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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, say what you will about Crimson Flower, but what you absolutely cannot say is that it's a carbon copy of another route. Heck it's the only route that's actually unique lol, the other three are variations of one another.


Yeah but it never challenged Edelgard, everyone follows her, and she keeps telling all the lies possible while genociding the last of a race believing herself a hero

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I mean, that's just where I'm keeping my expectations based on IntSys's track record with stories

Yeah fair, and my expectations are around the same honestly.

Still waiting for them to pull Alear is the final boss without having a good side ala Robin

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:
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Yeah but it never challenged Edelgard, everyone follows her, and she keeps telling all the lies possible while genociding the last of a race believing herself a hero

Certainly possible.

Now if you will excuse me, I will slip right out of that door before I, of all people, find myself embroiled in an Edelwar.

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Yeah fair, and my expectations are around the same honestly.

Still waiting for them to pull Alear is the final boss without having a good side ala Robin




...Inb4 this happens but Vandad follows them and becomes the Camus instead. Honestly seeing TRS that might only further cement him as my favorite character, depending on how it's handled

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7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I...why would I equip this?

It has VERY niche use in RD endgame when they have Def+10 tiles to stand on that you want to negate and... that's about it really. XD

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

where the modern games have this obsession with making their protagonist be quite literally the most important person in the world of the story

This is usually how the slot of MC is filled, they get to be more important than everyone else since the game is usually about them (not always ofc) so it shouldn't be too surprising.

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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Let us instead talk about Vandad.

So you remember how you say you dislike boring paladin Jeigans? Well, you know how we've already seen Vandad demoted to axe fighter? Good news - that means you can unjeigan him and have no excuse to bench him! Use Vandad, Shrimpy. Otherwise I will break into your house and drop your pillows to the ground.

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

>Greninja is avaliable for transfer into SV

>You can transfer Ash's Greninja that was distributed for SM

>It doesn't transform in Gen 9, it just gets the stat boosts

Bro that's so fucking lame man.

So Battle Bond still works?

Sheesh, I thought you still couldn't transfer it at all.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Considering there'd be 26 trainers counting everyone already, I was thinking up to six trainers per battle. Might force a lower maximum in some circumstances. Letting each pack 6 per battle might be too many, maybe 3 or 4 instead. No more than two maaaaybe three out at once per trainer; perhaps an "all-out" feature that temporarily lets someone deploy their full team. Everyone would have fixed preferred types, affecting combat performance of those Pokemon, although Green and Silver would be flexible via use and disuse. Use Steel type Pokemon frequently and they'd develop higher Steel proficiency, but they'd be limited in that they can't get maximum proficiency with every type at once, due to a total proficiency cap. Less-used types would gradually lose proficiency points (not dropping below a certain threshold) and given to a more-used type.

While I know it's kinda a rule that "Pokemon can't be seen harming humans", being fanfict, I was going to bend this slightly. Special PokeTech that generates a barrier around trainers, when the barrier runs out, the trainer retreats from battle with their Pokes, having taken no actual damage to themselves. I was thinking of an obscure DS game called LostMagic here, an RTS where the main character is a young wizard who relies on summoned monsters to protect him while he casts magic. Also would give trainers rudimentary self-defense techniques via equipment, though their primary thing would be passive supportive bonuses and command abilities, some of which might be dependent on having X type(s) on the field/current team. 

Makes sense to have specialisations and at least they're not locked to one at a time like Conquest was. Maybe trainers would have a CO-esque meter that use more powerful abilities aside from some basic support stuff they can use as it stands.

I think it's less pokemon not harming humans as it is doing so maliciously and entirely of their own will (Consider Legends Arceus, where defending themselves from human intrusion is a thing and I'd have to ask about where Alpha pokemon blur the line there),

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh and another thing that's been on my mind. I don't know what gender Janaff is supposed to be but either way I like how ambiguous it is, it's pretty rare to find a character like that in...well everything.

Huh, you too?

I had this issue, took until late in RD for it to be cleared up for me.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Hehe Smash bro.

Alright, so you've gone the proc route for the main threats.

There are other options considered better, but Aether can suffice from experience.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Quick! Make out so she loses interest!

....I think Aimee could take it as a challenge.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fun fact, I learned very recently that I have inflammatory tissue in my brain that on very basic terms has my brain put to sleep for the majority of the day.

