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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Or i blame the leaks

Reach for my ring,

I'll sleep away,

Into two-tone,

Oh I wish I could stay,

In cherished palms,

In peaceful dais,

I fear the Engage foes,

Knowing king betrays.

Not gonna lie, a real stretch that one. I was going for the other nations being enemies but that's not communicated well.

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That's cool but also, she warped. Warp -> Attack is back boys.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I don't fear wackiness but I do fear a lack of complexity.

Sometimes simple is best. It's all about intent.

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:


Correct Wraith. Three Houses and Engage are (look) like fun games to play whereas Genealogy is about as fun as that time i stepped on a nail.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ehhh I don't think so. People would've reacted the same - in fact, I daresay it would've been a bit worse. To many it would've felt like a gut punch. With the leaks, they've simply been in denial until they could be no more.

I think it's mainly the character designs here. I seem to recall another game that had a kneejerk negative reaction because of designs, all the way back in 2017.

In other words


1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Change scares you is the conclusion Ü

I can't believe Wraith was Moebius all along.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

No Monolith Soft, what have you done? The internet could barely handle the amount of swimsuit Pyra and Mythra fanart, now you introduce swimsuit Eunie? The fanart will doom us all...

Monolith Soft's playing things fair, they gave Lanz a bulge.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Anyway, it's nice that the first DLC hero is another Defender,

It's what i wanted.

Wave 3 Hero is definitly a Healer tho.

Btw uh



I mean you can see where i'm going with this right?

1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

13 Sentinels

Me dragging you into the cult


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Being reminded XC3 is still in the process of receiving DLC and updates, is making me question if I really should move on to it very soon. It's not a game I'm likely to play through multiple times, and I did like waiting on starting XC2 until after the updates were all done.

It's got Xenoblade X levels of content so it probably will keep you busy for some time.

And since we now know these dates were placeholders


If you really want, you can wait until Wave 3 to start playing, since Wave 4 is the story DLC which will basically be it's own game.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Still, I'm happy to see it being rereleased.

I know some people were worried for the series' future given how mixed RF5 was but it seems those worries can be put to rest.

In other news, not sure if they confirmed it but Harvestella does have a non-binary option for gender selection and you are referred to with they/them pronouns. Makes me wonder if LGBT romance is gonna be possible. Not sure so don't quote me on that but i know you like to know those things in advance for these types of games. They did at least confirm gay in the Wonderful Life remake (although it's also A Wonderful Life, a game where you actually age and die).

1 hour ago, Sooks said:



Z-posting will never stop.

....I'm really gonna meme this guy up to A-tier aren't i?

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

hat's cool but also, she warped. Warp -> Attack is back boys

We the witches now

Also seems like she can only Warp near enemies? That can make for some risky fun plays

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Z-posting will never stop.


That image just works so well as a reaction lmao

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This is a good start. I took some liberties with the original description but it all to make it work with the political compass template.

put me somewhere in Hype/chill

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1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Also seems like she can only Warp near enemies? That can make for some risky fun plays

Some real monkey brain strategies with this one. Oh i can warp to the enemy but i got a 45% chance of winning? I will simply win.

1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

ut me somewhere in Hype/chill


Edited by Armagon
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43 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I hate that I find this more funny than anything. Fates has numbed my reaction to incest.


43 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That's part of the reason I chose Eirika first since I plan on playing them in quick succession. Better to leave the game on a high note, right?

Approval GIFs | Tenor

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

This is a good start. I took some liberties with the original description but it all to make it work with the political compass template.

Neutral Chill for me

31 minutes ago, Benice said:





Was this the game I said would never get a remake? 'Cause if it is, I apologize

29 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Because this fandom is full of cynics.

Blame Awakefates! /s

Now seriously, 90% of fandoms are all like this these days. The information age was a mistake.

Edited by Punished06
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An edit, but why not?

Also, just realised I was looking at her artwork a decade ago, wew.

1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Ring summon: Arden, Strong and Tough Knight

Innate Ability: POWER OF PURSUIT

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:


If you really want, you can wait until Wave 3 to start playing, since Wave 4 is the story DLC which will basically be it's own game.

  Is the DLC wave 2 already two months faster?

Well that's fitting for XC3.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This is a good start. I took some liberties with the original description but it all to make it work with the political compass template.

Lowish salt, mostly chill.

Just now, Benice said:

Early 2014, I think. The OG still looks damn good, though!

So it could have been a remaster, but you're saying it's made in a different engine?

Wonder what the consequences will be.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Some real monkey brain strategies with this one. Oh i can warp to the enemy but i got a 45% chance of winning? I will simply win.

I expect super easy warpskip strats.

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Best part about Engage is no more routes. In that sense, it is the most normal FE we've gotten since Fates.

1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

Is the DLC wave 2 already two months faster?

Well that's fitting for XC3.



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People outside the fandom seem to really really like the trailer

Even a guy i know who hates FE was like "This is like the best FE trailer yet" kek

Alot of "Pretty" "gorgeous" comments etc. from peeps outside the fandom

Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

People outside the fandom seem to really really like the trailer

Even a guy i know who hates FE was like "This is like the best FE trailer yet" kek

But alot of "Pretty" "gorgeous" comments etc.

At the end of the day, fandoms are merely small gated communities.

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Just now, Punished06 said:

Blame Awakefates! /s

Now seriously, 90% of fandoms are all like this these days. The information age was a mistake.

And in many ways I can't say I disagree.

I am not too optimistic about this game. I kinda can't let myself be. But those feelings can't be let take the lead here because this is the first trailer.

