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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Kouta! I see this fan translation isn't fond of Japanese silent "u"s. Looks quite different without the armor on, the hair sure looks better.

Those "u"s aren't silent. They denote it's a long O sound, at least in the perspective of English. So they're changing the word. Should've used ō, since that conveys the long sound without using the U.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

This reminds me, that one Ishtar-fanfic I'm writing, I went for a personal interpretation of the whole thing (as it takes place around that time of the game's events).

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I went with making her be a bit suicidal. Torn between her loving Julius but not supporting what he does and having to sabotage his plans behind his back. Then the stress and despair of having lost her family. Either killed or because they joined the enemy. That her pride of being Thrudd's descendant and wielder of the Mjolnir clashes with her current fate of becoming the Empress of the revived Loptrian Empire. So simply put... she wants out, willing to take the coward's way out even because she doesn't want to choose between keep supporting Julius or defy him openly. She already saved the children, that was the one thing willing to see through to the end, but after that, it's time to die. By dying at the Liberation Army's hands, she doesn't have to live the outcome. If Julius wins, now she doesn't have to become his Empress. If Seliph wins, then she won't see the man she loves being killed. So all in all... she's running away from the problem, but by that point she didn't care.

But well, I haven't written much on it yet.

That's a good interpretation. Takes the tiny bits that she had from her four total scenes over both games and expands upon them in a natural way. Less of a "tragic hero who just happens to work for the wrong people because muh loyalty" like the Camus stereotype so stubbornly insists on trying to be, but rather a woman too weak to make a difficult choice. I like it. Let's see something like this in a potential FE4 remake.

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wouldn't say that F/FF are the definitive end. Best I recall, it's treated like an alternate ending to Classicverse. Well, I mean, there's a reason they're choosing to reference Irm and Gilliam with SRW 4, and not SRW F/FF.

Thank you for clarifying. But doesn't "alternate" mean they have to exist in yet another dimension? 

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

4 was basically the first game that was SRW as we know it, more or less. Option to Attack/Defend/Evade, equipment parts system, familiar upgrade system, etc. Yes, it's certainly very basic at this point... but well, that's how they all start, heh.

I mean, I'm fine with Super Famicom FE, all three of them. But I'm tepid on 16-bit SRW because Masoukishin was a little rough, though that could also be owed to the first half of the game being so inconstant with my crew so that the only one unit I could reliably dump upgrades into was Masaki. Maybe I could go back and try 4 at some point. 

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

There's certainly been something of an approach change with these latest OG additions. After all, one easy way to determine from where Sanger and Ratsel come from would be if they recognize the non-OG guys... yet there doesn't seem to be an acknowledge of such if they do or not. Will be interesting to see if there's some confirmation somewhere.

That said, regardless of where they come, I almost expect now Pferd Mode to be a thing in 3rd OGs.

I'd expect they'd get a little more creative with the attacks in OGs, since we have plain old Daizengar there to compare it against. A DyGenGuar that has even regained Dynamic Knuckle and General Blaster (but why not Guardian Sword? Is Sanger monogamous with his blades and thus can't be unfaithful to the Type 3 Zankanto?).

As an option you can toggle on or off in the intermission menu like the Exbein Gunner & Boxer frames, as opposed to a mid-battle combine like SRX, Pferd Mode could free up one deployment slot and provide Sanger with a second SP pool. That's a benefit. The costs would be: a second use of Tornado Zankanto -the second strongest combination attack around- and the loss of Ratsel and his Aussenseiter as independent unit, both him and his machine being rather powerful.

10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Those "u"s aren't silent. They denote it's a long O sound, at least in the perspective of English. So they're changing the word. Should've used ō, since that conveys the long sound without using the U.

My error.

The translators were willing to use a whatever is the German character for the "ss" in "Aussenseiter", but not a diacritic for an "o". Not sure why that would be the case. (And unlike GBA OG2, the fan translators didn't use Greek letters for the codenames of Altairlion, Vegalion, and Hyperion- Alpha, Beta, Omega; they wrote them out in normal English.)

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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42 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Best Lord :3

We like Ike! We like Ike!


Can't speak for others opinions', but IMO Camuses (the good ones, anyway) are respectable for their loyalty and honor even if that loyality seems pointless or wrong from the all-seeing-eye of the player's perspective.

And for also typically being genuinely good people despite their shortcomings.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Nope they are pretty serious

Are they though? Not everything someone says on the internet is something they mean. There thousands of cases of people saying a thing just to get attention, especially on the internet where they can hide behind the safety of their computer screens. People like to complain as well so it isn't uncommon for folks to fabricate a problem and then complain about it.

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55 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thank you for clarifying. But doesn't "alternate" mean they have to exist in yet another dimension? 

Well, yeah.

55 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I mean, I'm fine with Super Famicom FE, all three of them. But I'm tepid on 16-bit SRW because Masoukishin was a little rough, though that could also be owed to the first half of the game being so inconstant with my crew so that the only one unit I could reliably dump upgrades into was Masaki. Maybe I could go back and try 4 at some point.

