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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

He does. Sometimes the problem is avoiding beating the BK long enough to get it.

Or his (Ike) Str's low enough that you're really not going to do much without a hammer. ๐Ÿ˜›

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5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

>Shoots a wide array of ammunition at his massive opponent.

"I'll finish this myself"

>Opens cockpit, shoots a bullet from a handgun

>It works

It's SRW.ย Don't question it, just savor it. XD

But hey, that's the TTGL finale, so it's just normal. lol

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40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ehh depends on the Camus, I'd say. Let me quickly go over all of the ones I can recall off the top of my head... In spoilers for space.

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Camus himself is... okay. He doesn't get nearly enough characterization as a Camus, funnily enough, but Yubello and Yumina's existence retroactively adds some interesting implications to his unrelenting loyalty.

I mean, that's fair. An unfortunate consequence of Archanea's general lack of characterization, honestly. If he had the opportunity to be fleshed out more, I think he might feel more memorable/significant.

Eldigan is an idiot. Of course, he's very obviously written to be an idiot intentionally (as were all three of the wonder boys), so it's not necessarily a bad thing.

Also fair. Each one of them have their own brain dead moments that are so painfully obvious to the player, but intended to be so for the sake of story. Respectable approach.

Shiharam is decent for a one-off, though he comes across as rather spineless.

Tbh, Shiharam serves as a better plot device for Jill than he does for his own self. I think he works because of that, but still.

I have to admit that Mustafa is great for a one-off boss, even if I'm personally not a big fan of him just because I find that TRS executed him better.

I haven't played TRS but yeah, I'd probably say Mustafa is my favorite Camus series-wide (of the games I've played, tbf), perhaps both for my positive association with him and Awakening, but also for just how well he plays story-wise with the events of the game at that point. Dialogue, map design, music, etc.


I think it says something about how well the archetype has been handled in the series with how more than half of them I barely remember.

18 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Sigurd: doomed by fate (Or at least because someone wanted to machinate some fate), loyalty and naivety.


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Oh God I broke the Leia rescue mission. We're supposed to be stealthing, with Luke and Han disguised as Stormtroopers and Chewbacca pretending to be our captive. Except I've opened fire on everything in sight, which has led to a hilarious bit where Luke tried to talk an officer into letting us through to the detention center... Even though my cover was already blown and the room was already in the midst of a free-for-all brawl. They were calmly conversing like "no yeah we're totally just bringing this prisoner in" "hmmmm I'm not sure if I believe you..." while punching each other in the face, it was great.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

@Saint Rubenio

PoR spoilers

Yeah, I figured the first guy wouldn't be much of anything.

Funny how I forgot about the spear lol. I could've sworn he did not drop it... Goes to show how useful the thing is, I guess.

And yeah, that's just more evidence to Galle owing more to Murdock himself than Bern.

47 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'd probably say Mustafa is my favorite Camus series-wide (of the games I've played, tbf), perhaps both for my positive association with him and Awakening, but also for just how well he plays story-wise with the events of the game at that point. Dialogue, map design, music, etc.

I kinda would've liked for Mustafa to have some prior screentime, but... Eh. He works well enough, and the story's lightning-fast pace is a general issue with Awakening, not just Mustafa.

47 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I think it says something about how well the archetype has been handled in the series with how more than half of them I barely remember.

For how insistent the series is on using it, it's remarkable how little they do with most of them. Notice how in my analysis the issue with half of them was "lack of screentime"? I mean, c'mon, Glen is just a sad display.

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Why is the fact that the shopkeeper has an irrational crush on Ike a two star info conversation? I mean, the one about what to do if the map only has 3 main choke points is obvious, butโ€ฆ

Iโ€™m assuming the stars are about how important it is to see a conversation.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Funny how I forgot about the spear lol. I could've sworn he did not drop it... Goes to show how useful the thing is, I guess.

.....This slander is unacceptable.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Why is the fact that the shopkeeper has an irrational crush on Ike a two star info conversation? I mean, the one about what to do if the map only has 3 main choke points is obvious, butโ€ฆ

Iโ€™m assuming the stars are about how important it is to see a conversation.

The **/* star usually doesn't have a massive difference, but *** will always have something for the player.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Why is the fact that the shopkeeper has an irrational crush on Ike a two star info conversation? I mean, the one about what to do if the map only has 3 main choke points is obvious, butโ€ฆ

Iโ€™m assuming the stars are about how important it is to see a conversation.

