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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Armagon said:


Arigato... Gyro...

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Do not play Sakura Wars 6 then Shrimpy.

t. Hatsuho fan

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:






Hiking is so much fun

You okay man?

54 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:


I thought Cosmo was on your side? If anything, Armagon and I are in the minority. Also, why are you and Ruben represented by FE lords?

25 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

Haha, don't worry, I've read some of it earlier. It seems pretty chill and interesting. Thanks for the welcome! 😃 

Hey, welcome to the thread! Also, nice Cullen pfp

Edited by Awakened_06_
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Well, trying Timelie sucked until the cat showed up, then maps actually get kind of interesting and the current one I'm completely unsure what I'm doing.

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7 hours ago, Awakened_06_ said:

>skims past the pages when I was away at the time

>see that they were making a favorites list

Hope I'm not too late!

Ktgqd9vm o

One of the few to not name Forrest as Troubador. Alas all we share is Game and Wyvern pick. Also the Amelia Armor pick is almost as funny as my Kellam joke 😛 .

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7 hours ago, Awakened_06_ said:

>skims past the pages when I was away at the time

>see that they were making a favorites list

Hope I'm not too late!

Ktgqd9vm o

That's a pretty cute setup. Is that a program of some sort or just a good use of photoshop?

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7 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

That's a pretty cute setup. Is that a program of some sort or just a good use of photoshop?

Photoshop...or even mspaint. It uses the template that was shared before and some official art to create.

On 11/19/2021 at 12:18 PM, Father Shrimpas said:

Something from a few years ago on the subreddit


Let's see how everyone will fill this

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Okay. I am no longer dying, I have sunk into my G A M E R chair. I'll try to catch up a bit and reply to some things. Apologies if I miss something, I've missed a lot (mostly about Trails) and my feet hurt like hell spites, so I'm going to be skimming.

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

I can't be arsed to find the original message but you asked about Lando and his goons

Yeah that was a couple missions back. Really easy mission, it was original but the execution could be better. Lando even says "someone get away quickly!" but then the entire force, including Lando himself, tries to run. Straight into Grandpa Huxie's wolverine arms.

After that I did the first part of the prison mission. I have to beat up Dumas next.

9 hours ago, WraithReborn said:

Et tu, Rubenio?

Dude, what's the problem here? It's an old game. It even has an emperor. He's named Hel Spites and he looks like Trump with a wig, but I'm sure you'd like him anyway.

9 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

So, Sooks, did your cream your fav. Girl yet?


I will not ask for the context behind this. I am in enough pain.

18 hours ago, Awakened_06_ said:

Also, @Saint Rubenio if you thought 0 was easy, maybe you should give Kiwami a try, as enemies are far more aggressive, evasive, and do more damage. Kiryu was also nerfed.

Well, I like the sound of that. Kiryu being powerful wasn't exactly the problem, I did have fun with the fighting styles. The problem was that the enemies were so pathetic and predictable that there was hardly any need for all the techniques. I mean, heck, my favorite part of the game by far was the mad rush to Kuze and his boss fight at the start of the game, because it was still brawler fun while being decently challenging. This does sound like it could be nice.

8 hours ago, Awakened_06_ said:

>skims past the pages when I was away at the time

>see that they were making a favorites list

Hope I'm not too late!

Ktgqd9vm o

I like how we don't agree on anything. Not a single one, Jesus. There were a couple of narrow misses, like Selena (I picked Soleil) and Kliff (I picked Leon), but overall, our tastes are not even close to close. I mean, sure, I kinda cheated and added fangame and KagaSaga characters in, but...


2 hours ago, Sooks said:

And hey, exercise is good for you! And fun. I’ve never been hiking, but it sounds nice. Provided that it wasn’t -2 degrees out, but you know.

Hiking is fun, I agree. No joke, I wouldn't have returned if I didn't enjoy myself. Even if my legs want out.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Blizzard's coming 'round our area today it seems. Would be a perfect day to hike barefoot in the snow!

Yeah, no.

