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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sweets > alcohol.

So fun fact, me and brother both work as caterers for weddings and one night he came back with a full fucking wedding cake because apparently they didn't know who else to give it to.

So lucky us, we now have a wedding cake all to ourselves.

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Wind Waker, if you're gonna mark two dungeons on the map and then it turns out i have to do them in a specific order, then don't mark two dungeons on the map.

Earth Temple it is then i suppose.

....no but this is actually fucked like you can do every step to enter the Wind Temple first except the part where you're supposed to awaken Makar, because he doesn't turn up until after you beat the Earth Temple. I can't think of any other Zelda game that baits you like that.

47 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Is Barry a literal weeb xD

Daru;Steins Gate

Barry is the one bad character in TMS.

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sweets > alcohol.


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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Wind Waker, if you're gonna mark two dungeons on the map and then it turns out i have to do them in a specific order, then don't mark two dungeons on the map.

Earth Temple it is then i suppose.

....no but this is actually fucked like you can do every step to enter the Wind Temple first except the part where you're supposed to awaken Makar, because he doesn't turn up until after you beat the Earth Temple. I can't think of any other Zelda game that baits you like that.

Wind Waker's late game is...very scuffed.

It was only recently I learned how hellish Wind Waker's development cycle was which explains a lot of the flaws the game has.

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2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Wind Waker's late game is...very scuffed.

It was only recently I learned how hellish Wind Waker's development cycle was which explains a lot of the flaws the game has.

The first and last time i ran through Wind Waker ages ago i must've done Earth first and just not realized i had to do it first anyways.

Honestly it's been long enough that it's basically a first run again, this is what happened with the Mega Man Zero games.

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36 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Wind Waker's late game is...very scuffed.

It was only recently I learned how hellish Wind Waker's development cycle was which explains a lot of the flaws the game has.

Dayum this here’s a busy thread

What game was them pics you posted from where you was starin down the boss fight where he could doubleshot ya for 33 pts each? That’s nuts 😳

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ate... this thing with hot chocolate for dinner

I'm not sure exactly what's in it, but as a lover of baked goods, I'll take it!

Seriously, any time I stop at a local bakery, I have to stop myself from buying out the store. 

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fado was feeling exotic that day.

I suppose it helps his name is Portuguese for "destiny/fate", which is also the name of a genre of Portuguese music. A little exotic for this old man who barely has any presence.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but I sure as hell can tell you I didn't need to get "a physical" done when I first went to my psychologist.

I could try speaking up, but yet again I'd rather not, don't want to draw too much attention to myself. Surely this delay won't push things back too far. Then why do I feel like 2022 might end without me getting a word in to a therapist?


1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Savage enemies are bitches xD

This is exactly why they always give you the first action in Savage encounters. It's an act of mercy. Save any Smoke Machine consumables you get as random drops in case of Savages for a guaranteed escape.

Oh, and which difficulty level did you pick?

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sweets > alcohol.

Agreed. There are many reasons why I still haven’t had my first drink, and now I can’t even if I wanted to because of my condition

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19 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Ah, so same as me for my first run. It might not be as unforgiving as some SMTs, but it should still do enough to keep you from falling asleep at the wheel.

19 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Is that a pegasus with fucking boosters lmao

I want this in a mainline FE

I'd take it as well. I know you just sold 3H, but maybe the Agarthans should've had "Agarthan Pegasi" as substitutes for the real winged steeds b/c they couldn't raise them underground.

I don't like the idea of superfluous superclasses wherein we go fleshy Peg into fleshy Falco and only then into Boostgasus. So I suppose that we'd have to wait for a Sci-Fi FE to do it instead.

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but it should still do enough to keep you from falling asleep at the wheel

yeah i am noticing. Game's gonna kick my ass i feel

Tbf tho, ch1 boss being a Lance unit that can one shot Eatsuki with unlimited Lance reinforcements while i have no Axe units was kinda BS. Boss was effective against Tsubasa as well.


maybe the Agarthans should've had "Agarthan Pegasi" as substitutes for the real winged steeds b/c they couldn't raise them underground.



 So I suppose that we'd have to wait for a Sci-Fi FE to do it instead.

Sadly the fanbase seems to be really against the idea

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What a seamless way to teach me how to play desert maps, game.


Wait, didn't I kill this guy?


I think I'm convinced at this point that Valter's not even trying to kill Eirika, he's just trying to get close to her so he can confess his love.


I uh...I don't like this map.


