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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, lightcosmo said:

What do you need help with?

Well, I managed to load my files onto paragon. Now I just need to know how I do this "import with Paragon" thing, because I can't find the way to do it.

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Okay, so the voice select mod instructions were useless, but the Gay Fates install instructions tell me that there should be an "import" option in the "file" menu in Paragon.

It is not there.


...Ahhh, fuck this shit, I'm too much of a noob for this nonsense. I feel like a dad trying to figure out how to computer. I don't need the voice select mod. It can go screw itself. I have all the mods I need.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, at any rate, that was Heirs of Fate. The final map was a tragedy, but... wow, it was so epic. Everyone giving their lives for the cause, the two Kanas facing off alone against Anankos, winning just barely before the enemy could reach them. I loved that, it was so fucking good. Heck, I think I'd call it the best final map in Fates. What a climatic finale, and I'm sure there's a way to beat it without losses if you don't suck as much as I do, too. I don't think I'll place HoF in my signature, since in the end it's just a collection of maps, but... Well, that was great. Honestly, I liked that more than Birthright and Rev lol. Super good "route", everyone should play it.

I already said HoF was best Fates story 4 years ago. I think I will stick with that statement.

And yeah, you get some good shit without losses from DLC: Point Blank (Sadly the only good one from HoF), an item that gives any unit the ability to use dragon fangs, The Mighty Pebble

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Her first attack is a 2% crit ayy

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, so the voice select mod instructions were useless, but the Gay Fates install instructions tell me that there should be an "import" option in the "file" menu in Paragon.

It is not there.

ah right

Install the oldest version on the github page

for some reason the rewrite doesn't have export/import

6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Sadly the only good one from HoF

Taker skills are pretty good since the synergize well with Silver weapons

Edited by Shrimperor
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I will finish this game when i get back from work.


This game just looks so good man.

Anyways a new Metroid Dread report lets see


The Grapple Beam returns and this game looks *chef's kiss*.

"The player can drop Samus into Morph Ball form by tilting the Left Control Stick down while crouching—effectively, the same way it’s always been done in the 2D Metroid series—and now also by simply pressing the ZL Button. Samus will also automatically take Morph Ball form when jumping into an elevated tunnel."

YOOOOOOOOO. Samus Returns did have a quick select for the Morph Ball but it was by tapping the touch screen. Which is not as convenient as pressing a button.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! Oh, my. Armagon in shambles.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, look at little Kaga hater, gonna cry?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Turns out Armagon was the Kaga elitist all along.

A story in three parts.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:


The lady on the right is who I'm referring to.

Oh she looks nice.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, excuse the German. For whatever reason, they decided to localize this game into German, when they didn't for its predecessor.

It's always good when something is localized into one than one language.

I remember years ago when Pokemon X/Y were announced to have simultaneous worldwide releases and that you could pick your language at the start of the game. It was a pretty big deal back then, i think.

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Here is my latest Corncob.

Wzcrd8rq o

It's Elfuigi! After the catastrophic failure of the linked run with Shrimpy, he has returned to settle the score. However, it came with a price: he lost his eye as he escaped the doomed reality of the linked ironman. Too bad. At least he didn't turn edgy like Edgy Kabba...

I'm up to chapter 3, and so far, the Good Guy Garon mod has made some subtle changes to Garon that... don't really succeed all that much in making him appear less hilariously evil. He's slightly less of a dick for no reason, but he's still a big dick.

There was also this really weird bit of dialogue where Leo tells Garon that he's dispatched Kaze and Rinkah on his brother's behalf, and Garon replied with "...Leo, was it?" What's up with that? Apparently the process of turning him into a Good Guy involves giving him early-stage Alzheimer's....

Also, I'm only just now noticing that they actually made a separate model of Leo for scenes where his collar is inside out. Wow. Wasn't expecting that kind of attention to detail here.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

ah right

Install the oldest version on the github page

for some reason the rewrite doesn't have export/import

Excellent. Fuckin' amazing.

Well, maybe some other run. Right now I don't feel like it. I want to get to chapter 6 so I can make sure that the supports from Gay Fates work correctly on a fresh file.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

A story in three parts.

Armagon coming to terms with Kaga: A psychological thriller.

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11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Taker skills are pretty good since the synergize well with Silver weapons

How so?

