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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Guess I'm weird.

Nope. ...I mean, maybe, I don't know IRL you, maybe you collect the severed ears of your enemies (that would be weird), but I daresay that it's not abnormal to be weirded out by Sexual Harrassment (It Is Funny And Wholesome) in fiction.


@Interdimensional Observer - on the topic of beautiful capitals:


Rocking the Kasbah.


Plus: The one-tile island city that makes me sad that a) I didn't scout these adjacent islands sooner and b) (and this is a rare one) almost makes me sad that I'm not playing Japan. Almost, because the Kasbahs in the capital are still very nice.

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I only learned about this carol recently.

I'm curious to hear this in person now.

2 minutes ago, ping said:


Rocking the Kasbah.

What a beautiful core.

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18 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Prologue segment was so hype. That was just amazing. And the 2nd OP, all those characters…


Let us now talk the important stuff.

Factory worker Garon.


9 minutes ago, ping said:

Nope. ...I mean, maybe, I don't know IRL you, maybe you collect the severed ears of your enemies (that would be weird)

Ears? Please. Why would I collect ears when livers are right there?

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52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I got that. Don't worry 06, I know you.

Thank you. I know I can always count on you, Ruben. Here's beard

Fernando Rocha De Souza - Noctis Lucis Caelum portrait

49 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Imagine the reaction if we post something like Caren's H-scene Ü

Which is also tame, but i bet it can make the forums go up in flames

I don't think they'll understand what's wrong without the context behind it. Some Tsukihime H-Scenes, however...


19 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Finally picked up Three Hopes over Black Friday. Started Azure Gleam like the Blue Lions boy I am.


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13 minutes ago, Green06 said:

I don't think they'll understand what's wrong without the context behind it. Some Tsukihime H-Scenes, however...


If Tsuki, then let's go Kagetsu Tohya!


I have heard many times that it's actually Nasu's best H-scene, but i didn't read KT yet, so all i know is hearsay

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14 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Thank you. I know I can always count on you, Ruben. Here's beard

Fernando Rocha De Souza - Noctis Lucis Caelum portrait


14 minutes ago, Green06 said:

I don't think they'll understand what's wrong without the context behind it. Some Tsukihime H-Scenes, however...



1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

If Tsuki, then let's go Kagetsu Tohya!



1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I have heard many times that it's actually Nasu's best H-scene, but i didn't read KT yet, so all i know is hearsay

Why is this a topic of discussion? Do people really get up to making tier lists about the porn of... Koei Tecmo?

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

I see. I do wonder if some benefit of the doubt can be given though because you tell someone to imagine a "thunderbird" and, well, 99% chance they imagine a.....bird of thunder. Whereas Skinwalker and Wendigo are more specific.

Yeah a good amount of our myths don't translate well into English, which is probably why we don't share many of them.

And for future reference, it's just Thunderbird, not a Thunderbird or the Thunderbird, just Thunderbird.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

But hey, we got Zapdos at least. And it's design is reminiscent of traditional Thunderbird depictions



Obviously it's not 1:1 but like i can see the jaggedness of the wings.

I didn't even know Zapdos was based off of Thunder Bird

I mean, are we sure that's the case? The Bulbapedia says so but are we sure a guy didn't just randomly thought of a lightening bird to go along with the other elemental based legendary birds?

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Me, the one who has actually seen the show and is familiar with it arguing with people who have seen clips at most


The irony is that all the points I've given out so far were from videos and threads by people who've also watched the show.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

The thing is, she's not even like, intentionally harassing him either. She legitimately tries to be nice but she has big fucking titties and this flusters him and he runs away because he thinks she's a succubus. She doesn't chase after him.

Isn't there an official manga starring the two where she explicitly states that she wants to get with him?

2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

One of the reasons i like jp media is because they don't care about that stuff and go full fucked up.

I don't care, either, when it comes to fiction. And that's my stance on the matter.

You should read All Quiet on The Western Front.



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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is this a topic of discussion?

Because Nasu's h-scenes are bad

Like super duper bad

That he has one good....

Is discussion worthy XD

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

the porn of... Koei Tecmo?


I wish, then we could get the games in english

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This is cool, I didn’t expect we would ever visit this village. And I didn’t expect almost the whole party to be together after The Last Game’s Cliffhanger™, which is the first time that’s happened… ever, actually.

