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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's always interesting when SRW gives us a fleet of battleships from all over the participant series when applicable. Just about all the time it makes sense when the good guys are officially Londo Bell or "Practically Londo Bell under a different name", or in cases like 30, "new group which Londo Bell is part of". Since in Gundam canon they were a fleet with several battleships, which in SRW simply get replaced by the crossover ones. Of course, in early games we'd just get the Ra Cailum (or a chain of upgrades from WhiteBase/Argama to the Ra), or if it was just two or so they'd always both field instead of having to choose.

Battleship options I would think are slimmer than mechs, and battleships, although kinda weak, are narratively important as the traveling center of mecha army operation. Considering these things, I would suppose it might be more interesting when a new ship shows up. The Godinion and NSX (yeah I know Rayearth was added in T, still a fairly recent addition) adding to the lineup of options is something I can somehow appreciate despite not having played any prior mainline SRW games.

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Heck, him piloting the Reinforce Jr. is the cause of one of SRW's possible memorable moments. This in Alpha, where you can get 2 Battle Points (the proto Skill Points) if you get him to deal the final blow to one of the Angels of Evangelion with the Reinforce Jr. And since its strongest attack is the ramming one... well, you get the idea how it became memetic, heh. More so since the deed is acknowledged in-game too if you do it (though not the fact he could've used the ramming attack).

Because Bright dishing out corporeal punishment is iconic? During one of the early 30 battles, the game went so far as to highlight him mentioning his infamous "Bright Slap", which I am most vaguely aware of.

Ridiculous form of attack being used by a captain in a ship he never could've canonically used, against an enemy which isn't even from the same franchise as him, the crazy exaggeration here is great. Topped by the game mandating it, sorta. The meme potential is high.

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah yes, that's how it happened in Rayearth, at least at first before Eagle used the FTO full-time. The anime gave Geo also his own mech, the GTO. Despite Reyearth in SRW being based more on the anime than manga, it seems it doesn't want to use the GTO. I suppose so that you don't end up with Zazu as the battleship captain? lol

The kiddo isn't even a subplot or Supporter! What's the point to having him around then?😆

Sorta random comment, the white & green color scheme of the Autozam units and characters makes me think of Hess toys.:


An American petroleum company that somehow got into the business of cranking out yearly vehicular toys. With a Christmas association, maybe because green and white are two of the three colors of the holiday. 


5 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

I remark on that with "The Catholic Church approved the UK invading partly because Celtic Christianity, regardless of it not being in any was secessionist to Rome did have some cultural differences. We then proceed to see a mass repression of church elements in Ireland post English splitting from Rome in various flavours from trying to push a Church of Ireland similar to the Church of England, alongside the plantation of various protestant groups in the late 16th to mid 17th centuries, which would have shoved Catholic and thereby Catholicism to the kerb, like that great monster Oliver Cromwell's little "adventure" after the English Civil War (As you can tell, not a fan), alongside legislative repression (see the Penal Laws in particular, though laws against non-CoI people were started before these came into being as well). It came to be such that the term hedge school would be popularised as priests would teach students in secret away from the official avenues that pushed CoI faiths on the populace. In the late 1700's was when you finally saw some cooling of these laws but reforms came slowly and some would still be on the books up to the War on Independence. Course, from there we have to ask how Catholicism recovered. When some priests was part of movements in that latter period, you'd see influence come in from that. The church also would take education and medical properties under their wing which they could then have an influence on their congregations with as well, which would serve them well with an Irish state post civil war that would be incapable of fully providing these services alone on their ideology. As to why international observers might have seen faith cut underfoot in a period where oppression was in law and under boot, gee I wonder. The Catholic Church as a whole sure as shit didn't take action in the period to do so, not that it had near the influence to do so any more, nor did they prior. But I'll admit my thoughts on the matter are a tad skewed.

A sidenote worth adding here is the Presbyterians were similarly treated in the period to the point of having the hedge school their children too, but of course some in Northern Ireland seem to forget that part of history, especially considering what they do focus on in the same period (I bring this up because of recent anniversaries last week)."

Thank you for the history lesson!😄

5 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Overly simplified to a great degree, I didn't touch on how this was in waves (e.g. some easing come in the restoration of Charles II, but many of the laws that came after that formed the core of the Penal Laws)

One step forward, ten steps back?

The book I have on Europe from the late 1648 to 1815 does lightly touch on a different moment of limited progress that then got taken away. That being the late 1770s, when some laws were repealed, owing to the British military being distracted by the American Revolutionary War. A few minds among the 450k Irish Anglicans and nearly 1 million Irish Presbyterians thought independence from Britain might be possible at the time -but they got permafrost-cold feet as soon as they realized they would need to enfranchise the more than 3 million Irish Catholics. Without the Catholics, no Irish independence could be possible, but the combined Protestant groups were much too afraid to do so. And then the 1801 United Kingdom union kills the notion of potential progress from two decades earlier.


2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Super Mario Sunshine is 20 years old today! In Japan at least, as it released later in the year everywhere else.


