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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A legit villain route would be super fun, if they just had the courage to go for it.

I honestly don't trust IS or KT with this, or for them to give a legit reason for a villain route.

Admittedly, Edel was close to a villain route, but they didn't commit and had to whitewash everything she did and shove it aside instead of talking about the effects of the war, or the whole working with mole people thing alternatively remove mole people and split their stuff between the nations & Church so everyone had some corpses in the closet

Then Hopes makes her look like an idiot because in the Ferdie support it's clear she had no plans after the war lmao

There's also Conquest, but we don't talk about that lol

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, that would've been cool

Or the bigger elephant: 3 Houses

You tell me you introduce that shiny smol big time travel thing....and you wanna convince me you can't use it to achieve a golden ending?

People keep talking consequences, just make Byleth die of power overuse or something to see all their students and friends safe.

31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Garonquest real golden route

memes op

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Would it be okay if Fates had a really good story but it had to be told through hour long cutscenes and dialogue boxes?

Yeah I'd be fine with that. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FE needs to ditch routes period.

I'm not opposed to routes but the last time we had a single FE story was Awakening. 10 years ago.

...well Echoes too but that's a remake.

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31 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

I honestly don't trust IS or KT


31 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

Admittedly, Edel was close to a villain route, but they didn't commit and had to whitewash everything she did and shove it aside instead of talking about the effects of the war, or the whole working with mole people thing alternatively remove mole people and split their stuff between the nations & Church so everyone had some corpses in the closet

Then Hopes makes her look like an idiot because in the Ferdie support it's clear she had no plans after the war lmao

What we really REALLY need is for IntSys to ditch Koei. They're useless.

31 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

There's also Conquest, but we don't talk about that lol



12 grams of seeds


Battleaxe, preferably bloody


Prior to sprouting of seeds, add salt.

Boil slowly.

Cut up seeds with the battleaxe.

Evil laughter for 12 minutes.

31 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

Or the bigger elephant: 3 Houses

You tell me you introduce that shiny smol big time travel thing....and you wanna convince me you can't use it to achieve a golden ending?

People keep talking consequences, just make Byleth die of power overuse or something to see all their students and friends safe.

Byleth couldn't even use the thing to save their own dad lol. They tried once by going back exactly 10 seconds and just gave up. And they basically murdered Rodrigue by negligence.

42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm not opposed to routes but the last time we had a single FE story was Awakening. 10 years ago.

...well Echoes too but that's a remake.

Echoes kinda sorta had two routes too haha.

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And they basically murdered Rodrigue by negligence.

don't get me started on this xD

15 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

God, so often I see people act that Byleth is not actually that important to the story.

yeah because they do nothing with it. It's just a plot device for turnwheel, otherwise might as well not exist with how it's used in the story (badly to not at all)

Also technically not Byleth, but details


Echoes kinda sorta had two routes too haha.

Well, it's less routes and more PoVs there, like Radiant Dawn

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I got it all planned out. After work I'm going back home for the weekend. On my way there, I will swing by the local mall. Check if Carrefour has Live a Live. Perhaps a bit early for a rather small area's branch, but it is listed in Carrefour's website, so who knows, it could be there already. If not, I will return tomorrow, and surely then they'll have it.

39.90 pricetag. On a 49.99 game that comes out today. Carrefour gaming. Truly I do pity you 'Muricans who know not the joys of Carrefour. Uh, and Dayni. Oof.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Guess the subreddit.


r/EU4. Don't worry, 'minors' mean 'minor powers in the Holy Roman Empire, who tend to spam Royal Marriage offers to the Emperor if HRE power has been centralised'.


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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

About that... well, localization actually changed a few things there. And that's all I'm saying since it's a topic that can... cause quite a ruckus. Like on the Steam forums.

I will choose blissful ignorance thank you very much.😃

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

>implying women should stay in the kitchen.
>Kei being the archetypical "bad cook"

... does not compute... lol

Van likes the cakes, and she likes that.😘 Although there is a hint of irony that in one of the quitting the game conversations, she says to the effect "date within your series".

