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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wish Rennac was cooler than he is. He is Carcino's only playable, after all.

The international release did give him serious stat buffs +2 HP/Str/Spd +1 Def +5 Skl +8 Res.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now take this sword designed to kill me and kill me, except you won't because I'm overpowered and-- hey is that the prince of Leonster at the castle gates? Whoops better disappear."

The Blessed Sword is fine -Thracia's problem is that unlike some later games, the Talk command ends your turn. And if Lara doesn't dance, Olwen is dead on the enemy phase before she can swing the sword (unless you gave her Vantage). If talking wasn't so exhausting, Olwen would surely be able to kill her brother, especially if he has Dire Thunder equipped.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Stick with normal. You do not want to experience the first three bosses on hard mode.

H1 is fine, not sure at which H do the bandits become very, very tedious.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, I think Glen should've joined. There is only one wyvern rider in the game, which means only one wyvern lord. It's even rarer than the intentionally exotic summoner! And he serves zero purpose as it is, so really, why not? You could still have Valter convince Cormag his brother is dead, and Glen would've gotten some much needed screentime in supports. Could've made a cute Eirika ship, even.

I've thought of that before, but I thought it too happy, have to have a few character deaths narratively.

Although if Glen joined Eirika, then we'd need another Ephraim route character. If not Selena, we'd have to invent someone new.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Riev... Eh, I probably am overrating him, but I'll admit, I've always been fond of the concept of a proper bishop who got excommunicted and turned bad while keeping the title and light magic. Not to mention his overt grudge against Mansel. It all gives him some depth other Gharnefs tend not to have. And he is a lot more involved than other Gharnefs, he spends the entire game running around and messing with everyone.

The grudge is only vaguely brought up though, it's hardly "depth". I'd say Gharnef has a slightly more detailed backstory and that still is a tad lacking. -I get your excommunication-light magic point though. And, spreading general monster chaos, assisting "Lyon" (really the DK) and speaking with Orson on one route do give him a subdued yet extant presence sufficient for a supporting actor. 

Speaking of Mansel, he should've joined last minute. And Hayden too; which in turn would free up a Creature Campaign slot for Vigarde.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

wait, is that double guns? I thought that was a wholesome, lighthearted series, what is loli Max Payne doing there?


5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thracia's problem is that unlike some later games, the Talk command ends your turn.


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26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Talk command ends your turn

Always hated that.

19 minutes ago, Armagon said:


She right

20 minutes ago, Armagon said:


It's not just a Kaga thing tho.

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TRS talk


Garo near 1-rounded a Dracozombie. Sure, it was a crit, but all hail Garo.

Anyways, Chapter 21 now. Witch Dragon time.

I am concerned.

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Or did RD finally change that?

I feel like it and PoR would allow you to attack after talking.

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22 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say, the twins make me think of Serena and Veronica of Dragon Quest XI. Pair of twins with the duty of being protectors/guardians of the protagonist. Even coming as a mage/healer combo.

But will either of them have Veronica's sass? Engage's success hinges on the answer to that question.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Majora's Mask, A Link Between Worlds and Wind Waker are not on this list because i beat them recently. 

The only logic to the order here is wanting to alternate between 3D and 2D Zelda, other than that, there's no real rhyme or reason.

So I'm guessing you'll play another Zelda next--

10 hours ago, Armagon said:


Huh, which Zelda game is this? I know DK was in Punch-Out!! but...

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10 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

GBA FE-Tellius end your turn on talk command as well, right?

I honestly do not remember this happening.

I think it only ends your turn if there's no other action for you to take.

1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

Huh, which Zelda game is this? I know DK was in Punch-Out!! but...

Link's Jungle Adventure.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

honestly do not remember this happening.

I think it only ends your turn if there's no other action for you to take.

GBA i am sure it ends your turn. I really thought PoR did as well, but i guess not?

Edit: i was ninja'd by Shrimpy i guess.

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TRS again


This map is super chaotic. The turn Kranion nopes out all hell breaks loose as a ton of reinforcements show up.

And of course warping witches did me in.

Kranion moving like she did of course didn't help (I should probably try to actually push her in with Neuron unlike last time where I completely bungled things by walking people around the east side),, but I can only blame myself for getting Mel killed and only avoided Samson getting bodied that same turn with Dolharken (I am going to enjoy using that for sure)

Just now, lightcosmo said:

Why the heck don't i remember this? XD

I only remembered because I happened to watch that video recently.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:


Does she subscribe to the Lloyd Irving school of why dual-wielding is better?

43 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

But will either of them have Veronica's sass? Engage's success hinges on the answer to that question.

Probably Framme.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The international release did give him serious stat buffs +2 HP/Str/Spd +1 Def +5 Skl +8 Res.

And it wasn't nearly enough lol. It's funny, because his description says he's an "exceptional" fighter, but then he's like on the bottom five worst fighters in the game.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Blessed Sword is fine -Thracia's problem is that unlike some later games, the Talk command ends your turn. And if Lara doesn't dance, Olwen is dead on the enemy phase before she can swing the sword (unless you gave her Vantage). If talking wasn't so exhausting, Olwen would surely be able to kill her brother, especially if he has Dire Thunder equipped.

So close.

