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To take a break from the postgame levels, I played The Ultimate Cup Arena... erm, Colosseum and it wasn't too bad. Partially because Deep Sleep fully heals you and gives a stat boost, it really is the strongest ability.

As such there will probably be another, True Colosseum once the postgame levels are finished.


I don't have to get all Leon's Souls to compete the postgame, do I? I missed two of them in the second level and it would be a hassle to go back for them right now. At least I would like to get enough to fight Elfilis Soul or Galacta Knight or whoever the boss is.

16 hours ago, Armagon said:

Save the gacha for last.

I can't wait to spend a million star coins trying to get KOS-MOS.

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14 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

As such there will probably be another, True Colosseum once the postgame levels are finished.

  Reveal hidden contents

Nope. In the meter, there is like a cutoff point for the amount you need vs the total amount. I believe it's 250 out of 300.

But you do need all of them for 100% completion. I think there might be a figurine attached to it too.


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On 5/6/2022 at 6:50 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Lisa: The Painful. An Earthbound Inspired™ RPG that deals in child abuse, drug abuse, cycles of abuse and other abuse-related matters while also throwing plenty of dark humor your way. It has some permadeath, too. I used to call it the most fun RPG I played, which wasn't saying much, but hey, I enjoyed myself with it, especially since it isn't long enough to outlast its welcome. Now I can safely say Exit Fate is more enjoyable to me, but that doesn't take away from Lisa's many excellent points. Very worthwhile game, I think.

Sounds like it's right up my alley.
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49 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:



To be fair, I only ever made fun of the game for looking really, really, really, really cheap and stupid.
Like, you have all that graphical fidelity, and you just use it to make everyone look like they are wearing random pieces of plastic. As if the visual aesthetic they were going for was "Cheapest produced Super Sentai show ever".

The fact that someone must have thought that any of these designs are actually sexy just adds to the hilarity.

Edited by BrightBow
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 6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman

Story of the game (originally released on PSP in 2010) is that Darkdeath Evilman tries to capture the Super Baby that shall grow up and save the world. The Unlosing Ranger, who has never lost a single battle, goes to confront Evilman -but gets hit by a car en route. The dying Ranger passes his powers onto a random teenage bystander, who as the new Unlosing Ranger then loses to Evilman, and then spends the game in hero-training via turn-based roguelike dungeons so that he then go back and defeat Darkdeath Evilman.

Well, that sounds interesting.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Unfortunately, Nippon Ichi Software games -Z.H.P. is no exception- tend to be more grindy than Grindr, albeit without any of the STDs. NIS video games and Best App alike I would hazard do not align with your preferences.

Z.H.P. (no idea if it actually means anything) was recently bundled in a $40 USD "Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 2" with this game:


Makai Kingdom: Reclaimed and Rebound, a grind-heavy SRPG.

Why the human portrait yet the book form? Zetta destroyed some important book of prophecy, only to realize that'd be very bad, so in a moment of panic, he bound himself to the book to keep it intact. NIS stories are not known for being consistently serious.

You know, this has actually made me more intrigued to know what Grindr is. STDs? What...?

...Oh it's a dating app for men who prefer men. Well, the more you know.

Anyway, Zetta is a dumb name and so is the pictured line. I love them both.

4 hours ago, WraithReborn said:


I like how "slavery, fuck yeah" is in the thumbnail.

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

Sounds like it's right up my alley.

I do believe it would be, yes.

35 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

The fact that someone must have thought that any of these designs are actually sexy just adds to the hilarity.

The reproductive organs of human males instantaneously explode whenever exposed flesh comes within the specimen's line of sight. There is absolutely no other factor to it whatsoever. Or so believe character designers, apparently.

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  Well that was a long day, been observing a bit of electoral history from home, what's been up here?

18 hours ago, Sooks said:

Although it’s not really things that are looking bad for me (although I was pretty mad at myself for doing something dumb earlier), it’s for a friend I was worried about.

Hope your friend's going better right now.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Unfortunately, Nippon Ichi Software games -Z.H.P. is no exception- tend to be more grindy than Grindr, albeit without any of the STDs. NIS video games and Best App alike I would hazard do not align with your preferences.

 More grindy than Grindr?

So you're recommending stepping away from NIS if you're not up for the grind? Guess that's me not playing any Disgaea after all?

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:



So, this.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The reproductive organs of human males instantaneously explode whenever exposed flesh comes within the specimen's line of sight. There is absolutely no other factor to it whatsoever. Or so believe character designers, apparently.

Well duh, the calculation has a body exposure x breat volume x personality modifier that can result in different outcomes based on that fixed value alongside the other variables.

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Played more Ys IX, halfway into the dungeon where Hawk joins. White Cat is being a little better than her cliched first impression would've suggested. Game is very familiar, but still fun. The boss at the end of the Large 'Hole felt like it had too much HP, but I didn't realize its head was the weak point until the fight was nearly over. I didn't complete the butterfly request, not realizing it'd expire when the story chapter was over, but I see the game has a dedicated store to buy missed things, which I like. The open-ish design of Balduq is an interesting choice, and the first three Gifts make for some neat light platforming around the place. Early plot mystery leaves me intrigued.