Mostly asking because Silvers are a bit meh to me, limited to Attack Stance and tougher foes.

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

16X2? Is that normal that early in the game? Geez, I dont remember that!

This is the Birthright cast in Conquest.

Maybe it's because Oboro is in the game a little earlier than she would be.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Mages have no defence and Oboro has her racism skill

Also apparently yes to racism.

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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Mostly asking because Silvers are a bit meh to me

since silvers give -2 to str or mag (depending on weapon), taker nullifies that since it gives +2 on the taker upon defeating the enemy. I used a Dstone+ magictaker Kana a couple runs ago, she was super powerful

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Maybe it's because Oboro is in the game a little earlier than she would be

apparently stats have been adjusted accordingly

Early high damage in Fates isn't rare at all.

Edited by Shrimperor
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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

apparently stats have been adjusted accordingly

Early high damage in Fates isn't rare at all.

I meant more about the doubling than the damage when I said that to be honest.

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7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Looks like I'll be finishing MM sooner than I thought, maybe today if I'm quick enough. Only thing I'm dreading is Twinmold. I've read a lot of complaints that that boss is trash in 3D.

Twinmold is far worse in the original version. Maybe that's why I never had an issue with his revamped fight in 3D.

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Twinmold is far worse in the original version. Maybe that's why I never had an issue with his revamped fight in 3D.

Its easy in the original... The frame issues, now that... Is terrible. It runs slow af (all of the original of MM does really)

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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Its easy in the original... The frame issues, now that... Is terrible. It runs slow af (all of the original of MM does really)

It's not that it's hard, it's that it's dogshit. It's literally just Moldorm but in a 3D space and there's two of them and the infinite magic potion is basically required for the fight.

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Summer seems like it went by so fast. This year is gonna be so different. Am I ready? Not sure. Will I be? Hopefully.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ludin and Alette both turn red. The text establishes Alette turns red out of anger. It's anyone's guess as to why Ludin reacts like that.

Still desperate to ship Ludin with someone?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So yeah, even when he's not griefstricken, the guy's just generally a sexist prick. Honestly, Rugga stabbing him might've been a blessing in disguise. Ludin would make a far greater king in a rebuilt world, if he even accepts the crown, seeing how he doesn't really seem to believe in birthrights and fate that much at the end of the series.


Even if Ludin doesn’t accept the crown, the rest of the royal family is probably dead, if there is any, so unless Yrsa wants to crawl out of the woodwork people would probably turn elsewhere for a leader and Rook/Alette would likely be their first choice. Well, Rook at least, only if Alette makes that big a dent in sexism.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


54 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Her first attack is a 2% crit ayy

Does it say who each unit is gonna be replaced by or are you just finding out as you go?

And are the bosses that are Hoshidan playable characters still those characters or are they swapped with their Nohrian “equivalents”?

I wonder if Ryoma will still be able to solo in Conquest.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's not that it's hard, it's that it's dogshit. It's literally just Moldorm but in a 3D space and there's two of them and the infinite magic potion is basically required for the fight.

But the room showers you in magic.

What’s Moldorm?

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Does it say who each unit is gonna be replaced by or are you just finding out as you go?


There's a readme but i really didn'T look at it.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

And are the bosses that are Hoshidan playable characters still those characters or are they swapped with their Nohrian “equivalents”?


Named ones are replaced with their counterparts yeah.


2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I wonder if Ryoma will still be able to solo in Conquest

i shall see lol

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

But the room showers you in magic.

In the 3DS remake, yes, but the original had you running out of magic very quickly.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What’s Moldorm?

A classic 2D Zelda boss.


Showed up in A Link to the Past and has been in pretty much every 2D Zelda since then. Unlike other bosses, this guy has no pattern at all. He just moves randomly. His rooms also have pits in them and if you fall, you have to climb back up and start the fight all over again (or just resume, I think it depends on the game).

Twinmold is basically this but there's two.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

In the 3DS remake, yes, but the original had you running out of magic very quickly.

Ohh, the original. Oh, okay.


A classic 2D Zelda boss.


Showed up in A Link to the Past and has been in pretty much every 2D Zelda since then. Unlike other bosses, this guy has no pattern at all. He just moves randomly. His rooms also have pits in them and if you fall, you have to climb back up and start the fight all over again (or just resume, I think it depends on the game).

Twinmold is basically this but there's two.

