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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Now we need to get the Pots for the Groups. Basically we have 4 Pots, and each group will include 1 character of each Pot. 

Tomorrow. I need to sleep xD

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Japan - 2


I love how that is just here XD

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or you can remove #FE and add two more Magvel reps. And it's mainline games only with mostly groups of 4 each.

Or we could do that, but who then for Magvel

Myrrh and Lyon due to story stuff?

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

Although i think i'd rather have TMS reps, but i wouldn't mind removing them either if y'all are for it

I suggested that because I feel that then why that one over the other spinoffs (Warriors, Heroes). So if you have to end up shafting something, perhaps best the spinoffs as a whole rather than all but one? I don't know...

3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Or we could do that, but who then for Magvel

Myrrh and Lyon due to story stuff?

Maybe, though perhaps instead of Myrrh either of Innes or L'Arachel?

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I suggested that because I feel that then why that one over the other spinoffs (Warriors, Heroes). So if you have to end up shafting something, perhaps best the spinoffs as a whole rather than all but one? I don't know...

Fair, fair.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe, though perhaps instead of Myrrh either of Innes or L'Arachel?


Not sure

Also not sure about Lyon since he is like the only Enemy in the whole thing.

Both and Innes and L'Arachel then?

Although i feel like Myrrh is more important than both storywise. Not sure XD

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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Both and Innes and L'Arachel then?

You deaf? I said Boulder

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Although i feel like Myrrh is more important than both storywise. Not sure XD


Maybe, but I do feel she has less presence.

Besides the answer is Boulder anyway

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Come on, everyone else must have a fair chance.

Fine. Boulder team captain.

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3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Not sure

Also not sure about Lyon since he is like the only Enemy in the whole thing.

Both and Innes and L'Arachel then?

Although i feel like Myrrh is more important than both storywise. Not sure XD

Innes and L'Arachel both sound good.

Does she? I don't really feel like she does.

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Must be my Dragon Bias XD

Ok, the "Pots"

Archanea/Valentia - Marth, Caeda, Alm, Celica
Jugdral - Sigurd, Seliph, Julia, Leif
Elibe - Roy, Eliwood, Lyn, Hector
Magvel - Ephraim, Eirika, L'Arachel, Innes
Tellius - Ike, Elincia, Miccy, Tibarn
Ylisse/Valm - Chrom, Lucina, Robin, Tiki
Fatesland - Corrin, Azura, Xander, Ryoma
Fodlan - Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude

Tomorrow imma RNG them into Groups

Or anyone can do it and start it as well XD

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Well, I tried to figure out a method of randomisation that would accurately reflect the idea and failed, so if you have that sorted use that instead of what I did, which was using some random integers between 0 and 1 and using this command (ROUNDUP(RANK(C10,C1:C32)/4,0)) to then sort them in order which would form the groups.

It took dozens of rerolls of the random numbers before I got something that worked.

Here were the groups in my successful roll:


1: Caeda, Seliph, L'Arachel, Edelgard
2: Sigurd, Elincia, Tiki, Corrin
3: Marth, Roy, Tibarn, Lucina
4: Celica, Eliwood, Ryoma, Dimitri
5: Hector, Ike, Robin, Claude
6: Innes, Chrom, Xander, Byleth
7: Alm, Leif, Eirika, Micaiah
8: Julia, Lyn, Ephraim, Azura

In all seriousness, use something better than I did.

Edited by Punished Dayni
Ctrl + Enter was a mistake
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10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Might makes Right applies to them basically, or so they say. So they still end up with a hierarchical system, pretty much. Strongest at the top.


Skrimir being the "heir" despite Griffca being around kinda reveals that the strongest becomes the leader talk is mostly for pacifying the other beasts, and let the lions decide the hierarchy unopposed.


7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That's another thing. FE spends a lot of energy on talking about the affairs of higher class society with more or less a hand wave to the working class, even if the game in question is more about class. We'll see tiny villages with a romanticized idea of peasantry life, and get shown large cities yet aren't shown the folks that keep them moving outside of a few unimportant servants.

