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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
So you're saying as soon as I actually observe my sexuality, my gayness will die of toxic gas and I'll cease horny-joking here?😛

Then again, doesn't the same thing usually happen when straight people wed? The death of the 'drive I mean. 

You can't know what it is until you open the box, opening the box doesn't activate the gas.

I think that's a coincidence and a trope that got weight put on it unnecessarily. In that I think factors going on in said couple's lives make being closer together more difficult and that's true regardless of if the relationship is worsening due to something like poor communication or mistrust.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I need to find someone professional with whom I can.:

  1. Try getting that personal answer I've long desired, so I don't have to implicitly end the phrase "my sexuality" with that "(?)" every time.
  2. Work out a strong, comprehensive multi-part argument in favor of at least the possibility I'm gay. Which I would then need to be able to deliver eloquently in spoken language. Because, as strong as my writing abilities are, who would read a three-page essay word-for-word as intended? Direct confrontation in oratory is more effective and unavoidable.
    1. -Provided I don't come to the "I'm asexual" conclusion at the end of step 1. If that happens, the need for a stratagem as masterful as Red Cliffs goes down the drain.

I'm in need of a "tactician" more than I've ever needed one in Fire Emblem.

It'd probably have to be a psychologist, talked to over the course of weeks, maybe months. But, I'm growing impatient, so *takes a deep breath and exhales* I've decided I'm going to consult an anonymous hotline today. Not a last resort one, my sense of self-worth has never ever plummeted to that dangerous and tragic low. It won't replace a psychologist, but it'll suffice for cooling my heels for time being. Just talking about it right now is giving me the nerves actually. But yesterday and the day before, I was counting down the hours, knowing today would be the right time to do it. I could never have imagined doing this even a week ago, but I want to exhale somewhere where I stand a chance of getting the answers I seek. I've made my doubts and desires an internal monologue for so long. Since last week when I was kept up at night by the thought "I'm almost 30 and have never been in a relationship!", I've wanted to vent to someone, and now, with the unexpected debacle, I want to move past the internalization that has failed to resolve anything even more.

And with all this, the situation requiring action is very apparent. Are you going to them without anyone else knowing out of curiosity?

(Play the track Conquest in the sessions)

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My house isn't that big, I'm not that noisy, and I've got the good hearing in the family.

So yes, phoned-in and in-person alike, I tend to listen on conversations throughout the house, without intending to. And yes, people complain about it.😆 The few times I don't want to listen and head into my bedroom door shut, I still can't help but hear some of it on the other side. I don't exactly enjoy my super sense.😄

Though again, I bite my tongue and didn't say anything this time. Me then walking into the kitchen and accidentally loudly knocking a plastic bowel over thankfully might've distracted them from assuming anything of me. Klutzes can't possibly be suspicious you know.😅

They'd get mad at the headphones yet they help me not listen in.

The image of clattering metal bowls as you walk in and awkwardly apologising as you try to put them away but manage to knock something else comes to mind.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A crypto argument erupted in the Rogue Legacy 2 discord. Some guy saying that the game would be great for NFTs with the heir system, which is... utterly depressing to think about. They got into an argument with everyone else, trying to convince them that every game will be on level 2 ethereum NFTs (whatever that means) in six months and saying that the game is "probably dead for a reason when everyone in the official dev discord shits on anyone's ideas", even though the game is currently at its high point with 17k players.

None of that is the point, though. The point is that one of the devs joined the fray and stated, for the record, that they have "absolutely no interest" in NFTs. The reason I'm saying this is that Rogue Legacy 2's devs are awesome and they deserve all the shilling in the world. So I'm shilling them.

Shilling NFTs: Broke

Shilling anti-NFT people: Not broke

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Half of Spain is old people. In a few decades this country is going to see a massive decline in population if things don't change. And why would they? Young people can't get jobs, and when they do get them, they're horrible jobs with shit pay. It's no wonder most young people flee.

That's true of many places with the general decrease in reproduction, though mostly in the "developed world".

Like, I have a few older relatives in our generation with kids but a good bunch of the younger ones have no sign of any coming and I doubt that'll change for a while.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I can't.

This game is just the greatest thing.

Reminds me a lot of classic Persona 3 party member Koromaru, but less anime...



3 hours ago, FlyingKitsune said:


The old school Belhalla barbecue...


