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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok jokes aside, it's definitely not a true crossover between the two series but i'm not really sure how you could do that beyond just fanservice. 

Simple- The Agarthans fire off the Javelins of Light, Rhea negates some, but not all of the nukes. Fodlan is reduced to a desert wasteland, with the Agarthans and Church fighting over the loyalty and souls of the survivors. As things were before the Javelins were fired, neither the Agarthans nor Rhea can exterminate the other, the world is in ruins, but nothing has truly changed.

This would greatly resemble the Great Cataclysm of Shin Megami Tensei 1. Where YHVH has the US via Ambassador Thorman fire ICBMs at Japan in order to stop the demonic infestation of the country from spreading across the world. Japan survives and the rest of the world gets nuked offscreen too. The chaotic Ring of Gaea and the lawful Order of the Messiah take form in this Japanese nuclear wasteland and try fighting for supremacy, only to remain deadlocked.

All we need to do now is merge the two post-apocalyptic worlds together, and then pair up Edelgard with Asura while Rhea joins up with the Archangels. SMTxFE2 is 3 Hopes Claude + Lucifer vs. Madman Dimitri + Satan. -Forget about the rest of SMT and FE.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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5 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Persona games touch on a lot more serious topics and themes.

I think he meant like gameplay wise.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Where YHVH has the US via Ambassador Thorman fire ICBMs at Japan in order to stop the demonic infestation of the country from spreading across the world.

This reminds me of Shin Godzilla where America wanted to nuke Tokyo to stop Godzilla from mutating and flying to the States.

....because nukes would definitely work on a monster born from it.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Simple- The Agarthans fire off the Javelins of Light, Rhea negates some, but not all of the nukes. Fodlan is reduced to a desert wasteland, with the Agarthans and Church fighting over the loyalty and souls of the survivors. As things were before the Javelins were fired, neither the Agarthans nor Rhea can exterminate the other, the world is in ruins, but nothing has truly changed.

This would greatly resemble the Great Cataclysm of Shin Megami Tensei 1. Where YHVH has the US via Ambassador Thorman fire ICBMs at Japan in order to stop the demonic infestation of the country from spreading across the world. Japan survives and the rest of the world gets nuked offscreen too. The chaotic Ring of Gaea and the lawful Order of the Messiah take form in this Japanese nuclear wasteland and try fighting for supremacy, only to remain deadlocked.

All we need to do now is merge the two post-apocalyptic worlds together, and then pair up Edelgard with Asura while Rhea joins up with the Archangels. SMTxFE2 is 3 Hopes Claude + Lucifer vs. Madman Dimitri + Satan. -Forget about the rest of SMT and FE.

You know, I did knew some general details of the SMT verse but... still, that's quite wild to cause the setting, haha.

Add some period pieces songs and you can make it a Fallout crossover too.

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"The Almyran Ranger with a Big Iron [Sword] on his hip. BIG IRON ON HIS HIP!"

Just now, Armagon said:

I think he meant like gameplay wise.

This reminds me of Shin Godzilla where America wanted to nuke Tokyo to stop Godzilla from mutating and flying to the States.

....because nukes would definitely work on a monster born from it.

Fight fire with fire?

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... Oh God.

Four Routes in TH. Four Routes too in New Vegas. Garreg Mach can be the Hoover Dam equivalent or something... oh oh oh, Rhea blocking the Javelins like House did to the missiles heading to Vegas, so Garreg is the Vegas Strip. This pretty much writes itself!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Damn you're playing Kuro already?


1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

You playin Kuro?

Is it strange i dont prefer the Kuro design? 

Mostly no to the narrower eyes, i like her big, gentle eyes much better. 

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8 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Mostly no to the narrower eyes, i like her big, gentle eyes much better. 

I'd say this is more of an artstyle product. Kuro artist is the same as Crossbell's.

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2 hours ago, CyberZord said:

Hate to be a killjoy, but I was being sarcastic when I said I "liked TMS to pieces". In actuality, I've got mixed feelings on the game overall. The Persona fan in me likes the game, but the Fire Emblem fan in me doesn't. It just feels more like a Persona game with Fire Emblem elements and characters thrown in than a true crossover between both IPs if you ask me (There's also the whole idol thing that I don't care much for among a few other things, but I'll just leave at that). Doesn't mean I hate the game per se, just one I'm not the biggest fan of.


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

It'd work for a Musou or something at least.

Persona 5 Royal is in the three MegaTen games i mentioned and i regret to inform you that my experience with the game was basically the exact opposite of yours. Like i beat it but it singlehandedly killed any interest i had in Persona as a whole.