Although I will say, the pacing of the prologue does seem a little strange, but more on that when I actually finish it. Wait… a Cold Steel game picking up after the last one’s cliffhanger in a town with hot springs we didn’t get to visit in the previous game… where we’re not in school anymore, some classmates are missing, and there’s strange pacing..? NOOOO—

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let us now talk the important stuff.

Factory worker Garon.


Well you see, in the last game we didn’t visit Roer, and I have a feeling that’s also going to be the case here, so unless he miraculously transfers to a different factory…

Edited by Sooks
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33 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I have heard many times that it's actually Nasu's best H-scene, but i didn't read KT yet, so all i know is hearsay

I don't think so, but I may be biased, because I think Kohaku's last H-Scene is his best one.

Ren's H-Scene might be better writing-wise, but Kohaku's more impactful.

Just now, Sooks said:

Wait… a Cold Steel game picking up after the last one’s cliffhanger in a town with hot springs we didn’t get to visit in the previous game, where we’re not in school anymore and some classmates are missing, that has strange pacing..? NOOOO—

CS3 is CS1 on steroids

CS4 is CS2 on steroids

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Oh yeah one more thing I forgot to mention: Altina best.


There’s no way Millium is dead though. Like yeah… no.


4 minutes ago, Green06 said:

CS3 is CS1 on steroids

CS4 is CS2 on steroids

Well the thing about CS2 is it had high highs and low lows. Does this game have that?

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11 hours ago, ping said:

That is an impressive collection. Great Library, Temple of Artemis, Hanging Gardens, and Stonehenge? Actually, Parthenon ususally goes pretty early, too.

This was indeed very, very strange. I consider it a stroke of unbelievable luck.😄

IDK why the Parthenon goes early, maybe b/c Cultural Victory seekers trying to begin accumulating Tourism ASAP. Though I find it odd that the Oracle is usually obtainable to Tradition even on Deity, it's the only Ancient-Classical Wonder I regularly try to pick up, even if it delays the National College and would therefore be considered strictly suboptimal. Maybe the lack of Tourism is what sends the AI into ignoring the Better Classical Greek Cultural Wonder.

Needless it be said, other than Alhambra, Himeij Castle, Notre Dame, Machu Picchu, and Chichen Itza (why does the AI obsess over these five?), and the Red Fort, I grabbed pretty much every single Wonder after this point. And quickly b/c I accidentally spawned too many Great Engineers I grabbed them quickly. Only the Pentagon, Hubble Space Telescope, and Great Firewall hadn't been researched and claimed by the time it was over.


Couldn't fit the entire list in one screenshot, but I managed to fill and perfectly theme all three of my museums and every single National and World Wonder two turns before it was over.😁 (Factors in the Aesthetics finisher, and Hotels, Airports, and the National Visitor Center, right after this I Oxford'ed Globalization.) 

Except the Hermitage, I couldn't theme that b/c nooooooobody knew what art was. Some had artifacts, but only India had any artwork, which I placed in the Louvre. After that, India was offering what I had traded them, so that might have been the only non-Egyptian painting in the entire world. Like... were all Great Artists all spent on Golden Ages? Was the Artists' Guild not built? The Palace has an open art/artifact slot, and Archaeology comes waaaaaay later.

TBF, I don't blame England being such a philistine.


What I don't understand is how it was able to grow to pop 25 with terrain that awful.

I won the World's Fair ofc, hence the 1770 Culture. Shoshone killed Mongolia, who got stuck on the northwest peninsula with a single source of horses and therefore amounted to nothing. Forced through Freedom for the World Ideology, so for once, everyone (except Harald, who managed to remain net positive despite -40 Happiness from ideological pressure) was Freedom, contrary to the AI's usual anti-Freedom inclinations. Nobody ever declared war on me. (Though I would've gladly accepted an attack from America, weird cramped border blue growth you might notice severed continuity of my yellow territories. And nobody founded the fifth and final religion, how did they avoid ever thinking about building a Shrine?

Compared to my prior Egypt attempt on Emperor, where I got far fewer Wonders and got stuck with an evil trifecta of Alexander, Hiawatha, and Shaka, this was mindblowingly mindless.

49 minutes ago, ping said:


Rocking the Kasbah.

Kasbahs + Petra + Desert Folklore = amazing.🤩 Although Kasbahs without Petra can't sustain themselves and really should've been better.

Thank you for showing me this Moroccan miracle.😃 Now I can try going militant (contrary to its defensive design) with Morocco instead, the +50% Desert terrain bonus of Berber cavalry transfers over to Landships and beyond I think. Were I to pick a Sandstorm map, I could try making a small army of aridity-adoring armors -provided I could acquire horses beforehand.