Now setting aside the pain and suffering this specific inflammation has caused me for my entire life and only now am I learning it exists, I learned that a way to help it would be to start eating a mostly meat filled diet

I'm vegetarian.


This is the first time in my life I've heard of meat being a solution to a medical issue. Usually I'm hearing about the risks certainly of having too much.

I wonder if lab grown meat would suffice? If of course there is no alternate option or remedy that can serve to provide what's needed as Acacia proposes.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I do feel bad for Petrine.

Huh, as someone who seems very much on board with Ashnard's ideology, Petrine isn't someone I feel much sympathy for.

Though she's right, death is terrifying to think about

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So something I've been keeping track of throughout this journey is how much these games play into the "savior fantasy" that's so prevalent everywhere. The idea that we as the people don't have to do anything because someday a hero will rise up and solve all of our problems. It's an idea as old as time with Jesus Christ being up there as the big savior fantasy of a lot of people, that the son of god will one day return and save us all.

This idea of the individual achievement over the collective one is incredibly common, you have things like "Great Man history" that teach history in a way that tries to paint certain historical figures as heroes of a story, and you also have small things like how we credit certain media directors. I mean think about how we describe Kaga era Fire Emblem, Kaga era, as if he was the only one who created Fire Emblem, or how we give credit to developers to Sakurai and Miyamoto even if we know they weren't the only ones on the development team

These are individuals being credited for the work of a collective project.

Apologies in advance for this rambly mess.

Here's the thing, these saviour stories have all the potential in the world to show word of a figuredhead coming to liberate actively inspiring action in those same populaces and seeing that lead to change. It''s a thing I'd like to see more often, but if you want to do it with nuance you could also express how people don't want to put themselves out there as they find the risk too great or despairing that change could happen or even people working towards maintaining that status quo.

But back to the point about Great Man historical theory. It's interesting seeing it be challenged in recent years, that we're asking ourselves if those committing the orders of these greats had agency to do so or not, not to mention accounting for material realities that would impact on those decisions.

In some ways, the idea that these people are front and centre in the talk of these titles as they're coming out certainly shapes talk around those series. I think part of the reason we don't necessarily see it as much with western devs is that it's less likely that specific people get elevated to speaking as the mouthpiece of these series (it's not like it doesn't happen, Rubenio mentions it with Mario + Rabbids). Note how it's less frequent in newer franchises as well or in more recent years generally, never mind how much less lionised they can be (or ruin their position as such, see Peter Molyneux).

And I think in some ways people can know they're not the sole dev on the project, but because they're a face of sorts that the development displays they become associated as the person at the centre of it all to the point that their absence could be seen as a sea change. Just look at how Keiji "Father of Megaman" Inafune was just assumed to have the spiritual successor role for Megaman with Mighty No. 9 and how that bubble was burst when the game came out. didn't help he was in a producer role for much of that time.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I personally think one of FE's biggest problems right now story wise is their endless protagonist worship, where the modern games have this obsession with making their protagonist be a descendant of the gods and be quite literally the most important person in the world of the story, but that till doesn't take away that the common soldiers of your army have gotten more and more fleshed out as characters. Three Houses could've been a major step forward, by having a game where there is no one specific lord, it's instead three lords who oppose each other and have different goals and are capable of both good and bad, and no canon single route to take. Of course Byleth had to exist but the idea is still there.

  People have talked about 3H enough that I don't want to add much here. All I'll say is that I do with more had been done to differentiate each lord's gameplay loop, but I don't know what IS's internal development of the routes was so I can't give an assessment that takes much more than my opinion really.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

What you're saying is that Garon is Jesus Christ.

I am suggesting Garon can transubstantiate his flesh.

So yes.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Path of Radiance is a poorly thought-out game.

It can have it's uses, but PoR doesn't have enough skills on enemies or terrain to use it effectively.

It certainly has more use in RD and you can choose to use it there, so in conclusion I'd be fine seeing RD Parity be used again.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Having already been established as another most important person in the whole world, I can only hope Alear is at least allowed to fail one time or two, but I'm not holding out hope there.

Give us Evil Alear timeline, who knows it could topple Leif's best lord stahahahahah....

I can't say that with a straight face, fuck those shoes.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now if you will excuse me, I will slip right out of that door before I, of all people, find myself embroiled in an Edelwar.

Is it a thumb war because of the Engage design?

