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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


You were using the Devil Axe, weren't you?

The backfire/"curse" activation rate is usually (Luck Cap + 1 - User's Luck) = %. So the maximum chance in SS is 31% for a 0 Lck unit, 1% for someone with max Luck.


hitler-takes-off-glasses-o.gif gif by sirkillsalotlol | Photobucket

I figured as much.

Well at least I figured out what it did in the most truly authentic way of playing outside of reading the fucking weapon description.

3 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

There is a strange twinge of sadness to getting an unused wedding cake, although sometimes a wedding falling through is the best result for all involved. Plus eating a whole wedding cake sounds overwhelming for just two people; hopefully you had the chance to share it with friends, and extra family as well.

Oh no, I believe the wedding went fine it's just that there were multiple cakes and not all ended up being eaten as much as the alcohol was drank.

A good amount of the cake was thrown away simply because we couldn't fit it anywhere and so far only I've been eating it since I'm the only one who has a sweet tooth in this house.

6 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Damn that was epic, and risky. Two tricks that can help against Valter is to steal his Fili Shield early with a thief so your bows get effective damage against him, or simply taking down Caellech first so you can have the ignore critical item.


Thieves can steal items from enemies?

11 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Oh my god...This is your first encounter with the infamous Devil's Axe isn't it. I guess it hasn't been in most of the newer games, in its classically dangerous forms (some games even have a Devil Sword with the same effect, all they are in fewer games than that Devilishly dangerous Axe).

Jesus Christ, I know Fates had a similar weapon but this is just madness!


55 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Special boss conversations exist for Valter and Caellach BTW, here are most of them.:

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Eirika vs. Valter

“Mmm… I’ve been waiting for you, Eirika!”

“Who are you?”

“Have you forgotten? We met once at Castle Renais. No? Look closely, Eirika. Do you not remember the face of he who will master you?”


“Yes, resist. It’s much more fun for me that way. Come, Eirika. I should like to tame you.”

“I am here on a mission. One that I swore to my brother I would fulfill. I will not be stopped by the likes of you!”


Cormag vs. Valter (Eirika’s route)

“What now, Cormag? Have you betrayed your oaths and your emperor?”

“I have. I can no longer serve Grado. But I must know the truth, Valter, and you will tell me. You’re the one who murdered my brother aren’t you?”

“…Hmph. No reason for lies, seeing as you’re nothing but a traitor. You’re right, Cormag! I was the one who cut your brother down. He was just like you, a weak, pitiful fool.”

“…… Ha…Ha ha ha…”

“Why do you laugh, dolt?”

“How can I not? I’ve dreamt of revenge, chased it for days… And now it’s here before me. Oh, Valter… Your death will be slow and agonizing.”


Joshua vs. Caellach (Eirika’s route)


“Hey! If it isn’t Joshua. It’s been a long time. Have you been well?”

“I’ve been all right. Still working as a mercenary. When did you get all proper and join the Grado army?”

“Didn’t I tell you? I wasn’t about to waste my life as a nameless soldier. Still, I think back on those days a lot lately… My axe and your sword… The two of us were a deadly pair, eh?”


“By the way… I know all about you, Joshua. Who you really are I mean. The prince of Jehanna, huh? When did you plan on sharing the wealth, you sneaky dog?”

“Listen… You can’t reduce a nation to loot waiting to be divided. And more importantly, I made a vow to my mother. I’m going to succeed her as ruler of my homeland. Hey Caellach… You’re the one who killed my mother, aren’t you?”

“Yeah… Sorry ’bout that. Things happen, you know? C’mon, Joshua, don’t hate me. This is war. There’s nothing you can do about it. Besides, grudges get in the way of work, right?”

“That’s true. It’s as you say. Listen Caellach… I’ve got to kill you now. Don’t hold it against me.”

“You arrogant… You haven’t changed a bit! I’ve always wanted to show you who’s better, Joshua. And I’m even stronger than I used to be. I’m gonna wipe that smug look off your face for good!”


I got all but one of those, between the obviously dead Joshua of course.

Oh goddess, what's going to happen to Jehanna now? With no heir the entire country is gonna go through a succession crisis!

58 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just what % of all the ingame supports you've seen over the course of all your playthroughs of SS.

16 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It is the percentage of all supports you have seen across all playthroughs.


Yeah I've only gotten one support so far, interesting.

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6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

hitler-takes-off-glasses-o.gif gif by sirkillsalotlol | Photobucket

I figured as much.

Well at least I figured out what it did in the most truly authentic way of playing outside of reading the fucking weapon description.

You know what can be funny? Dozla's death quote with the Devil Axe.

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8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Thieves can steal items from enemies?

Yep, although how exactly it works is very game dependent. In Sacred Stone I am fairly certain you can only steal items (as some games let you steal weapons...), and you need more speed than the person you are stealing from (a fairly common restriction, although not every game has that limit, and some have additional requirements as well).

