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4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

"Also, the onset of puberty"

I'll throw this in FE7 spoilers b/c Edelguardiansing said they didn't finish the game, even if the community and IS doesn't hide the spoilers very well nowadays.:


The start of physical, mental, and sexual maturity in dragons/Manaketes is more significant than in humans. For the reason that they also mature in their capacity to withstand and utilize the draconic power that is naturally generated within them. Prepubescent dragons do NOT generate more draconic power than young adult dragons/Manaketes, however, they do have a more difficult time controlling their internal strength, this is especially true of dragons who due to genetics produce greater power, e.g. Tiki.

During pubescence, dragons, particularly in Manakete form, can experience "power surges". These are more likely to occur towards the start of their maturation process, but can happen at any time to a still-growing dragon. A power surge -scientific diagnosis- hypergermatusvitadraconia, or "hypergerm" for short- is when a dragon's rate of generation of draconic essence increases faster than their mental-physical capacities to process these energies. A power surge can be momentary, a day or three, with the long lifespans of dragons however, they can last weeks, months, even years.

Power surges are NOT a form of "dragon degeneration". Degeneration involves the breakdown of the dragon's mental faculties, after which eventually the spiritual and physical faculties follow. Instances of hypergerm of the longest duration can lead to degeneration, though it is almost always temporary because these maturing dragons will readily repair the damages. Hypergerm can interfere with a dragon's growth in their capacities to handle their draconic power, yet by itself hypergerm has not been shown capable of permanently stunting a dragon/Manakete's maturation into a healthy adulthood.

Symptoms of hypergerm include restlessness, which can lead to insomnia and feelings of fatigue. Hypertension is another. It is not unheard of that a young dragon will bite or claw at themselves and draw blood to alleviate the pressure. Indeed, in the older, less knowledgable days of dragon civilization, parent dragons would perform bloodletting on their children afflicted with hypergerm. Heightened blood pressure in the worst of instances has caused isolated instances of strokes. Manaketes may physiologically shift ever so slightly towards their draconic forms, while dragons might experience a growth spurt. Mentally, the aches of hypergerm on a young dragon's mind can induce mood swings, a lack of concentration, obsessiveness, self-harm, or singular cases of epilepsy.

Hypergerm can be a normal part of a dragon/Manakete's young adulthood. As dragon civilization developed, dragonstones became the usual treatment for hypergerm. As the draconic essence is the root of the problem, siphoning it out of a dragon into crystalized form would resolve it. Dragons need their power to live however, even in Manakete form. Draining all of the energy threatens a biological shutdown of vital organs and thus death. For pubescent dragons, a persistent deficit of draconic essence will interfere with their development. Therefore, expelling the essence into dragonstones should be done in moderation, and only during instances of prolonged, moderate or intense hypergerm.

Hypergerm that begins or continues after a dragon reaches full biological adulthood is simply hypervitadraconia, “hypervita” for short. Dragons with hypervita can continue using dragonstones to treat their problem, but should -like more significant cases of hypergermatus- see a physician regularly to monitor their condition. Changes to diet, although not rapidly effective like dragonstones, can provide an enduring long-term baseline rise in draconic energy.

The opposites of hypergermatus and hypervita are hypogermatus and hypovita. In these lethargy is a major symptom, as are: hypotension, fainting, falling sleep, difficulty concentrating, apnea, blurred vision, slurred speech, slower thinking, sluggish reflexes, and feelings of numbness or immobility. Hypogermatus occurs when the dragon/Manakete’s body and mind dangerously faster than their production of dragon energy. Duration can be as long as the hyper- equivalents, and be equally as detrimental to a dragon’s overall health and development. Ingesting dragon blood was an ancient solution, but drawing on the power of dragonstones is a more sophisticated method that avoids the risk of infection from consuming another person’s blood. In case of episodic chronic hypogerm/vita, a dragon/Manakete might consider extracting some of their own energy during their remission periods to reserve it later for their lows.