It was my first Mario platformer, though I still haven't beaten it yet...

Don't. If you do, you'll learn why Bowser hasn't been voiced in Japanese/English in any game after Sunshine.

Sunshine might usually considered the weakest of the 3D Mario games, but it's still fairly fun. I had plenty of good times with it growing up, although I never did 100% it.


15 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:


I have been thinking lately

If the reason i liked 3 houses as much as i did is because i played it right during my Trails fallout....

Thanks Copes for souring me on Fodlan like that lol

Did it sour you, or only reveal the Truth that you hadn't seen earlier because you were initially in a hate-disappointment funk? A glass of three-quarters-stagnant water might taste like nectar from the heavens for someone lost in a desert for three days.

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36 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Speaking of, how far are you now?

World 3-4.

Had to restart the whole chapter cause I had to go grind for coins (the economy in this game kinda sucks).


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30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did it sour you, or only reveal the Truth that you hadn't seen earlier because you were initially in a hate-disappointment funk? A glass of three-quarters-stagnant water might taste like nectar from the heavens for someone lost in a desert for three days.

yeah that's what i have been thinking honestly lol

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thank you for the history lesson!😄

Again, very big oversimplification.

Aside from Cromwell being bad, I feel like that one shouldn't be complicated.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The book I have on Europe from the late 1648 to 1815 does lightly touch on a different moment of limited progress that then got taken away. That being the late 1770s, when some laws were repealed, owing to the British military being distracted by the American Revolutionary War. A few minds among the 450k Irish Anglicans and nearly 1 million Irish Presbyterians thought independence from Britain might be possible at the time -but they got permafrost-cold feet as soon as they realized they would need to enfranchise the more than 3 million Irish Catholics. Without the Catholics, no Irish independence could be possible, but the combined Protestant groups were much too afraid to do so. And then the 1801 United Kingdom union kills the notion of potential progress from two decades earlier.

Those of course not being the United Irishmen, who would start a rebellion in the late 1790s which of course was crushed (despite French support that landed too far away to be helpful), there was a decent amount of cross-faith solidarity in this group in particular and it has some degree of romanticisation to this day among all the failed movements (Note a certain band gets it's name from the main figurehead of the UI).

The 1800s would see the Act of Union dissolve the irrelevant parliament in Ireland (alongside bringing the Irish and Scottish crowns fully into the UK to the extent of flags), but you'd see more political progress in the decades alongside other rebellions, movements like the Land League that would take actions outside parliament (though that didn't mean they did no parliamentary stuff, no siree!) and internationally based groups or individuals who'd take interest in Irish independence whether they had ancestry from there or not (though much of it was those who'd left the place).

 All this alongside the fallout of An Gorta Mór, which would see a quarter of the populace dead or gone in a decade and how that continual drain of people would continue to the last few decades, has had some impact for sure even before talking about how the decade from 1913-1923 (alongside surrounding events) was a watershed. That or religious/cultural division being used consciously or not to encourage strife and benefit those up top, continuing in the years afterwards to modern days to some extent if much less so (and it could be argued somewhat exaggerated in the historical analysis).

You sly dog, you got me ranting!

Just now, Armagon said:

World 3-4.

Had to restart the whole chapter cause I had to go grind for coins (the economy in this game kinda sucks).

I just don't buy all the weapons myself, but that's why I had to buy sentires when I reached Chapter 3

I'd agree the economy is sluggish too.

Just now, Shrimpy said:

yeah that's what i have been thinking honestly lol

I'm going to end up deciding 3 Copes isn't canon in my bottles to cope aren't I?

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8 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

I'm going to end up deciding 3 Copes isn't canon in my bottles to cope aren't I?

It’s too late Dayni, the Teehee madness already has you!

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9 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

agree the economy is sluggish too.

The age-old problem of everything gets too expensive way too quickly.

I mean, for Worlds 1 and 2 it was fine but after that, hoo boy.

20 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

yeah that's what i have been thinking honestly lol

Ruben reading this


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Just now, Armagon said:

The age-old problem of everything gets too expensive way too quickly.

I mean, for Worlds 1 and 2 it was fine but after that, hoo boy.

I just felt it was too much when I was first playing anyways, so I minimised buying weapons to full power upgrades.

Helps that characters tend to have two types of effects and you know what you'd prefer in the moment.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy said:

Unless a true ending is locked behind it

True. Technically the golden route of TS isn't locked to NG+, but from what I've seen of it, you'd rather do it in your fourth NG+ cycle. Which is... Not great for me, but still. The three regular routes stand on their own just fine.

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

9 more days until scaly bliss.

9. The amount of movement a move-capped Karajan can reach while holding Nocturne. Ain't that somethin'.

1 hour ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Dayni reacts to @Saint Rubenio Garonquest supports:

Whoop! I will react to your reactions now.


  I'd read most of the top ones and didn't have anything for Hans/Gazak or Iago being bodied by Flora.

Yeah, okay.


So first-


At them having a support and the context of this S Rank.