1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

People outside the fandom seem to really really like the trailer

Even a guy i know who hates FE was like "This is like the best FE trailer yet" kek

Alot of "Pretty" "gorgeous" comments etc. from peeps outside the fandom

A tangential thought occurs.

I'd argue with this comment Genshin is one of the most influential games of the last 5 years. I mean it, compare it's artstyle to Engage, we'll see if it acts similarly to Genshin on the characters writing wise.

And that's just this game, more than a few games trying to go for similar style if not outright aping it out there at least.

1 minute ago, Punished06 said:



I've taken long enough, it's time to find the stick again.

*Exits room

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2 minutes ago, Punished06 said:

Was this the game I said would never get a remake? 'Cause if it is, I apologize

I... Don't remember.

And you were right- It was really unlikely that it'd ever get a remake. RGG Studios are simply too good to be true.

2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

So it could have been a remaster, but you're saying it's made in a different engine?

Yeah- I'm actually really surprised that they're remaking it, especially since what I saw from the trailer doesn't look too meaningfully different from the original one.

Only thing I'm really noticing is that there seems to be more blood in the UE4 version, and the environments look a little bit... I'm not sure how to describe it. Different? Not bad, though!

It is possible that the old engine that Ishin was made on was really unwieldy to make games with, but they could have made it on their signature Dragon Engine. We'll learn more tomorrow at the RGG summit!

7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Wonder what the consequences will be.

I'm excited to find out!

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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Best part about Engage is no more routes.

Oh, thank heavens... This thrills me so much. I can't believe I'm this excited for the game following my least favorite FE, but I really am! It looks like it's gonna be really neat. And Toothpaste-chan is too good for this world.

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2 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Fire Emblem's Bizarre Adventure

It's Part 2.

Part 1 was this

Yes i am aware Stands did not exist in Parts 1 and 2.


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22 hours ago, Sooks said:

Yes actually, only because you told me about it way back when. Thanks for that.

You're welcome, maybe soon I'll figure out what the scene actually is...

I "finished" Trails of Cold Steel II, the end was surely something.


I can't believe Morpho Knight was the final boss. My prediction going in, since I knew the structure of the final bosses beforehand, would be that I would fight Crow/Ordine/Rufus/Vita/Testa-Rossa in that order. The actual order is Crow & Vita/Ordine/Vermillion Apocalypse x3. Of course, hindsight is 20/20 as to why Rufus is hyped up despite you never fighting him again.

However, I was hoping that the final battle would have Rean and Crow working together in their respective knights to fight the Vermillion Apocalypse, which fortunately ended up happening (for the sake of my Trails character list, I counted this as Crow being playable). Sadly Crow is fatally wounded during the battle and doesn't make it... or did he? Regardless, I wasn't expecting it so as a redemption it was pretty heartfelt.

Vita is oddly humanized, especially since she's been a smug villain for the whole game and the last Anguis I met was, well, Weissmann. I was expecting her to toss Cayenne aside like a used dishrag, but he goes off the rails and Vita has to help us stop him. She comes across as the lesser evil compared to Cayenne and even Osborne, which you wouldn't expect from the representative of the main overarching threat. It also seems her fondness for Crow was genuine, and she feels guilty about dragging him into things. It isn't explained how making Valimar and Ordine fight factors into the society's plans, though I imagine it will be eventually (in this game or a later one). There is some elaboration as to what the Phantasmal Blaze plan actually is, however.

Most importantly, somehow... Osborne returned. Adding to the surprises, Rufus was working for him all along, which none of the other Ironbloods knew about either. That still makes him antagonistic to the heroes, incidentally enough. I did wonder about Rufus's motives since I didn't think he was the kind of person to support Cayenne's schemes... Cayenne was pretty upset about his second-in-command being Osborne's second-in-command all along. As it turns out, the Black Workshop was a branch of the Thirteen Factories that somehow came under Osborne's control (at least, that's the impression I got). Obviously the heroes technically won, but the game does a good job making the victory feel hollow. Rean chose a pretty bad time to remember his parentage too.

As an aside, it's reconfirmed that Osborne was cooperating with Ouroboros during the Liberl incident (unused content in Sky the 3rd suggests that Campanella in particular tipped him off), but he's over that now. Osborne's going after Crossbell next, yaaaaaaay.

I won't ask too many questions since the game isn't actually over yet, but I am interested in seeing what happens next.


54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

....I'm really gonna meme this guy up to A-tier aren't i?

He's not even the first villain to be memed up to S-tier, the now truly is endless.


51 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

This is a good start. I took some liberties with the original description but it all to make it work with the political compass template.

I said it was "fine" so that probably makes me true neutral or chill neutral. Though I still can't remember the title... is it Encore? Or Endure? Or Ensemble?

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Never mind, this game actually has the best writing.


Well, that’s the prologue done. Neat little intro segment, I came out of it with more positive opinions on characters than I did for CS1’s orienteering exercise. I still have no idea how brave points work though.

Shrimpy I’m so sorry, but I like the OP. The beginning of the song was pretty questionable but it picks up after that. And the animation and art was cool.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This is a good start. I took some liberties with the original description but it all to make it work with the political compass template.

Put me all the way to the left and a little bit to the bottom. Just a tad.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Best part about Engage is no more routes. In that sense, it is the most normal FE we've gotten since Fates.

Let’s not start with the assumptions already…

16 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

You're welcome, maybe soon I'll figure out what the scene actually is...

Resisting. Urge. To. Spoil.

…No, I can’t do it. The scene reveals that Vivi is actually the grandmaster.

16 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I "finished" Trails of Cold Steel II, the end was surely something.

Nice, I hope you enjoy You Should Have Played Crossbell First, the chapter, aka the divertissement.

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