Physical ailments do not usually affect hypo/hypergermatus, although significant injuries may lower the total draconic body enough to slightly improve hypo- or worsen hyper-. Any conditions or medication that affects the mind however should be taken into consideration, as they can worsen any mental health issues germatus/vita. Young dragons/Manaketes undergoing gender transition are at greater risk of germatus of either kind, as the process may break natural synchrony between the growth of their essence and their mind & body.

-Taken from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Draconic Disorders, LXXXIV Edition.

...What started as a five-word joke, compelled me to write a full-on fictional medical ailment description.😅


1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Pent and Louise weren't in BB because they were sent to horny jail.

They’re laid-back as usual. Regardless of the [edited b/c minor spoiler for Edelsing], they still don’t seem to be that concerned at all. I really envy them sometimes.

There is your answer!

Although, it's in a C support, that you could get seemingly before the thing happens narratively. Odd.

IRL, some couples do keep living a swinger lifestyle into their 40s and 50s. Perhaps they smooth talked & bribed an official into appointing them special ambassadors to Ilia or something, where they could exchange shake hands and harden the bonds between the two countries. If not, I'm sure they opened an Elfire Club on their estate or in a tavern they gratuitously patronized in Etruria's capital or another major city.

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Best song in the game.

And honestly the battle itself was really good, definitely one of my favorites in the series. Almost made up for the Wind Temple being kinda ass.

And now the hunt for the Triforce begins. This is the HD version so it's less ass.

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23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They’re laid-back as usual. Regardless of the [edited b/c minor spoiler for Edelsing], they still don’t seem to be that concerned at all. I really envy them sometimes.

There is your answer!

Although, it's in a C support, that you could get seemingly before the thing happens narratively. Odd.

IRL, some couples do keep living a swinger lifestyle into their 40s and 50s. Perhaps they smooth talked & bribed an official into appointing them special ambassadors to Ilia or something, where they could exchange shake hands and harden the bonds between the two countries. If not, I'm sure they opened an Elfire Club on their estate or in a tavern they gratuitously patronized in Etruria's capital or another major city.

Nah, still works.


Pent is just enjoying retirement so much he's not bothered to anymore. XD

Alternatively, thanks to Blazing Blade, he's now on his way to become the next Athos, so he's too busy or unconcerned. Maybe by now he has heard of Roy's current exploits so he's confident he can handle it on his own... or that his kids will step up on his behalf, just like how he and his wife helped Eliwood.


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I'd say, I certainly liked that paired endings in the GBA games (well, barring Binding Blade kinda) had much more variety to them. A shame that would go away and wouldn't return until... TH, right? Since that one did had paired endings again that weren't just romantic like how it was in Awakening and Fates.

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26 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Game breaking Elixer Soup makes bosses easy. Well, easier than they already are that is. Xd

I don't think it does. The game always instantly ends a vulnerability phase on bosses once you meet certain damage threshold. Even any possible spillover damage from your final attack will be lost. The game is very insistent that bosses will be taken out in 4 cycles of exposing their weakpoints, no matter how much damage you dish out.

This can be easily observed with the Hero's Charm showing you boss lifebars. Sadly it's much harder to get in the HD Edition.

Edited by BrightBow
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1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Doesn't get more murican than that

Let me try


OK, fine, the guys are German


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So, Cramme didn't spend HP for his magic. Looks like casting from HP may be a Celica only thing for more power?

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They’re laid-back as usual. Regardless of the [edited b/c minor spoiler for Edelsing], they still don’t seem to be that concerned at all. I really envy them sometimes.

There is your answer!

Although, it's in a C support, that you could get seemingly before the thing happens narratively. Odd.

IRL, some couples do keep living a swinger lifestyle into their 40s and 50s. Perhaps they smooth talked & bribed an official into appointing them special ambassadors to Ilia or something, where they could exchange shake hands and harden the bonds between the two countries. If not, I'm sure they opened an Elfire Club on their estate or in a tavern they gratuitously patronized in Etruria's capital or another major city.


