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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Hello, my name is Forde, and I just got hit by a sleep spell that had an 18% chance to hit.

Hello, my name is Amelia, and I just got hit by a sleep spell that had a 29% chance to hit.

I swear effect staves are 1 RN in GBAFE.

But yes, the fun of sleeping.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh no.

Victory remains in sight but I also have a save state ready for me to save these two. I've allowed myself resets this run if they are convenient so I'll leave the hand of saving certain units purely on if it's simply worth it or not, which is a question I rely on to you fine folks.

Do you think I should go backĀ and save these two? I know Amelia certainly has strong fans.

I know some of us have been making those calls, but you have been trying to ironman these runs to be best of your ability, I'm actually not sure which way to lean.

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8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Worry not, I am determined to see Moulder to reach his full potential.

Good. Very good.

8 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

And you think that looks lacking? Are you insane?! That looks great!

Haha, well, thank you very much! I need to remove the tentacles and start again with those, and... maybe this will work out after all.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Look at him, like a lost phantom finding his way home, the sweet boy returns as new spirit rekindled to gather what was once lost.

Knoll promoted to summoner offscreen and summoned everyone back so he could get another chance to be used

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I like this guy.

Boulder's not the most outstanding character, but I like how... normal he is. He's just a nice guy who has a talent for guiding people. He's not perfect, though. You should see his supports with Colm. The kid drives the poor man nuts.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Already I'm far more invested in this plot than the beginning of Eirika's route. The dynamic between unwilling soldiers of Grado and Ephraim is very interesting.

Ephraim's route generally has the better plot. It focuses on better things, I think.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh no.


Oh no.

Victory remains in sight but I also have a save state ready for me to save these two. I've allowed myself resets this run if they are convenient so I'll leave the hand of saving certain units purely on if it's simply worth it or not, which is a question I rely on to you fine folks.

Do you think I should go backĀ and save these two? I know Amelia certainly has strong fans.

How could you, again?

Ehhhh I don't know. I kinda want you to see the hilarity of general Amelia, but it's up to you.

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Well, it's headed... somewhere. It still looks a bit like a wrinkly tomato, certainly far less professional than the eye from the repository, and the scaley texture kinda melts as it goes down, but I think it kinda sorta works? I do like the new tentacles. They work better with the perspective.

I guess this is what Bob Ross meant when he said "we don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents", because this entire thing feels accidental lol

Unfortunately, I won't have much time today to work on it, because saturday's going to be busier than my weekday. We gotta collect grapes as per the rural tradition, so I'll have no time till tonight. Maybe. Depends on whether I'm able to hang out with my friends or not.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

This game unfortunately came out in 2016. It was not the only FE affected.

Now imagine if Fates got that petting stuff over here


Not like they stopped censoring stuff anyway. People get triggered over the smallest of things

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27 minutes ago, Ī‘Ļ…Ļ„ĪæĪŗĻĪ¬Ļ„ĪæĻĪ±Ļ‚ Ļ„Ļ‰Ī½ Ī“Ī±ĻĪÆĪ“Ļ‰Ī½ said:

Not like they stopped censoring stuff anyway. People get triggered over the smallest of things

Petition to stop censorship when?

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7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh no.


Oh no.


1 hour ago, Ī‘Ļ…Ļ„ĪæĪŗĻĪ¬Ļ„ĪæĻĪ±Ļ‚ Ļ„Ļ‰Ī½ Ī“Ī±ĻĪÆĪ“Ļ‰Ī½ said:

Now imagine if Fates got that petting stuff over here

They'll bring it back for Engage.

Now you too can fulfill your fantasies of summoning Wrys to facepet him.

59 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Petition to stop censorship when?


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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:


"Xenoblade X and sexualization, a case study"

A 6 hour video on boob slider

Edited by Ī‘Ļ…Ļ„ĪæĪŗĻĪ¬Ļ„ĪæĻĪ±Ļ‚ Ļ„Ļ‰Ī½ Ī“Ī±ĻĪÆĪ“Ļ‰Ī½
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10 minutes ago, Ī‘Ļ…Ļ„ĪæĪŗĻĪ¬Ļ„ĪæĻĪ±Ļ‚ Ļ„Ļ‰Ī½ Ī“Ī±ĻĪÆĪ“Ļ‰Ī½ said:

"Xenoblade X and sexualization, a case study"

A 6 hour video on boob slider

They should add a dick slider too. Equality.