3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:


Does he ever foresee his next adventure? I get the impression Adol could be walking to the specialty food store in the next town over and all of a sudden have the ground give out beneath him and now he has to save an underground republic of dwarves.


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

"But how did you survived!?"

"I was drunk!" *shrugs shoulders*

When I watching this series of Titanic food vids yesterday, it did talk in detail about the head baker. Age 33, he claimed to have seen the iceberg before they hit it ...with a polar bear waving at them on it. He did profess to having some libations later in the night, after chucking a bunch of women and children who thought it was safer on the ship into the lifeboats. He might've had a few before he woke up to the calamity as well. 

How long exactly he spent in the water is uncertain, but the head baker survived in the North Atlantic water for some time. It's possible, the commenters were saying, that being drunk kept the man alive, as it would've kept his heart rate from reaching panicky highs and dying as a result of immediate overexertion.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, this has actually made me more intrigued to know what Grindr is. STDs? What...?

...Oh it's a dating app for men who prefer men. Well, the more you know.

To be precise, the kind you use for a casual hookup. You probably don't go looking for a long-term relationship on it. Quite popular.


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

More grindy than Grindr?

So you're recommending stepping away from NIS if you're not up for the grind? Guess that's me not playing any Disgaea after all?

Mind I've only played Disgaea 1's DS port. Though it felt like enough that I'm not exactly interested in ever touching another NIS game unless I'm assured it won't waste my time.

The main stories of NIS games won't call for that much grind I think. Though even there you'll need some. Postgame in Disgaea? It's grinding in Hell all right! Literally and otherwise.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I get the impression Adol could be walking to the specialty food store in the next town over and all of a sudden have the ground give out beneath him and now he has to save an underground republic of dwarves

kinda true lol

But in some of the games he was seeking the mysteries out. Especailly when it comes to the Eldeen games.

How many Ys games did you play btw?

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3 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

How many Ys games did you play btw?

Just VIII beforehand. I know you said IX is better with the more knowledge of the franchise you have. However, at the time I got this, I either didn't have the means to play the other games, and or the pre-VII stuff might be a tad too intense for me from what it sounds like.

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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just VIII beforehand.

ah ok

Best for first xD

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know you said IX is better with the more knowledge of the franchise you have. 

yeah. But it's not necessary, even if you might miss some of Adol's character or references that way.

For example, one of the bosses you fought in the Hawk dungeon (the mid boss) we fought twice in the franchise before (once as Adol).

In Ys 1 he almost made me rage quit the game lol

But on the other hand, Ys 9 references Ys 5 alot...a game that doesn't have a canon entry atm.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 However, at the time I got this, I either didn't have the means to play the other games, and or the pre-VII stuff might be a tad too intense for me from what it sounds like.

yeah it's no problem.

Btw, the whole series is available on steam/GoG and any PC will run most games except 8 and 9. They go on Sale for pretty cheap, too. Like, i got the whole series pre Ys 7 for like 20 bucks.

As for intense...yeah they are can't deny that. Especially Origin and Oath xD

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Oh man, Fireanger was even worse! And I was already at the most powerful equipment I could craft since anything stronger needs Diamonds or Platinum, which aren't accessible until later. Still, I persevered sniping from afar with magic... and Margaret's healing. She's the true MVP here, thank goodness for Margaret!

But now I'm done with Maya Road. The Sechs Territory awaits! But that will be for another day...

52 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

When I watching this series of Titanic food vids yesterday, it did talk in detail about the head baker. Age 33, he claimed to have seen the iceberg before they hit it ...with a polar bear waving at them on it. He did profess to having some libations later in the night, after chucking a bunch of women and children who thought it was safer on the ship into the lifeboats. He might've had a few before he woke up to the calamity as well. 

How long exactly he spent in the water is uncertain, but the head baker survived in the North Atlantic water for some time. It's possible, the commenters were saying, that being drunk kept the man alive, as it would've kept his heart rate from reaching panicky highs and dying as a result of immediate overexertion.

Oh yes, I have read about the guy.

I've also read that ingesting alcohol isn't actually a good thing while in cold water as it hastens the risk of hypothermia, but he still somehow managed to avoid that. But as it is, yes, it was more that in being drunk he didn't succumb to panic, wasn't feeling the cold itself to slow/stop him, and he swam rather than just float in place. That last one would be the one at least trying to heat up his body a bit for all the effort, and the first two allowed him to keep doing it for hours until he could climb up into a lifeboat.

Haven't heard of the whole "saw the iceberg and a waving polar bear", but his testimony is still interesting as his words debunked the whole "the Titanic sucked everything nearby down as it sank", which was a reason why the lifeboats didn't remained nearby to pick up people, as they thought they'd be dragged under. He mentioned it as "going down an elevator", rather than a quick fall thing.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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