4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


It'd probably have to be a psychologist, talked to over the course of weeks, maybe months. But, I'm growing impatient, so *takes a deep breath and exhales* I've decided I'm going to consult an anonymous hotline today. Not a last resort one, my sense of self-worth has never ever plummeted to that dangerous and tragic low. It won't replace a psychologist, but it'll suffice for cooling my heels for time being. Just talking about it right now is giving me the nerves actually. But yesterday and the day before, I was counting down the hours, knowing today would be the right time to do it. I could never have imagined doing this even a week ago, but I want to exhale somewhere where I stand a chance of getting the answers I seek. I've made my doubts and desires an internal monologue for so long. Since last week when I was kept up at night by the thought "I'm almost 30 and have never been in a relationship!", I've wanted to vent to someone, and now, with the unexpected debacle, I want to move past the internalization that has failed to resolve anything even more.

Here is hoping it goes well, and does help resolve some of your internal struggles.


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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

And with all this, the situation requiring action is very apparent.

There is one challenge that is readily apparent here, -the topic is sexuality. There are things families should not want to know about each other, everyone's sex drives is the first thing on that list. My sexual inclinations are none of their damn business!😳😠 -Although family in the ideal form should, if someone is voluntarily wanting to share, be willing to hear about things that might make them want to reach for the brain bleach.

You see the issue. Say as little as possible that'll convince them, but otherwise retain the right to basic privacy. Who I've been attracted to over the years is for me, a therapist, and this topic to know, and nobody else ATM.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Are you going to them without anyone else knowing out of curiosity?

The psychologist? I need family to sort out that stuff for me, they're still on board with that, I do have my mortality anxiety after all (I can't believe I'm saying this like it's a good thing). The hotline, well yeah, nobody except anyone seeing this topic would know. I don't want them to worry, after all, it's so unthinkably out-of-character for me. And I know it's human nature to assume the worst at first.

I know it sounds strange to leave a paper trail for what is supposed to be confidential, but eh, blame my humility, SF being obscure and chill (a big social media site would be a 100% "Nope!"), and my history degree's liking of all things written down for posterity.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

(Play the track Conquest in the sessions)

I'll put it on the playlist.😀 I could probably throw one together. In which case, this from recent memory is going on there.:

Great for discussing operations.😄

Although, now that I think about it, music might not be the best thing while you're trying to explain your deepest thoughts and worries to a professional. Silence, so every precious word containing your raw emotions can be properly heard and understood, is better.

Music can be very therapeutic as I know, so maybe it's kept down low it'd be helpful, but then I'd need a different kind of soundtrack. In which case, this is foremost among the Fire Emblem tracks I would choose.

Calming, like a ray of light through a window as a gentle breeze sways the tree outside. Not particularly poignant or "natal", in the sense of something you that makes you want to curl up into a fetal position and cry, but I don't think I


23 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Here is hoping it goes well, and does help resolve some of your internal struggles.


I haven't held the talk yet b/c why isn't the non-crisis line not open 24/7? And Sundays off? Oh cmon, there might be a few people in tougher circumstances out there (like those in super-conservative households) who'd probably like the additional flexibility. Eh, limited resources, I guess I can see that being the case, I hope they can find more then.

Now if you excuse me, I'm going to take a moment to partake of something else that's cooling. A video on Victorian-era cucumber ice cream that was uploaded just today, that's a double dose of refreshing coolness I've never conceived of before.🥒🍨😋

-While I do it b/c I want to, I get a little tired of posting all this IRL personal drama. It makes for snapshot of my life that portrays it as far worse than it actually is. It's still plenty happy, I'm still plenty blessed with many good things and pretty good people, despite being slighted by them. I'm thankful for it all. The fiasco is about one small aspect of my existence, an important one obviously, but I simply don't like the looks of it. No more than I do our written records of thousands of years of history being limited to what the literate, wealthy, powerful, and victorious elite had to say. My happiness and illiterate powerless commoners long gone both deserve to be on record!

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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the damage on Petra though!

Jesus fucking Christ, she's incredible! Usually when you set up a crazy feminist strawman, you also make them weak to show how wrong they are. Instead, Petra could benchpress the Earth. What the heck? I love this woman, she's staying in the team for the foreseeable future.

Anyway, the game's plot continues to surprise me at every turn. I can't seem to figure it out, it loves its subversions.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Like to over here. Recently we've been going in the opposite direction, with a country-wide decriminalization happening back in September. Well, people cross the border to get cheaper medicine and stuff, so why not border-crossing for abortions too. It's going to get interesting in Texas, who have a law to fine anyone who even tangentially helps the woman get an abortion. Let's see them fining the border crossing staff, pft...

