 puzzles, that was true. The second statement was also true, none of my failures were shameful - forgetting that the morning sun comes from the east is a completely reasonable mistake to make. The fourth one is the most correct of them all.

Therefore, the solution is "I am very smart and wise." That is wrong, in actuality I am extremely smart and wise.

Better luck next time.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Your last FE12 ironman run begs to differ.

Don’t knock him to much Armagon. Just because Rubenio learned everything he knows about tactics from Benice who in turn learned everything he knew from General Grant the Butcher doesn’t mean the game wasn’t beat in the end.

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7 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Logic.EXE does not compute.

Yours, maybe. I believe the puzzle I presented was perfectly logicable.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Your last FE12 ironman run begs to differ.

I got through, didn't I? Maybe I intended to get all those units killed. They were mere distractions in the way of the warlord Yubello.

2 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

Don’t knock him to much Armagon. Just because Rubenio learned everything he knows about tactics from Benice who in turn learned everything he knew from General Grant the Butcher doesn’t mean the game wasn’t beat in the end.

...Wait, how could I have learned everything I know about tactics from Benice when Benice started playing FE after me and was inspired by my LPs to do his own? Something's not right here, man! A poor attempt at slander, old man! I am too smart and wise not to figure your tricks out!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

Don’t knock him to much Armagon. Just because Rubenio learned everything he knows about tactics from Benice who in turn learned everything he knew from General Grant the Butcher doesn’t mean the game wasn’t beat in the end.

He beat the game....but at what cost?

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

got through, didn't I?

Now if only you got through to the end with that linked Conquest/Berwick ironman you did with Shrimpy.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Wait, how could I have learned everything I know about tactics from Benice when Benice started playing FE after me and was inspired by my LPs to do his own? Something's not right here, man!

There’s a difference between playing a game and playing a game tactically Saint Rubenio. If you didn’t learn from Benice then you probably learned everything from the Death Korps of Krieg.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

He beat the game....but at what cost?

“Glory to the first one to die! Charge!”

- Commissar Rubenio while leading his troops during the War of Heroes

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Okay, last puzzle and then I'm calling it a night. Man, though, this is so much fun. Why did I find these games boring when I was a kid?

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Now if only you got through to the end with that linked Conquest/Berwick ironman you did with Shrimpy.

Shrimpy lost the ironman. That is the only detail anyone needs to know.

1 minute ago, WraithReborn said:

“Glory to the first one to die! Charge!”

- Commissar Rubenio while leasing his troops during the War of Heroes

"Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

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