Oh yeah, that guy. I think he was in a Link Between Worlds, where I beat him without issue I’m pretty sure.

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Just linking this, interesting stuff showing some of how 3H is just messy.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

A classic 2D Zelda boss.


Showed up in A Link to the Past and has been in pretty much every 2D Zelda since then. Unlike other bosses, this guy has no pattern at all. He just moves randomly. His rooms also have pits in them and if you fall, you have to climb back up and start the fight all over again (or just resume, I think it depends on the game).

Twinmold is basically this but there's two.

Me hearing this.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Oh yeah, that guy. I think he was in a Link Between Worlds, where I beat him without issue I’m pretty sure.

Pretty sure that picture is the LBW one, if I'm remembering correctly.

Edited by Dayni
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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Update whenever you are able.

Hopefully Saturday...

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Do you think its a gameplay, or story/setting thing?

I think it's a gameplay thing. Majula's grown on me quite a bit and the setting seems like there's a lot of interesting stuff going on.  I think what's bothered me the most is that the game sort of constantly feels like it's fighting you, if that makes sense? Dark Souls 1 was hard, but it wasn't hard just to be hard-it was hard in order to forward the game experience, whereas I feel like this game is more hard because it's Dark Souls 2. There's also the hitboxes and whatnot...

I feel like Lost Sinner sort of exemplifies most what I haven't enjoyed about the game. She doesn't have a particularly large health bar, she doesn't have any crazy powerful attacks, and she doesn't move in a terrifying way, but I died to her so many times, which I found frustrating, since it felt more like the mechanics were stacked against me rather than the boss being legitimately hard to read or having a large, hard-to-avoid moveset. I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone else, though.

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Interesting...neither of these was quiet what I was expecting.

Yeah. I also actually enjoyed Saint's Tomb and its boss as well!

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I think I will end up rambling about the story, and its themes once you reach Vendrick...

We shall see! I dunno when I'll do the DLC, though. Is it a lategame thing?


'Morning, all! Did I miss anything?

Edited by Benice
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Oki-dokie, made it to chapter 6.

...As it turns out, Gay Fates is just generally bugged, and I know why. It's the icon mod. I need to use Paragon to install it properly.

Welp. That sucks big time. Now I need to figure out how to use that thing... Damnit.

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Though I am not quite sure how I feel about Shonen Protagonist Nobunaga just yet, after four games (WO3U, SW4, SWC3, and WO4U) of the eccentric and terrifying "Demon King", whose speech pattern, courtesy of Jurota Kosugi, made him sound like something beyond human comprehension, for lack of a better term.

On the one hand, shonen is shonen. On the other, the seemingly not human demon king has been around forever (not that I've played SW 1 or 2). Samurai Warriors can't invent a whole new storyline and characters from pure nothingness, the franchise is ultimately bound to an extent in the shackles of historical events and people, no matter how much artistic license they take. Therefore, I accept the new Oda as the one less than radical means of escaping the issue of series stagnation. 

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Though I suppose this look fits him better, because there is little reason for Ieyasu to be a pudgy, middle-aged man in the early years this game takes place in.

I'll assume the sales and reception of SW5 were good enough for Koei to feel secure in continuing the reboot of Sengoku. Thus, we could expect "Mature/"Shogun" Ieyasu" to show up in SW6, or maybe 7. I'd say 6 though, because Hideyoshi basically finished the reunification of Japan, other than Sekigahara with the few fights around it and the Siege of Osaka, there is little for a pure post-Hideyoshi Ieyasu game to work with. Although I'd like Hideyoshi to get his dedicated game at the same time. So "SW 6-II" as a very substantial DLC package?


11 hours ago, Armagon said:



I'm willing to believe the localization intentionally referenced this, given that they've already put in a bunch of references not present in the Japanese version

It's entirely possible to slip pop culture references into a video game script in less than seven months. Super Mario RPG's Japanese script had nods to Neon Genesis Evangelion in it, and by the week of SMRPG's release, Evangelion was airing it's second-to-last episode, it still wasn't finished yet.


27 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Just linking this, interesting stuff showing some of how 3H is just messy.

>Hyrule Castle map name in 3H.

Somebody, begin modding me a Golden Triforce campaign immediately. Or if that's too much, I'll settle for having Byleth's normal model strolling around Hyrule Field or the Temple of the Sacred Sword.

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