Inb4 the wall ends up serving to keep the Americans out of Mexico.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Or opt to skip the marriage and or children.

It's the modern era in a nutshell. While population growth in parts of the world mean we could hit 10 billion, the Earth might not reach 11 billion anytime soon. The costs of a modern life are too high, and jobs don't pay enough to cover the investment that takes ~25 years to start paying dividends called "children". Japan is at the forefront of the decline, much of Europe the same. Even China is taking measures to try averting a long-term aging demographic-workforce crisis.

People living wretched lives bore many children for millennia, assuring population growth. What has changed, is that most modern babies survive to adulthood, reducing the need to churn out a lot of buns in the oven with the realistic expectation that some of them will die. Likewise, our peasant-unskilled laborer ancestors had no education, while modern society demands it for a living wage and at the same time charges a kidney and a lung for the quality education needed for that living wage. Premodern farming was such that anyone who could walk could help out, you didn't have child labor laws nor need a degree to make a youngling useful. -Not like government even paid lip service to the idea of a prosperous everybody-is-middle-class society for millennia either, hierarchy was both real and the unapologetically stated in the law.

We're in a sort of weird transition period where it's still too early for the concept of children as the next step in the successful person's life road is very much alive and demanded by societal norm, and yet it's simply become unfeasible and undesirable.

3 hours ago, FlyingKitsune said:


I won't lie, that queen is pissing me off. Let that shithead through, goddamnit. Make a perfect spire.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Shilling NFTs: Broke

Shilling anti-NFT people: Not broke

Especially when they made a kickass game like Rogue Legacy 2. I finally succeeded at beating the second boss without taking damage earlier. I wanted to do it with the Pirate, but it was simply too hard for me at this stage, so I switched to Astromancer. Much more doable.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

That's true of many places with the general decrease in reproduction, though mostly in the "developed world".

Like, I have a few older relatives in our generation with kids but a good bunch of the younger ones have no sign of any coming and I doubt that'll change for a while.

Yeah, having children just costs too much. Not to mention, people aren't as willing to take shit as they were before, so to speak.

18 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Reminds me a lot of classic Persona 3 party member Koromaru, but less anime...


That's cool too, but I'm partial to King's sheer... normality. He's just a regular-ass dog. He doesn't even have Lichtenheim's visible disdain on his face. He's just the purest, most innocent boy. No wonder even Lichtenheim loves him despite being a massive snob of a noble cat.

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Mega Man Zero 3 review:

Mega Man Zero 1 was not good. Mega Man Zero 2 was a welcome improvement. Mega Man Zero 3 is way better than both of those and, as of me writing this, is the best game in the series. As someone who has been playing Inti Creates games for years, i would in fact argue that this game is where they became one of the best dev studios in the industry. I feel like a lot of the lessons they have applied to Gunvolt and Blaster Master Zero can be traced back to this game. Mega Man Zero 3 is where Inti Creates' based track record truly begins.

The gameplay is refined from the previous two titles. Gone is the rather dumb leveling system that restricted the way you would initially use some weapons. As such, this game is the best Zero has felt in this series so far, which improved both the quality of the level design and the quality of the boss fights as well. The Cyber Elf system, which i have criticized before, has been revamped to not suck and i actually used a few of them this time around. The game itself also just looks much better than the previous two titles. I don't have much bad to say about this game honestly other than insta-kill spikes is still incredibly dumb and that's the only reason this game didn't get a point higher.


And since that was the 15th game i've played this year, the rankings have been updated


I do enjoy seeing this slowly get built up.

51 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A video on Victorian-era cucumber ice cream that was uploaded just today, that's a double dose of refreshing coolness I've never conceived of before.🥒🍨😋

I don't know if that's a healthy snack or one that would pump me full of calories.

Also, as nasty as that sounds, it does intrigue me. Not that i'd eat it myself.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, having children just costs too much. Not to mention, people aren't as willing to take shit as they were before, so to speak.

I do think that the costs would eventually ease as zoomers eventually take office.....but that's still years away.

That's the silver lining i see with a lot of issues, the living fossils who determine them won't be around for much longer.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There is one challenge that is readily apparent here, -the topic is sexuality. There are things families should not want to know about each other, everyone's sex drives is the first thing on that list. My sexual inclinations are none of their damn business!😳😠 -Although family in the ideal form should, if someone is voluntarily wanting to share, be willing to hear about things that might make them want to reach for the brain bleach.