Honestly its a weakness of a lot of historical fiction...and even the teaching of history in general.


2 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:


Whats y’alls take on the Avatar movie? Talkin bout the one with the tall blue guys and Sigoirney Weaver in it

Was listnin to Glenn Beck earlier today at work and damned if he werent trashin it up one side and down the other. Granted I aint the most ejamacated fella in the world but I enjoyed it. Definitely dont know why people’s hatin on it at least 


It was a bit strange, as it was a massive hit, must see blockbuster, but got there purely on how technologically impressive it was. It was beautiful, a marker for how far computer graphics had become, but behind that it was just space Pocahontas. It ended up with a lot less of a cultural impact than you would expect from the crowds it drew, as behind the impressive visuals it was a bit of a fart in the wind.

As for the sequels, they feel like funny jokes, as you always hear about them being made, with comical comments like the creator saying he has movies 6 & 7 all planned out (with no mention of 2-5...), but they have yet to appear, and any hype I hear for them sounds as sincere as Morbin time.


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3 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It was beautiful, a marker for how far computer graphics had become, but behind that it was just space Pocahontas

It's Dances with Space Wolves

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27 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:
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Skrimir being the "heir" despite Griffca being around kinda reveals that the strongest becomes the leader talk is mostly for pacifying the other beasts, and let the lions decide the hierarchy unopposed.



Of course, it all comes down to the want as well. Giffca doesn't want to become King, or at least, we see no indication of such. As such, while he could issue the challenge for the throne, he chooses not to. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure it's stated Skrimir already proved his strength, and is now being groomed on the actual ruling aspects (and other stuff like being an army commander, hence why he's put in charge of the Gallian armies as pointed out by Soren). Of course, there could still be some nepotism involved, but as it is, it's true, it's only the Lions that would be the real competition for the throne. As it is, it might be a situation where Giffca knows he could take the throne now, but it might not take too much time before Skrimir surpasses him anyway, so he opts to avoid that hassle. Or he simply doesn't have the ambition to become King, and he's content where he is right now as the King's shadow.

But well, this is just conjecture.


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

don't know who Julia

FE4. You're not there yet.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Zelda stops being relevant as soon as she learns she's a princess in Wind Waker



Zelda's like half the reason you're able to beat Ganon in the first place.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

and in OoT almost frame perfect gets kidnapped the moment she reveals she's a princess.

After spending most of the game helping you and also assists in the final battle anyways.

Zelda assists in the final battle of a lot of the games now that i think about it. Either directly or indirectly. And a lot of her predicaments were of her own volition too. Replaying the Zelda games has me feeling Zelda has a lot of agency i didn't notice before.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Lyn stops being relevant after the male lords take center stage

She's still a main character and is the poster girl of the game. 

Besides is not like Hector has it any better. "Hector's Tale" is literally Eliwood's but through Hector's PoV and all it adds is like three chapters.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I don't even remember what Eirika's mission was but either way it was Ephraim who did the main quest and stopped the war while Eirika frolicked with L'arachel for 5 chapters.

Secure the other Stones. Which ends in failure but she did have a goal.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

the Ainu peoples myths are hanging by a thread as their autonomy and culture is dying, and portrayals like Kanna certainly don't help.

See it's funny because i went and did more research about this since i was legitimately curious (also tried to find if there was any outcry from actual Ainus but all i found was a Reddit post from a guy who found out he's related and it inspired him to look up the culture and found the Kanna connection and the only result with "controversy" on it was about fanservice in the show lol)

  • Kanna has the dress, that's already been established
  • Kanna mentions she's from Ushishir Island. This is her cover story as a human but Ushishir Island is an actual real place sacred to the Ainu
    • Ushishir Island is also said to be the home of the Kanna Kamuy

I also found out about this(imaginary) scene


Iomante (she literally says this in the following shot, also the context was the kids were talking about ghosts). An Ainu ceremony in which (usually) a brown bear is sacrificed (though nowadays animals aren't killed, they use animals that have already died).

