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Holy Christ this guy is dumb.

Oh my God it would be frustrating if it wasn't so funny.

He just doesn't do anything right.








You guys think I talk too much about Okarin being dumb? Surely not.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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I hate these people so much.

I've long since ran out of names to call them. There's just no words that can really express how awful these people are.

God fucking damnit, guys.


Well, at any rate, I'm calling it a night. A lot of tidbits, details and discoveries about the magical microwave and SERN, but not much in the way of big progress today. Which is fine. I do apologize for my commentary today amounting to paranoid baseless fears, cryptic references to events as I read them and the phrase "Okarin is dumb" and variants thereof repeated ad nauseam. I realize it might've gotten annoying at some point, but... Sheesh, look, they just can't stop doing reckless things. I can't keep up, as soon as I make a post bitching about them they do another three stupid things and I have to go at it again.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Sakura Wars 6 is perfectly fine (review)

My interest in Sakura Wars came from it's inclusion in the Project X Zone games. Based on what i had seen there, it seemed pretty fun so finding a physical copy of this game at GameStop was neat and i ended up playing a game from a franchise i previously only had exposure to via crossovers.

The story is nothing too spectacular but it's not bad either. It's anime as hell but as a whole, it's serviceable with likable characters. I really liked how expressive the character models were. Sometimes they would be moving a bit too much but it was pretty neat seeing these characters full of life in this way. The game only has a Japanese dub although there are weird instances where there'd be no voice acting but the scenes would be playing out as if they were. Though I will have to dock points from the story for pretty much forcing a romance between the two main leads despite giving you other options. Thankfully, a lot of the choices you do make don't have anything to do with romance. There's nothing super impactful that will change the direction of the story since the choices are more limited to the character moments but they did add some potential humor to the game. And i have to applaud the fact that you can avoid cringe anime fanservice scenes by simply choosing to not be a dumbass.

For all intents and purposes, this game is basically a visual novel and normally, i would never play a visual novel but since Sakura Wars has actual gameplay, it was alright in my book. The actual gameplay is pretty mindless and the lack of difficulty options means what you see is what you get. There were hints of a deeper system, like perfect dodges and even finishers but honestly these don't matter too much. You can get away with just spamming your AoEs. Honestly, you can make an easy comparison to Warriors games, in which you hack-and-slash to your hearts content and the fast movement makes this feel pretty good. Unlike Warriors games though, the level design is much more linear and you simply get from beginning to end. The visuals of these levels are generic and uninspired, which was disappointing. Perhaps that was never the focus but it all blends in together and nothing stands out. I could say the same for the music, while the main theme is a banger, nothing else really succeeded in clicking with me. Oh well.

When taking everything into consideration, Sakura Wars is pretty much a textbook definition of a 7/10 game. It's good, it works but i've played better. At the same time, it's also not bad at all and i'd still rank it higher than some other 7/10 games i've played in the past.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Then ditch my light suggestion of Devil Survivor 2 as an SMT gateway then.😅

Haha well maybe one works. But i'm definitely gonna be more wary from now on. Learning that the older Sakura Wars games (at least SW1) is dynamic turns has also made me wary.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

First, whhhhhhhhhhhy would someone gift you Yuji Naka Can't Make A Good Nights into Dreams Spiritual Successor?


Real talk, according to my friend, the local game store he frequents might as well have been paying people to buy Balan. They were having a buy-one, get one free thing and he used it to get Balan for free.

I will not be playing this game alone, someone else must suffer with me.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Third, Muramasa Wii is the inferior version, the translation is a bit worse and you don't get the four bonus characters & stories of the Vita version. -But who other than good old Draggy & Luxaar has a Vita?

That and Vita emulation is basically impossible. So i take what i get.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I would therefore advise staggering your playing of Muramasa and Odin Sphere, and starting with Muramasa. As MtDB invented the combat flow later adapted by OS Leifthrasir's Refined Mode, step forwards, not back.

Honestly that was the plan from the start once i got these games.

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53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I must confess- I tend to skip right past most of the voice acting in this game. I mean, I don't understand Japanese, so they're really nothing more than pretty background noises. So once I'm done reading, I move on.

Eh, that’s okay. You’ll be able to tell when the scenes where you’ll want to listen to the voice acting are (which is every five seconds after the funny happens, the cast is so good at being emotional).

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Every time Okarin laughs though, I wait for it. Okarin's laughter is the most precious thing in the world. The text says it's "muhahaha!" but it sounds more like "HWUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhaahaahaahaahaa" and I absolutely love it.

Yes! Correct Ruben!

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40 minutes ago, Dayni said:

It is a DLC class, so you'd need the map to get it, after clearing of course.

You can also get one free off one of the Anna's gift DLCs.

Ah, I see.

What is the DLC you get Anna anyhow?

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I just suddenly realized Sooks may've accidentally and indirectly spoiled me.


He showed an image of the list of endings. I am positive it was not in a spoiler box, so it wasn't me being an idiot.

