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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

I'm already sick of Treecko.

Why do I feel like I keep getting attacked for my favourites? First Charmander for overuse, then here it was Totodile, the Tyranitar slander, now this.

7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Music is always the least important factor. You can always turn off the volume and/or listen other things while playing.


(Also, where you want sound effects and you can't turn just the music off is another hell in itself.)

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I also remember the box for FFXII was also in that same Walmart for a long time and finally could buy it.

And when I said the box, I mean really the box. Somehow, a CD-less box got placed in there. At least I was refunded, and used the money to buy something else. And that something else happened to be Samurai Warriors 3. The rest is history. Literally.

I wonder what might have happened if that had happened to me. As it was, my box did have FFXII. And I was not a fan.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hell has frozen over, we actually got a M/M Harmonic for a change. Then again, Seliph/Leif is such a cop-out to say it's truly "Harmonic"...

....... Yeah you're not wrong.

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, as much as the Digimon reboot can be rightfully criticized for being almost all action, and little else...

So they did the "reboot the first series/season" thing? Hmmm.

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, the pipes on WarGreymon's voice actress (yes, actress)... damn!

Question: Is Wargreymon actually female? Or are we in an inverse Shakespearean world and I didn't know it?

Also, morning Draggy!

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9 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

already told when we were talking about Awakening

Oh. Funny, I completely forgot about it.

I must've put it in the folder of my memory where I put all the anime-related stuff. You can't miss it, it's called "trash can."

9 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Have you heard of Muv-Luv? It is a VN that initially presents itself as a light-hearted romantic comedy in Muv-Luv Extra, but changes into an alternate timeline coming-of-age story in Muv-Luv Unlimited, and then into an alien invasion war epic. The game basically forces you to play the romantic comedy, because then when the shit hits the fan and everyone starts to die, you start to miss the simplest times. This may be oversimplification, but I believe that was the goal of the devs when they made the game. Of course, if you don't like that sense or think it wasn't done well, that's okay, each one has their own type of story that they usually like.

Well... Not gonna lie, the chances that I'll be able to endure 15~ hours of dumb anime romcon tropes are... Not high. And if it's dumb enough it will have the opposite effect of me celebrating their messy ends.

8 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:



Out of all the pokemon you could bully, why did you have to choose the one and only I have an opinion about? He got me through my only Pokemon game, man. Lay off.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

…okay, fine, you win.

Honestly, I had so many ways to win there. It was like a Telltale choice, all roads led to the same conclusion.


But I’m pretty much entirely talking about the overworld music.

Which of course I can’t find for where I am, but I won’t wade too far into the soundtrack, just in case.

No no no don't you dare. That's how you run into big spoilers. In fact, I'd already say you should click on the music videos on incognito mode. Just so Youtube doesn't pick it up. Youtube recs ruin games.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


8 hours ago, Sooks said:

It’s not anime. At least, I’m pretty sure it’s not.

But there’s been at least two anime tropes so far, so we can bully Ruben for it anyway.

I like the "guter soundtrack" tag. Very appropriate.

C'mon, guys. Can't I like anything in peace without it being anime? The way your warp the word anime to suit your needs, makes it lose all true meaning!

Unlike when I use it. When I use it, it means very specific things. Totally.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

nothing, yet everything.

Ie. the tearm anime to describe something is usually meaningless and people use it for stuff they dislike, mostly.

Hey, that's not true.

...I also use it to describe things I like. Like Fates.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:



Damnit, the thumbnail reminded me of that wonderful, wonderful Birthright scene that really wanted to make me sad. And now I'm laughing.

Good remixes tho.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

You know, if you showed the pic of the thumbnail with no context, I would've just said it's from Gumball or some shit.

I mean, I specifically wanted to share a video that would tell Sooks nothing. Thank goodness the game's dev published the soundtrack in such a manner.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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3 hours ago, Dayni said:

So they did the "reboot the first series/season" thing? Hmmm.

Far as I know, they wanted to cash in on the first series' popularity bring in new audiences with it, after the series grew up with its fanbase (hence why Savers/Data Squad features older protagonists, whereas Cyber Sleuth and its sequel feel geared towards older teens and young adults).

3 hours ago, Dayni said:

Question: Is Wargreymon actually female? Or are we in an inverse Shakespearean world and I didn't know it?

