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5 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I am fucking mad we won at the end lmao

We should'Ve just let the spanish go out with us XD

Seriously. We've been robbed.

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7 minutes ago, Green06 said:


I want to see him having a shot at our national team some time

It can't get worse than it actually is atm lawl

3 consecutive early failures in 2018, 2020 and now 2022 

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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29 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Nintendo Princesses that do things by the time PoR released

  • Celica
  • Julia
  • Lyn
  • Eirika
  • Zelda (Wind Waker pre-dates PoR and Zelda was important in the final battle, also like 90% of Ocarina of Time)
  • Peach does stuff in the Mario RPGs

I don't know who Julia is but Lyn stops being relevant after the male lords take center stage, Zelda stops being relevant as soon as she learns she's a princess in Wind Waker, and in OoT almost frame perfect gets kidnapped the moment she reveals she's a princess.

I don't even remember what Eirika's mission was but either way it was Ephraim who did the main quest and stopped the war while Eirika frolicked with L'arachel for 5 chapters.

Even if you disagree, the examples you gave are still small in comparison to the amount of times princesses just don't do things.

39 minutes ago, Armagon said:

She's specifically based off the Kamuy of thunder and lightning, i found out after looking it up.

That makes sense, because that's literally her ability. I don't see any malice here. It's more inspiration rather than representation, i suppose. It's like if someone made a character inspired by ancient Greeks and gave them a power that's water-based because "it's just like Poseidon".

The major difference is that while Greek mythology is massively popularly in pop-culture in and outside of the west, the Ainu peoples myths are hanging by a thread as their autonomy and culture is dying, and portrayals like Kanna certainly don't help.

I also don't see it being mere inspiration when as far as I'm concerned, these dragons are meant to be the real deal in the show's universe if Quetzalcoatl is anything to off of. Unless of course the show wanted to shit on us specifically when making their version of Quetzalcoatl with everyone else just being mere "inspirations"

49 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Fun fact, i believe Johnny Depp actually became an honorary member of the tribe he was supposed to be portraying here or something. Let me look it up

"Johnny Depp is an honorary member of the Comanche tribe. Tribe member LaDonna Harris presented Depp with a proclamation of membership at her Albuquerque, New Mexico home on May 16, the Associated Press reported". First google search.

I believe Depp is partly indigenous though to which tribe is unknown to me.

That movie is interesting by the way since they try and break the stoic Indian stereotype by saying "Tonto's not weird because he's Indian, he's weird because he's weird" which you know, good on them for trying, but stereotypes are stereotypes and a leading Indian with a more dynamic personality would've been preferred.

Which reminds me, there's a good Indian made film called Smoke Signals which does a lot to poke fun at Indian portrayals in media


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I have several regrets.

These character designs are so difficult and I can't draw full people to begin with...

14 minutes ago, ping said:

Mate, he's at least 35 years too old for that.

At first I read "he's 35 years old" and thought "yeah that checks out for anime."

Anyway, doesn't matter. He still looks like an anime character.

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24 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I want to see him having a shot at our national team some time

"No, I don't want that! Klopp training another team...?! I want him to train Liverpool and no other for the rest of his life! Even after he retires... I want Liverpool to be at the front of his mind for a while! 10 years, at least!"

33 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

It can't get worse than it actually is atm lawl

3 consecutive early failures in 2018, 2020 and now 2022

This sums up today basically


I didn't even post that because of football...

Better to laugh than to cry, right? Right?

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe Flora could be better? Would even fit in-universe, since she is the one who is more prideful on the subject, and if not for the gameplay class system, she would most definitely ditch the Nohrian Maid Outfit the moment she returned back home.

Both is good. Add Kilma while we're at it.

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Whats y’alls take on the Avatar movie? Talkin bout the one with the tall blue guys and Sigoirney Weaver in it

Was listnin to Glenn Beck earlier today at work and damned if he werent trashin it up one side and down the other. Granted I aint the most ejamacated fella in the world but I enjoyed it. Definitely dont know why people’s hatin on it at least 


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Oh fucking Christ now I have to color Alear's hair.

Just now, Capt. Fargus said:


Whats y’alls take on the Avatar movie? Talkin bout the one with the tall blue guys and Sigoirney Weaver in it

Was listnin to Glenn Beck earlier today at work and damned if he werent trashin it up one side and down the other. Granted I aint the most ejamacated fella in the world but I enjoyed it. Definitely dont know why people’s hatin on it at least 


I saw the first one with my parents ages ago. It was fun, not particularly memorable.

I hear they made a sequel.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I saw the first one with my parents ages ago. It was fun, not particularly memorable.

I hear they made a sequel.

Yeah The Way of Water or something like that. Thats why the radio’s been buzzing with chatter about the first one lately

Then I heard a spiel about comparing it to VGs and cut scenes and some people try to make em look realistic but the characters  “just dont move quite right”. Its a freakin VG for the love of pete. Whaddya expect? Have a little imagination, cant ya ?? SMH 

Sorry bout the rant but that got me a little irritated 

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Today I received the new keyboard for my laptop that I ordered a few weeks ago, and after spending all day working on it, I managed to completely destroy it and damage my old keyboard.


Ffs, I can't do anything right anymore

15 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I am not crying because of Germany, because i really had no hope

I am mad because Spain advanced. 

And yes i want Morocco to defeat the spanish ofc

Luis Enrique yesterday: "My team is the best"

Luis Enrique today:

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Rip and tear the X Parasites

33 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Now I'm picturing FE Worlds Cup.

Goldoa doesn't participate because Dheginsea's neutrality policy extends to sports too, much to the relief of everyone else since the Goldoans could block the goal just by transforming. Dolhr doesn't have the same restraint though, and Medeus is quite smug about it.

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I hear they made a sequel.

Actually I think they made four... even if none of them are out yet.

Edited by Lightchao42
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All right. Vandad is colored. Rather happy with him, actually, even the hand looks tolerable. Only Ivy is left and Engage Football is a complete piece.

22 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Yeah The Way of Water or something like that. Thats why the radio’s been buzzing with chatter about the first one lately

Then I heard a spiel about comparing it to VGs and cut scenes and some people try to make em look realistic but the characters  “just dont move quite right”. Its a freakin VG for the love of pete. Whaddya expect? Have a little imagination, cant ya ?? SMH 

Sorry bout the rant but that got me a little irritated 

Yeah because a 20 hour videogame can afford to spend as much budget and time on its cutscenes as a 2 hour movie. Gameplay? What's that?

12 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Today I received the new keyboard for my laptop that I ordered a few weeks ago, and after spending all day working on it, I managed to completely destroy it and damage my old keyboard.




Luis Enrique yesterday: "My team is the best"

Luis Enrique today:

Isn't that the bald man who said he "felt gay" the other day?

11 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Too late, already happened sadly


6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Actually I think they made four... even if none of them are out yet.



Edited by Saint Rubenio
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