...there was no Moeka ending, was there.

Hoo, boy.

Still, I'm not 100% sure of this, and I'm not going to go back and check. Please do not react to this. Just let me wallow in uncertainty. Just thought I'd bring it up. Make Sooks feel bad for no reason whatsoever.

14 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:



8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Eh, that’s okay. You’ll be able to tell when the scenes where you’ll want to listen to the voice acting are (which is every five seconds after the funny happens, the cast is so good at being emotional).

Depending on what The Funny is, I may just forget to stop and listen. But we'll see.


Yes! Correct Ruben!

Of course. I'm always right.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I just suddenly realized Sooks may've accidentally and indirectly spoiled me.

  Reveal hidden contents

He showed an image of the list of endings. I am positive it was not in a spoiler box, so it wasn't me being an idiot.

...there was no Moeka ending, was there.

Hoo, boy.

Still, I'm not 100% sure of this, and I'm not going to go back and check. Please do not react to this. Just ket me wallow in uncertainty.

Oops, I’m sorry.

I’m not saying whether you’re right or wrong, but you are right that I didn’t spoiler tag it.

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3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Ah, I see.

What is the DLC you get Anna anyhow?

This one is the Anna map, there's a "map" or two referred to as Anna' gift where she just hands stuff. This one gives the choice of Ballastician or Witch as a seal.

(Just to clarify, are you playing this on cart or emulated?)

While looking into this, I also found something strange. It seems like there's a thing that's exclusive to Europe in terms of Fates DLC. If you purchased the first Map Pack it gives a thing which just throws 10,000 G at the player. The only mention I've seen of it is on the main SF site about it and it only gets mentioned for the European version. What I don't get is why. Was this a bone for waiting so long?

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37 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

What do you mean, Nya?

Anyen't we the Pwomised ones nya who shall bring Byalance to the Fyandom?

The oynes who wyill create the pyrfect Nya Emblem?

I am going to pretend I did not read this, nya.

27 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:


He looks so weird in this vid's thumbnail. Where's the giraffe neck, the droopey face and the tiny chin? This isn't my Okarin, he looks competent here.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Haha well maybe one works. But i'm definitely gonna be more wary from now on. Learning that the older Sakura Wars games (at least SW1) is dynamic turns has also made me wary.

*Glimpses over SW5 on YouTube* Looks like dynamic turns as well. And given that's the only gameplay, it could very well be for you that VN With Bad Gameplay = VN With No Gameplay = Not A VN For You.

As for DS2, I could say "approach it as a JRPG adapted onto an SRPG grid", rather an outright SRPG. But a blue whale carcass on a beach is still a giant rotting cetacean, regardless of whether you're staring at it from the sandy shore or waist deep in seawater. So I wouldn't hold my breath, not that I was seriously intending to whatsoever. I don't need to remind you I've been throwing some cold water on other "recommendations" of mine in advance.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I will not be playing this game alone, someone else must suffer with me.

*Insert gif of a costume randomly and inopportunely turning a character into a block that goes sliding off into a bottomless abyss*

"Misery loves a company", a saying that'll never not be true. Hopefully you'll get a few laughs out it.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Honestly that was the plan from the start once i got these games.

Speaking of me lowering expectations ahead of time. While there are no repeat locations or bosses in Muramasa, which is the case in Odin Sphere, Kisuke and Momohime do play unfortunately identically, unlike the Odin Sphere five. (You can break the white-colored barriers and fight the bosses of the other character after finishing the presently-controlled character's story in Muramasa, but this is wholly optional.)

Narratively BTW, Kisuke and Momohime have wholly separate tales, there isn't one you should play first. You can alternate if so desired.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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In the past, i have journeyed through the lands of Arland, under a Dusk sky, exploring the Mysterious depths of alchemy to unlock it's Secret potential. But now i must travel back to where it all began: Salburg


And by travel back, i mean play the compilation of the first two games because the PS1 version of Atelier Marie is actually untranslated.

36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for DS2, I could say "approach it as a JRPG adapted onto an SRPG grid", rather an outright SRPG.

Tbf, isn't that what the Project X Zone games are?

Although dynamic turns are the least of PxZ1's issues tbh.

36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Narratively BTW, Kisuke and Momohime have wholly separate tales, there isn't one you should play first. You can alternate if so desired

Didn't realize there were separate tales. I know Odin Sphere had them (technically but it all still connects in the end) and idk about Dragon Crown.

Guess Vanillaware just likes their multiple plots.

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This series has come a long way.

Too long. Cause i severely underestimated how aged Atelier Marie was gonna be.


You do not get to explore in this game. You simply pick where you wanna go and then the game decides what to give you when you get there. The only places you can actually move around are the shops and the atelier. Speaking of, going back to your atelier for any reason will cause the time to advance and the series didn't get rid of time-limits until Atelier Shallie.

Hooooo boy yeah, this is a drop. Ending it before i regret it.

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