I think this is just a matter of having a male character voiced by a female actor, since Agumon and his evolutions are commonly called "he" in any series they appear in (with the exception of Digimon Savers, where he is voiced by a male actor instead).
It's like how Son Goku and his family in Dragon Ball is traditonally voiced by a woman (Masako Nozawa) in the Japanese versions of those series and anything related to them (fun fact: Nozawa also voiced the main Digimon in Digimon Tamers, and she's the narrator for this series). Or how Ash Ketchum is voiced by a woman in English, Japanese, and German dubs of the Pokémon anime. Or even Naruto, who is voiced by a woman in both Japanese and English dubs of the series of the same name.

Or, if we stick to Fire Emblem... look at Henry in the Japanese version of Awakening, who shares his voice actress with Emmeryn, of all characters. And I'm fairly certain Ricken is also voiced by a woman in the Japanese version, though I'm not 100% certain of that.

3 hours ago, Dayni said:

Also, morning Draggy!

Hello, hello!

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Out of all the pokemon you could bully, why did you have to choose the one and only I have an opinion about? He got me through my only Pokemon game, man. Lay off.

And for me the guy who got me through Flannery in my monograss. And nearly died for it.

48 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Far as I know, they wanted to cash in on the first series' popularity bring in new audiences with it, after the series grew up with its fanbase (hence why Savers/Data Squad features older protagonists, whereas Cyber Sleuth and its sequel feel geared towards older teens and young adults).

It's interesting to see how Digimon is a franchise that has broad appeal in what it makes and enough depth in its game titles that if it weren't for the timing of when it came out maybe we'd be in a different universe where a live action Digimon movie happened we could all whinge about in 2019.

Me playing Scramble Slam in postgame with the intent of dragging out as many points out as possible:


Me realising I didn't have to get as many points as I thought as the rewards are earned cumulatively and so you don't need to get so many points at once:


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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I never witnessed this, I lost all my data after Chapter 2, but I will say I did like the design of the class. It's not the usual for FF in style or powers, and for Paine at least, it's sleek.

It can literally make itself immune to both physical and magical attacks for a short period of time, but that's all it needs to win a battle. Not to mention it's magic defence stat is absurdly high so any magic enemy is rendered useless, along with it having all the basic elemental eaters and gravity eater as abilities.

Edit: oh and it can warp to the enemies backside and any back attack in 10-2 yields extra damage.

Edited by lightcosmo
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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

just for a second, the scene in Megadimension Neptunia VII, where the CPUs achiever their Next Forms for the first time, and this plays in the background while they transform, and during the boss fight afterwards...
I'm feeling the hype just imagining it!
Someone, make a mod with that! NOW!

Sorry, but i don't think that ones possible. XD Music is all stored in one file, which is lame.

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*Sigh* I'm feeling old today, though I think I'm on the gradual mind mend now -for now. 

I've read this is Louis XIV of France's birthday. The Sun King who brought France to it's political zenith, -or at least the peak before Napoleon -though Napoleon might've been one last gasp of French domination after a century of slooooow decline from European predominance under LXV and LXVI. His father Louis XIII seems to have been afraid of sex at first, and pure speculation would have it slightly gay, but then he got into loving his wife (no mistresses, quite unusual for the time), yet nonetheless they struggled to produce an heir. It took 23 years before they got a healthy son. Not sure if you could call LXIV truly a "charismatic" leader, but he did a pretty fine job of forcing the French aristocrats and courtiers into an artificial personality cult, where watching him eat, sleep, go to bed and rise from it the next day, and put on/off his hunting boots were all magnificent things worth getting a chance to witness (to schmooze some royal patronage later of course).

But enough about history.


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Fucking hell, I actually am kinda less productive if I'm not listening to music. Not in an addiction sort of way, I just hate silence unless I'm trying to sleep.

Maybe if I'm doing something that doesn't require the mind, going for a walk for instance, music is useful. But if it's something that does require mental focus, I think if the music is too good, I'm inclined to get lost in the music and stop effectively doing whatever I was supposed to be doing.


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Me playing Scramble Slam in postgame with the intent of dragging out as many points out as possible:

NEO TWEWY I assume? Did they abolish Tin Pin Slammer and replace it with this? (I didn't like that minigame.)

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@Saint Rubenio just so you know, I did play some more Aomori last night, but I got so tired at the end I didn’t post about it. However nothing really happened, I finished up some side quests (including the bunnies) and then unlocked the area at the top of the big ladder and fought a random boss battle there. I said yes to helping the pirate chief, have I made the world-shattering choice that changes everything and puts me on the main route? Cause this really feels like a choice where, if you say no, Aubrey just yells at you and you’re forced to do it anyway. Honestly I haven’t come across any choices so far that felt like they matter, but I’m not very far yet. I mean, there’s literally nowhere else for the plot to go. I also found the earth boss(?) fight you mentioned, I think, right before I quit, so that’s at least something I’ll do next time. I kept an eye out for anything I should remember to do because you said I was coming up on the thing where I would have to do remember to do something for an extra scene at the end.


