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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, so how am I supposed to give her the entire paralogue, again? You guys talked about it like it's some super easy task that a baby could pull off, but I don't see a feasible way to get to her without killing a single faceless. At minimum I'd have to kill the six faceless in the way so that I can at least approach without someone dying. How the hell do you guys do it?


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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am a fucking idiot. I forgot to buy a bronze bow for her.

This better be fucking worth it, you guys. This is an amount of favoritism that I reserve for my favorite characters, and this chick ain't that, lemme tell you that much. She'd best not fail me, for my wrath shall demand blood if she does.

How Commissar Rubenio “improves” group morale:


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Okay, paralogue done. Mozu has made it to level 6, and she beats Felicia in strength. Good for her. She also has one more point than Niles, which means nothing because he can use the iron bow and she can't.

Still not seeing the invincible murder machine that will break the game in half and is superior to the likes of Seth, to be completely forthcoming with you all, but I suppose there's still time, isn't there. I can't jump straight to "murder by misplacement within reach of the enemy," can I.

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Ahhhh, she can't double fighters. Yeeaah, I see the killing machine now.

...You know, maybe I expected too much. It's not like you guys were telling me she's the best unit in the game. I should temper my expectations a bit. Of course she's going to be a worse Niles when he still has an advantage of 1 level. I have to wait for her to catch up.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahhhh, she can't double fighters. Yeeaah, I see the killing machine now.

...You know, maybe I expected too much. It's not like you guys were telling me she's the best unit in the game. I should temper my expectations a bit. Of course she's going to be a worse Niles when he still has an advantage of 1 level. I have to wait for her to catch up.

Somehow I can’t tell if all of this is sarcasm or none of this is sarcasm.

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I can't give her the boss

Because the boss one-shots her.

And I don't trust her 79% hitrate.

...Okay, no, with Felicia's help she doesn't die, buuuuuuuuuuut I'd rather give the level to Niles. Not out of hatred for her, but I want him to have a couple levels under his belt by the time he has to confront Haitaka. Soooo yeah. Too bad.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Somehow I can’t tell if all of this is sarcasm or none of this is sarcasm.

The second part is 50/50. The first part is the absolute truth.

She can't double fighters. Niles can, and with an attack stance he one-rounds. Also, she takes a bazillion damage from everything, whereas Niles can at least face tank mages if I need him to. Sure, Felicia is better at that, but he can do it, and he one-rounds them without help! He has been so much more useful than Mozu in his join map, it's not even funny.

Which, hey, fair enough, she's supposed to be an Est and all. I'll give her some more time, no problem. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut you guys told me she'd already be better than him now and already be one-rounding things now. So that's wrong already. We'll see how much more wrong you can be by the end of this.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Which, hey, fair enough, she's supposed to be an Est and all. I'll give her some more time, no problem. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut you guys told me she'd already be better than him now and already be one-rounding things now. So that's wrong already. We'll see how much more wrong you can be by the end of this.

Did we? I’m not sure I did, anyway. Niles does have a good base, I can’t imagine facing the mages in chapter 8 without him, but he falls off very hard, very quickly. Just wait until Mozu is one rounding pegs on her own in chapter 10 with an iron bow.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Never have i seen such a thing in my life





...Sorry. I just... sorry.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Did we? I’m not sure I did, anyway. Niles does have a good base, I can’t imagine facing the mages in chapter 8 without him, but he falls off very hard, very quickly. Just wait until Mozu is one rounding pegs on her own in chapter 10 with an iron bow.

I mean, Niles does that too. It's fuckin' pegs, any archer worth their salt could one round them. It'll take more than that to impress me.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, Niles does that too.




In the words of Shrimpy, I have never seen such a thing in my life.


It's fuckin' pegs, any archer worth their salt could one round them. It'll take more than that to impress me.

Yeah, and Niles isn’t worth his salt, hence me bringing it up.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



He freaking dies to 2 attack stance mages who he has WTD against..

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's fuckin' pegs, any archer worth their salt could one round them.