1 hour ago, Father Shrimpas said:


This is still hilarious.

...Commanders of what? We don't have any forces other than us! What, do we just give each other orders and bicker over who's the first commander?

51 minutes ago, Awakened_06_ said:

You okay man?

Yes, yes, don't worry about me. I just went hiking and my body is in absolute pain.

33 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

That's a pretty cute setup. Is that a program of some sort or just a good use of photoshop?

Even basic paint can work, if you're willing to let it look a bit crusty.

For curiosity's sake, here's my take.


I don't think anything's changed since then. For everyone you don't recognize: Knight is Derrick from Berwick Saga, archer is Sylvis from the same, myrmidon is Faye from you guessed it, pirate is Axel who is the best character in Berwick Saga, peg knight is Kurtis from fangame Lonely Mirror (I generally dislike peggies, but Kurtis not only managed to get me to like him - he was the reason I played the hack in the first place. Power of beard, man. I simply couldn't leave him out just because he's not official, there isn't a single peggie in official FE that comes even close to how much I like this guy), wyv rider is Sasha from TearRing Saga (kinda cheated here, she's a trainee that goes peggie, but peggies in TRS promote to wyvern), light mage is Owen from Berwick, dancer is Anakin from fangame The Last Promise.

Holy shit, typing that out really puts it into perspective just how hard I cheated. And I didn't even bring up the Haitaka situation or the fact that I completely missed the small text underneath "other" in my rush to cram Garon's dumb face in there.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We don't have any forces other than us! What, do we just give each other orders and bicker over who's the first commander?

Would be canon to the Teehee lore.

You do remember the linked Ironman, right? xD

Edited by Father Shrimpas
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And now, to reward my peerless walking efforts with some blood geysers.

13 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:


I'm still angry at S;G. Rest assured, I'm not quitting. I wish to see Okarin's Dumb Adventures through and find out just how hard he's going to fuck everything up. But holy shit that Luka scene is the worst scene I've seen in anything for a while. Give me a couple days to recover.

4 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Would be canon to the Teehee lore.

You do remember the linked Ironman, right? xD

Yes, that is a fine example of how well it would go for us to lead an army together.

We'd probably go out on the battlefield, but then we'd fight each other over Sky and the enemy would win without even moving a finger.

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10 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:


The justification of everyone being a pretty animu.

Kinda sheesh to be honest.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But holy shit that Luka scene is the worst scene I've seen in anything for a while.

Honestly, i don'T think it was that bad, mainly because

  • Japan 2010
  • Okabe clearly comforting Lukako
  • Lukako not feeling comfortable in Society + Time machine + Dumb college students

It makes alot of sense.  Maybe the cosplaying wasn't really needed, but it also really showed how Lukako feels about the whole thing and why he sticks with Okabe so much, them being about the only group (and especially Okabe) that (somehow) accept it/him.

Edited by Father Shrimpas
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I did not expect to hear this in Azure, but I am pleased.


Campanella kind of seems to have forgotten what “just observing” means, though.

And why did everyone ignore the fact that KeA was literally glowing blue? That didn’t matter to anyone?

Well, it’s nice that the intermission ends on some action, because other wise it’s just way too long of a beach episode.

Although I’m not sure what the game wants me to think about



ending the chapter like that. Was she supposed to be evil or something? There was literally nothing wrong with anything she said, I’m just saying that because the music stopped, her lines were suddenly voice acted, and the chapter ended right there. But if like, Wazy had said the exact same stuff everyone would have just been like “oh, Wazy, you’re so mysterious and observant”. Not really sure what’s going on there.

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Just now, Father Shrimpas said:

Okabe clearly comforting Lukako

it also really showed how Lukako feels about the whole thing and why he sticks with Okabe so much, them being about the only group (and especially Okabe) that (somehow) accept it/him.

Oh yeah, I will give the scene this. It shed a really positive light on Okabe when he was genuinely empathetic for once. He may have the brain power of a broken rock, but he's a good guy. I can respect him for that.