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9 hours ago, joevar said:

i think i've seen some more character in games or anime where they start as villain/enemy and then become a very interesting ally. but NGL its very hard to pull off. but when it lands, it will stick like a FlexTape(tm) covering a crack/hole (feel free to not laugh at the joke)

I've seen the commercials, I get the joke.šŸ˜€

8 hours ago, joevar said:

a fellow SRW enjoyer, i seeĀ šŸ‘Œ

And I would be three.

Admittedly, I only started playing mainline earlier this year with 30, I'm an OG NoobĀ otherwise. Nonetheless, I enjoyed a taste of real anime mecha in a video game goodness (not that I'd go and watch the anime afterwards), and areĀ inclined to go back and play the other fan-translated mainlineĀ entries. Maybe A Portable next, or J.

W sounds good, but its OriginalsĀ should appear in 3rd OG whenever Banpresto announces it, which should be soon hopefully, we're due for it. And hopefully it'll be international, despite the fact that the West has missed out on official releases of:Ā OGs (the definitive versions of the OG1 and OG2 stories + OG 2.5), OG Gaiden, SRWOGSEFE,Ā 2nd OG, OG Dark Prison, the Masoukishin tetralogy, and OG The Moon Dwellers (well, sorta). For all the criticisms I see of people saying that jumping into the Trails series via the more recent gamesĀ is a bad idea, 3rd OG would be an even bigger nightmare.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:


Don't forget the fundoshi!šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ

The modesty changes for the underaged Lin can remain in place though.

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Ah...I remember this song.

Not too long ago had I listened to this for the first time yet it still feels an eternity away. I particularly remember listening to it in the car on a quiet nightroad trip to the coast. So much in my life has changed since, it almost feels like another world entirely, though outside of that personal stuff it was also I time when I was still new to Fire Emblem. I didn't know much about the games, the history, or the community, all I knew was that I recently played this fun game called Awakening that had an interesting character named Tiki with one of the most beautiful songs I had ever listened to in a video game. I looked up her theme on youtube and found a playlist of all the themes in the series' history. Listening to those, and especially this one, not knowing much about the older games at the time was a magical feeling as the mystery of the older games and what they were like or what stories they told and how that related to the newer games, it was thrilling.Ā 

Now that I know more about the games, that magic has all but withered away despite me still having not played much of the older titles, but whenever I listen to this song it transports me back to that time of ignorance and wonder. I've talked about how the next Fire Emblem I'll pay was probably going to be either Genealogy and the game that follows or Path of Radiance and the game that follows, but truth be told it's up in the air on which one I'll play next. The only games I am decently sure I wont be playing anytime soon are the Elibe games and another route of Three Houses. As of now...Mystery of The Emblem certainly sits nicely in my head as I listen to this song...

...Uh, anyways, back to Aethelred or whatever his name was.


As I thought about it more, I decided that I already did my Ironman playthrough and should just focusing on having fun messing with character classes and growing supports, so I went back and managed to save Tana and Amelia with the cost being that Seth had to steal the XP of all the cavalier units.


Oh boy, a ship map? Gee that sounds fun!


Where the fuck did you come from.

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It still won't bring back Franz, though...

another lifetime perhaps.

7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I swear effect staves are 1 RN in GBAFE.

I didn't post it as didn't take a screenshot of it but Kyle also got hit by a sleep staff earlier that same chapter.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Knoll promoted to summoner offscreen and summoned everyone back so he could get another chance to be used

I honestly can't wait to see how summoners work. Just by their description they sound insane.

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8 hours ago, joevar said:

in the time theres no new SRW, Macross copyright problem solved,Ā Ā Fafner in Azure finally finished-finish, Evangelion movie completed, Code geass got new movie with some upgrade, and some other obscure mecha shows i dont know. i hope they pick some of those in next game.

