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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Is needs to give us a flying dancer

without a stupid transformation limit

Honestly, just giving them wings wouldn't make them any less boring, personally speaking. I want a dancer that has personality and can fight. Properly fight, not like Feena, Azura or Lara where their "combat" is a completely useless joke. It's really sad that to this day I look to the meme weight hack for the model dancer. But the fact is, the guy with the lame Star Wars reference for a name is still the only dancer that's been legitimately fun to me in any FE I've played.

This one has potential, however. Going by the trailer, she seems to be beating enemies up with her dance, which is, really, all she needs to be the only dancer worth a damn in my eyes.

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uhh theres some heavy real world talk in previous pages..


4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This one has potential, however. Going by the trailer, she seems to be beating enemies up with her dance, which is, really, all she needs to be the only dancer worth a damn in my eyes.

dancing to confuse your enemies and skipped their turn or make them miss more. if she really is dancer i guess we go with spear/pole now for dancer instead of sword. 

9 minutes ago, Sinon said:

Uh-Oh! Somebody’s following me


oh boi that character..

Edited by joevar
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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Even if they can nobody will use them for that tho xD

Speak for yourself. Every time I play TLP Anakin sees a sizeable amount of combat, while the non-combat dancers more often than not see the bench. You can bet I'll kill armies with dance if I'm given the option.

1 minute ago, joevar said:

dancing to confuse your enemies and skipped their turn or make them miss more. if she really is dancer i guess we with spear/pole now for dancer instead of sword.

Martial arts or bench.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Speak for yourself. Every time I play TLP Anakin sees a sizeable amount of combat, while the non-combat dancers more often than not see the bench. You can bet I'll kill armies with dance if I'm given the option

3 Houses is the answer

but you detest that game xD

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1 minute ago, joevar said:

nah.. i want to see them fight with musical instrument this time. we already got Combat Medic after all

I will take a girl that murders people with music. That'd be fun too.

1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

3 Houses is the answer

but you detest that game xD

I did consider to mention that and VS2, but I was talking more about proper dancers. Those two games have no real dancer, but rather the option to make anyone into a dancer. That works, but it's not really making dancer interesting. It just lets you throw the dancing duties on a unit that otherwise stands on their own merits. I want a real dancer that actually goes about it in an interesting way.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I did consider to mention that and VS2, but I was talking more about proper dancers. Those two games have no real dancer, but rather the option to make anyone into a dancer. That works, but it's not really making dancer interesting. It just lets you throw the dancing duties on a unit that otherwise stands on their own merits. I want a real dancer that actually goes about it in an interesting way.


Well, for that, i think we need to restructure dancing a bit.

Like for example, a unit that refreshes adjacent units upon defeating an enemy. That could be a fun combat dancer, and at the same time require the player to do some positioning to make use of it

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1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Well, for that, i think we need to restructure dancing a bit.

Like for example, a unit that refreshes adjacent units upon defeating an enemy. That could be a fun combat dancer, and at the same time require the player to do some positioning to make use of it

That'd be great. Alas, I doubt we'll get such a thing. I'll just take the option to have some silly combat that isn't impossible to make work, like all the other dancers who can fight. But honestly, just from aesthetics she's vastly different, which is already a plus.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But honestly, just from aesthetics she's vastly different, which is already a plus.

come on, you already have vander. do you want to put your beard on little girl too now?

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll just take the option to have some silly combat that isn't impossible to make work

giving them debuff option should be more than possible. so we could have several  dance animation thats really different. (if its only dance. but if they have different music + instrument would be even better). Just not that same animation for all things and character we got in 3H.  after all, unit with attack can have unique animation with crits.  but dancer never afaik.

Edited by joevar
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4 minutes ago, joevar said:

come on, you already have vander. do you want to put your beard on little girl too now?

Can I?

4 minutes ago, joevar said:

giving them debuff option should be more than possible. so we could have several  dance animation thats really different. (if its only dance. but if they have different music + instrument would be even better). Just not that same animation for all things and character we got in 3H.  after all, unit with attack can have unique animation with crits.  but dancer never afaik.

I'd like that too. Really, anything that's not so straightforward.

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Okay, critical heals are definitely a thing, when have you seen a regular heal staff heal for 35 HP?

Also, Shigen is autotranslating as immigration on WoD. Make of that what you will.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

With regards to Croatia, part of its cultural "Westernness" I think can be found in the peninsula of Istria. I had read recently that it had been a possession of La Serenissima, the coastal cities there have some lovely historic Venetian architecture as a result. And to this day the people of the Istrian peninsula speak both Croatian and Italian, it's a hybrid identity border region. Reminding me of the Italian-French cultural hybridity of the Piedmont (speaking of, Istria is one of the only places outside of the Piedmont where you can find the very rare white truffle, which have proven impossible so far to farm), which I had only recently learned of as well.