While I don't expect it to be too much different, 4 has its Scramble port for the PSX. Between it and Complete Box (which borrows from 4's engine), you can effectively play the entire Classicverse with just the Playstation. F/FF even got PSX ports to boot, heh.

55 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd expect they'd get a little more creative with the attacks in OGs, since we have plain old Daizengar there to compare it against. A DyGenGuar that has even regained Dynamic Knuckle and General Blaster (but why not Guardian Sword? Is Sanger monogamous with his blades and thus can't be unfaithful to the Type 3 Zankanto?).

As an option you can toggle on or off in the intermission menu like the Exbein Gunner & Boxer frames, as opposed to a mid-battle combine like SRX, Pferd Mode could free up one deployment slot and provide Sanger with a second SP pool. That's a benefit. The costs would be: a second use of Tornado Zankanto -the second strongest combination attack around- and the loss of Ratsel and his Aussenseiter as independent unit, both him and his machine being rather powerful.

At the very least it will have some more attacks, heh.

I can see it more as a mid-battle combine, but well, it could go for either.

55 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My error.

The translators were willing to use a whatever is the German character for the "ss" in "Aussenseiter", but not a diacritic for an "o". Not sure why that would be the case. (And unlike GBA OG2, the fan translators didn't use Greek letters for the codenames of Altairlion, Vegalion, and Hyperion- Alpha, Beta, Omega; they wrote them out in normal English.)

Maybe it was coding or size issues. Not much chance to add more foreign or seldom used characters. Though well, who knows.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"a tragically good woman in the wrong side" just because she wasn't as overtly rude as everyone else?

Well, aside from trying to save kids thing she also has the whole protecting Tinny thing...

but yeah

Generally i am not a big fan of Camus Archetype to begin with (and if i am gonna be honest, think most of them as idiots) as i don't like "everything for my lord/nation" attitude. Like i could understand it from a simple soldier, but not from a lord or commander or who had the power to do something. It's why for example i have a bone to pick with Miccy amongst all Tellius lord, especially after she lead a rebellion in Part 1.

Special mentions to Eldigan for being the biggest idiot around. His execution always made me facepalm

42 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:



23 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Are they though?


They go as far as insult people and trying to cancel them.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

have a bone to pick with Miccy amongst all Tellius lord, especially after she lead a rebellion in Part 1.

Well, at least she isnt in Ikes shoes!

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Thinking about Irm, and I was reminded of this exchange.:



5 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Like i could understand it from a simple soldier, but not from a lord or commander or who had the power to do something. It's why for example i have a bone to pick with Miccy amongst all Tellius lord, especially after she lead a rebellion in Part 1.

Special mentions to Eldigan for being the biggest idiot around. His execution always made me facepalm

And not Sigurd? Since, to an extent, Chapter 3 of FE4 is Playable Camus vs. Unplayable Camus. Or at least that's how I've interpreted it on one occasion. Sigurd afterwards fought to prove his loyalty and vanquish those that didn't think he was loyal, so you could go far as to say he was acting Camus-ish to the very end.

2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Is the consumer overlap going to be that significant though?

I get what you're saying about this sounding cursed for a game that went through a patch of dev hell.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I don't have a Switch, and I am a bigger fan of Digimon anyway.

A good point that it does have other platforms.

But I just don't see it getting the scale of promotion to make it a big sale, though that could not be something they're worried about.

I should ask about Cybersleuth from the relatives I know who have it.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And not Sigurd? Since, to an extent, Chapter 3 of FE4 is Playable Camus vs. Unplayable Camus. Or at least that's how I've interpreted it on one occasion. Sigurd afterwards fought to prove his loyalty and vanquish those that didn't think he was loyal, so you could go far as to say he was acting Camus-ish to the very end

True enough.

And i think why many give Sigurd a pass is because he gets BBQ'd for his idiocy. And even those who love him call him an Idiot.

Although i wouldn't calling proving your loyalty after being betryed "Camus-ish"

Before Ice chapter tho? Yeah he kept following orders no questions asked.

7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


Best Princess

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Although i wouldn't calling proving your loyalty after being betryed "Camus-ish"

I admit that was a reach. It came to mind because Eldigan dies insisting "I'm loyal, I'm loyal!" if memory serves. Though he never took up arms to prove his loyalty, and had his monarch -not a mere power-usurping faction of the court- fail to see him as faithful. So yeah, poor extended comparison.

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2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Can't speak for others opinions', but IMO Camuses (the good ones, anyway) are respectable for their loyalty and honor even if that loyality seems pointless or wrong from the all-seeing-eye of the player's perspective.

And for also typically being genuinely good people despite their shortcomings.

Ehh depends on the Camus, I'd say. Let me quickly go over all of the ones I can recall off the top of my head... In spoilers for space.


Camus himself is... okay. He doesn't get nearly enough characterization as a Camus, funnily enough, but Yubello and Yumina's existence retroactively adds some interesting implications to his unrelenting loyalty.

Eldigan is an idiot. Of course, he's very obviously written to be an idiot intentionally (as were all three of the wonder boys), so it's not necessarily a bad thing.