Still gonna argue the coup put them in horny jail /s

I wonder how a BB or BS remake will handle them. Will they suggest they had ties to Arcadia during BB? Will they have added stuff with Pent and Athos in particular? Will we get to see Igrene learning how to shoot from Louise? Will they show up in BB as some bonus scene?

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll throw this in FE7 spoilers b/c Edelguardiansing said they didn't finish the game, even if the community and IS doesn't hide the spoilers very well nowadays.:

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The start of physical, mental, and sexual maturity in dragons/Manaketes is more significant than in humans. For the reason that they also mature in their capacity to withstand and utilize the draconic power that is naturally generated within them. Prepubescent dragons do NOT generate more draconic power than young adult dragons/Manaketes, however, they do have a more difficult time controlling their internal strength, this is especially true of dragons who due to genetics produce greater power, e.g. Tiki.

During pubescence, dragons, particularly in Manakete form, can experience "power surges". These are more likely to occur towards the start of their maturation process, but can happen at any time to a still-growing dragon. A power surge -scientific diagnosis- hypergermatusvitadraconia, or "hypergerm" for short- is when a dragon's rate of generation of draconic essence increases faster than their mental-physical capacities to process these energies. A power surge can be momentary, a day or three, with the long lifespans of dragons however, they can last weeks, months, even years.

Power surges are NOT a form of "dragon degeneration". Degeneration involves the breakdown of the dragon's mental faculties, after which eventually the spiritual and physical faculties follow. Instances of hypergerm of the longest duration can lead to degeneration, though it is almost always temporary because these maturing dragons will readily repair the damages. Hypergerm can interfere with a dragon's growth in their capacities to handle their draconic power, yet by itself hypergerm has not been shown capable of permanently stunting a dragon/Manakete's maturation into a healthy adulthood.

Symptoms of hypergerm include restlessness, which can lead to insomnia and feelings of fatigue. Hypertension is another. It is not unheard of that a young dragon will bite or claw at themselves and draw blood to alleviate the pressure. Indeed, in the older, less knowledgable days of dragon civilization, parent dragons would perform bloodletting on their children afflicted with hypergerm. Heightened blood pressure in the worst of instances has caused isolated instances of strokes. Manaketes may physiologically shift ever so slightly towards their draconic forms, while dragons might experience a growth spurt. Mentally, the aches of hypergerm on a young dragon's mind can induce mood swings, a lack of concentration, obsessiveness, self-harm, or singular cases of epilepsy.

Hypergerm can be a normal part of a dragon/Manakete's young adulthood. As dragon civilization developed, dragonstones became the usual treatment for hypergerm. As the draconic essence is the root of the problem, siphoning it out of a dragon into crystalized form would resolve it. Dragons need their power to live however, even in Manakete form. Draining all of the energy threatens a biological shutdown of vital organs and thus death. For pubescent dragons, a persistent deficit of draconic essence will interfere with their development. Therefore, expelling the essence into dragonstones should be done in moderation, and only during instances of prolonged, moderate or intense hypergerm.

Hypergerm that begins or continues after a dragon reaches full biological adulthood is simply hypervitadraconia, “hypervita” for short. Dragons with hypervita can continue using dragonstones to treat their problem, but should -like more significant cases of hypergermatus- see a physician regularly to monitor their condition. Changes to diet, although not rapidly effective like dragonstones, can provide an enduring long-term baseline rise in draconic energy.