You see the issue. Say as little as possible that'll convince them, but otherwise retain the right to basic privacy. Who I've been attracted to over the years is for me, a therapist, and this topic to know, and nobody else ATM.

The contradiction of family being both people who we shouldn't be talking about sexual matters and yet should also be able to teach on the topic. What fun.

I take the fact that apparently we're privy to such information as a point of (minor) pride.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The psychologist? I need family to sort out that stuff for me, they're still on board with that, I do have my mortality anxiety after all (I can't believe I'm saying this like it's a good thing). The hotline, well yeah, nobody except anyone seeing this topic would know. I don't want them to worry, after all, it's so unthinkably out-of-character for me. And I know it's human nature to assume the worst at first.

I know it sounds strange to leave a paper trail for what is supposed to be confidential, but eh, blame my humility, SF being obscure and chill (a big social media site would be a 100% "Nope!"), and my history degree's liking of all things written down for posterity.

Well that makes things easier, no real call out over going at all will make that easier.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although, now that I think about it, music might not be the best thing while you're trying to explain your deepest thoughts and worries to a professional. Silence, so every precious word containing your raw emotions can be properly heard and understood, is better.

Yeah it's be for the best, though I could have Conquest just play in the background all the time.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-While I do it b/c I want to, I get a little tired of posting all this IRL personal drama. It makes for snapshot of my life that portrays it as far worse than it actually is.

I get what you mean. I've tried to avoid going far into my own agonising, but it has definitely come up in some form.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Especially when they made a kickass game like Rogue Legacy 2. I finally succeeded at beating the second boss without taking damage earlier. I wanted to do it with the Pirate, but it was simply too hard for me at this stage, so I switched to Astromancer. Much more doable.

Can you switch class with the same character or did this happen the..... traditional way?

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, having children just costs too much. Not to mention, people aren't as willing to take shit as they were before, so to speak.

Having a lot of things will start to cost too much before long the way things are going.

But then again I think a new recession was being signalled pre pandemic and the signs of that haven't disappeared either, so that'll be fun.

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Ah, there's our next victim.


And here I chose Islam as the state religion. I know I could've gone for one of the special Fire Emblem religions but I decided since it was Eid al-fitr that we went with this.


Much like the British from the isles, our empire is growing fast and free.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Civ 5 I see. I need to get the game on sale at some point. I like VI on the Switch, but yeah, this franchise is better with a mouse. That and Civ V in itself seems good.

I prefer Civ 6 personally, but since I couldn't get it to work on this computer and all the FE mods are on Civ 5 anyways, I'm back doing the classics.


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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It'd probably have to be a psychologist, talked to over the course of weeks, maybe months. But, I'm growing impatient, so *takes a deep breath and exhales* I've decided I'm going to consult an anonymous hotline today. Not a last resort one, my sense of self-worth has never ever plummeted to that dangerous and tragic low. It won't replace a psychologist, but it'll suffice for cooling my heels for time being. Just talking about it right now is giving me the nerves actually. But yesterday and the day before, I was counting down the hours, knowing today would be the right time to do it. I could never have imagined doing this even a week ago, but I want to exhale somewhere where I stand a chance of getting the answers I seek. I've made my doubts and desires an internal monologue for so long. Since last week when I was kept up at night by the thought "I'm almost 30 and have never been in a relationship!", I've wanted to vent to someone, and now, with the unexpected debacle, I want to move past the internalization that has failed to resolve anything even more.

I hope this goes well for you and you’re able to feel better! Doing something positive is always better than doing nothing, at least.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A crypto argument erupted in the Rogue Legacy 2 discord. Some guy saying that the game would be great for NFTs with the heir system, which is... utterly depressing to think about. They got into an argument with everyone else, trying to convince them that every game will be on level 2 ethereum NFTs (whatever that means) in six months and saying that the game is "probably dead for a reason when everyone in the official dev discord shits on anyone's ideas", even though the game is currently at its high point with 17k players.

None of that is the point, though. The point is that one of the devs joined the fray and stated, for the record, that they have "absolutely no interest" in NFTs. The reason I'm saying this is that Rogue Legacy 2's devs are awesome and they deserve all the shilling in the world. So I'm shilling them.

Well, now I really want to play this game.

And I still know next to nothing about it, isn’t it a platformer or something?

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You played Balan Wonderworld? Lol.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You played Balan Wonderworld? Lol.

I played the first three levels as a joke and decided it wasn't worth it (was bad enough to both drop and warrant a score).