You could say the joke is that they have a dead serious support in itself.


Man that A support should just give Keaton the boosts and a cat.

I mean, it kinda does, doesn't it?



Yeah, I agree, that one's just plain wacky. But hey, it really isn't even CLOSE to the worst thing you can do in this game, right?


Izana is listening to us confirmed.

Therefore he's listening to me getting angry about Anankos.

He's probably amused. But then, he's probably always amused.


This has Give me your hat vibes.

Well, those are some pretty neat boots, to be fair.


Okay, this one's just good all round, no memey comments here.



Does he only talk about books and having them full stop?

That's the personality Boolean gave him in the hack, yeah. I followed it because screams are fun to type.


Truly he befits Fates.



Kilma is forever ruined.

That pun would cause wars.

I feel like I've been stabbed with this ice cold dad joke.

Hahahahahah... I had some fun with that one, you can tell.


The tone:




Less that and more "You have rescinded your writing privileges. Please return your pen."

I expected a joke, but still.

Whaddya mean, "but still"? How can you fault me in any way for that?





Garonquest confirmed cowards for not letting you permakill in supports

lol if only.


Also, Omozu is truly pathetic in a manner that is uninspiring.

That's what I was going for, yeah. A little like Odin, only he tries even harder and only manages to be ten times sadder. I'd say it suits him, I mean, he's the thoroughly irrelevant, uncapturable boss of a pre-branch of fate chapter lol. He just wants to feel like he matters.

24 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

yeah that's what i have been thinking honestly lol


Join the dark side, Shrimpy.

Join the Three Houses haters.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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7 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

I just felt it was too much when I was first playing anyways, so I minimised buying weapons to full power upgrades.

Helps that characters tend to have two types of effects and you know what you'd prefer in the moment.

I just wish you could sell the weapons you don't need anymore.

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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ruben reading this


Yeah that's literally it lol

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I just wish you could sell the weapons you don't need anymore.

That's true. I don't believe I ever found myself in need of grinding for coins, but it would've been nice to get rid of the baggage.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Join the Three Houses haters.

ok, no, not to that extent.

I still love most of the cast...

It's the story writing i have major issues with atm. And mostly Hopes (and some of it applies to houses as well...because i don't feel like a conflict is even needed anymore)

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You could say the joke is that they have a dead serious support in itself.

I meant the S specifically, that's my bad.

The C-A was an odd pick (Haitaka having a past with most any of the cast), but fine otherwise. Then they get a weird complex and end up together.

Least it's not Izana.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's true. I don't believe I ever found myself in need of grinding for coins, but it would've been nice to get rid of the baggage.

It seems built around permanently unlocking the weapon.

I assume it'll be the same with SoH.

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

It's the story writing i have major issues with atm. And mostly Hopes (and some of it applies to houses as well...because i don't feel like a conflict is even needed anymore)

Well I'll have to see myself with the amount I've skipped over.

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21 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

ok, no, not to that extent.

I still love most of the cast...

It's the story writing i have major issues with atm. And mostly Hopes (and some of it applies to houses as well...because i don't feel like a conflict is even needed anymore)

Too bad. Let us now move to better continents than Fodlan. Like Toothpasteland.

19 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

I meant the S specifically, that's my bad.

The C-A was an odd pick (Haitaka having a past with most any of the cast), but fine otherwise. Then they get a weird complex and end up together.

Noooooooooooooooooo... You're telling me I wrote a Gunter/Corrin? Dangit...

...Well, I regret nothing. It's going to be on the funny Garon hack.


Least it's not Izana.

Come now, you've gotta admit, it may be wack, but it's the Izana kinda wack.


It seems built around permanently unlocking the weapon.

I assume it'll be the same with SoH.

Ah well, about that, we'll see when the time comes.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Noooooooooooooooooo... You're telling me I wrote a Gunter/Corrin? Dangit...

What? no!

I said nothing like that, I was referring to your Not!Stockholm line.

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12 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

yes please

i am so ready to move on

We might've already moved on.

If Xenoblade had not stolen the last Direct...!

10 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

What? no!

I said nothing like that, I was referring to your Not!Stockholm line.


...To be honest, I just thought I'd throw that in because I thought it was funny, this being the funny meme hack and all. The support has like, no humor otherwise lol

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We might've already moved on.

If Xenoblade had not stolen the last Direct...!

Wake me up when September ends

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46 minutes ago, Armagon said:

@Benice this one's for you, first look at Yakuza 8




(Just a couple spoilers about what we now know about Y8, in case anyone cares)


Dang, a new town? That's really exciting. Can't wait to see where they go with it! I wonder if it'll be all-new, or something from Yakuza 5 that needs more fleshing out.

...I hope Ichi gets his afro back, though.


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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We might've already moved on.

If Xenoblade had not stolen the last Direct...!


And now to deliver to coup de grâce to want remains of Rubenio/Shrimp-kun/Kaga’s minuscule saintly! Enjoy the ride down!!! Ahhahahahahaha!!!!


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