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42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Van likes the cakes, and she likes that.😘 Although there is a hint of irony that in one of the quitting the game conversations, she says to the effect "date within your series".

Yeah, but, he actually liked Kusuha's Health Drink, so he's not the best food critic out there. XD

Seriously, him liking the cakes is what finally tells Kei she's making them wrong.

Ahaha, not something that happens often. Would be wild the day SRW actually decides to pull it off. But so far it's just teasing and perhaps some flirting, but never goes beyond. The most well known example is Amuro from Gundam and Misato from Evangelion, but their banter seems to exist more because they're voiced by Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, so yeah.

And on that same logic, Misato in SRW MX outright starts fangirling over the G Gundam's Nobel Gundam, for obvious reasons.

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Yeah, I'm not gonna finish uploading the story before I go to work.

Well, it's Friday, so I'll have plenty of time afterwards...

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Hey guys, have I told that the new Resident Evil series sucks? Because it sucks so much.

God, I miss the Milla movies

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Gaming-wise, I played through Metroid Dread. Was fun, except where I got cursed by Metroid for the third time and found myself unable to finish the game due to the difficulty of the final boss. I've swapped over to Kirby and the Forgotten Land on my Switch.

What were the first two times?

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And as I've been copiously typing, I've resumed playing SRW30 (I took a break from 30 that began because of a couple days I spent in the hospital due to a skin infection, didn't bring my laptop with me). Should be done with this looooong game by the start of August.


I hope you have recovered well at least.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Lions had the only good second half.

True! Edelsimps keep coping

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Golden Wildfire was more like Golden Dumpster Fire. Or Golden Offshore Oil Rig Fire. Or Golden Amazon Rainforest Fire. It was that bad. If you like the taste of human kidney, Shrimpy can give you Claude's because boy he got butchered. (Don't ask for the liver, Ruben took it and has it pickled in a glass jar at his house.)

Impossible. We finally got morally grey Claude


9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Rhea was cast in a very good light. Too good, because she and Dimitri being open to reform, made Edel's and Claude's calls for violent radical revolution unnecessary.

But that was a thing in the original too

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Things That Go Bump In The Night were poorly written ofc.

Loptyrians are still peak FE cult. Jugdral chads keep winning

Other than that, I think 3 Copes served well as a companion piece for the best lord.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Garonquest was updated. This put the hack in my mind once again, and I was struck by inspiration. So I wrote more supports for Garonquest.

Ah, so glad you're honoring your skills. Isn't it nice when we find something that inspires us? I can't wait to read the-

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wrote a support between Garon and Peri. It was fun.

Nevermind. Oh God, now I'm scared.

5 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

I'm getting tired of having to head up and down all the time


5 hours ago, Shrimpy said:

Blame the peeps over here 😛

You guys are lost without me here, aren't you? smh

5 hours ago, Shrimpy said:

Basically. And to add to this, the game does something worse than "tell, don't show" (which is already a sin)...

It has "Tell, show the exact otherwise", especially in regards to the church.

But that was a thing in the original too²

5 hours ago, Shrimpy said:

Yet they are usually afraid of True Endings, and they tried a golden ending once (Revelation) and sucked at it

But that was a problem with Fates' writing in general. You can't make a solid story built on a shaky premise. 3H, on the other hand, has a solid foundation, so a golden route should be possible.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy said:

Admittedly, Edel was close to a villain route, but they didn't commit and had to whitewash everything she did and shove it aside instead of talking about the effects of the war, or the whole working with mole people thing alternatively remove mole people and split their stuff between the nations & Church so everyone had some corpses in the closet

Crimson Flower was a mistake. Fuck Koei Tecmo for validating Edel and her simps

3 hours ago, Shrimpy said:

Then Hopes makes her look like an idiot because in the Ferdie support it's clear she had no plans after the war lmao

But that was a thing in the original too³

3 hours ago, Armagon said:


So you paid more money just to get the game two days early? You're crazy.