57 minutes ago, ping said:


Plus: The one-tile island city that makes me sad that a) I didn't scout these adjacent islands sooner and b) (and this is a rare one) almost makes me sad that I'm not playing Japan. Almost, because the Kasbahs in the capital are still very nice.

Not bad, usually I wouldn't ever do a one-tile isle settle in Civ5, but four Atolls and five Fish would indeed make this pretty decent with Japan, and ideally God of the Seas for a Pantheon.

Atolls are usually too rare for me to ever think about getting a map not-islands where I could seriously use Japan's Culture bonus from them.

1 hour ago, ping said:

I don't know IRL you, maybe you collect the severed ears of your enemies (that would be weird)

Noses are better, it was the feudal Japanese bounty trophy option if you running away with your slain foe's entire head was too burdensome in the moment.


5 hours ago, Armagon said:



The Time Old Persona Might've Aped Dr. Who.😛

Though it's the Sea of Souls, not the flow of timespace where this unnamed thingy drifting all alone resides.

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33 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well the thing about CS2 is it had high highs and low lows. Does this game have that?

It has moments like II where you go around questing rather than advancing plot stuff (though it doesnt take nearly as long)

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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Yeah a good amount of our myths don't translate well into English, which is probably why we don't share many of them.

And for future reference, it's just Thunderbird, not a Thunderbird or the Thunderbird, just Thunderbird.

Don't forget about the shonokins.

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Laura’s new VA… I’ve pretty much always thought Laura is the weakest member of Class VII, but even didn’t deserve this.

Luckily Osborne’s new VA is sort of an improvement? Although I was starting to get used to the old one. He was so weird sounding it gave him this sort of charm that I kinda miss now.

And why does this game’s OP look so weird?

Anyway, prologue done. The intro segment was amazing, 10/10. It took Falcom 4 tries, but they finally learned how to do a good and interesting In Medias Res segment at the beginning of a Trails game. And it was actually great. After that, the rest of it was walking around and talking to everyone, which is normal for Trails but felt really slow here specifically. It made the prologue feel like it took quite a while (even tho it really didn’t), but it’s okay, it could be a lot worse. Old Class VII in all of the story scenes (except where you run around and talk to them) are… weird. They’re all addressed as a collective entity and each spit out one to two lines of dialogue before the next member gets to talk, which makes them boring and lack individuality. I hope that doesn’t keep up for the entire game.

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7 notifs Jesus Christ

3 hours ago, Green06 said:

They're still not as good as Fighting Gold and Traitor's Requiem

Break Out (I'm not calling it Stone Ocean) and Heaven's Falling Down are better than Fighting Gold. Though yeah, Traitor's Requiem beats both.

Visually tho, Ver 2 of Heaven's Falling Down is extremely raw. 

3 hours ago, Green06 said:

Steel Ball Run when?

Just realized that Twitter is gonna mald over Lucy and Steven. 

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The Bulbapedia says so but are we sure a guy didn't just randomly thought of a lightening bird to go along with the other elemental based legendary birds?

On paper sure but like I pointed out, Zapdos does have the jagged wings that are reminiscent of Thunderbird based on the depictions I've seen. Zapdos even keeps the jaggedness in it's Galarian form (though idk if it's still Electric/Flying there).

Otherwise they could've just given it smooth wings like Moltres and Articuno.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Isn't there an official manga starring the two where she explicitly states that she wants to get with him?

I have no idea about the spin-offs. I think she begins calling him "master" at some point because she recognizes his magic prowess but that's about it. Maybe that moment happens in the main manga, idk, haven't kept up with the main manga because monthly releases are cringe so maybe it came up there.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Wait… a Cold Steel game picking up after the last one’s cliffhanger in a town with hot springs we didn’t get to visit in the previous game… where we’re not in school anymore, some classmates are missing, and there’s strange pacing..? NOOOO—


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Time Old Persona Might've Aped Dr. Who.😛

Though it's the Sea of Souls, not the flow of timespace where this unnamed thingy drifting all alone resides.

Is it bigger on the inside?

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Luckily Osborne’s new VA is sort of an improvement?

The punishment is death.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Anyway, prologue done. The intro segment was amazing, 10/10. It took Falcom 4 tries, but they finally learned how to do a good and interesting In Medias Res segment at the beginning of a Trails game

It's funny because that's not In Medias Res.

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