The opposites of hypergermatus and hypervita are hypogermatus and hypovita. In these lethargy is a major symptom, as are: hypotension, fainting, falling sleep, difficulty concentrating, apnea, blurred vision, slurred speech, slower thinking, sluggish reflexes, and feelings of numbness or immobility. Hypogermatus occurs when the dragon/Manakete’s body and mind dangerously faster than their production of dragon energy. Duration can be as long as the hyper- equivalents, and be equally as detrimental to a dragon’s overall health and development. Ingesting dragon blood was an ancient solution, but drawing on the power of dragonstones is a more sophisticated method that avoids the risk of infection from consuming another person’s blood. In case of episodic chronic hypogerm/vita, a dragon/Manakete might consider extracting some of their own energy during their remission periods to reserve it later for their lows.

Physical ailments do not usually affect hypo/hypergermatus, although significant injuries may lower the total draconic body enough to slightly improve hypo- or worsen hyper-. Any conditions or medication that affects the mind however should be taken into consideration, as they can worsen any mental health issues germatus/vita. Young dragons/Manaketes undergoing gender transition are at greater risk of germatus of either kind, as the process may break natural synchrony between the growth of their essence and their mind & body.

-Taken from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Draconic Disorders, LXXXIV Edition.

...What started as a five-word joke, compelled me to write a full-on fictional medical ailment description.😅


Oh man I caused another lore dump. Nice work.

And you made it as worrying as other more powerful beings going through puberty have been shown as. Least the idea of dragonstone essence banks could be useful in this context, while of course transitioning has to have potential for it's own set of problems, this being aside from mental health related problems. But I can get that you already wrote that much on just the general overview, writing casework would be too far.

And where are the active spoilers, when Nils fainted?

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say, I certainly liked that paired endings in the GBA games (well, barring Binding Blade kinda) had much more variety to them. A shame that would go away and wouldn't return until... TH, right? Since that one did had paired endings again that weren't just romantic like how it was in Awakening and Fates.


DSFE and SoV also stuck to individual endings, Fateswakening and RD don't have paired endings without full support chains, 3H be 3H, no idea about 3 Hopes at this stage.

The variety is appreciated.

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I've beaten Xenoblade Chronicles 3!

Man, this was a journey!

It took me 85 h, but I enjoyed every single minute.

And of course the end made my eyes wet (again).

This was truly a masterpiece, and I'm glad that I decided to get this game early because it was absolutely worth it!


Also good timing to end this now since Trails To Zero will arrive next week which I'll play next.

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One of the things I'm going to do when I play through every Fire Emblem is try and string them together into a cohesive timeline.

9 hours ago, joevar said:

because modern FE shipping will always end up with happily ever after flavor text. while GBA game shipping not. cant remember about FE8, but in FE7 theres even paired ending where the man and woman separated despite loving each other. there was several bittersweet paired ending. now? its all flower and rainbow butterflies, no.matter.what


I mean I know Awakening has a few paired endings that aren't great, I'm not sure about Fates or Three Houses though.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Please do. There are some great supports in this game, such as Knoll/Natasha and anything that contains Dozla.

Oh I forgot Natasha existed.

Yeah I'll have to use her as well.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

S? Wow, not bad.

I enjoyed the story a lot but the game itself was also great fun.

Probably the greatest consistency of good maps I've played in a Fire Emblem so far as each one felt interesting unlike many of the other game I've played where there is an inconsistent flow of interesting to less inspired maps.

6 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

this has to be the strangest FE tier list i ever saw

i love it

Ohoho, get ready because it's going to get even stranger as time goes on.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Best song in the game.

And honestly the battle itself was really good, definitely one of my favorites in the series. Almost made up for the Wind Temple being kinda ass.

And now the hunt for the Triforce begins. This is the HD version so it's less ass.

Molgera was such an experience for me as a kid. There was this massive mix of thrill and fear that made the entire fight unforgettable.

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I've been trying not to fall into the trap of giving people personal animations. One, because I thought I couldn't install the custom animations patch due to conflicts with other patches, but as it turns out, I was just dumb. And two, because I knew that, while it's very easy to grab an awesome Dozlazerker off the repository...

There is no such thing as a Moulder FE6 bishop.

And I would not be able to resist making one myself.

So uh.



Spent an hour on this edit.

