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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Nephenee guess what.

As an aside, I’ve had miracle and counter sitting around since I got them because I have no idea what to do with them. They both seem so incredibly useless that I just haven’t used them, because I have no idea who I’d use them on. I’m just waiting for some wonder unit to show up and be perfect for one or both.

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1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Counter is just plain useless. You won't regret selling it.

Might have been an interesting skill to put on enemies, but alas...

Oh yeah, it's Skill/2% based, it's hilarious how useless it is. I don't think it even matters for enemies because of it, as the one time it mattered in my experience they didn't even capitalise with a kill because they missed.

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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In principle I like him. Nice to have another vice-laden character on board in the big old army. Since when was there a military of any size in the world without a racist or a petty wastrel? Like Shinon, Make A Love keeps Tellius from having a too goody-good army. And in way that is more realistic than someone like Peri.

I also like his Astrid support chain in principle, due to how it gets modified if you send Marcia to the great cracker barrel in the sky. Supports with any measure of variable script is a nice touch.

Now, do I want to hug Makalov? No, not at all. I don't like him as a person. But as part of a greater whole, yes I do.

That's a good way to put it. It's why I sometimes call Volcens one of my favorite characters from Berwick Saga. Even though he's... Well, Volcens. Kind of a bad example, though. He's an opposing force, even if he's not a straight enemy, while characters like Makalov and Shinon are decidedly allies, despite their... issues. Characters always being good people unless they're on the enemy side would be boring.

17 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Should have just kept playing the map theme throughout any non-mini boss battles. They are pretty amazing.

Plus, a lot of them just don't mesh well with the combat theme anyway. Like every time Clouds of War plays.

It provides a really somber atmosphere that does not respond well to being constantly interrupted by... well, you know...


Yes, that's the other problem. The map themes are so insanely good. Having them interrupted is annoying.

15 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Add Monster you coward


15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But, your whole understanding is already wrong. Like you say the girl is completely out of his league, but within the context of the show it’s literally the other way around, except it’s not that simple because from his perspective, she’s out of his league. They both gain something from each other. And then you talk about it meandering for 20 episodes, and the romance doesn’t really progress all that much, but it’s only a side element of the plot. It’s slow to progress because it doesn’t get that much focus. If this is “anime romance”, the anime doesn’t have it.

All right.


Yes I know you’re not being serious, but I just want to talk about the anime

Ruben rants. The perfect excuse to gush about anime. You all should thank me for my services.



Have fun.

Ahh, I see.

They kiss.

12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I don't wanna agree, but i have to. 

Well, I don't want to be right in this case, but unfortunately I am.

8 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Counter is just plain useless. You won't regret selling it.

Might have been an interesting skill to put on enemies, but alas...

That would've required adding challenge to the game.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Never thought it would happen, but I just saw a game over in Path of Radiance. Who would have thought that killer axe would hit Ike and get a crit?

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahh, I see.

They kiss.

I’ll give you a hint: the last word is coming. But the question is, is it spelled with a u instead?

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Just now, Sooks said:

Never thought it would happen, but I just saw a game over in Path of Radiance. Who would have thought that killer axe would hit Ike and get a crit?

See, if you had given him Miracle, there would have been like a 12% chance that he would have lived.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Never thought it would happen, but I just saw a game over in Path of Radiance. Who would have thought that killer axe would hit Ike and get a crit?


RNG: PoR's last resort.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’ll give you a hint: the last word is coming. But the question is, is it spelled with a u instead?


I see.

Trying to trick me into watching hentai! Villain!

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7 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Counter is just plain useless. You won't regret selling it.

Actually, there is a use for Counter! Getting your weaponless refresher to the top of the end-of-game kill count record!

Which only a madman would even attempt.

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8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Never thought it would happen, but I just saw a game over in Path of Radiance. Who would have thought that killer axe would hit Ike and get a crit?

Been there 😛 

Ike getting critted to gameovers happened way to often lol

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Actually, there is a use for Counter! Getting your weaponless refresher to the top of the end-of-game kill count record!

Which only a madman would even attempt.

He would love that. That man is metal, for a guy whose body is so fragile that he cannot fight at all.

Honestly, one of my favorite things about Path of Radiance. Best refresher in the series. Mostly because the rest are kinda samey. He has a rad personality.

...Come to think of it, who did I put as the best dancer in my "put characters' faces in boxes" thingy we did a while back?

Oh. I cheated and put Anakin from The Last Promise. Yeaaah he's better, but still. Good effort, Tellius.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Actually, there is a use for Counter! Getting your weaponless refresher to the top of the end-of-game kill count record!

Which only a madman would even attempt.

I can think of at least one who'd get people to attempt this.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He would love that. That man is metal, for a guy whose body is so fragile that he cannot fight at all.

Honestly, one of my favorite things about Path of Radiance. Best refresher in the series. Mostly because the rest are kinda samey. He has a rad personality.

...Come to think of it, who did I put as the best dancer in my "put characters' faces in boxes" thingy we did a while back?

Oh. I cheated and put Anakin from The Last Promise. Yeaaah he's better, but still. Good effort, Tellius.

Rey, Birb princey,

Angery is he

Hurt self off tree

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36 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Also, does Makalov also have some genius character motivation and writing to justify the fact that I’m supposed to sympathize with him after knowing that he’s working with these people? Who are hunting laguz to “sell” them? It’s not a great look.

Macky is an asshole through and through. The most interesting thing about him, is one of his supports radically changes if his sister Marcia is dead...