Kanna's father Kimun is named after the Kamuy of bears and mountains and his dragon form


is not even a dragon, it's a giant bear. I mean i guess it's kinda dragon-like. 

Considering how Ainus make up a mere 1% of the population in Japan and the author has gone out of his way to reference Ainu myths and culture.....i'm gonna say, i think he did his research. I can't find any malice or ignorance in this.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

also don't see it being mere inspiration when as far as I'm concerned, these dragons are meant to be the real deal in the show's universe if Quetzalcoatl is anything to off of.

Now that i'm looking more into it yes. Apart from Tohru and Elma, the dragons are indeed based off the legends.

But like the thing with the Dragon Maid universe is that every religion is canon. Tohru canonically hates celebrating Christmas because it's Jesus' birthday (although she doesn't mind that much anymore). I'm not making that up.

This reminds me of how Rick Riordan did a similar thing in his......what do you call that combined universe anyways? The Greek and Roman stuff is Half-Blood Chronicles but not sure how Kane Chronicles (Egypt) and Magnus Chase (Norse) factor it other than they are canon. Anyways in the Kane Chronicles, it is mentioned that when people die, they go to the afterlife they believe in (and must abide by the rules of that afterlife too)....and if they don't believe in any, then that's what they get.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Unless of course the show wanted to shit on us specifically when making their version of Quetzalcoatl with everyone else just being mere "inspirations"

Quetzalcoatl has a similar backstory as the real deal too! 

"In the Codex Chimalpopoca, it is said Quetzalcoatl was coerced by Tezcatlipoca into becoming drunk on pulque, cavorting with his older sister, Quetzalpetlatl, a celibate priestess, and neglecting their religious duties. (Many academics conclude this passage implies incest.) The next morning, Quetzalcoatl, feeling shame and regret, had his servants build him a stone chest, adorn him in turquoise, and then, laying in the chest, set himself on fire. His ashes rose into the sky and then his heart followed, becoming the morning star (see Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli)." -from Wikipedia

Lucoa's backstory in Dragon Maid is more or less this, only more humorous. She got drunk and caused a scandal, which got her kicked out of the pantheon.

And yes, her dragon form is accurate: a feathered serpent (dragon)


4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

s this the third reboot of Bayformers?

think. It might be a sequel to Bumblebee.

Edited by Armagon
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I'm only partway through his second story but man, the Third Doctor is so good


Look at this man. All the Doctors are fun to watch obviously but like i'm really liking this one.

Very curious as to how my ranking of The Doctors will turn out when i get to the end.

Rest in peace Jon Pertwee.

Edited by Armagon
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Well fellas, it's December 1st. It's that time of year again


only this time we live in a post-XC3 world. Very curious in this how this replay will fare now.

9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Just learned someone in my family is going through cancer and it isnt looking good. Sorry I havent been around much.

My condolences.

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18 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Just learned someone in my family is going through cancer and it isnt looking good. Sorry I havent been around much.

Man, that's... my condolences. It's alright, take whatever time you may need.

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20 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Alright, time to head to the Junkyard.

Be careful not to get devoured! And bring an umbrella, the rain never stops there.🌧️


17 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Just learned someone in my family is going through cancer and it isnt looking good. Sorry I havent been around much.

Suffering of this kind is something most humans are bound to experience at some point in their lives. Your family isn't alone, if that provides any solace.


8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well fellas, it's December 1st. It's that time of year again


only this time we live in a post-XC3 world. Very curious in this how this replay will fare now.

Shouldn't December be saved for an XCX rerun? Maybe when the prophesied X2 begins its descent from the higher plane.

Reminds me I need to get back to XS Ep. III. Should try to maybe get it done before this year is over.

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Well, before actually heading there, I fought


The Earth

Used the same strategy as with Pluto, though its desperation attack caught me off-guard. lol

Okay, now through the Junkyard proper.

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