52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

On one hand, this means the OST is gonna be posted soon. So that's neat.

Is Sawano back?

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17 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

But that was a thing in the original too

Well, in the original alot of stuff was left up to interpretation or in the air, and people headcanon'd stuff then.

Let's take Dimitri's reforms for example. In OG he says he talks about 'slow' reforms, so people were mostly like "yeah 80 years until reforms or so.", and Rhea just didn't say anything.

In Hopes, Dimitri achieved aloooooooooooooooooooooooot in 2 years. His reforms were more rapid than slow, has plans on what to reform on how (more than i can say for Edel, for sure), and Rhea is shown very chill to approving of these reforms...

Add in Claude's stupid Xenophobia/Isolationist claims when Rhea is showing to be helping Duscur and most of her subordinates being foreigners, and the Kingdom (the one with most church influence) being the one that wants good diplomatic relations with outsiders and it makes Edelgard and the moron wearing Claude's skins in Hopes appear as moronic warmongerers. Not even smart ones.

Basically, Hopes hurt Houses by clarifying stuff that was left up in the air and people guessed about.

Then you have Characters (even Dimitri!) claiming stuff about Rhea/Church that are just shown to be not true which makes me  go???

Also most non Empire nobles were shown to be actually based in Hopes lol

17 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Impossible. We finally got morally grey Claude


I hate this arguement especially since Hopes!Claude is not grey but a moron lol

Also it's mostly Edelfans who bring it up i notice

17 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

H, on the other hand, has a solid foundation, so a golden route should be possible.

Especially since it seems all sides agree, especially after hopes lol.

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I don't know why I ever doubted Carrefour.

Here it is. I can scarcely believe I'm holding it. I would've never expected this to happen.

Only question now is, where to start...

45 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Only 6 more days.

Pretty good theme for a punching bag.


The theme of being the Olwen of an Olwen/Ilios situation.

41 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Ah, so glad you're honoring your skills. Isn't it nice when we find something that inspires us? I can't wait to read the-

Nevermind. Oh God, now I'm scared.

There you have 'em. You let me know what you think. Sooks never did get back to me with opinions of any kind, so I'm guessing the sheer power of my ridiculous writing made him implode. Better luck to you!

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6 hours ago, Shrimpy said:

Blame the peeps over here 😛

Don't blame me, I voted for Tellius.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Reused maps don't necessarily have to be an issue. I mean, obviously the same places are going to exist in the same world. But as you said, they need to feel different. Like the Conquest Valla map. The Corrin/Gunter/Azura gauntlet makes it feel super unique, and then Revelation has a more traditional take on the map. That's neat. Do it more like that.

Coincidentally that is one of Fate's best maps on their respective route. Wait, no, that makes sense, Fates doesn't do that!

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So, I forgot to check if there were more replies.


Also, Aggretsuko's fourth season has too much going on for the amount of time it has, one episode that's got an extra 10 or so minutes was not enough to adequately deal with all the elements they used. I mean, things did wrap up, but they really didn't give them time to simmer right. Damm shame, especially when they're definitely doing a season 5 (that should be out this year. I think.) and Ferdinand von Anaiger is a potential issue if he actually matters in that.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

39.90 pricetag. On a 49.99 game that comes out today. Carrefour gaming. Truly I do pity you 'Muricans who know not the joys of Carrefour. Uh, and Dayni. Oof.

Thanks, I hate it.

I'll see if it drops in price here, but 50 is not too bad, especially coming from the guy who paid €70 for Neo Twewy day 1.

47 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:


Bit of frustration with parents on a couple of things.

I'm not going to drag that problem here more than I already have.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Here it is. I can scarcely believe I'm holding it. I would've never expected this to happen.

Only question now is, where to start...


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1 minute ago, Shrimpy said:


That had to be cartridge related, because it was €60 on PS4.

I know. But I was fine with it partly because I got both the first game and Final Remix used, alongside being convinced by the demo.

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