But then, it's consistent with the rest of chapter 21. The map as a whole is seemingly designed to have Leif teleport with a single ally to the castle, and then have this army supposedly famous for their might vanish from existence in an instant. Because if you try anything else, anything that might even remotely resemble the climatic battle that this should be, Kaga hates you and does his utmost to make your life miserable and kill all the waifus and husbandos you love.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've thought of that before, but I thought it too happy, have to have a few character deaths narratively.

I guess, but the way SS goes about it feels a tad... I don't know, safe? But only at times. Lyon is brilliant and they did well not to sacrifice his entire tragedy for the sake of a cheap happy ending. Selena is... fine, and Vigarde is complicated. But then everyone else who dies just pops up to go "hello my name is Deid Mann" and then proceeds to honor their name. They gave Fado, Glen and Ismaire some kick-ass designs and titles - Glen even seems to hint at an inkling of something cool and interesting - but then they just dispatched all of them in two seconds. I wanted more of them, dammit! Fado is literally called the "peerless" Warrior King, how come he dies before the game even starts? Why wasn't he wearing armor during an invasion? I know he's a FE dad, but c'mon.

But that's more an unfortunate side effect of the game's lightning pace. They didn't have the time to spare for these characters. Ah, well. Except Fado, Fado really could've gotten more, like, at least have the twins TALK about the fact that their dad fucking died the other day dammit.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although if Glen joined Eirika, then we'd need another Ephraim route character. If not Selena, we'd have to invent someone new.

Generic pegasus messenger

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The grudge is only vaguely brought up though, it's hardly "depth". I'd say Gharnef has a slightly more detailed backstory and that still is a tad lacking. -I get your excommunication-light magic point though. And, spreading general monster chaos, assisting "Lyon" (really the DK) and speaking with Orson on one route do give him a subdued yet extant presence sufficient for a supporting actor. 

Yeah, he's not that deep, but he has a little more than say, Manfroy, and I like his unique traits. And honestly, I just find his personality to be oddly fun at times. Occasionally he seems to try and put on a jolly old grandpa act, which clashes fantastically with his design and the fact that he commands monsters. I don't know, I like him. As far as Gharnefs go, he's a tad more entertaining than most.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Speaking of Mansel, he should've joined last minute. And Hayden too; which in turn would free up a Creature Campaign slot for Vigarde.

Mansel... Yeah. As an obvious bishop, he would've been perfect to serve as a Gotoh. Hayden, though... Hayden's fine where he is, I think. His country is on the other side of the continent, and unlike Renais or Grado, it's not in ruins. Someone needs to stay there and watch over things - it's explicitly brought up as the reason Innes goes to Rausten instead of him, after all.

Honestly what they should've done is put Vigarde in the CC instead of Fado. Like, why is Fado there? Vigarde manages to have a ton more presence and characterization than him even though HE DIES BEFORE THE GUY WHO DIES IN THE FIRST SCENE OF THE GAME I MEAN C'MON--

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

But will either of them have Veronica's sass? Engage's success hinges on the answer to that question.

Yeah, I've no idea who this Veronica is, but if one of them's going to be sassy, it's definitely Framme.

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7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Sometimes it's a shield, sometimes it's a sword, and here it's a stone.

i think FE6 also stone, or rather a gem. possibly the one in the hilt of Binding Blade based on the conversation and spinoff manga

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

mean most Fire Emblem characters aren't innocent. It's honestly hilarious reading Kana's supports with her mother talking about not killing flowers knowing full well that Kana has brutally killed dozens of enemy soldiers.

I haven't played enough of these games but so far the only time the idea of war being murder both for the enemies and for the good guys was the short conversation between Owain and Inigo in a DLC conversation, and Corrin being super angsty about killing people in Conquest.

nah, cant touch that subject too deep or the CERO (ESRB-equivalent of Japan) will come knocking on their office door. they risk of losing of otaku casual fanbase by being gritty war stories. right right? the one with massacre always has high fan-service, i see a pattern here. hmmm....

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

it's definitely Framme.

i think the girl dancing on the pole another possibility too. since she's happily kicking people while smiling 

Edited by joevar
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Mel is broken now.

Well, she will be with some more speed and more Levin Swords.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Generic pegasus messenger

Honestly I'd say Hayden.

It's his army that's gone with Ephraim after all. At some point they've pushed far enough that he can probably go to the front rather that worrying about internal affairs, right?

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Haha, nah. That's Echoes

From what little I played, yeah. Can't expect the game with the first female protagonist from 80s era Nintendo to be that great with it's representation.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And it wasn't nearly enough lol. It's funny, because his description says he's an "exceptional" fighter, but then he's like on the bottom five worst fighters in the game.

Alright, now I know I should use him.

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3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

From what little I played, yeah. Can't expect the game with the first female protagonist from 80s era Nintendo to be that great with it's representation.

I mean, it's 30 years old, not from the 80's.

But yeah, the original game having a weird interest in DiD is one thing. Sadly there were some additions to SoV that make things worse in places. This happening to good units doesn't help.

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24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

From what little I played, yeah. Can't expect the game with the first female protagonist from 80s era Nintendo to be that great with it's representation.

Not exactly. Echoes actually manages to be worse here then the original.

There is the treatment of Celica, which is just plain baffling. Also the fact that the sole playable female character they added has no character beyond simping to the male protagonist. Not that Berkut's girlfriend is treated much better.
Also to mind come certain... framing decisions.


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