It'd be great to see Macross again. Just use archived voice clips of Roy and it'd be fine. Original/DYRLĀ needs to show up again. Or at least use Plus again.


actually not X... im holding off from playing it at first, then i completely forgot about it until you mentioned it. thanks for reminding me, i guess?

ultimately its personal reference but i like V's OG mecha, theme song, and line-up more than X hence i played V first. its also the first time in the series afaik where Final Boss has unique, voiced,Ā dialogueĀ lines for every protagonist. ultimate fanservice and peak cheesiness really

Yeah, of the two people tend to prefer V over X. Admittedly, the whole Al-Warth thing had its issues, and then there's the overfocus on Wataru, which also some people weren't that keen about.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Well, it's headed... somewhere. It still looks a bit like a wrinkly tomato, certainly far less professional than the eye from the repository, and the scaley texture kinda melts as it goes down, but I think it kinda sorta works? I do like the new tentacles. They work better with the perspective.

That's an curious angle. The tentacles at the ends in particular... it's like it's posing...


EDIT: This one fits better I think.

I'm not the only one seeing that, am I?

Also, how are you handling the... well, blinking frames. Or you're just letting it be. Is that why its eyeball is red? Is the poor monster in need of eye drops? XD


I guess this is what Bob Ross meant when he said "we don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents", because this entire thing feels accidental lol

Unfortunately, I won't have much time today to work on it, because saturday's going to be busier than my weekday. We gotta collect grapes as per the rural tradition, so I'll have no time till tonight. Maybe. Depends on whether I'm able to hang out with my friends or not.

Oh, your town has a grape farm... or actually your family does? Is it just a grape vineyard or like an actual winery? If the latter, be sure to hire the guy named Cliff. Don't want him to leave town forever once winter comes.

Does that means you're team Violet once PokƩmon Gen IX comes out?

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And I would be three.

Admittedly, I only started playing mainline earlier this year with 30, I'm an OG NoobĀ otherwise. Nonetheless, I enjoyed a taste of real anime mecha in a video game goodness (not that I'd go and watch the anime afterwards), and areĀ inclined to go back and play the other fan-translated mainlineĀ entries. Maybe A Portable next, or J.

W sounds good, but its OriginalsĀ should appear in 3rd OG whenever Banpresto announces it, which should be soon hopefully, we're due for it. And hopefully it'll be international, despite the fact that the West has missed out on official releases of:Ā OGs (the definitive versions of the OG1 and OG2 stories + OG 2.5), OG Gaiden, SRWOGSEFE,Ā 2nd OG, OG Dark Prison, the Masoukishin tetralogy, and OG The Moon Dwellers (well, sorta). For all the criticisms I see of people saying that jumping into the Trails series via the more recent gamesĀ is a bad idea, 3rd OG would be an even bigger nightmare.

At least you can count on the game having a glossary/encyclopedia. Not that it'd make things that much better, but it'd at leats be something.


Don't forget the fundoshi!šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ

The modesty changes for the underaged Lin can remain in place though.

Only if they actually change them to be proper outfits. Since if I recall, they just slapped the censored outfits over the "unequipped" default one, so it looks... kinda bad, actually. Like wearing double-layer.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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12 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Hello, my name is Forde, and I just got hit by a sleep spell that had an 18% chance to hit.


Hello, my name is Amelia, and I just got hit by a sleep spell that had a 29% chance to hit.

Status staffs in the GBA games only use 1 RNG. Which means 18% actually IS 18% and not 6.66%.

This is something that can be easily felt with even as a casual player, I'd say. Status staffs always have lot hit chances, yet they connect all the time. Meanwhile regular attacks with theĀ same hit chances never do.

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Won't be able to hang out with my friends. Too bad, but there's always next week. And I get to continue working on this some more.

Next up, title screen shenanigans.



20 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Where the fuck did you come from.

This actually makes more sense than where they're recruited in Eirika's route. They encounter Eirika in Port Kiris, head the complete opposite way and find themselves in Grado. In Eirika's route they just sort of teleport ahead of Eirika even though they, again, headed the complete opposite way.

21 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I honestly can't wait to see how summoners work. Just by their description they sound insane.

