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3 hours ago, Green06 said:


Come, bow before your king!

Bow you shits!

I was at a house party this evening and they were watching the match.

Only one of us was very invested, but he's happy that he can settle Messi = GOAT debates with a friend now.

2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


If I hadn't seen that I'd have asked if that really happened.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

..Some men were also wearing bras during the World Cup.:


GPS trackers, collect more athlete data to refine their workout routine, diet, and everything else that might contribute to success.

Literally useless as bras lol

It was interesting learning about the amount of data being tracked this world cup. The balls were chipped too for instance.

49 minutes ago, Green06 said:


Missed opportunity to pretend the Golden Glove is uh.... getting a hold on some different balls.

32 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Alright let me clarify a bit. It's a Keto diet which is meant to be a low-carb, no-suger, high-protein diet and while that doesn't include only meat, it does exclude pretty much every thing I normally eat, being grains, fruits, and veggies.

I don't have to do it for the rest of my life, just for six weeks to see a real change which may or may not happen. There's also smaller things I can apparently do to help, like certain breathing techniques or spend some more time in a hyperbolic chamber.

Overall I'm dubious and I wonder if at this point I could just take a proscription and never have to think about it again, but even that I'm not sure if that would work for me specifically, or how long it would last.

Thanks for the concern though, I wonder if I would've gotten that as shocked reaction if I just told you it was ADHD, which it is.

So this keto diet they're encouraging specifically meat consumption? I can't speak to the specifics in your case.

So it getting caught in your ADHD checks is a positive in that you know this is the case, but the cause could very well be a separate change. Were there symptoms that you had related to the inflammation?

33 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

She would've been a way more interesting villain if they explored more of the fear she has towards the King. If her arrogant attitude was just a front she put on, maybe to keep herself or her family alive and continue working for the king.

But eh, oh well.

She doesn't read like someone who fears him for that reason and it seems like her status as a branded might have made her see his general might makes right stance as an opportunity for her. Maybe developing that sense that she does fear her own strength being lacking could be too simple, but I feel like it's not often for out and out villains.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, if it's consolation, Rhea dies in Verdant Wind no matter what, so she's not placed back in power.

I didn't check if I could marry Rhea at the end of my maddening run, so I can't confirm if she can be saved there.

3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Was it the rape cave


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16 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Was it the rape cave


Well, Laura was already the worst member of Class VII. If they’d done that to Altina, I would have rioted.

Edited by Sooks
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15 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:



4 minutes ago, Sooks said:



4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well, Laura was already the worst member of Class VII. If they’d done that to Altina, I would have rioted.

I see you are an Altina simp now.

I approve.

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm aware he's one of the strongest AIs. If he's in the game on a higher difficulty, you're in for a rougher time, as I know well.

He's always a prick. :lol: He most likely will attack you if he's a neighbor, and when he doesn't, he'll ally every single city state and it takes a bunch of money (and/or coup save scumming) to compete with him. Very satisfying when the roles are reversed, though, when you keep all your CS alliances while barely lifting a finger.


Spent the afternoon playing another game, this time as Ethiopia:


What to do when playing as a civ that gets a combat bonus when you're on fewer cities than the opponent... Why, outexpand everybody, of course! It's honestly pretty rare that I get a spawn with four genuinely good expands. Every one with a unique luxury (two for Adwa) and very good growth potential, although production was a bit lackluster in Adwa in particular.

The lategame felt very smooth; I started bulbing scientists at precisely the corect time...


...including four faith-bought scientists and (a few turn after this) one engi to get insta-build Hubble, and I saved more or less the exact amount of money to buy all but one Spaceship components. And then I checked the Hall of Fame and it turns out that this win was exactly 25 turns later than my Deity win with the Incans. :lol: Pachacuti on Highlands, pretty good.

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18 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I learned that a way to help it would be to start eating a mostly meat filled diet

I'm vegetarian.

Oof... Sorry, matey. Wish I could suggest something actually helpful.

The only thing I can think of is maybe using supplements from the stuff that's useful in meat, but I don't actually know...

1 hour ago, Sooks said:


This reminds me that I need to go back to playing Trails so that I can experience this event

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14 minutes ago, Benice said:

This reminds me that I need to go back to playing Trails so that I can experience this event

No Benice, you don’t want to be enjoying your late 40s and then get hit with that!