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The boss itself followed a strict pattern though.:

  1. Turn 1- Dark Envy on a unit to debuff them.
  2. Turn 2- Use an attack on the Dark Envied unit that targets their weakness.
  3. Turn 3- IIRC, it's "use a non-weakness attack on the Dark Envied unit".
  4. Turn 4- Repeat this 3-turn cycle.

Defending on the second turn of this cycle is important to block out that character's weakness and avoid an enemy Session. Though even discovering this, the first boss admittedly isn't easy.

Doesn't it have any elemental weaknesses or is it really just the theoretical but impossible to get axe weakness?

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This...however is not very amusing.

Ruben...I am so sorry.

Ruben tomorrow


14 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Thieves can steal items from enemies?


I mean admittedly they can't do this in 3H either but like bruh.

15 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

With no heir the entire country is gonna go through a succession crisis!

Nah because now they get democracy.

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6 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yep, although how exactly it works is very game dependent. In Sacred Stone I am fairly certain you can only steal items (as some games let you steal weapons...), and you need more speed than the person you are stealing from (a fairly common restriction, although not every game has that limit, and some have additional requirements as well).

Yep, that's about right for the GBA games as a whole. Although, Binding Blade had this curious case where Berserk'ed Enemy Thieves could actually steal things not meant to be stolen. I doubt this can be replicated in the other games, considering the item in question. Or at least, I've yet to see anyone document trying to replicate it in general.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yep, that's about right for the GBA games as a whole. Although, Binding Blade had this curious case where Berserk'ed Enemy Thieves could actually steal things not meant to be stolen. I doubt this can be replicated in the other games, considering the item in question. Or at least, I've yet to see anyone document trying to replicate it in general.

You are being a bit broad there, as Binding Blade has no speed requirement on stealing. Also of note, unlike Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones, enemy thieves have no stealing AI to them in Binding Blade normally...

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1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You are being a bit broad there, as Binding Blade has no speed requirement on stealing. Also of note, unlike Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones, enemy thieves have no stealing AI to them in Binding Blade normally...

Oh, really? Interesting. Thought it was the same across the board.

Still, it's curious that whatever flag checks against stealing fails against their own faction. Oversight or bug I guess.

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24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yep, although how exactly it works is very game dependent. In Sacred Stone I am fairly certain you can only steal items (as some games let you steal weapons...), and you need more speed than the person you are stealing from (a fairly common restriction, although not every game has that limit, and some have additional requirements as well).


That would've been super nice to know.

23 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I mean admittedly they can't do this in 3H either but like bruh.

Please don't tell me they could also do this in Fates/Awakening and I just never knew.


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2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Please don't tell me they could also do this in Fates/Awakening and I just never knew.

No, they didn't.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:


Last they were able to do it is Tellius iirc.

Pretty much. Stealing items was something gone from the DS and 3DS eras, only making a comeback in TH.

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Yeah, Thieves basically returned to what was their original function pre-Genealogy: Just open doors and chests and mostly it. And even in Genealogy they'd only steal gold, not items. It wasn't until Thracia that we actually got Steal as we know it.

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I'm curious, seeing as how the DS Fire Emblem games (and DS games in general) require touch screen to use the controls, how do they work when emulated on a PC?

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, Thieves basically returned to what was their original function pre-Genealogy: Just open doors and chests and mostly it. And even in Genealogy they'd only steal gold, not items. It wasn't until Thracia that we actually got Steal as we know it.

It's interesting how they basically just became spicy myrmidons in Awakening, and then had their abilities repurposed for ninjas in Fates, which are their own thing in that game.

I honestly didn't think much about thieves until now, I just saw them as bad units that are useful in incredibly specific situations.

Well, to be fair Colm is a standard in my army even he is easy to kill.

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Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

I'm curious, seeing as how the DS Fire Emblem games (and DS games in general) require touch screen to use the controls, how do they work when emulated on a PC?

You don't really need the touchscreen to play, the buttons work just fine too.

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

It's interesting how they basically just became spicy myrmidons in Awakening, and then had their abilities repurposed for ninjas in Fates, which are their own thing in that game.

I honestly didn't think much about thieves until now, I just saw them as bad units that are useful in incredibly specific situations.

Well, to be fair Colm is a standard in my army even he is easy to kill.

They were always a support class, as it were.

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38 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You don't really need the touchscreen to play, the buttons work just fine too.

I could've sworn FE 11 on the Wii U's virtual console only used the touch controls for movement.

And I'm also remembering games like Spirit Tracks where the entire game is touch controlled, how is that handled on an emulator?

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Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

I could've sworn FE 11 on the Wii U's virtual console only used the touch controls for movement.

And I'm also remembering games like Spirit Tracks where the entire game is touch controlled, how is that handled on an emulator?

I also have it... though admittedly I don't remember. Still, you can use the buttons, so it'd be weird it would be changed.

Oh yeah, other games definitely make you use the touch controls more. I'm gonna guess with the mouse. Clicking on the screen to simulate the stylus.

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2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Desert maps are almost always suffering.