...Really, the problem was what came after. The whole "Kurisu brings up some unbelievable factoid she read who knows where on the internet and everyone actually takes it seriously and comes up with a lunatic plan to use it to change Luka's sex" was so amazingly braindead, for a moment I was left wondering if Okarin hadn't jumped to an alternate timeline where everyone is secretly Garon in disguise.

Like, holy shit, I already had little respect for Kurisu because of how the game treated her, but now I just straight up don't like her. Supposed genius girl and she comes to me with this? Piss off, go die somewhere else.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

other wise it’s just way too long of a beach episode

Soon you shall enter the land of hot spring episodes, final dungeon to save a fucking festival, beach episode right before apocalypse and zoom into Boobs VR events. You aren't far away from the promised land Ü

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The whole "Kurisu brings up some unbelievable factoid she read who knows where on the internet and everyone actually takes it seriously and comes up with a lunatic plan to use it to change Luka's sex" was so amazingly braindead, for a moment I was left wondering if Okarin hadn't jumped to an alternate timeline where everyone is secretly Garon in disguise.

Japan isn't really tolerant when it comes to that, and especially not in 2010. That + Time machine...

Also i think the anime changed it to something much less asshole-ish, but i don't really remember. Has been a few years. The vegtable thing is still there, but the way it was delievered was a bit different iirc. Could be wrong tho

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56 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

That's a pretty cute setup. Is that a program of some sort or just a good use of photoshop?

Paint. Also, are you new here?

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

One of the few to not name Forrest as Troubador. Alas all we share is Game and Wyvern pick. Also the Amelia Armor pick is almost as funny as my Kellam joke 😛 .

I could not let this chance pass. Also, why is Forrest so popular?

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5 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Japan isn't really tolerant when it comes to that, and especially not in 2010. That + Time machine...

Yes, but still. I'm not going to give S;G props for being as shitty as everyone else just because it was a while ago. I hated the scene and that's it. I will continue S;G all the same and hope it doesn't get worse.

2 minutes ago, Awakened_06_ said:

Paint. Also, are you new here?

Yep, I can confirm it.


I could not let this chance pass. Also, why is Forrest so popular?

Surprisingly tasteful take on a character of his kind from not only a Japanese game, but also a Japanese game that happens to be Fire Emblem Fates. That's the reason I like him, anyway. That, and I hardly feel anything about any other troubadour. L'Arachel is pretty much the only other one.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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5 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Also i think the anime changed it to something much less asshole-ish, but i don't really remember. Has been a few years. The vegtable thing is still there, but the way it was delievered was a bit different iirc. Could be wrong tho

Luka not Ruka, that is a crime against humanity is the one who read the vegetable thing and also the one who suggests it, and everyone else is kinda like “weeeeell if it’ll make you feel better”, which makes literally no sense because Luka won’t remember having sent it, but I guess it didn’t make sense in the first place, and this is more believable than this being the “genius girl’s” idea.

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35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I don't think anything's changed since then. For everyone you don't recognize: Knight is Derrick from Berwick Saga, archer is Sylvis from the same, myrmidon is Faye from you guessed it, pirate is Axel who is the best character in Berwick Saga, peg knight is Kurtis from fangame Lonely Mirror (I generally dislike peggies, but Kurtis not only managed to get me to like him - he was the reason I played the hack in the first place. Power of beard, man. I simply couldn't leave him out just because he's not official, there isn't a single peggie in official FE that comes even close to how much I like this guy), wyv rider is Sasha from TearRing Saga (kinda cheated here, she's a trainee that goes peggie, but peggies in TRS promote to wyvern), light mage is Owen from Berwick, dancer is Anakin from fangame The Last Promise.

Holy shit, typing that out really puts it into perspective just how hard I cheated. And I didn't even bring up the Haitaka situation or the fact that I completely missed the small text underneath "other" in my rush to cram Garon's dumb face in there.


I'd make one myself but as you can imagine, my list would be very...limited.

5 minutes ago, Awakened_06_ said:

Paint. Also, are you new here?

In a sense, yes.

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