Yeah Niles can't later on

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Or attack stance with someone with good atk to wipe em out Ü


Who were you attack stancing with to one shot any way, Ruben?

He said one rounding the mages, not one shotting them.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ah the mages

Yeah that makes sense

i thought he meant the fighters

Oh, your reactions make much more sense then. Niles doesn’t really do damage to physical units.

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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Or attack stance with someone with good atk to wipe em out Ü

Dude, Niles one-rounded the entire map except Flora and the boss with the help of attack stance. Not even someone with good attack, just about anyone did the trick. Mozu couldn't manage because she couldn't double.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ah the mages

Yeah that makes sense

i thought he meant the fighters

No, I did mean the fighters! He one-rounded the fighters with an attack stance! 4 extra damage more or less was enough! And this was at base, mind you. What are you on about?

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Primordiphant took longer than I was used to for an EOV fight, but TBF, usually they're too short for me. Use some Ingots to max out the Polydeuces increased by Pugilist's attack by more than 50%. 5th Stratum boss took three tries: once because Chain Blast missed b/c blinded, second because I forgot to Chain Blast on turn 2. The third attempt nearly ended in failure when I lost three characters, because I foolishly tried to ignore the boss's core gimmick. It was petrified at the time, so I lucked out and managed to revive everyone and then deal one final Overexertion'ed Thunder Fist, which killed the boss before it even got to use its deadliest attack.

I'll tackle the 6th Stratum three superbosses that aren't the Star Devourer (maybe I will if there is a cheese method not requiring grind) to round it out, but then I'll be done with EOV. Fun enough trying out all the Legendary Titles that'd play it four times over. Very rare that a JRPG would make me do that.

As for my final team members individually:

  • Impact Brawler-
    • Usually I'm not one for high risk low HP builds in any game, but the Impact Brawler is the exception to the rule. Maxing Adrenaline and Titan Killer gave it fast OHKO potency at low TP consumption for the 3rd and much of the 4th Stratums (and the Pugilist base kit's Thunder Fist is excellent too).
    • It began to die often and not OHKO in the 5th, but it was still amazing, particularly with its Overexertion buff applied for bosses and FOEs. Having a Botanist around is what made the resurrections, infrequent and fairly uncommon in the 3rd and 4th Stratums, very bearable.
  • Deathguard-
    • It was rather weak.
    • Since I skipped on Auto Miasma, my Graced Poisoner often outsped it, making Wilting Miasma not so useful. Eroding Miasma was a good way to buff my FOE/boss damage, and Stifling Miasma might've been helpful at reducing damage.
    • Atonement was very rarely used despite being nice healing, I just didn't need party-wide heals that often. Ephemeral Reap even when maxed out failed to hit for damage justifying the full-debuff expelling. TBF Overexertion on my Impact Brawler made it impossible to compete, Overexertion lasts just three turns and I didn't want my Pugilist on support duty. Petrify also got in the way of Ephemeral's damage since it's pure Cut. On paper, between Target Arrow, Earthspike, the Miasmas, and the Smokes, I could've used Ephemeral Reap every other turn, there was the synergy for it.
    • A Deathbringer for Frigid Reap would've been better on this team, but I had already used that title on my first run, no repeats.
  • Omnimancer
    • Not bad, I like the idea of the class.
    • And yet, since all skills barring racial skills in EOV cost 10 SP to max, it never reached the full extent of its power. The Omnimancer is a very-SP intensive class. It wants:
      • At least 1, I went for the full 10 points, in its signature Reserve Magic passive. In retrospect, maybe I could've done with less. 
      • 60 points to max out the six elemental attacks. -If you want it to be an Omnimancer able to dish out damage of every kind.
      • And if you want an optimal Altar, which I never got, you need 10 to max the spell out. 5 points in the junk that is Magi Mastery for at least a level 1 Quick Chant. Another worthless 5 in Focus Chant, and 10 in Spread Chant. 31 SP.
      • 10 + 60 + 31, 101. Thats not possible until you're in your 90s. 
    • Since Multi-Chant with a minimum in Quick Chant guzzles TP, although Amritas and TP food are easily obtained in this game, I stuck with the unaugmented spells even in FOE/boss fights most of the time. It was slower damage than the Impact Brawler, but appreciated and versatile damage nonetheless, Warlocks are nice to have in EOV.
    • Since Omnimancer's spells can spells have a physical component, I could've used Overexertion on this, which I tried a few times, but again, the Pugilist kept the game's best buff all to itself.
  • Flying Falcon
    • Not much to say- solid, fast back row physical damage. Sky Dive and Million Arrow/Power Shot for FOEs/bosses, Hawk Arrow, Wing Trash, and Ice Peck for the rest. Quietly good.
  • Graced Poisoner
    • I stuck with the default race of Brouni for this. I was told that Celestrian would be a lot better, because I'd go from the dismal worst Lck to the 2nd best, which ailment infliction is dependent on. But I too was told that despite the major issue, the Brouni could work, so I tried to see if it could. I was able to stick Lck equipment enough to make its ailments fairly reliable later, albeit never up to my exacting standards. I expect 100% success rate against nonresistant enemies, 70% won't do!
    • Prior to the unlocking of Legendary Titles, this Botanist mostly healed. Toxic Smoke and Blind Smoke provide weak ailments, and Toxic simply can't compare with a Necromancer's awesome Poison Bomb. And without Graced Poisoner's Lck boost or the Lck equips, it was a crummy ailment inflictor anyhow.
    • With Graced Poisoner unlocked, now I had the good ailments- Panic and Petrify, adding in the Celestrians' Chain Blast on my Warlock, and I had all the shutdown I needed for painlessly executing FOEs/bosses. I maxed out both Panic Smoke and Smokestone, with 1 in Status Atk Up.
    • I fully invested in Auto-Smoke before fully investing in the above skills. Despite its randomness on ailment selection, it was very useful, since it attempts an infliction as soon as the battle begins. The sooner enemies are debilitated, the better.
    • Putting 5 points in the single target Healing Herb and 1 in Revival Herb freed me from needing to farm Nectars and let me cheaply patch up my injuries after battle.
    • Shoulda been a Celestrian, yet still highly useful.