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11 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

This is usually how the slot of MC is filled, they get to be more important than everyone else since the game is usually about them (not always ofc) so it shouldn't be too surprising.

You need to reach a certain balance tho or you could very easily have a Corrin, or worse, a Rean.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So you remember how you say you dislike boring paladin Jeigans? Well, you know how we've already seen Vandad demoted to axe fighter? Good news - that means you can unjeigan him and have no excuse to bench him! Use Vandad, Shrimpy.


I will see when the game comes out.

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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

You need to reach a certain balance tho or you could very easily have a Corrin, or worse, a Rean.

Yeah ofc but being surprised the MC is the focus of a game is another thing entirely though, as that's the idea for the MC to be to MC. XD

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10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I am suggesting Garon can transubstantiate his flesh.

So yes.

I cannot believe Garon is the savior of mankind.

Actually, I can. That's so like Garon.

10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Give us Evil Alear timeline, who knows it could topple Leif's best lord stahahahahah....

I... somehow doubt it, but anything's possible. If there's an Evil Alear timeline that'll go a long way.

10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I can't say that with a straight face, fuck those shoes.

If the shoes turn out to be the worst part of Alear, it'll be a win already.

11 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Is it a thumb war because of the Engage design?


9 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


I will see when the game comes out.

I need as many people to use Vandad as possible. Think about it. If Vandad sees a positive reception, IntSys might listen and give us TWO old people in the next game! How crazy would that be?

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Just now, Sidereal Wraith said:

Dayni, do you really think Alear is going to be such a character?

A fool can dream.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, it's not like you need Alear. You already have Vandad to act as your self-insert!

That feeling. I have come to know it.


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8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

For example, sometimes Bisexual people are looked down upon in certain LGBTQ spaces, especially if they are in a heterosexual relationship.

Bi-erasure is one of the most ironic things about the LGBT because despite literally being in the acronym, people either assume you're straight or you're gay. Not everyone obviously but it's notable enough that it does need to be talked about.

Even when you extend it to fiction, you got Twitter users claiming x character is "gay erasure/queerbaiting/etc" when said character was probably just bi.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fun fact, I learned very recently that I have inflammatory tissue in my brain that on very basic terms has my brain put to sleep for the majority of the day.

Now setting aside the pain and suffering this specific inflammation has caused me for my entire life and only now am I learning it exists, I learned that a way to help it would be to start eating a mostly meat filled diet

I'm vegetarian.

That sounds awful man. Glad there's a solution to it, even if it's.....unpleasant for you.

I can relate to this. Not what you described but i'm incapable of swallowing pills and i fear for the day where i will have to (specifically the kind that lose their effectiveness if you crush them).

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I mean think about how we describe Kaga era Fire Emblem, Kaga era, as if he was the only one who created Fire Emblem, or how we give credit to developers to Sakurai and Miyamoto even if we know they weren't the only ones on the development team

Most people do know that they weren't the only ones (though quick FYI, the Vestaria games actually were created by Kaga himself, cause he's retired now) but, like Ruben said, it's just easier to use a single name over everybody, otherwise you'd be there all day.

That being said, the people whose names get attached to it as "the creator" does have some truth to it, because without them, the project may not have turned out the same. Xeno is made by a bunch of people but without the vision of Tetsuya Takahashi, it would not have turned out the same way. We even have proof of this: Xenosaga: Episode II. Namco kicked Takahashi out of the Director's position for the PS2 version and the game was eventually remade (along with Episode I) for the DS, a version Takahashi actually led. The DS version of Episode II is "the intended version" of the story, which is unfortunate because the fan-translation project for that is dead.

Movies are like this too. There are a lot of movies that have a director attached to them, the director gets changed, and now the movie is basically something else.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Peach I'd say you're selling a bit short, she belongs on a separate tier to Rabbid Peach. She can stack shields that render characters completely invincible and also harm enemies nearby when hit. I had a lot of situations where her shields saved my life. One of the secret bosses I straight up destroyed thanks to her shields, even. Plus, while her damage is on the low side, her range is immense, allowing her to make the most of status-inflicting sparks.

The Team Shields are good yeah but there are a lot of maps where i didn't take her simply because i didn't want to use one of the slots for pure Support. Her damage range is immense but

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rabbid Weegee, on the other hand, I'd say you're overrating a tad. Actually, I think they are about on par with one another. Rabbid Luigi's boomerang has the same bad damage that Peach's shotgun does, even with his super high crit, and the bounces are stopped by terrain very easily.