17 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait but, isn’t he the one who… ASTRID NOOOO

I see you have learned about the downfall of Astrid's character early. Although she still has some good supports in this game, like her Sothe support...


16 minutes ago, Sooks said:


As an aside, I’ve had miracle and counter sitting around since I got them because I have no idea what to do with them. They both seem so incredibly useless that I just haven’t used them, because I have no idea who I’d use them on. I’m just waiting for some wonder unit to show up and be perfect for one or both.

Yeah counter is useless. Miracle isn't necessarily useless, especially if you are training a bunch of the massively under-leveled squishies, but it's not something to rely on either...


 7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’ll give you a hint: the last word is coming. But the question is, is it spelled with a u instead?

This seems like a really relevant time to report on my little ironman

Chapter 14 was fine. I probably bought too many torches for it, and I didn't bother attacking the Laguz at the end of the map. Also I only used range to kill the killer axe boss, just in case...


1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Actually, there is a use for Counter! Getting your weaponless refresher to the top of the end-of-game kill count record!

Which only a madman would even attempt.

...That sounds hilarious.

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Well, now that Marcia’s recruited Makalov, I guess I can bench her.

Hmm… I want some challenge… I guess I’ll make Sothe into a combat unit.

9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I see you have learned about the downfall of Astrid's character early. Although she still has some good supports in this game, like her Sothe support...

I don’t know what specifically happens to her character, but don’t they get married in RD or something?



Yeah counter is useless. Miracle isn't necessarily useless, especially if you are training a bunch of the massively under-leveled squishies, but it's not something to rely on either...

While that is true, my “squishies” rarely ever have to take damage, and even then they can take a couple of hits, so…

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Wait, hold on, how does Vantage work in this game? Why is its description “allows this unit to attack first in all fights”? Does it seriously just turn them into a Reverse Lunatic enemy unit or is it still HP based?

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So, due to how RF4 works one's birthday, mine falls on Summer 2. Summer 2 finally arrives... and not only it ended up being an Event Day, it triggers the fourth and final Margaret event on the first try!

Oh, game, you're too kind...

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait, hold on, how does Vantage work in this game? Why is its description “allows this unit to attack first in all fights”? Does it seriously just turn them into a Reverse Lunatic enemy unit or is it still HP based?

FE5 Vantage baby! 100% activation

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

FE5 Vantage baby! 100% activation

So is Nephenee still a good candidate for it or would someone else work better?

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Give it to Sothe. Fuck it.

Blossom takes up too much skill room or whatever it’s called, and I want to keep it, because it’s a cool skill. Maybe when he caps his level.

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Ok so for some reason, NoE deleted this Tweet


So now we gotta make a distinction between BLADE, Blade and Blade. Thank you Takahashi, very cool.

And then there's this info from retailers


With this i can now piece together a piece of the puzzle. Those red markings that everyone has, that allows them to materialize their Blade. But such power comes at a cost, as it cuts their lifespan to a mere 10 years. But such a world can't sustain itself that way so i think this is what's happening:

  • You sign up
  • You get your Blade
  • That marking is a clock of sorts (but they also have one in their eyes so idk?)
  • You got 10 years to fill that up. If it fills up, you good, and you get to live the rest of your life. If you don't fill that up, instant death

And now all of a sudden it makes sense why Mio is the only character who's 19. Most likely she began fighting at the age of 10 (child soldiers woo) and now she basically has one year of life left. This will likely be something her character will deal with.

All of this raises the stakes considerably because this is probably the most dire timelimit any Xeno cast has had to deal with.

Anyways ESRB info came out and some people are reading that it says "scene where character get stabbed, scene where character gets shot, blood" and going like "oh this is gonna be the darkest Xeno game ever" and you know anyone that's saying that hasn't played Gears or Saga.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This is 75% of Japanese Day 1 PS4 sales for 13SAR (which is an awful acronym, sounds like a virus). This, despite being ported over two years later, and Japan supposedly not buying into late ports very often.

In summary, a relatively impressive reception for a late port in a niche genre.

You love to see it.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My point is, high heels are a torture device and no woman should be made to wear them by societal conventions. But they do, because societal conventions are dumb.

Formal clothing is dumb as shit in general, people really be prioritizing looking "good and professional" over their own health.

Dudes in 10000000 degree weather Florida be buying long-sleeve dress shirts and shit, dudes in Florida be buying like ultra slim suits in 20000000 degree weather Florida, dudes in 30000000 degree weather Florida complain about their being too much space between their pants and their legs.

Fuck formal clothing, if i could go back in time and kill the concept of formality before it takes root, i would.

Sorry for the rant out of nowhere, it's just the complete irony i get when i work at a men's clothing store.

2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

i blame Sooks

Oh yes this one.

I have a story with this one.

I liked it. But i think it's what jumpstarted my distaste for suffering (and it's also one of those "too sad to revisit" stories).

Ironic isn't it.

Like i actually just started watching Fairy Tail afterwards cause i needed something happy.

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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Blossom takes up too much skill room or whatever it’s called, and I want to keep it, because it’s a cool skill. Maybe when he caps his level.

Give it to Rolf. Fuck it.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Give it to Rolf. Fuck it.

But, he’s an archer so he would barely get any use out of it.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ironic isn't it.

Yes, especially because I liked the suffering in it.

But I do understand your response, it left me with a feeling of sadness at the ending as well. I just enjoyed that.

As an aside, you made a good call in not playing Omori.

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