Ishtar... Barely counts as a gen 2 Camus, I guess? You've probably read my thoughts on her earlier today. She just doesn't get much.

Reinhardt gets a bit more than Ishtar. Unfortunately, none of it is too flattering. He has absolutely no reason to stay with the empire. The Imperial Prince hates his guts, his commander and (possibly) loved one cut all ties with him to protect him, his sister defected and would vouch for his virtue were he to defect as well, and if he's supposedly a "genuinely good person", he should be able to see that he's fighting for the insane cultists that conduct child hunts. And yet, he stays with them and actively supports their dreadful deeds. Because he's "loyal" or something. The game doesn't even give much of a reason for his loyalty, he just is. For no reason.
Terrible guy. While Olwen and Dorias are singing his praises, August calls him out on his massive hypocrisy and he's square on the mark. Dry-ass can say whatever he likes.

Galle is slightly better than Reinhardt. His lover and his lover's brother who is his good friend on his own right both betrayed Zephiel, and he just sorta refuses to listen to them, but Bern isn't as overtly evil as Julius and his Empire are, not to mention that Murdock is also a decidedly decent man who is basically the father Zephiel never had. From their interactions, I get the feel that Galle is more loyal to Murdock than he is to Bern, and Murdock is too personally attached to the king to betray him, just like Brunnya. I wish they'd expanded on all of them, honestly. They all have interesting things, but they've so little time...

The Reed brothers are fine.

Selena... I used to be highly critical of her, but nowadays I'm willing to cut her some slack because she's so clearly in love with Vigarde. Love is blind, and all. She wanted to cling to the memory of the man he used to be, and she died for it. Sad.

Glen barely exists. Honestly, he might be the worst of the lot. He gets three scenes, he basically goes "hello I'm a sympathetic villain" and then he gets anticlimatically shanked by Valter. Heck, in Eph's route you don't even know what happened to him. Hilarious.

I don't know Bryce. Shiharam is decent for a one-off, though he comes across as rather spineless.

Levail is really whatever. He's neat, but he doesn't really have much of an impact. If only he'd at least dropped his lance.

I have to admit that Mustafa is great for a one-off boss, even if I'm personally not a big fan of him just because I find that TRS executed him better.

I think that's all of them? At least the ones that aren't playable in any capacity. I'm not counting people in like, Fates or Three Houses, who are playable in one route and enemies in the other.


1 hour ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Special mentions to Eldigan for being the biggest idiot around. His execution always made me facepalm

Like I said above, I think it's pretty evident that he's intentionally written to be a complete moron. Just like Sigurd and Quan. All three of them are massive imbeciles. That's kinda the point.


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54 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

And i think why many give Sigurd a pass is because he gets BBQ'd for his idiocy. And even those who love him call him an Idiot.


He's a likable, tragic idiot who gets his due for his recklessness.

Hard to criticize that, IMO.

54 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Best Princess


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20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Levail is really whatever. He's neat, but he doesn't really have much of an impact. If only he'd at least dropped his lance.

He does. Sometimes the problem is avoiding beating the BK long enough to get it.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Finishing off the Anti-Spiral with a handgun is still like... peak SRW... lol

>Shoots a wide array of ammunition at his massive opponent.

"I'll finish this myself"

>Opens cockpit, shoots a bullet from a handgun

>It works

@Saint Rubenio

PoR spoilers

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know Bryce. Shiharam is decent for a one-off, though he comes across as rather spineless.

Bryce is an old dog who's pretty much stayed on the sinking ship by the time you even see him, having stayed aligned to Daein as a nation when Ashnard took over and thus was the only Rider from the time Greil was there who was still around by the time PoR happens. For some reason he really cares about Ashnard being the end of his bloodline to the point he stays on his side after Ashnard lets him know he killed the King and his other relatives. He admits that flaw in him if he fights Tauroneo, but barring that weird aspect of him he's nothing of note.

He ends up choosing to fight and of course dies without dropping the Wishblade (unlike Levail, which is funny with your comment about Levail)

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Glen barely exists. Honestly, he might be the worst of the lot. He gets three scenes, he basically goes "hello I'm a sympathetic villain" and then he gets anticlimatically shanked by Valter. Heck, in Eph's route you don't even know what happened to him. Hilarious.

So irrelevant nobody remembers to consider him as one.

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Galle is slightly better than Reinhardt. His lover and his lover's brother who is his good friend on his own right both betrayed Zephiel, and he just sorta refuses to listen to them, but Bern isn't as overtly evil as Julius and his Empire are, not to mention that Murdock is also a decidedly decent man who is basically the father Zephiel never had. From their interactions, I get the feel that Galle is more loyal to Murdock than he is to Bern, and Murdock is too personally attached to the king to betray him, just like Brunnya. I wish they'd expanded on all of them, honestly. They all have interesting things, but they've so little time...

I'd agree with the conclusion he was more invested in Murdock than in Bern due to how he was treated early on (passed over for Narcian of all idiots because Narcian's a baby bitch)

20 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

He's a likable, tragic idiot who gets his due for his recklessness.

Sigurd: doomed by fate (Or at least because someone wanted to machinate some fate), loyalty and naivety.

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