I just wish they had more availability. Ewan is the earliest one you get, and to get him to summoner you need to go through... well, training Ewan.

17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That's an curious angle.

Yeah, I recklessly tried to get exotic here despite my iamnotanartistry.

17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The tentacles at the ends in particular... it's like it's posing...


EDIT: This one fits better I think.

I'm not the only one seeing that, am I?

Christ I hadn't even noticed. Garon is so deeply ingrained in my hippocampus that I throw Garonposes out without even realizing.

The Garoneye. It's perfect. I love it.

17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, how are you handling the... well, blinking frames. Or you're just letting it be. Is that why it's eyeball is red? Is the poor monster in need of eye drops? XD

Ahahahaha... Yeah, blinking frames would be impossible without making the eye smaller. I did consider having like, the pupil glow, but due to the way hackboxes work the positioning is a bit awkward. We'll see, I'll have to keep tinkering.


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26 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Admittedly, the whole Al-Warth thing had its issues, and then there's the overfocus on Wataru, which also some people weren't that keen about.

before this, you make me want to play it (due to remembering i skipped it for reasons already lost to time), now you make me not want to play it, again...Ā šŸ˜

26 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It'd be great to see Macross again. Just use archived voice clips of Roy and it'd be fine. Original/DYRLĀ needs to show up again. Or at least use Plus again.

Macross Plus! i would even want to believe if people said the animators sweating blood when making it. the animation is just that superb imo. also best Dogfight animation ever exist afaik, with Yukikaze following it closely by virtue of 3D animation. the story also feel very mature, just like the OG macross iirc which i really appreciate unlike newer stories.Ā and then theres the gigantic, naked, holographic AI woman šŸ˜Š.Ā 

just how hard they want to please me with that movie

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And I would be three.

Admittedly, I only started playing mainline earlier this year with 30, I'm an OG NoobĀ otherwise. Nonetheless, I enjoyed a taste of real anime mecha in a video game goodness (not that I'd go and watch the anime afterwards), and areĀ inclined to go back and play the other fan-translated mainlineĀ entries. Maybe A Portable next, or J.

W sounds good, but its OriginalsĀ should appear in 3rd OG whenever Banpresto announces it, which should be soon hopefully, we're due for it. And hopefully it'll be international, despite the fact that the West has missed out on official releases of:Ā OGs (the definitive versions of the OG1 and OG2 stories + OG 2.5), OG Gaiden, SRWOGSEFE,Ā 2nd OG, OG Dark Prison, the Masoukishin tetralogy, and OG The Moon Dwellers (well, sorta). For all the criticisms I see of people saying that jumping into the Trails series via the more recent gamesĀ is a bad idea, 3rd OG would be an even bigger nightmare.

OG player? interesting, that would be even niche afaik. but is there any reason why they dont release it worldwide, other than not enough interest to gain profit? im really interested OG series where Masaki and Shu exist, but reading the plotline always gives me headache.Ā 

if you want to try mainline, maybe try Z. its the one with most ambitious story in mainline (not saying its the best, mind you). with storyline spanning over 5 games,... the only real bad thing of Z is: the release are spread all over the place in terms of platform, just like the cursed kingdom heart.



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25 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Here, have a morning song since it's the weekend.

It's the afternoon here. šŸ˜›

48 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Not too long ago had I listened to this for the first time yet it still feels an eternity away. I particularly remember listening to it in the car on a quiet nightroad trip to the coast. So much in my life has changed since, it almost feels like another world entirely, though outside of that personal stuff it was also I time when I was still new to Fire Emblem. I didn't know much about the games, the history, or the community, all I knew was that I recently played this fun game called Awakening that had an interesting character named Tiki with one of the most beautiful songs I had ever listened to in a video game. I looked up her theme on youtube and found a playlist of all the themes in the series' history. Listening to those, and especially this one, not knowing much about the older games at the time was a magical feeling as the mystery of the older games and what they were like or what stories they told and how that related to the newer games, it was thrilling.

I always think the version from SDatBoL makes the manaketes seem like they're aliens. NES soundfonts for you.

One track from MotE I think has an outsized impact would be this, imagining someone telling the story of that game around a fire with this playing as they do.