What's that success rate supposed to mean?


Oh hey! Big bro showed up just in time to console Eirika after being traumatized but four of her comrade's deaths.


You know I never realized how starved I was of Fire Emblem beards until I played this game.


She's in the field of reeds, harvesting wheat with her son.


Jesus Christ, Gilliam stared death straight in the eye and lived.

I really need to double check what enemies are holding.


Meanwhile, enemy lance wielders throwing themselves into suicide against Ross and gaining nothing from it is one of the more amusing parts of this battle.


This...however is not very amusing.

Ruben...I am so sorry.

He was in every battle till his end...I fear I never was able to unlock his full potential.


Oh fuck off reinforcements.


This is an incredibly risky gambit, and I he'll probably die from this, but if he got a crit and killed Valter that would be the best end to his arc.




Wait...what? Ross initiated the attack yet he died upon hit?

Was that paladin's armor so hard that it shattered his body into pieces?!!

I mean I wasn't entirely invested into Ross' character but I'm just a little pissed off that one of my best units died by hitting someone else.


This guy took forever but we did it.


I imagine that will be the contents of Ephraim's route.


Did he do a lot of increasing groans of discomfort?

Aaaalright, we got the turquoise twins back together, now all we have are the last remaining 4 chapters to learn what the hell is going on with Ananko-I mean the dark stone.

1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Dayum this here’s a busy thread

What game was them pics you posted from where you was starin down the boss fight where he could doubleshot ya for 33 pts each? That’s nuts 😳


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39 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Tbf tho, ch1 boss being a Lance unit that can one shot Eatsuki with unlimited Lance reinforcements while i have no Axe units was kinda BS. Boss was effective against Tsubasa as well.

The boss itself followed a strict pattern though.:

  1. Turn 1- Dark Envy on a unit to debuff them.
  2. Turn 2- Use an attack on the Dark Envied unit that targets their weakness.
  3. Turn 3- IIRC, it's "use a non-weakness attack on the Dark Envied unit".
  4. Turn 4- Repeat this 3-turn cycle.

Defending on the second turn of this cycle is important to block out that character's weakness and avoid an enemy Session. Though even discovering this, the first boss admittedly isn't easy.

39 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Sadly the fanbase seems to be really against the idea

I don't care if they're against it. For how will they with their wooden arrows and stone castles resist plasma sabers and gravity guns? Oh wait, they can't.😝


36 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


What's that success rate supposed to mean?

Just what % of all the ingame supports you've seen over the course of all your playthroughs of SS.

36 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Wait...what? Ross initiated the attack yet he died upon hit?


You were using the Devil Axe, weren't you?

The backfire/"curse" activation rate is usually (Luck Cap + 1 - User's Luck) = %. So the maximum chance in SS is 31% for a 0 Lck unit, 1% for someone with max Luck.

Special boss conversations exist for Valter and Caellach BTW, here are most of them.:


Eirika vs. Valter

“Mmm… I’ve been waiting for you, Eirika!”

“Who are you?”

“Have you forgotten? We met once at Castle Renais. No? Look closely, Eirika. Do you not remember the face of he who will master you?”


“Yes, resist. It’s much more fun for me that way. Come, Eirika. I should like to tame you.”

“I am here on a mission. One that I swore to my brother I would fulfill. I will not be stopped by the likes of you!”


Cormag vs. Valter (Eirika’s route)

“What now, Cormag? Have you betrayed your oaths and your emperor?”

“I have. I can no longer serve Grado. But I must know the truth, Valter, and you will tell me. You’re the one who murdered my brother aren’t you?”

“…Hmph. No reason for lies, seeing as you’re nothing but a traitor. You’re right, Cormag! I was the one who cut your brother down. He was just like you, a weak, pitiful fool.”

“…… Ha…Ha ha ha…”

“Why do you laugh, dolt?”

“How can I not? I’ve dreamt of revenge, chased it for days… And now it’s here before me. Oh, Valter… Your death will be slow and agonizing.”


Joshua vs. Caellach (Eirika’s route)


“Hey! If it isn’t Joshua. It’s been a long time. Have you been well?”

“I’ve been all right. Still working as a mercenary. When did you get all proper and join the Grado army?”

“Didn’t I tell you? I wasn’t about to waste my life as a nameless soldier. Still, I think back on those days a lot lately… My axe and your sword… The two of us were a deadly pair, eh?”


“By the way… I know all about you, Joshua. Who you really are I mean. The prince of Jehanna, huh? When did you plan on sharing the wealth, you sneaky dog?”