Well, Fire Emblem and Persona both got Warriors spinoffs. Kind of interesting to think about what a TMS #FE Warriors game could've looked like. 

I can see why it would kill your interest (and feel free to correct me if my assumption as to why you don't like Persona is wrong). Persona 5 Royal is a loooooooooooooooooong game, generally averaging at 100 or so hours for just the main story alone! I enjoyed the game back when I still had a PS4 Pro and it's nice to see the game getting ported to other systems, but I don't really feel like sinking that kind of time into a game that long again. But hey, I haven't played Persona 3 Portable or Persona 4 Golden yet (and they're also being ported), so I'll have to put those on my "Games I'll eventually get around to beating" list.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

This reminds me, I still have an unfinished playthrough. ... uh huh. Yeah, ever since I began working it's all been reduced to a crawl.

I made the critical mistake of beginning multiple game playthroughs while also having college and work to deal with, so I've more or less decided to just stick with one game to focus on until I beat the main story and maybe do some side content too. Hence why my playthroughs of games such as Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Lost Judgment (My current focus), and Far Cry 6 are still in progress until I eventually get around to beating those games. 

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Hard disagree, the toothpaste hair is just plain fun, and heterochromia is far more interesting as well.

Ah the game that killed my interest in the Xenoblade Chronicles series...

Huh, you guys are more accepting of Alear's Colgate/Pepsi hair than what I've seen outside Serenes Forest. Honestly, that's nice to see compared to people straight up hating it. Though I did make it seem like I don't like the toothpaste hair, didn't I?

Well, I'll extend my opinion on Alear's design in that case: Alear's outfit itself looks really good (more so the Male variation than the Female one IMO, but both still good nonetheless) and the split hair & eye colors give Alear an interesting look that I think looks pretty solid together, though it shall take a little getting used to (Surprised no one's made a fusion joke yet, to be honest). That being said, I stick with my opinion that Alear looks better with a single eye and hair color, no matter how generic it may be. But hey, if they manage to tie some kind of story aspect to Alear's hair and give a potential reason behind it, that would most certainly be interesting to see.

Well, there's always Xenoblade Chronicles 3. It may be just the game that could get you back into the series (If you want to play it, anyways).

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, I did knew some general details of the SMT verse but... still, that's quite wild to cause the setting, haha.

I'm a little amazed I was able to imagine a post-Javelin Fodlan as being comparable to SMT. But I think the comparability seems eerily natural?😅 I wish I had some knowledgeable second opinions.

And if you're referring to specifically the Great Cataclysm by itself, it happens about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way into SMT1. The event defined the franchise for a while, as the MMORPG spinoff SMT: Imagine, the Xbox game SMT: Nine, and the game with sex called Giten Megami Tensei all took place in the 30 year interlude between the nukes being fired and the SMT1 Hero returning to the world. Shin Megami Tensei 2 being a direct sequel to SMT1 means the Cataclysm mattered for it too. It took until Nocturne for the franchise to move past it. And even then, the first Raidou Kuzunoha game indirectly b/c SMT2 has the Great Cataclysm influencing it, and Digital Devil Saga 2 has little cameos from SMT2 too.

SMTIV doesn't have the Great Cataclysm, being in its own separate dimension, however... (I'll toss this in spoilers solely b/c SMTIV is modern enough that somebody might consider playing it. And this is massive spoilers for SMTIV.)


...Shin Megami Tensei IV being inspired by 1&2, threw its own Great Cataclysm far into the background.

The IV Great Cataclysm destroyed the entire world except for Tokyo, b/c Taira no Masakado the guardian deity of Tokyo turned gigantic and transformed himself into a giant dome of rock protecting the city.

Humans deemed "pure" were collected by YHVH beforehand in a giant cocoon. It was taken out of Tokyo and YHVH had it form a God-fearing civilization atop the dome- the technologically-medieval Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. Time travel DLC shenanigans mean 3 out of 4 of the Archangels were captured, had their power sealed and were caged in Tokyo. The lone surviving Archangel hid and bided their time, letting humans run the Kingdom they were supposed to control. (The one who arranged the Archangels' capture was Mastema oddly enough, another angel who claimed they were doing YHVH's bidding, not the Archangels.)

The cause of the Cataclysm was yet again YHVH (although the country that shot the first nukes this time is left unknown) seeking to eradicate demonic infestation. This time it was caused by a perpetual energy reactor at the military base Camp Ichigaya (which is where Thorman makes the decision that his metaphoric atomic Mjolnir be dropped in SMT1), the reactor was accidentally letting demons slip in from the demon world- the Expanse. A time-distortion caused by the reactor means hundreds of years have passed in Mikado since the Cataclysm, but within Tokyo, only 30 years have. 