Rabbid Luigi outranges her, without getting the decrease in power. See, the thing with Peach is that her attack gets weaker at longer ranges. It's only really good up close, which quite honestly you never want to be that close, unless your Rabbid Mario who has Canto. That's why i put her in C.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but Rabbid Peach just has a very mediocre, single-target attack

The attack doesn't even work half the time lmao. It ignores covers but only sometimes.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I have some hope due to "Dark Alear" trailer thing

This is most definitely a flash back.

55 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

So Battle Bond still works?

Sheesh, I thought you still couldn't transfer it at all.

It still works, you just don't get the cool transformation anymore.

It feels like Game Freak just regrets Megas.

56 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

This is the first time in my life I've heard of meat being a solution to a medical issue.

We were eating meat a good few thousand years before agriculture.  We're omnivores but before we had science, we ate what filled us more: meat. So it doesn't surprise me that meat is a remedy.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We even have proof of this: Xenosaga: Episode II. Namco kicked Takahashi out of the Director's position for the PS2 version and the game was eventually remade (along with Episode I) for the DS, a version Takahashi actually led. The DS version of Episode II is "the intended version" of the story, which is unfortunate because the fan-translation project for that is dead.

Hey, show Xenosaga Ep II some respect! XD

Also, thinking on it, since Ep I focuses on Shion and Ep II jr, was Ep III gonna also have a different char in the MC slot? Assumably chaos or KOS-MOS considering their ties to the story?

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Hey, show Xenosaga Ep II some respect! XD

Also, thinking on it, since Ep I focuses on Shion and Ep II jr, was Ep III gonna also have a different char in the MC slot? Assumably chaos or KOS-MOS considering their ties to the story?

Xenosaga was always Shion and KOS-MOS' story. That's why they were back in the pilot's seat for Episode II DS.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Xenosaga was always Shion and KOS-MOS' story. That's why they were back in the pilot's seat for Episode II DS.

I meant more of an -in theory- kinda thing, it seemed like they wanted chaos to be so much more in Ep III compared to what we got for example.

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That could also be me projecting some of my own desires born from seeing the potential in XS' story that most others just glance over or don't give it a chance cause XC was "so much better". lmao.

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8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Hehe Smash bro.

By far the best of the "Mastery Skills", but if still have the wrath scroll lying around, the Wrath-Resolve combo is the best thing you can have on Ike by endgame.


8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Anyways, I ship them now.

They do make a charming little couple.


8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



I...why would I equip this?

In a better designed game where the enemies also have supports, and skills it might actually be useful, but in this game it is just a detriment.


8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Quick! Make out so she loses interest!



8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Oh and another thing that's been on my mind. I don't know what gender Janaff is supposed to be but either way I like how ambiguous it is, it's pretty rare to find a character like that in...well everything.

It always looked to me like they are trying to present male, but Janaff does have a very gender ambiguous look to them.


8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



I do feel bad for Petrine.

Fun fact, Petrine has a battle quote with Soren where she implies she is also a branded...which land rather weird if you haven't been going for his A support with Ike.


8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Fun fact, I learned very recently that I have inflammatory tissue in my brain that on very basic terms has my brain put to sleep for the majority of the day.

Now setting aside the pain and suffering this specific inflammation has caused me for my entire life and only now am I learning it exists, I learned that a way to help it would be to start eating a mostly meat filled diet

I'm vegetarian.

Hopefully you can find a suitable plant based replacement, as shifting away from a vegetarian diet (once you are accustom to it), can be very unpleasant, even if you can overcome the questions of ethics that probably made you a vegetarian to begin with. Honestly, this sounds like a miserable medical issue to have to deal with, and I wish you well in managing it.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The other's an afterthought with a route that's a carbon copy of another, doesn't fit his supposed themes and ideals and never challenges them or him at all, making him feel like a glorified secondary that's also the perfect good guy compared to the other two. But then, that's the unpopular opinion, so I digress.

Yeah, Claude was utterly shafted by Three Houses...


40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I need as many people to use Vandad as possible. Think about it. If Vandad sees a positive reception, IntSys might listen and give us TWO old people in the next game! How crazy would that be?

FE6 was so far ahead of its time with like at least 3 of them.

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