…it’s Hector, isn’t? Is the pet rock actually the key to the entire plot? That’s hilarious. I mean, he gets a purple name. Who else gets a purple name? I climbed to the bottom of the ladder to look for him, and there was a rock right next to it, and if you interact with it it just says “a normal rock” or something like that, the game just messing with you. There weren’t any other rocks I could interact with in the ladder area and Mari basically said “idk”, so I left it instead of running around every area I’d unlocked looking for rocks, somehow I feel like I’m not gonna find him that way.

Also, yeah, the writing is good. I got several grins or chuckles from the dialogue and such.

…that’s not gonna last for very long, is it?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd already say you should click on the music videos on incognito mode.

What do you take me for, an amateur? Of course, Ruben, of course!

But I already pieced together the entire plot above, I know everything is actually Hector.


I mean, I specifically wanted to share a video that would tell Sooks nothing. Thank goodness the game's dev published the soundtrack in such a manner.

…Do game devs put spoilers in the soundtracks sometimes?



Oh yeah, also, everyone’s memory seems a little… flexible. After Omori was no longer afraid of heights, someone forgot why they waited to climb the ladder (iirc) and Kel had zero recollection of taking Aubrey’s stuffed toy. Something’s going on there, somehow.


Edited by Sooks
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1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:

Probably one of the best pieces of music I've heard in recent memory.

Ah yeah, I like that one as well.

...Wait, what am I doing clicking on music videos? Fuck, no, now Youtube recommendations is going to spoil the entire duology to me! Noooooooo...!

36 minutes ago, Robert Stewart said:

It's a good day when Saga fanart shows up in the TL.


Eyy, it's Spanish City: The Good Edition!

I mean, even the "good edition" manages to get herself kidnapped and chained up because Kaga is a man who has his priorities in order, but I digress.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Honestly I haven’t come across any choices so far that felt like they matter, but I’m not very far yet. there’s literally nowhere else for the plot to go.

I never said this was a choice-driven game. There are some choices, but this is not Banner Saga, it's not intended to have choices as its main draw, or even a draw at all. There's only a few choices in the game, and outside of the route choice, they're all in the final stages of the game and determine the ending you get.

...Well, in the main route, at least. I'm not sure about the other one. But this is irrelevant to you right now. Keep going.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I also found the earth boss(?) fight you mentioned, I think, right before I quit, so that’s at least something I’ll do next time.

That fight is hilarious. The way it is triggered is also a reference to Earthbound, so there's your Earthbound inspiration.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I kept an eye out for anything I should remember to do because you said I was coming up on the thing where I would have to do remember to do something for an extra scene at the end.

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…it’s Hector, isn’t? Is the pet rock actually the key to the entire plot? That’s hilarious. I mean, he gets a purple name. Who else gets a purple name? I climbed to the bottom of the ladder to look for him, and there was a rock right next to it, and if you interact with it it just says “a normal rock” or something like that, the game just messing with you. There weren’t any other rocks I could interact with in the ladder area and Mari basically said “idk”, so I left it instead of running around every area I’d unlocked looking for rocks, somehow I feel like I’m not gonna find him that way.

You're a bit off.

And by "a bit" I mean, completely off. This might come into play in the future, but it's not what I was talking about. In fact, I believe it's already flown right over your head.


Also, yeah, the writing is good. I got several grins or chuckles from the dialogue and such.

Yeah, the dialogue's pretty hilarious when it wants to be.


…that’s not gonna last for very long, is it?

Well, there's still plenty of humor to go. There's just certain places where the mood shifts ever-so-slightly. Almost unnoticeable, you might miss it if you blink.


What do you take me for, an amateur? Of course, Ruben, of course!

It's never enough, man. Never enough.


But I already pieced together the entire plot above, I know everything is actually Hector.

Hector killed Hector in FE6. All along it was him...!


…Do game devs put spoilers in the soundtracks sometimes?

I mean, no, but game devs usually just don't release their soundtracks on Youtube. Mostly just indie ones, and not all of them at that. The majority of people just sell them as DLC on the Steam store.


I almost missed Sooks's own edit.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:


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Oh yeah, also, everyone’s memory seems a little… flexible. After Omori was no longer afraid of heights, someone forgot why they waited to climb the ladder (iirc) and Kel had zero recollection of taking Aubrey’s stuffed toy. Something’s going on there, somehow.