The people of Tokyo within the endured within the domed city, calling their new ceiling the Firmament. Within Tokyo under the Firmament, demons ran amok, with humans persisting mostly on whatever food was made from before the Cataclysm, and also demon meat. Fresh vegetables are grown via UV lights in one location, but they're for a small Ashura Kai elite. Infrastructure falls into a state of disrepair, but I think the Yamato Perpetual Reactor does indeed do its intended job of keeping Tokyo powered with electricity the entire time. Whereas Mikado was decidedly Law, Tokyo, despite the Chaos of demons which Mikado didn't have to deal with (barring those in the long "Naraku" tunnel and Tokyo Sky Tower connecting Mikado to Tokyo), was more mixed. The Yakuza-like Ashura Kai brought a sense of Law to Tokyo, the Ring of Gaea wanted to make it more Chaotic, and the Hunter's Association was a rather Neutral institution focused solely on exterminating demons.

SMTIV eventually shows you two parallel worlds.:

  • In one of these, Chaos won and the nukes were never launched, while the cocoon rotted and everyone inside died. Demons laid waste to the world, but it's not in nuclear ruins. YHVH silently admitted defeat and abandoned this dimension. A new might-makes-right anarchic societal framework was established in Tokyo, featuring "Demonoids" -mutant human-demon hybrids- at the top of the societal ladder. 
  • In the other world, where Law won, YHVH saved His chosen humans and brought them to heaven. He then nuked everything, Masakado -like in the Chaos world- never showed up, so Tokyo was nuked too. YHVH left a machine called Pluto behind to oversee the extermination of the remnants of humanity and whatever demons were left. It seems the demons didn't consider this world worth fighting over anymore.

The SMTIV Hero (Flynn being his canon name), ends up helping the parallel dimensions by bringing the start of a little freedom from YHVH's tyranny to the Law world, and the beginnings of a little peaceful, egalitarian stability to the Chaos world. And then he decides the fate of his own ofc.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Four Routes in TH. Four Routes too in New Vegas. Garreg Mach can be the Hoover Dam equivalent or something... oh oh oh, Rhea blocking the Javelins like House did to the missiles heading to Vegas, so Garreg is the Vegas Strip. This pretty much writes itself!

Glad to see I incidentally got your creative juices flowing!😆

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Endless Frontier story time, apparently.

If only I could understand this, and had OG Gaiden and 2nd OG translated. The summary bits described in the segmentation of the video does tell me though this sorta covers the CD drama event where Axel & Alfimi got mysteriously warped away to the Endless Frontier.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

This reminds me of Shin Godzilla where America wanted to nuke Tokyo to stop Godzilla from mutating and flying to the States.

....because nukes would definitely work on a monster born from it.

It wouldn't surprise me if that just made Godzilla stronger. Unless you're aiming for the "overload with power until their body can't anymore and they explode" approach.

YHVH's choice of nukes to bring forth His judgement does suit the modern element of SMT. And He does go more old-fashioned biblical by flooding the post-apocalyptic world later, thinking that'll solve the demon problem. It doesn't. Sure, basically the only large part of Tokyo that remains above water is the area where the massive Basilica was built by the Order of the Messiah, but the forces of Chaos manage to invade that and take over like half of it. The fighting never stops no matter how little ground remains for humanity's continued existence, rather unfortunate. The Basilica being the final dungeon of SMT1.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

We would have to actually get a Project X Zone 3 first tho.

Xenoblade was a mistake. Monolith has gotten too big for in-house side projects, the only thing everyone wants is X2 more Xenoblade now.😩

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm a little amazed I was able to imagine a post-Javelin Fodlan as being comparable to SMT. But I think the comparability seems eerily natural?😅 I wish I had some knowledgeable second opinions.

Hmm, fascinating. Perhaps if I ever trie out the SMT series... hmm...


Glad to see I incidentally got your creative juices flowing!😆

lol Yeah, it happens.

As it stands, while Rhea makes for a good Mr. House analogue (being from the pre-apocalypse time who protected their home area from devastation), sadly the three Lords don't make good parallels to Kimball, Caesar, and... Yes Man I guess. Would require more tweaking there. Well, a good start, but will have to be put on the shelf with everything else for now.


If only I could understand this, and had OG Gaiden and 2nd OG translated. The summary bits described in the segmentation of the video does tell me though this sorta covers the CD drama event where Axel & Alfimi got mysteriously warped away to the Endless Frontier.

Indeed. A full playable scenario of how Axel, Alfimi, and Roah ended up in the Endless Frontier. Also per the description, Sanger brings up his own trip.