I certainly considered that the Venitian rule over part of there may have had some impact, Dubrovnik alone was fairly prominent for trade in the renaissance period and that's not on Istria.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll say...

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You don't have to bring any. The doors can only be opened on one side in the final battle. Warp is more important.

As for the pre-final battles... I don't recall any real struggles not bringing any. A 3 or 4 would probably be enough if you were to pack them.


43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If I recall correctly

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None, actually. If worse comes to worst, you can have Alfred open Holmes's door, and then Holmes free everyone else. It's slower, but it's foolproof. You won't get softlocked like in Thracia.



Alright, so softlocking mightn't be an issue, but I would like to avoid getting caught out by slow movement, especially in a certain map before the final one.

Holmes naturally is a lockpick so isn't as much of a priority but Runan's party could do with some and as you said Warp Sierra/Warp Staff would like some keys too because which pure thieves are combat ready?

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Can I?

  Secret accessory in Engage: Full party beard.

Have to defeat Reverse Maddening: Now with Lunatic Conquest skills!

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The tower's a bit boring, but it serves its purpose of making Ewan be trainable.

Eh, he can be trained without it, as long as you are early promoting him, as you should with all summoners, as summoning is more powerful than anything a level would give him. It is a bit of work, but I got him there before getting to Knoll on my ironman of Sacred Stones Ephraim Hard mode no grind maps at least.


3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

A unit doesn't have to be the best to be a broken unit, that's just silly imo.

While I agree Shinon is boring to use, its not because he is broken, really he is in the same ballpark as the rest of the Greil Mercenaries. Archers are fun when the enemy are competent, and the enemies the Greil Mercenaries face aren't. Don't get me wrong, some of the enemies the other armies face, are, but the Greil Mercs just have a bit of a boring section of that game, and that hits archers like Shinon the hardest.


1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

How many Door keys should I get?

You should only really need 1 or 2, 3 at the absolute most. As long  as you have enough means to warp you can get away without any at all by warping Holmes, plus a unit comes in latter in the map with a means of warping and a key to prevent actual soft locks even if you have no keys at all. Although that was just the final map itself, there is another map just before it where have a few keys is nice, but not all that necessary either.

Also have fun, the final map of TRS is one of my favorites final maps for FE like games in general.



33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, just giving them wings wouldn't make them any less boring, personally speaking. I want a dancer that has personality and can fight. Properly fight, not like Feena, Azura or Lara where their "combat" is a completely useless joke. It's really sad that to this day I look to the meme weight hack for the model dancer. But the fact is, the guy with the lame Star Wars reference for a name is still the only dancer that's been legitimately fun to me in any FE I've played.

Azura is in an odd place in this list, as she does have a lot going for her to be a combat unit (she has some of the highest personal strength and speed growths), its just that Fate's Songstress class has things holding her back, and dancing in Fates is even better than most games thanks to the stat buffs it can give. If you want to give up on dancing, she can be a solid combat unit, so its more the class than her keeping her from being a combat dancer.


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Just now, Punished Dayni said:


Holmes naturally is a lockpick so isn't as much of a priority but Runan's party could do with some and as you said Warp Sierra/Warp Staff would like some keys too because which pure thieves are combat ready?

The issue is that you have to unlock the door from the outside, hence why warp is so important for that map.



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1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:
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1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

How many Door keys should I get?

You should only really need 1 or 2, 3 at the absolute most. As long  as you have enough means to warp you can get away without any at all by warping Holmes, plus a unit comes in latter in the map with a means of warping and a key to prevent actual soft locks even if you have no keys at all. Although that was just the final map itself, there is another map just before it where have a few keys is nice, but not all that necessary either.

Also have fun, the final map of TRS is one of my favorites final maps for FE like games in general.




Sorry, this is me being paranoid in advance because if I'm not ready I could see it ending poorly.


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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Come to think of it, I'm not sure how I'd seriously rank the designs in this game. It has some of my favorite character design in the series. They are varied, elaborate without feeling bloated and just generally pretty. Maybe I'll have to ponder on an actual ranking of them when I get home. I mean we all know who the obvious winner is, but...

I feel much the same way honestly. Even without my beloved Sacae plans all the characters look amazing.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Like Falcon being a Grappler, Shulk being a Swordmaster and Kirby is Xane?