Although I have a feeling you’d get a kick out of Elliot…

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2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Overall I'm dubious and I wonder if at this point I could just take a proscription and never have to think about it again, but even that I'm not sure if that would work for me specifically, or how long it would last.

They'll probably give you one if things don't change. But the fact that they're simply telling you to change your diet feels like the issue isn't a huge deal yet (purely biologically speaking I mean, I know it's been awful to live with). It's inconvenient but it's easily fixable.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That goes as follows "Chosen one narratives are easy to write because then you don't need to come up with a good and compelling reason for why our hero is the center of the conflict, but they're hard to make interesting because there's no good and compelling reason for why our hero is the center of the conflict"

Depends on how chosen they are. If they are predestined chosen, then yeah. But someone can be "the chosen one" and still fail.

11 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


A wild Bocchi appeared.

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9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

She's everywhere on the net lol.

Like, even football she sneaked in somewhere??? XD

Dread it. Run from it. Bocchi still arrives.

Show's very good btw. It's the true successor to K-On.

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I visited Nintendo New York for the first time today, which was a pleasant surprise. Most of the merchandise was Mario and Pokémon related, with Zelda, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, and Kirby getting their own sections and Metroid and Pikmin having some items as well. There wasn't any Fire Emblem stuff though, outside the games section. There were also statues of various characters, a display of all of Nintendo's consoles, and a display of every amiibo, which was neat.

31 minutes ago, Benice said:

This reminds me that I need to go back to playing Trails so that I can experience this event

It'll only take around 300 hours of gameplay! Though it took you 30 hours to reach Chapter 2 of the first game, so it might take longer...

17 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Although I have a feeling you’d get a kick out of Elliot…

Benice will spend all his bonding points on Elliot in every game, music students gotta stick together.

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With the end of the year at hand, I'm realizing that another month is going by where I thought I might finally get a shrink booked. No talk of progress on that front in weeks. I mean I'm not in a bout right now thankfully, but... I did have a thought of "I want an S.O.!" yesterday. I'd make a joke about ouroboroses b/c of this topic, but the infinity of the ouroboros often takes on the meaning of infinite cyclicality. Cycles require motion, I'm not sure what I'm stuck in has enough of that to qualify, it's inert unchanging stagnancy. While "You know what would make a great Xmas present, better than a video game...?"😊 has a certain spin to it, feels like bringing the topic up during the holidays wouldn't be right. I'll wait until the 27th at the earliest before nudging it again.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

In hindsight I really wish I didn't do that because now I want to see Ike's supports with Reyson.

If you're okay with just reading the lines, SF has them.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Thanks for the concern though, I wonder if I would've gotten that as shocked reaction if I just told you it was ADHD, which it is.

We're a very caring little group in an odd corner of the Web. Better that we overreacted than under, no?😆


1 hour ago, ping said:

What to do when playing as a civ that gets a combat bonus when you're on fewer cities than the opponent...

Though I have heard it said that Ethiopia can be good wide. Each city is another +2 Faith from a Stele. If you have the space and don't need the military bonus, no reason Ethiopia can't.

Similarly, I've heard France -if there is enough luxuries around, can go for maximizing Chateaus via wide over playing up City of Light by going tall for the big enough cap for the Wonder construction. And that Egypt can likewise exploit the Burial Tomb over its Wonder boost. Not exactly the "easy" strategy with any of these, but you are benefitting from a unique bonus of the civs. India... they're better off starting tall and then going domination to use their bonus Happiness. 


12 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I visited Nintendo New York for the first time today, which was a pleasant surprise. Most of the merchandise was Mario and Pokémon related, with Zelda, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, and Kirby getting their own sections and Metroid and Pikmin having some items as well. There wasn't any Fire Emblem stuff though, outside the games section. There were also statues of various characters, a display of all of Nintendo's consoles, and a display of every amiibo, which was neat.

Welcome fellow Nynti! Hope you enjoyed to your trip to the (Western proxy of) the holy land!😄

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16 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Benice will spend all his bonding points on Elliot in every game, music students gotta stick together.

Elliot will be overjoyed that someone finally picks him at the beginning of CS4.

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3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Alright let me clarify a bit. It's a Keto diet which is meant to be a low-carb, no-suger, high-protein diet and while that doesn't include only meat, it does exclude pretty much every thing I normally eat, being grains, fruits, and veggies.

Ah, that makes some sense, a friend of mine was on a Keto diet to help with epilepsy.