I consider Scorched Sands one of the best (or least bad) though. It's not bad narratively, and in gameplay, the amount of movement-impeding desert is actually rather limited. No Fog of War either. I'd actually like it if they made it a little tougher on the highest difficulty by having Caellach and Valter start moving after a certain number of turns, them being stationary the entire time doesn't suit their personalities or the map itself.


2 hours ago, joevar said:

NO. imho.

Thank you for your opinion on this. I'll not buy it then. As I've two other modern Tales games in my backlog, and Tales of Destiny 2 has a fan translation undergoing some editing right now, I'm not hard pressed for Tales games.

2 hours ago, joevar said:

another byproduct of the restricting gameplay mechanic, im 100% sure. if we get her, then we got 3 human, 4 seraph. its nothing unusual about that, except the game forced the character to have pair. then it means the party become unbalanced, and if theres going to be cutscene of them all attacking theres going to be one seraph left out awkwardly. The game also feel the need for seraph being element representative (zaveid replace dezel is proof of that) also reinforce the my thought that they put too much restriction that only looks interesting on paper but restrictive than necessary on practice.

And here I initially speculated that Zaveid would be worked into the team as a "human". Some special loophole in the rules that would let seraphs link with seraphs.

My bigger problem with combat ATM is the AI. Bosses and shadowy enemies usually have an attack capable of 1-2HKOing allies, and the AI is too incompetent to dodge them. Rose usually dies and burns through all the seraphs except the one Sorey is armatized to. It's almost a waste trying to keep them Life Bottled, but then everyone who remains KO'ed misses out on a like a entire level of EXP.

And one question- I've begun the Iris Gem hunt. Can I get access to the Katz Corner before I finish the pursuit of Gems? I've talked with all the Lords of the Land, and want to see what I presume to be Namco's self-referential silly place looks like this time.


2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh no, I believe the wedding went fine it's just that there were multiple cakes and not all ended up being eaten as much as the alcohol was drank.

Why not put the alcohol in the cake?🤔

Skip ahead to 6:20 if you want to get the history right away.

Wedding cakes as we know them began as fruit cakes, which meant they were soaked in alcohol. Thanks to the booze...


...we still have a surviving slice of Queen Victoria's wedding cake.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Doesn't it have any elemental weaknesses or is it really just the theoretical but impossible to get axe weakness?

Aversa is weak to Elec and Force, so Itsuki and Tsubasa can Session on her. No Axe weakness actually, but weak to Bows which might be exploitable via weak consumables enemies randomly drop (I don't think you can buy Darts this early).

1 hour ago, Armagon said:


I had a fondness for his whole "let me power up this bad guy to 1100" speech. Nerdy, superficial, shouldn't want to randomly burst into reciting it, but I sometimes do.😄

And someone made a big, detailed sprite for Grahf? Nice.


8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

And I'm also remembering games like Spirit Tracks where the entire game is touch controlled, how is that handled on an emulator?

The one time I tried using touch controls for a DS game in a emulator (first Desmune, later MelonDS) the emulator treated the mouse like the stylus. Clicking = tapping.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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how is touch control centric game being a problem in emulator? or am i misunderstanding something there

touch control in emulator means you use mouse, thats it. click-hold-drag like you would using touch pen

i manage to beat TWEWY on emu, and its 100% touch screen controlled the entire game. its actually easier playing it on emu. since you wont think twice hitting your mouse rapidly like madman, than hitting your touch screen

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And that's why I bought the NGC version of Twilight Princess all the way back instead of opting for the Wii one.

Also because the mirrored environment meant no left-handed Link. Smh...

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Personally I never use stylus controls if I can help it. It's much more comfortable with the buttons.

i agree with this for several reason be it actual DS/3DS or emu. 

its just the example i use is actually a game that control the character, battle, menus etc purely on touch screen somehow. and oh how glad i am when played it on emu.(that game could risk breaking your screen)

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5 minutes ago, joevar said:

its just the example i use is actually a game that control the character, battle, menus etc purely on touch screen somehow. and oh how glad i am when played it on emu.(that game could risk breaking your screen)

First, Neku's partner is on the upper screen controlled by the directional pad/face buttons ofc.

Second, I never ran into screen breakage problems with TWEWY.

And the game was something, demanding both your eyes and hands be in full use for both screens at once, definitely uniquely one of a kind for its era. Something was surely lost with the later ports that had no choice but to ditch the dual screens.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

First, Neku's partner is on the upper screen controlled by the directional pad/face buttons ofc.

Second I never ran into screen breakage problems with TWEWY. And the game was something, demanding both your eyes and hands be in full use for both screens at once, definitely uniquely one of a kind for its era. Something was surely lost with the later ports that had no choice but to ditch the dual screens.

oh dang, really forgot about the upper screen lol. since last time i see TWEWY, is the Ipad version where both in one screen

im a bit exaggerating ofc, but im kind of worrywart such input could "potentially" leave scratch or something. since i use some electronic with re-selling it later when not in use anymore in mind. at least i did with my 3DS

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