48 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


General L'Arachenobi

48 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I didn't post it as didn't take a screenshot of it but Kyle also got hit by a sleep staff earlier that same chapter.

I only said I swear because I wasn't 100% certain about the RNG, Brightbow confirmed it.

43 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That's an curious angle. The tentacles at the ends in particular... it's like it's posing...


Garon's influence is spreading.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



The Sacred Greens

Edited by Punished Dayni
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24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Christ I hadn't even noticed. Garon is so deeply ingrained in my hippocampus that I throw Garonposes out without even realizing.

The Garoneye. It's perfect. I love it.

Plot twist: It's Garon's actual eye, having end up in Magvel somehow and turned into a Mogall.

Garoneye: The sacred stones are like seeds...


Ahahahaha... Yeah, blinking frames would be impossible without making the eye smaller. I did consider having like, the pupil glow, but due to the way hackboxes work the positioning is a bit awkward. We'll see, I'll have to keep tinkering.

I could see it working if it was squinting all the time I suppose, haha. At least the red eyeĀ could explain Crimson Eye.

23 minutes ago, joevar said:

before this, you make me want to play it (due to remembering i skipped it for reasons already lost to time), now you make me not want to play it, again...Ā šŸ˜

Eh, it still has its good points, I'd say.


Macross Plus! i would even want to believe if people said the animators sweating blood when making it. the animation is just that superb imo. also best Dogfight animation ever exist afaik, with Yukikaze following it closely by virtue of 3D animation. the story also feel very mature, just like the OG macross iirc which i really appreciate unlike newer stories.Ā and then theres the gigantic, naked, holographic AI woman šŸ˜Š.Ā 

just how hard they want to please me with that movie

I haven't see it myself, but woah, really? But yeah, it'd be neat to see that one at least in SRW again. Seven and Frontier have showed up more in comparison, so if Macross comes back, better use one of the older ones.


OG player? interesting, that would be even niche afaik. but is there any reason why they dont release it worldwide, other than not enough interest to gain profit? im really interested OG series where Masaki and Shu exist, but reading the plotline always gives me headache.Ā 

if you want to try mainline, maybe try Z. its the one with most ambitious story in mainline (not saying its the best, mind you). with storyline spanning over 5 games,... the only real bad thing of Z is: the release are spread all over the place in terms of platform, just like the cursed kingdom heart.

Best I recall, it was still licensing issues. Just, Voice Acting and Music ones. So either pay through the roof for those, or pay money to make their own. Either way, it wasn't deemed feasable.

I think it's best if he starts with the standalone ones. Tackling the multi-game ones should be best done later. Not to mention, no Z game has a fan translation yet, which is why he brought up AP and J. He even only has played the OG games with fan or official translations to boot.

16 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

It's the afternoon here. šŸ˜›

Well, morning for me at least, haha.


Garon's influence is spreading.

I can't wait for his fangame where everyone is Garon. No exceptions.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Just now, Sidereal Wraith said:

Gentlemen I just realized something. TheĀ characters of FE Engage are able to fuse with the older FE characters in the rings, justā€¦likeā€¦TMSā€¦oh Emperorā€¦


I for once, welcome JoJo Emblem 2.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Eh, it still has its good points, I'd say.

I haven't see it myself, but woah, really? But yeah, it'd be neat to see that one at least in SRW again. Seven and Frontier have showed up more in comparison, so if Macross comes back, better use one of the older ones.

I think it's best if he starts with the standalone ones. Tackling the multi-game ones should be best done later.Ā 

right... i will put it on my wish list at least.

i would recommend watching M Plus even if someone not a fan of mecha. because its (almost) not silly somehow despite being a Macross. its also very much standalone story after all. Seven is weird.. riding fighter jet but cant attack but can buff & debuff allies/enemies the protagonist alone has so many song compared to other series featured in SRW, Lmao. Frontier is understandable, its the most successful of the bunch

sorry, cant help it. Z2.1 and Z2.2 is the one that i manage to complete even without understanding what the story, or even what button i just press(moon rune).


huh.. why is her hair remind me of someone...

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