That base conversation of the choke pointsย is so hilarious for how... contrived it is. lol

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You know, i wish the dialogue in Skywalker Saga was more like this and less of literally just repeating the movie's script. Cause that's what it's been for most of it, just the script but with visual gags. I don't mind it too much, especially in the Prequel era since they're using the based Clone Wars actors, but i wish the game would have a bit more fun with itself.

What i do love is how the game does "the story so far" if you come back to an Episode you haven't finished. @Saint Rubenioย exit out of whatever Episode you're on and go back to it, you'll see.

19 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Of course, since you can customize classes,ย the optimal strategy is to make everyone a healer.

Speaking of, this is great because if healing sucks, then i can just make Eunie switch to an actually good class.

I do wonder if they'll let us keep their original outfits tho.

19 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'm guessing at least one former villain will join the party at some point.

Ethel and the lance dude will no doubt join us at some point.

19 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Am I the only Xeno fan that feels that Xenosaga is just as good as the Xenoblade series?

Nah, Xeno as a whole is very good.

The thing with Xenoblade is that it's honestly just the most accessible games in the series.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

Why did I watch this video I was going to have no idea of the context for?

Bro i literally only watched that clip because Godzilla was in it.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Are you surprised? It's the Trendy Anime of the Season. First, people start clamoring about the TAtS all over the internet like it was the best thing to have ever happened to anime. Then other people start angrily calling the TAtS out for sexualization of minors, sometimes exaggeratedly. Then the fans of the TAtS become enraged in turn, call them Twitter users and complain that they're holier-than-thou idiots and that they're trying to take the TAtS away. Then absolutely nothing happens because as it turns out, Twitter users don't have the power to cancel an anime. The season then ends, the anime is completely forgotten and fades into obscurity. Before long, another takes its place as the new TAtS, and it all starts again. Such are the Five Stages of Anime.

Nah, Spy x Family was one of those manga people were wanting an anime adaptation for years.

12 hours ago, Julizan said:

I just hope the developers did not push the date of release at cost of the game's quality.

Monolith Soft has more than exceptional good working conditions. If anything, i hope it sets a precedent. Treating your workers well can actually allow you to finish projects earlier than expected because of the improved efficiency.

Remember, Monolith Soft has a no overtime rule. These guys finished earlier than scheduled without any overtime or crunch.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All right, then. That's been The Phantom Menace. They said this game's story lasted between 10 and 15 hours, but I spent 6 on this episode just running around exploring. Honestly, the story is really secondary, this game's a collect-a-thon at heart.

What i'm doing is just going through the stories, then, after each Trilogy, i do Galaxy Free Play and just explore.

2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Now this is a bruh moment.ย 

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Finishing off the Anti-Spiral with a handgun is still like... peak SRW... lol


This is the chadest animation i've seen.


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So, idk if Iโ€™m running into a glitch with BEXP, but I have 107 points and the game will only let me give Jill 99 (at which point it says Iโ€™m out)???

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Monolith Soft has more than exceptional good working conditions. If anything, i hope it sets a precedent. Treating your workers well can actually allow you to finish projects earlier than expected because of the improved efficiency.

Remember, Monolith Soft has a no overtime rule. These guys finished earlier than scheduled without any overtime or crunch

From what i read Nintendo of Japan seems pretty based in that regard in general

Although Ninty of America is another matter. There's an investigation on them i read yesterday

Just now, Sooks said:

So, idk if Iโ€™m running into a glitch with BEXP, but I have 107 points and the game will only let me give Jill 99 (at which point it says Iโ€™m out)???

Bexp isn't 1:1 exp. The higher level'd your unit, the more BEXP they require for 1 exp

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:



You know, i wish the dialogue in Skywalker Saga was more like this and less of literally just repeating the movie's script. Cause that's what it's been for most of it, just the script but with visual gags. I don't mind it too much, especially in the Prequel era since they're using the based Clone Wars actors, but i wish the game would have a bit more fun with itself.

It's as I've said before. The story feels secondary. The real meat and potatoes of this game is the free roam, because this game is an open world collect-a-thon at heart.

Still, there are moments like these where the game just goes "memes. The DNA of the soul." They're great. It's interesting how the great majority of them tend to happen in the world rather than in cutscenes, which seem to be more mundame more often.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What i do love is how the game does "the story so far" if you come back to an Episode you haven't finished.

@Saint Rubenioย exit out of whatever Episode you're on and go back to it, you'll see.

I've seen a couple of those, yeah. Happened to catch a couple of particularly mundane ones, but I know there are some that are bigly funny.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nah, Spy x Family was one of those manga people were wanting an anime adaptation for years.