I regret nothing.

49 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I enjoyed the story a lot but the game itself was also great fun.

Probably the greatest consistency of good maps I've played in a Fire Emblem so far as each one felt interesting unlike many of the other game I've played where there is an inconsistent flow of interesting to less inspired maps.

What a unique way to look at it. Most people just go "difficulty bad" and leave it at that. But then, I always did like FE8's map design. It was the enemy quality that brought it down, pretty much.

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57 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

One of the things I'm going to do when I play through every Fire Emblem is try and string them together into a cohesive timeline.

Walhart: Brutal conqueror of a continent of 1000 lords, sender of thousands upon thousands to fight to the death in a grand war.

Also Walhart: D'aww look at the Veggie King, look at how much he likes his ancestors.

I must not rant

57 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I enjoyed the story a lot but the game itself was also great fun.

Probably the greatest consistency of good maps I've played in a Fire Emblem so far as each one felt interesting unlike many of the other game I've played where there is an inconsistent flow of interesting to less inspired maps.

Well, there's still Eph 9-15 to look at, but it's neat seeing someone come out and rep for SS these days.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Spent an hour on this edit.

I regret nothing.

Who else would do it?

I see we get modded fighters too.

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3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Who else would do it?

A hero.

But in lieu of one, I guess I'll suffice.

3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I see we get modded fighters too.

Male fighters are the same, that's just a female fighter. Suits the playable female fighter better than the classic-styled fem fighters in the repo.

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14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What a unique way to look at it. Most people just go "difficulty bad" and leave it at that. But then, I always did like FE8's map design. It was the enemy quality that brought it down, pretty much.

SacSto minus Seth is reasonably difficult, in my opinion. Not BinBla or New Mystery on their highest difficulties kind of tough, but... reasonable. I personally never understood why people struggle more with PoR than with SacSto, honestly.

I do think that SacSto has a couple duds in its map pool, but then again, so does every game in the series.

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31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What a unique way to look at it. Most people just go "difficulty bad" and leave it at that. But then, I always did like FE8's map design. It was the enemy quality that brought it down, pretty much.

pretty much

FE8 with a balance/difficulty patch is pretty high up there FE wise, imo.

It doesn't really do anything offensively bad.

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1 minute ago, ping said:

I personally never understood why people struggle more with PoR than with SacSto, honestly.

Keeping Mist, Rolf and Reyson alive in an ironman (Impossible)

4 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

FE8 with a balance/difficulty patch is pretty high up there FE wise, imo.

What would you say is optimal in terms of making enemies stronger?

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1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

Keeping Mist, Rolf and Reyson alive in an ironman (Impossible)

As opposed to keeping Amelia and Ewan alive in a no-tower ironman (EZPZ)

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7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

What would you say is optimal in terms of making enemies stronger?

Offenses above all. Wether STR/MAG/SKL/SPD stats and/or stronger weapons

Don't buff defences much or it would be a chore.

Also skill patch and give em skills ala Conquest

Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What a unique way to look at it. Most people just go "difficulty bad" and leave it at that. But then, I always did like FE8's map design. It was the enemy quality that brought it down, pretty much.

I can understand that. Before I dive into the more difficult titles I can savor this relaxing chill experience.

Now excuse me as I choose between Conquest and Thracia 776 as my next Fire Emblem game.

33 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Well, there's still Eph 9-15 to look at, but it's neat seeing someone come out and rep for SS these days.

It'd actually be hilarious if Ephraim's route somehow was so bad for me that I pushed the entire game's rating down a tier.

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2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Now excuse me as I choose between Conquest and Thracia 776 as my next Fire Emblem game

If you are gonna play Thracia, play FE4 first

Also honestly Thracia is one of the easier FE titles out there after the beginning

Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

Now excuse me as I choose between Conquest and Thracia 776 as my next Fire Emblem game.

It’s good to see that Benice isn’t the only one who learned from the tactics of Ulysses S. Grant.

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