4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I am curious why you added wyvern and not Sky knight hmmm

The mod brings the characters in their BR classes

Oh, I must've misunderstood. His base Spd being 10 and Def 9 does make for a quick flip -assuming he wasn't auto-leveled such that his Def already took the lead.

Sky Knight HP 0 Str 10 Mag 0 Skl 10 Spd 15 Lck 20 Def 0 Res 20

Sky Knight growths don't exactly fix Subaki's Spd, 35% is bad. And 25% Res stinks too. If he had been swapped to WR, sure he'd get doubled easier (marry him to Oboro then for Knight and Wary Fighter?), but his Def would be more pronounced. Kinda like Beruka he'd be, but her growths are more balanced than his.


3 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'd switch the end for "perfectly shit unit" myself.

He is one of the worst BR units I'd say, alongside Hinata and others who I can't seriously think of ATM. He makes for a bad combat unit, and relies on starting as a flier to buzz people around as a Defensive Stance backpack.

His Perfectionist Personal Skill would've been better on his fellow retainer Hana, but between nerfed dodge-tanking in Fates and Subaki being a secret Knight, it's an unreliable waste on him.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dude, Niles one-rounded the entire map except Flora and the boss with the help of attack stance. Not even someone with good attack, just about anyone did the trick. Mozu couldn't manage because she couldn't double.

A dramatization of Commissar Rubenio speaking with one of his soldiers after achieving victory:


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Wow guys you were right, Mozu is so useful.


Hell yeah. This could never have happened without her. Attagirl! I mean, sure, Elfuigi could've done the same thing if I had reclassed him to archer as I first planned and he would've had vastly better combat, but let's not dwell on the tiny details.

9 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

A dramatization of Commissar Rubenio speaking with one of his soldiers after achieving victory:

Knock that off, will you? I am no commissar. I'm thinking more along the lines of... Supreme Genius Commander of the Peerless Strategic Mind. Yeah. That works. Use that title from here on, if you would.

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