I then played P5R to play an "actually good game" and hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahaha

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Oho! This is really interesting. I just recruited a reporter chick, and she offers an interesting service. She has set up a newsroom at the castle, and she can interview my characters! With this, I can get to know them just a bit better.

Unfortunately, setting up an interview for a character takes time. Not sure how much, but either way, this means I can't just overload myself with info on everyone.

First is obviously Deke. Then Lichtenheim and King, I imagine.

12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Can you switch class with the same character or did this happen the..... traditional way?

One of the things you can buy at the shop that you unlock after beating the first boss is the ability to lock one of the three heirs to a specific class. So I locked the castle, locked the character and kept going at the boss until I won.

12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Having a lot of things will start to cost too much before long the way things are going.

But then again I think a new recession was being signalled pre pandemic and the signs of that haven't disappeared either, so that'll be fun.

Oh, dear...

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well, now I really want to play this game.

And I still know next to nothing about it, isn’t it a platformer or something?

Yeah, it's the game that you said is a roguelike and then I gushed about it for five paragraphs over the course of two posts.

I don't know if you read all of it, but suffice to say, it's only kind of a roguelike. It takes the best of roguelikes, the best of linear games and fuses it all, all while giving the player plenty of options to adjust the experience to their liking.

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Elessar may not have died as expected

1 minute ago, GuardianSing said:


And here I chose Islam as the state religion. I know I could've gone for one of the special Fire Emblem religions but I decided since it was Eid al-fitr that we went with this.

I'd argue that Anna's Empire shouldn't be interested in Islam because of Zakat.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I then played P5R to play an "actually good game" and hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahaha

  Reading the review is helping TMS.

I am concerned.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

One of the things you can buy at the shop that you unlock after beating the first boss is the ability to lock one of the three heirs to a specific class. So I locked the castle, locked the character and kept going at the boss until I won.

So the traditional way, but with rigging to make it less RNG.

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This made me laugh.

Too bad the Anna Empire profits from slavery


And there's the man himself.

I don't remember his abilities but I'm pretty sure they were broken as hell.

7 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I'd argue that Anna's Empire shouldn't be interested in Islam because of Zakat.

Heh, true enough. Perhaps Grimleal would've been a better choice.

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18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, it's the game that you said is a roguelike and then I gushed about it for five paragraphs over the course of two posts.

I don't know if you read all of it, but suffice to say, it's only kind of a roguelike. It takes the best of roguelikes, the best of linear games and fuses it all, all while giving the player plenty of options to adjust the experience to their liking.

I did but I don’t remember a lot about the gameplay, just that you still progress even if you die and you’re able to customize the difficulty and amount of RNG to a certain extent.

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24 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Reading the review is helping TMS.

I am concerned.

I gained so much appreciation for TMS throughout the time i was playing Persona 5. Like the only thing P5 has over it is aesthetic, music and a sprint button.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I gained so much appreciation for TMS throughout the time i was playing Persona 5. Like the only thing P5 has over it is aesthetic, music and a sprint button.


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Finally recruited green coat man. I was quite surprised by his background. His weapon of choice is a crimson flail called Red Star. Because of course he's Russian.

I'll keep him in the team for now. I like his coat. I'm sure I won't need a dedicated mage, Deke will suffice. This is totally not a bad idea.

35 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So the traditional way, but with rigging to make it less RNG.

I suppose so, yes. What was the non-traditional way, anyway?

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I did but I don’t remember a lot about the gameplay, just that you still progress even if you die and you’re able to customize the difficulty and amount of RNG to a certain extent.

Well, it's a platformer. You jump around, kill enemies, find chests which sometimes contain blueprints for the blacksmith. Occassionally fairy chests, which ask that you accomplish a challenge, and if you do, you get a rune for the rune... person. Sorry, I don't know her title.

It is a fairly challenging platformer, but never unbearably so, and death merely being another step in the journey helps to streamline things.

The class system is the best thing about the game. The 15 classes, plus 7 subclasses, all play quite differently from one-another. Each of them is a whole world to explore. It really helps to make each run feel different.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I suppose so, yes. What was the non-traditional way, anyway?

I was assuming some way for any one character to change their class.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So that's how Morbius became the single movie of all time.

I am disappointed that Matt Smith's dancing is being wasted.

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Okay, Act 2 has finally started! Already made my way to Indra Cave, but haven't gone in yet. To my luck, the next Town Event that trigged was one that takes like... a week to go through. But that's okay, I've already decided to not marry until after Act 2, so I can afford to wait triggering Margaret's Pre-Marriage Event. Will go through the cave next time...

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