That hasn't stopped it from seeing the exact same cycle as the lot of them, now has it?

Still, I'll give it that it looks a lot less... Generic forgettable bullshit than the rest of them. The premise is unique, and judging by the fact that I've yet to get the "HURRR BOOBIES FUNNY" type of clip in my recommendations feed, it might even take itself seriously. Perhaps it'll have greater longevity than the rest. Though I wouldn't be too hopeful.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What i'm doing is just going through the stories, then, after each Trilogy, i do Galaxy Free Play and just explore.

I don't know when I'll jump into free play. With the free sections between missions to keep me entertained, I think I might just go through the story and jump fully into free play afterwards.

Just now, Shrimpolaris said:


I've taken spinny chairs very seriously since a certain incident I had as a child. Got up on my dad's spinning chair, I think to pick someone up from the shelf. Then it spinned too much and I fell. I thought I was fine, gave it a little cry and that was it. Still, my parents took me to the local clinic.

From there we were advised to hurry to the hospital. Turns out my pinkie finger broke in the fall. How I failed to notice this small, insignificant detail is beyond me to this day.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Remember, Monolith Soft has a no overtime rule. These guys finished earlier than scheduled without any overtime or crunch.

Western devs:


2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

From there we were advised to hurry to the hospital. Turns out my pinkie finger broke in the fall. How I failed to notice this small, insignificant detail is beyond me to this day.

Oh jeez, hope that it wasn't too badly damaged.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

From there we were advised to hurry to the hospital. Turns out my pinkie finger broke in the fall. How I failed to notice this small, insignificant detail is beyond me to this day.


Hopefully everything was ok after

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32 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Monolith Soft has more than exceptional good working conditions. If anything, i hope it sets a precedent. Treating your workers well can actually allow you to finish projects earlier than expected because of the improved efficiency.

Remember, Monolith Soft has a no overtime rule. These guys finished earlier than scheduled without any overtime or crunch.

Okay, I may never in my life buy a single one of their games, but this? This is deserving of so much respect.

Damn. Now I wish their games weren't the antithesis of everything I like in a videogame AND a story so I could actively support them.

Meanwhile one of my most anticipated games of the year is from frigging Ubisoft. And Skywalker Saga had a known problem of crunch and bad executive decisions. Life isn't fair.

22 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Although Ninty of America is another matter. There's an investigation on them i read yesterday

Bowser no!

13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Oh jeez, hope that it wasn't too badly damaged


9 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


Hopefully everything was ok after

Well, finger's here and moving, so it can't have been too bad.

Also, I just realized I claimed I got up on the chair to pick "someone" up from the shelf. Aha... Ahh, I'm tired.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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21 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


Don't ever let adulthood stop you from doing the things you enjoyed as a child.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bowser no!

Obligatory joke on how they should've never let the villain from Mario run the company.

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Finally got to do one of these.

....and then i realized that Padme's ship can't actually attack so i had to swap over to the Razor Crest.

15 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Although Ninty of America is another matter. There's an investigation on them i read yesterday

Yeah, it looks like NoA engages in the same corporate bullshit that American companies are known of.

Only reason it isn't getting traction is because it's just a complaint filing as opposed to the lawsuits that have hit other big gaming companies.ย 

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's interesting how the great majority of them tend to happen in the world rather than in cutscenes, which seem to be more mundame more often.

That is true. I haven't truly explored the world yet so maybe i haven't seen a lot of them.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

From there we were advised to hurry to the hospital. Turns out my pinkie finger broke in the fall. How I failed to notice this small, insignificant detail is beyond me to this day.

So basically it was


12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Western devs:




3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, I may never in my life buy a single one of their games, but this? This is deserving of so much respect.

Monolith Soft is just so based, especially when you consider they are a company based in a country that has it's own word for when people work themselves to death (i heard this secondhand, not actually sure about that tidbit).

Monolith Soft has

  • No overtime policy.ย Youย canย negotiate for overtime if you really need it but even if that gets approved, there's a limit. The overtimeย isย paid too tho, which a lot of Japanese companies don't do (American companies are guilty of this too).
  • Reasonable hours overall.
  • Hires lots of young staff, because they believe that younger folks can bring in more interesting ideas (and this is also to encourage them to make their mark in the industry at a younger age)
    • A high percentage of Monolith Soft employees are women, which is rare both in the industry as a whole but also in the male-dominated society that is Japan.

This is just the sparknotes version.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bowser no!

It was yesterday when i found out that Doug Bowser used to work for EA, which.....yeah.


1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:


Idk if i should be taking this seriously or not.

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