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I see. Hmm... uh, say, how long have you been eating that way? Don't know what to make of it, but a part of me has the feeling the inflammation could have been a consequence of that. So the idea that you were suggested the Keto is that a change of diet could induce the inflammation to recede?

Really it is the cutting out of sugars, and complex carbo-hydrates from the diet that changes things, as it forces you metabolism into a state of kitosis, relying on the conversion of fats into ketones instead of breaking down sugars as the primary source of energy. This massive shift in metabolic function has a significant impact on peoples health.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

She would've been a way more interesting villain if they explored more of the fear she has towards the King.

To be fair, even back when you saw her in Crimea/Gallia the first time she, she talked about how Ashnard would execute her if she fled, and would rather face her death there, until the BK talked her out of it, promising she will have nothing to fear from the king. It is framed as a bit prideful, but there are these hints of fear behind it.

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I have belatedly returned home.

It's going to be a long few weeks, though I'm curious to hear how much is going on.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:


41 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I visited Nintendo New York for the first time today, which was a pleasant surprise. Most of the merchandise was Mario and Pokémon related, with Zelda, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, and Kirby getting their own sections and Metroid and Pikmin having some items as well. There wasn't any Fire Emblem stuff though, outside the games section. There were also statues of various characters, a display of all of Nintendo's consoles, and a display of every amiibo, which was neat.

Just remembered Saturday I wanted to check out the Lego store while I was in the capital.

I'd have to wait 90 minutes to get in.

They were distributing bracelets it was that bad.

Naturally I chose to not go there on a Saturday during this time of year.

35 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

With the end of the year at hand, I'm realizing that another month is going by where I thought I might finally get a shrink booked. No talk of progress on that front in weeks. I mean I'm not in a bout right now thankfully, but... I did have a thought of "I want an S.O.!" yesterday. I'd make a joke about ouroboroses b/c of this topic, but the infinity of the ouroboros often takes on the meaning of infinite cyclicality. Cycles require motion, I'm not sure what I'm stuck in has enough of that to qualify, it's inert unchanging stagnancy. While "You know what would make a great Xmas present, better than a video game...?"😊 has a certain spin to it, feels like bringing the topic up during the holidays wouldn't be right. I'll wait until the 27th at the earliest before nudging it again.

I may have read SO there a little differently 😛

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2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I didn't check if I could marry Rhea at the end of my maddening run, so I can't confirm if she can be saved there.

No, for Verdant Wind it's impossible actually.

Rhea only lives


On Azure Moon, and on Silver Snow if you have Byleth reach at least an A support rank with her.

Personally, I like that, since it means her fate is or can be different on every route, and it covers a lot of bases. Mainly,


One I like best, if mostly because it exists, is that in Silver Snow if you reach S support rank, then she not only lives but continues to be the Archbishop. And the ending does state that she has changed Church doctrine. While not the ending I'd pursue every time if I had the game, I like that it exists because it can defy the cliché that someone like her is only destined to die or step down. That even she can change, and considering what happens, it's not like she escapes unscathed from her actions before having her chance for redemption anyway.

In which case, I find it a shame Edelgard isn't extended the same courtesy, of having an option of being antagonistic but able to survive. But I guess that's where Hopes stepped up, no?


12 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Really it is the cutting out of sugars, and complex carbo-hydrates from the diet that changes things, as it forces you metabolism into a state of kitosis, relying on the conversion of fats into ketones instead of breaking down sugars as the primary source of energy. This massive shift in metabolic function has a significant impact on peoples health.

Oh yes, I know the main point of the Keto diet; my father told me about that once. Which is what made me guess that the point of the diet was to induce a change by switching what was being consumed.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I am going to play a 3D Sonic game.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

No, for Verdant Wind it's impossible actually.

Rhea only lives

  Reveal hidden contents

On Azure Moon, and on Silver Snow if you have Byleth reach at least an A support rank with her.

Personally, I like that, since it means her fate is or can be different on every route, and it covers a lot of bases. Mainly,


I swore she dies on AM too, or am I just assuming that because she was kept similarly imprisoned to the other routes that she'd die inevitably. On AM Byleth is explicitly Archbishop, so that also might have explained my coming to that conclusion.

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There are times where i think about going on a diet and then i remember i hate a lot of foods actually so my only solution is to literally just eat less portions. But then i get hungry anyways so i consume a family size pack of Chips Ahoy in like two days (which is why i haven't bought any recently).

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