“Listen… You can’t reduce a nation to loot waiting to be divided. And more importantly, I made a vow to my mother. I’m going to succeed her as ruler of my homeland. Hey Caellach… You’re the one who killed my mother, aren’t you?”

“Yeah… Sorry ’bout that. Things happen, you know? C’mon, Joshua, don’t hate me. This is war. There’s nothing you can do about it. Besides, grudges get in the way of work, right?”

“That’s true. It’s as you say. Listen Caellach… I’ve got to kill you now. Don’t hold it against me.”

“You arrogant… You haven’t changed a bit! I’ve always wanted to show you who’s better, Joshua. And I’m even stronger than I used to be. I’m gonna wipe that smug look off your face for good!”


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2 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Is Barry a literal weeb xD

Barry is such an odd character, as it really is a glimpse at how weebs are perceived in Japan. The cringe he induces is overwhelming and visceral, but overall he is relatively harmless nice enough guy.


2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So fun fact, me and brother both work as caterers for weddings and one night he came back with a full fucking wedding cake because apparently they didn't know who else to give it to.

So lucky us, we now have a wedding cake all to ourselves.

There is a strange twinge of sadness to getting an unused wedding cake, although sometimes a wedding falling through is the best result for all involved. Plus eating a whole wedding cake sounds overwhelming for just two people; hopefully you had the chance to share it with friends, and extra family as well.


1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Savage enemies are bitches xD

Ouch...yeah those guys can really get you if you aren't prepared for them, made all the worse by how difficult it is to escape from them.


17 minutes ago, Sinon said:

Agreed. There are many reasons why I still haven’t had my first drink, and now I can’t even if I wanted to because of my condition

Sorry to hear that it is medical reasons that prevents you from even trying alcohol, but it is kinda overrated, so you aren't missing all that much...


5 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Sadly the fanbase seems to be really against the idea

We almost got a Sci-Fi Fire Emblem with Awakening, but alas they saved the franchise instead...


2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I uh...I don't like this map.

Desert maps are almost always suffering.


3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



What's that success rate supposed to mean?

It is the percentage of all supports you have seen across all playthroughs.


4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Jesus Christ, Gilliam stared death straight in the eye and lived.

I really need to double check what enemies are holding.

That is a very valuable lesson to learn right there.


4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



This...however is not very amusing.

Ruben...I am so sorry.

He was in every battle till his end...I fear I never was able to unlock his full potential.

Oof...poor Moulder the boulder.


5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



This is an incredibly risky gambit, and I he'll probably die from this, but if he got a crit and killed Valter that would be the best end to his arc.



Damn that was epic, and risky. Two tricks that can help against Valter is to steal his Fili Shield early with a thief so your bows get effective damage against him, or simply taking down Caellech first so you can have the ignore critical item.


7 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Wait...what? Ross initiated the attack yet he died upon hit?

Was that paladin's armor so hard that it shattered his body into pieces?!!

I mean I wasn't entirely invested into Ross' character but I'm just a little pissed off that one of my best units died by hitting someone else.

Oh my god...This is your first encounter with the infamous Devil's Axe isn't it. I guess it hasn't been in most of the newer games, in its classically dangerous forms (some games even have a Devil Sword with the same effect, all they are in fewer games than that Devilishly dangerous Axe).


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11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

BTW- Do you know if the Alisha bonus story DLC is worth it after I finish the game?

NO. imho.

slight spoiler


you get short scene, then one long slog of a dungeon with nothing interesting than power-creep enemy. then you get a rather long scene of talking... that doesnt really get anywhere. akin to hearing someone reminiscing about the past, sighing and lamenting about it, and then "hey, actually im fine with it". i cant remeber what were they talking about since im burned out by the dungeon, its rather important to backstory, but still Boring. 


12 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

So, you still think Alisha is gonna rejoin the party? Haha, it gets everyone considering her importance to begin with! One of their decisions that were on the "poor" side to be sure. Xd

another byproduct of the restricting gameplay mechanic, im 100% sure. if we get her, then we got 3 human, 4 seraph. its nothing unusual about that, except the game forced the character to have pair. then it means the party become unbalanced, and if theres going to be cutscene of them all attacking theres going to be one seraph left out awkwardly. The game also feel the need for seraph being element representative (zaveid replace dezel is proof of that) also reinforce the my thought that they put too much restriction that only looks interesting on paper but restrictive than necessary on practice.

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