Xenoblade was a mistake. Monolith has gotten too big for in-house side projects, the only thing everyone wants is X2 more Xenoblade now.😩

Clearly the solution is to instead integrate cameos into Xenoblade 4 or X2, like the usual Xenosaga suspects got in 2.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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7 minutes ago, CyberZord said:

Persona 5 Royal is a loooooooooooooooooong game, generally averaging at 100 or so hours for just the main story alone! 

The length wasn't the issue......well I mean it was but not because it was long. Length itself don't really bother me, my top three favorite games of all time are all Xenoblade games.

What happened with Persona 5 was the way the calendar system was implemented turned the game into a slog I had not seen since FE4. The way it was all paced just made everything feel like a chore, even stuff that I would normally like doing in other games. 

There were other factors but like this was the main one easily.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Unless you're aiming for the "overload with power until their body can't anymore and they explode" approach.

Nah they simply thought the nukes would kill him.

Lol. Lmao.

Tbf Shin Godzilla was the first grounded solo Godzilla film since uhhhhhh literally 1954 so I can understand why they didn't come up with any crazy ways to take out the Big G.

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Clearly the solution is to instead integrate cameos into Xenoblade 4 or X2, like the usual Xenosaga suspects

Bunny Xenosaga plush cameo when?

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4 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


why is dimitri a rat/mouse?


5 hours ago, CyberZord said:

Anyone else unironically excited for Fire Emblem Engage's release early next year?

yes, yes. ngl, i 've seen lots of people actually excited with engage. the kind of excited where you dont expect too much of it or cant put into thought why this could be great, but still looking forward to it, i mean.

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Nah, it's okay. Despite owning it I've yet to finish it either.

despite i can get my hands on it, im not getting it either . hopefully they remaster it somewhere down the line.

unpopular opinion... ngl, despite newer than og Xenoblade 1, i think XCX character is the ugliest in xeno series, dunno why.  to me its only slightly, marginally, one step higher, than the egregious of Star Ocean 4/5 character 3D model, except its lower resolution this time due to platform of choices.

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6 hours ago, CyberZord said:

Anyone else unironically excited for Fire Emblem Engage's release early next year?


Marth going "Emblem Fusion" like he's a frigging Power Ranger made me cringe so hard I almost broke my own back, but once I got over the shock, I realized everything else looks amazing.

As for Alear, they may be goofy but they're memorable, and I unironically like their design better than the last two avatars. And even if I did hate it, the game has Vander anyway, so it more than makes up.

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4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I have given FE11 and FE1 a try but I haven't fully played them yet.

Did you reach Chapter 3?

3 hours ago, CyberZord said:

I pre-ordered the Divine Edition of Fire Emblem Engage yesterday (Because I like to think I'm a bit of a gambling man. Only virtual, in-game currency gambling of course). This'll be the first Fire Emblem I'm preordering and getting the special edition for, so that'll be pretty cool. I must have the art book and poster of Pepsi-Kun and Colgate-Chan, you see. 

 Meanwhile I'm going to see if I can get to be a cheapskate. As I try to and somewhat failed the last while (I managed to get both special editions half price so did spend)

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

humanity has already been found deficient, liquidation and reconstruction of the world shall begin shortly.😃

You're not gonna liquefy me right?

You're not going to liquefy me, right?

7 minutes ago, CyberZord said:

Huh, you guys are more accepting of Alear's Colgate/Pepsi hair than what I've seen outside Serenes Forest. Honestly, that's nice to see compared to people straight up hating it. Though I did make it seem like I don't like the toothpaste hair, didn't I?

Well, I'll extend my opinion on Alear's design in that case: Alear's outfit itself looks really good (more so the Male variation than the Female one IMO, but both still good nonetheless) and the split hair & eye colors give Alear an interesting look that I think looks pretty solid together, though it shall take a little getting used to (Surprised no one's made a fusion joke yet, to be honest). That being said, I stick with my opinion that Alear looks better with a single eye and hair color, no matter how generic it may be. But hey, if they manage to tie some kind of story aspect to Alear's hair and give a potential reason behind it, that would most certainly be interesting to see.

Well, time to be that guy.

Personally, not fond of the two tones used for the hair. I felt more strongly about this from the leak images, but the colours used combined with it being the full lengths of the hairs as opposed to frosted ends like Alfrena or Peri haven't won me over. That being said, we've gotten these leak images and 4 minutes of footage now. There's still a lot to take in for this game. Heterochromia is pretty anime as shit, but matching the hair is certainly a take.

I also haven't felt like I've actually looked at the garb, so I'll leave off talking about it. And of course no picture of F!Alear that wasn't from the leak or artwork yet.

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