Yeah, some just complicate things and don't fit in neat boxes. Like the Belmonts. Or Snake. Or Dedede.

Dedede's easy. That's a Berserker if I've ever seen one

But yeah, for the modern and cartoon characters they don't really fit in anything, you really have to stretch some possibilities.

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, just giving them wings wouldn't make them any less boring, personally speaking. I want a dancer that has personality and can fight. Properly fight, not like Feena, Azura or Lara where their "combat" is a completely useless joke. It's really sad that to this day I look to the meme weight hack for the model dancer. But the fact is, the guy with the lame Star Wars reference for a name is still the only dancer that's been legitimately fun to me in any FE I've played.

You don't understand, Azura is the only character you can grind for over 2 days on her first chapter with to make her overpowered for the rest of the game

39 minutes ago, joevar said:

nah.. i want to see them fight with musical instrument this time. we already got Combat Medic after all

There's a legend in Chinese history where women playing the pipa out in the streets would beat people over the head with it if they didn't pay them.

35 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Well, for that, i think we need to restructure dancing a bit.

Like for example, a unit that refreshes adjacent units upon defeating an enemy. That could be a fun combat dancer, and at the same time require the player to do some positioning to make use of it

Mate, that's literally what I hear the Gales of Nayeli is doing! 

Their dancer has a promote branch and from I hear can have a skill that does what you just explained!

Speaking of which, please go and support this project if you haven't already. The fundraiser is just about almost done.

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5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

But yeah, for the modern and cartoon characters they don't really fit in anything, you really have to stretch some possibilities.

And then the Star Fox crew are just unfair.

Maybe Shulk would be a Sword Lord if this were FE: Smash Engage and he uses Marth on the ring.

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8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I like how she's wearing a Scottish grandma skirt.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I feel much the same way honestly. Even without my beloved Sacae plans all the characters look amazing.

I really gotta consider ranking them. It's one of the games where I stop to think about it and I can't really think of a design I outright dislike.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

You don't understand, Azura is the only character you can grind for over 2 days on her first chapter with to make her overpowered for the rest of the game

The problem with her is that her defenses remain complete garbage, so even with a massive level lead she's worthless in combat, because she can't attack anything that can retaliate against her or she dies.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Mate, that's literally what I hear the Gales of Nayeli is doing! 

Their dancer has a promote branch and from I hear can have a skill that does what you just explained!

I love it. This game has some serious potential.

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Global vegetation is at 100%, the terraformation of Mars is complete, and yet about half of my map remains a rusty orange.

It was calmly, passively fun, but I'm done with this run of the game. I'm getting tired of constantly building new domes to address the chronic homelessness and unemployment issues that come with playing as the sponsor with a doubled birth rate.


Dear Monolith, for X2, please consider making a new Sylvalum that is perfectly normal, but makes people experience mass-hallucinations that make it look bizarre. Call it Zoharia.


1 hour ago, joevar said:

uhh theres some heavy real world talk in previous pages..

Contemporary politics and events once in a blue moon slips into this topic. It's mega-depressing, so we usually keep it to a minimum, better this place be a refuge from the madness of the real world.

As for historical stuff, that's long in the past and much more easily spoken of.

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If I had a nickel for every time I bought a Fire Emblem game and it came back as something completely different, I'd have three nickels.

Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice.

45 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

it's on my wishlist!

Can't really help on kickstarter because kickstarter doesn't accept paypal 😞

Kickstarter doesn't accept paypal? That's odd.

43 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And then the Star Fox crew are just unfair.

They'd have to be in their own ballistician like class with the R-wing.


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4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

If I had a nickel for every time I bought a Fire Emblem game and it came back as something completely different, I'd have three nickels.

Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice.

I confess. It is true.

I swapped out your shiny new FE with a copy of Berwick Saga.

I have your address. Now play the game.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I confess. It is true.

I swapped out your shiny new FE with a copy of Berwick Saga.

I have your address. Now play the game.

是非終有,搬鬥由他;真就是真,假只是假。: 【MEGA下載】【PC】【SRPG】ティア•リング•サーガ ~ ベルウィック•サーガ│Tear ...


No but seriously, the package arrived as a wired keyboard.

At least with the other times it I just got another game in that console's library. When I bought Sacred Stones I got Castlevania Aria of Sorrow. When I bought SoV, I got some random sushi 3DS that I don't remember.

Here it's like how did you mess up that badly.

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17 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

If I had a nickel for every time I bought a Fire Emblem game and it came back as something completely different, I'd have three nickels.

Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice.


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