I'd tell you what's going on here, but I seem to have forgotten.

Actually, what's supposed to be going on? You're not making any sense, Sooks. Everything is normal. Keep going.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

NEO TWEWY I assume? Did they abolish Tin Pin Slammer and replace it with this? (I didn't like that minigame.)


Replace isn't the right word (I don't think the one would be meant to replace the other for one thing), but abolished it is. Honestly when I was playing through the first time due to misunderstanding how it worked I did not try to get max points for Scramble Slam at all.

(Also, Tin Pin was something that I liked even in the DS version from a world perspective (especially as it is so separate from the Reaper's game, which worked so well for AD), but I just spam pins with a ton of Hand whammies to outlast so I get it.)

And yes, I just realised that Slam was used in both earlier today because I am not smart.


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18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I never said this was a choice-driven game. There are some choices, but this is not Banner Saga, it's not intended to have choices as its main draw, or even a draw at all.

Yes I know. But I just always be prepared, imagine getting a bad ending.

By the way, does it matter who I pick when reading the message in the bottle at the other world lake? I feel like they’ll get a skill or something.


That fight is hilarious. The way it is triggered is also a reference to Earthbound, so there's your Earthbound inspiration.

The Earth made Omori depressed, I’m sure that means absolutely nothing at all.

I made the Earth happy, though, because I wanted to.


In fact, I believe it's already flown right over your head.





  Reveal hidden contents

I'd tell you what's going on here, but I seem to have forgotten.

Actually, what's supposed to be going on? You're not making any sense, Sooks. Everything is normal. Keep going.

You can’t fool me, Ruben. Everything is a hint.

Edited by Sooks
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Dick and potatoes, it's started. I've reached the one point in Ace Attorney where I have no idea where the contradiction is. Might be time to employ the tried-and-true method of presenting everything until the music stops...

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yes I know. But I just always be prepared, imagine getting a bad ending.

Come now. Pfft, bad endings... What a preposterous notion. This isn't a game where you can be bad endings, I mean, puh-lease.

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

By the way, does it matter who I pick when reading the message in the bottle at the other world lake? I feel like they’ll get a skill or something.

Pretty sure there's a correct answer.

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The Earth made Omori depressed, I’m sure that means absolutely nothing at all.

Omori is edgy

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I made the Earth happy, though, because I wanted to.

...And then you killed it...

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Very possible

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You can’t fool me, Ruben. Everything is a hint.

Clearly not since you've already missed the other thing.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pretty sure there's a correct answer.

I guess I’ll just pick Omori and see what happens.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...And then you killed it...

Killed it? Of course not! Ruben, this is a very light hearted, cutesy Earth-bound inspired RPG, there’s no way anyone dies in this game. No chance at all.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Clearly not since you've already missed the other thing.

Clearly you don’t remember exactly when it comes into play, because there’s no way I could miss The Thing.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

I guess I’ll just pick Omori and see what happens.

You didn't get the joke with the bottle's message, did you?


Killed it? Of course not! Ruben, this is a very light hearted, cutesy Earth-bound inspired RPG, there’s no way anyone dies in this game. No chance at all.

You destroyed the planet, Sooks. You're a more successful villain than Zephiel.


Clearly you don’t remember exactly when it comes into play, because there’s no way I could miss The Thing.

Don't let it worry you.

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3 hours ago, Dayni said:

It's interesting to see how Digimon is a franchise that has broad appeal in what it makes and enough depth in its game titles that if it weren't for the timing of when it came out maybe we'd be in a different universe where a live action Digimon movie happened we could all whinge about in 2019.

I think it was less the timing and more of the name tbh.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dick and potatoes, it's started.

This is probably the funniest "swear" you've come up with.

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  "69% of people in Ireland fully vaccinated."


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think it was less the timing and more of the name tbh.

Just because of the names being similar? Or do you have more to add to that?

20 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

Not you too Sooks!

Well, guess I'm stepping up too (he can't blame all of us /s)

(Spoiler free video, just so we're clear.)

Another question to everyone. Anyone here play Spiritfarer? Debating getting it while it's on sale and curious to hear if the game delivers.

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Son of a gun, seriously? I had to press all the statements, and then go back, press one of them in particular again, and for no reason at all something had changed and then you can use it to pursue. But only if you run through the lines slowly, if you go at full speed the game just skips over it and doesn't show it. Nice, thank you very much.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is probably the funniest "swear" you've come up with.

Why thank you. I had a moment of inspiration, I suppose.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:



Sound familiar?

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Anyone here play Spiritfarer?

Never heard of it.

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